Remove nested Web Site in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I'm trying to get DotNetNuke set up. I had to update the ActiveDirectory authentication module, so at one point I had it publish to my DotNetNuke solution. I've since changed my mind on how I want to do that, but I can't seem to get rid of it!
How can I delete the ActiveDirectory 'Web Site' below? It doesn't exist on file or in the solution, and I don't see anything obvious in IIS, but it won't go away. I'm using Visual Studio 2013.

I would think that it exists as a Virtual Directory in IIS, if you expand that folder (authentication services) do you see the ActiveDirectory folder with a different icon than the other folders in IIS?
If that's not it, you might open up the SLN file itself in Notepad and search for that ActiveDirectory folder, see if it is listed there.
You really shouldn't be opening the DNN website anyways, I highly recommend if you're doing DNN development you ditch the "website" model and run the Web Application Project model for development. Start with this tutorial
edit: After you have your development environment setup with DNN running at DNNDEV.ME you would then install visual studio templates ->


Visual Studio keeps requesting missing web components

When I open a particular mvc 3 website project in VS 2010 I get the following message:
The Web Project "X" requires missing web components to run with Visual Studio. Would you like to download and install them using the Web Platform Installer now?
ASP.NET Web pages with Razor syntax.
When I click yes
The web platform installer shows with the message that "0" items need to be installed.
My other mvc 3 projects do not show this behavior
Not a major inconvenience, but still...
thoughts any one?
I got the same error after reinstalling my computer.
I came to this conclusion, VS needs IISExpress to load my additional project. The addition projects has a webservice and it can run locally. Even if my endpoints points to a local address it still needs the IISExpress (standard IIS 7.5 does not respond the endpoint request) to open from VS (im running VS2010).
So after installing IISExpress i could reload my project in VS.
That shouldn't happen, and it would be interesting to figure out why. In the meantime, you should be able to turn this off by unchecking the "Package Restore" checkbox in Visual Studio's Options dialog. (Select "Package Manager" in the tree view to find it.)
If it's happening only for specific projects, you can solve this more surgically by removing the packages.config file for the affected project. In fact, if you want to do root cause analysis, you should look into why that file exists and how it got there.

Every time I open my project I have to create virtual directories

I am currently working on a solution which has an ASP.NET application and a Web Service. Whenever I open this solution I get the message that the virtual directories for this project have not yet been created and must be to continue. The problem is, if I hit OK, it cannot create the directories because they already exist and then I cannot load the project. Looking in IIS I can see that the virtual directory exists in C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/ProjName. If I delete this from IIS, I can then open the project, but it creates the virtual directory in C:/location of project folder. When it uses the project's location, I am not able to connect to the site or the web service.
The same thing happens on XP with IIS 5.1, VS 2010 and Server 2003 with IIS 6.0, VS 2010. Similarly, it happens on colleague's machines, so I am convinced that it is a setting in VS, and not IIS or my machine.
Right now, my solution is to delete the virtual directories, open the VS solution, delete the virtual directories, and publish the projects with the publish toolbar in visual studio (not the web tab in project properties).
I fear that I've at some point messed up a setting on both of the projects, but it has been some time since I've been working around this. I've scoured all of the settings and I can't find anything that fixes this behaviour. I need to pass the project along to someone else, and I feel as if the work around instructions may be confusing so I want to fix this.
I used to do things similarly back in the days when VS didn't have its own dev server - re: directly work on web projects in a local version of IIS (if memory serves, this was called "Personal Web Server" or PWS - am I advertising my age?)
Anyway, I haven't (thankfully) done that since VS (2005?) got its own dev server...
Try this process in VS 2010:
You can develop your solution on any local folder in your file system. You can run/debug your solution from VS (ctrl f5 or f5 respectively) - it will use VS dev server by default. Your development machine doesn't even need to have IIS...
After you are done developing and debugging (using VS and its dev server), you can publish to IIS or even to some other "publish folder" in your (local) file system, and simply copy the files to whatever (local/remote) IIS virtual (ASP.NET application) folder you prefer.

Using IIS Express with a team - when not using localhost

I assume we must be missing a trick as we are finding using IIS Express with teams quite painful.
The issue is IIS Express' applicationhost.config is stored locally in each persons MyDocuments folder, and thus separate to the Visual Studio solution and not in source control.
So when we make a change everyone has to manually update applicationhost.config on their machine.
THe update visual studio does to the applicationhost.config file fails, because we are not using localhost, we have host entries to give our environments different names.
Is there a better way?
Refer to Here
UPDATE FOR VISUAL STUDIO 2015: As was pointed out to me in a comment
by Søren Nielsen, in Visual Studio 2015 the IIS Express configuration
files have moved. They are now separate per project, and stored in
/{project folder}/.vs/config/applicationhost.config. Which is much
better, in my opinion, just don't forget to add .vs/ to your
.gitignore/.hgignore files!
Other wise NO there is no better way. Instead of IIS Express, for remote access you can use IIS on your development machine...
It doesn't seem a big deal: when you load a project configured to run with IIS express, VS checks your applicationhost.config for that entry. If it doesn't find it, it just prompts you with the problem and asks you if you want it to create it for you. Just click "yes" and the entry is added.
At least, that's how we deal with that here. The problem is just the first time anyway, all other settings are stored in web.config in the project, which is versioned, so everything should be smooth.

Can't add web service project to solution in Visual Studios 2010

I have a web service that Visual Studio just won't let me add to my solution.
If I right click on the solution, click Add, then Existing Project, then I navigate to my project, select the Visual C# Project file, I get "The local IIS URL specified for web project has not been configured.
It asks if I would like to create the virtual directory now.
If I choose no, nothing happens
If I choose yes, creation failed error, could not find the server on the local machine.
Creating a virtual directory is only supported on the local IIS server.
Does anybody know how to fix this? I've been struggling with it for a while. Thanks

Importing a visual studio-project locally on SharePoint

I'm kinda new to all this. But I've downloaded a bunch of folders and files from a SVN server. It seems like these are mostly webparts and Visual Studio files/solution for a SharePoint site.
I have installed SharePoint locally on my computer, and i want this SharePoint site with all this features locally as well.
Where do i put all the files/folders so i can open it in SharePoint?
If you have the Visual Studio Solution you can click on the project within the solutions and set the SiteURL in the properties window to the Site Collection or Server you wish to have the items deployed to. I would also set Sandboxed Solution to false. Then right click on the project and Deploy.
