Requiring a package in composer that is not PSR compliant - composer-php

I'd like to just pull the following package in using composer so it will be autoloaded, but can't figure out how (or if) that can be done:
Is this possible, and if so, how?

I know the question is a little old, but I don't think you can include packages, archives or libraries without the target resource containing a (valid) composer.json in the project root.
However; Google has given me this repo which would seem to do the trick.


PHP-library installation via composer

Some PHP-libraries can be used after installing them via composer.
What this mean?
Is that only way to use those libraries or is there a way to use them copying the code in to correct location and referring them in the code?
mPDF can be used (only?) via composer
PHPMailer can be used just copying files in correct location and referring to them
The thing with libraries is, that they might require other libraries and those libraries might require other libraries and so on. So downloading them and putting them in some location will be tedious and when two libraries require the same library in a different version you will run into problems. Composer will solve this issue for you by figuring out which libraries are needed to resolve all requirements and make sure to download a version that fits all or raise an error that the current collection of libraries contains incompatible libraries and which ones.
The other problem is finding the right location to store those libraries since PHP has to figure out where each class is stored you will either have to add require/include statements to your code and libraries which is tedious and will complicate future updates, e.g. when classes are renamed or removed. A way around this is is having a shared lib directory, but then you will run into problems when you have multiple projects requiring different library versions.
For libraries composer is the de facto standard and you will always need/want to install libraries in your project with it. It takes care of resolving correct versions, autoloading and updating making it incredibly helpful, especially if you were still around when composer was not a thing. I would use it even if I need no libraries just for the autoloading and the ability to later add libraries, when my project grows/changes.
edit: Even PHPMailer provides a composer.json even though it does not require other libraries, but if you install it via composer you can make sure that your system fulfills the requirements (PHP version & installed extensions) which you might miss otherwise, leading to a possibly long debugging session figuring out why some feature won't work.
edit You can use composer for projects on shared hosting as well. Instead of running the command on the server, you must then run it on your local machine or build server for the actual server. You can copy your project including the vendor folder to your shared host and things should work. The vendor folder contains all libraries and the autoload.php and can be copied along with your code.
In order to do that reliably, in your composer.json under config you can specify the platform you will run your code on. You should define the correct PHP version at the very least, but the installed extensions as well, to make sure you don't accidentally install libraries where you don't have the required extension. When you run composer install or composer update it will use these platform details as a basis to download libraries that match them. This is especially important when you have PHP 7 installed, but your host does not have it yet.
When running composer on a separate server than the one that uses code, a few options will not work like --apcu-autoloader, but you probably don't use them anyway.
If you run composer on your local machine and copy stuff over, you can improve the experience a bit by adding a few options to your composer install:
composer install --no-dev --prefer-dist --classmap-authoritative
You can get details about these options in the documentation. The important things are:
--no-dev, to possibly reduce the number of libraries downloaded to the ones needed for production (because we only want to run the project on our server not develop on it).
--prefer-dist (why is explained in the docs)
--classmap-authoritative or --optimize-autoloader, (the first might not work with some projects/libraries) but it will improve autoloading making your application a teeny, tiny bit faster in production
The first 2 options, you should not run if you copy your development environment, as they will not provide all dependencies for development. Maybe setup a second project that is just used for checking out the latest changes from git, running tests to make sure everything works, then removing vendor & running that command, (possibly make some changes to the config for prod) and finally copy things to your shared hosting environment. If you use something like gitlab that provides CI-capabilities, you could also do these steps on the ci-server and let that copy stuff, but it takes some time to set things up.

Mozilla Nunjucks composer package

Is it possible to include Nunjucks in a project with Composer?
Or do I have to download it manually?
No, you cannot install it via Composer, as it is a PHP dependency manager, used almost exclusively for PHP packages (which Nunjucks is obviously not). It's not impossible for non-PHP packages to be installable via Composer, but that's a rare occasion.
As a general rule of thumb, to check Composer availability - look at the source code repository and see if a file named composer.json exists.
But that doesn't mean you have to download it by hand, as there's an equivalent solution for JavaScript packages - NPM; and Mozilla have made it available there.

Exclude a package from updating in composer

Whenever I try to add a new package using composer like
"composer require packagename/package" or use "composer.phar update", I am getting all the installed packages updated. Is there any option in composer to exclude some package that I don't need to get updated?
run this command and see what is your package version:
composer show -i
go to composer.json and edit which package you want never change by composer update and write version correctly for that :
"jacopo/laravel-authentication-acl": "1.3.*",
change to :
"jacopo/laravel-authentication-acl": "1.3.11",
Done! now if you run composer update this package not update.
From my experience, the best way to exclude 1 or some packages is to use --interactive in composer update.
$ composer update --interactive
When you do this you can select which package you want to update and skip the package that you don't want to update.
You can supply the name(s) of a one or more packages to update:
composer update vendor1/package1 vendor1/package2 vendor2/*
and this will only update those packages.
This isn't specifically excluding, it's including, but it certainly makes updating specific packages much faster.
To avoid the update on using the require command, you'd could hand-craft the composer.json, (which isn't so hard) then run the above targetted update on the package you just added.
Also use --no-dev to exclude development packages (if you are not developing the packages you are depending on e.g. in production). This also speeds up the dependency analysis.
If you feel the need to exclude some of your packages from being updated, I'd consider this the beginning of getting into a dependency mess. You should clean up your dependencies now before it gets worse.
From my experience, the topmost reason not wanting to update a dependency is when you used a branch of a package instead of a released version. You should try to fix this as thoroughly as possible:
If you are using your own packages, tag a release version for the commits you want to use. Then switch your software to either use that exact version, or use a wildcard version requirement like 1.0.*, ~1.2 or ^1.3.4.
If you are using external code that you cannot influence directly, try to contact the developers of that code and ask them to tag a version. Tagging versions is important to maintain a sane dependency tree.
If you cannot make the external developers tag a version, find a way to tag it yourself:
Clone their repository on Github, tag a version, and include your copy of the repository instead of going to
Create the necessary metadata in a "type=package" repository entry in your composer.json file.
Or at the very least, when depending on the branch, assign it a version alias to allow for a smoother transition later when the external project starts tagging their versions. Note that this will not fix your current problems at all, but it may make things better in the future.
If all else fails, you might point to a certain commit id in your composer.json. This will
In general, you should always be able to run composer update unconditionally. If not, this is a warning sign for dependencies not properly declared in your own composer.json file.
The second reason for not wanting to update is incompatible changes in a package that were tagged as a bug fix instead of a major version increase. The solution for this would be simple:
First you'd have to investigate the reason for such an error: Was it really an incompatible API change? If yes, raise an issue with the developers of that package. They should create a new bug fix version with that incompatible update rolled back or fixed, and if they want to keep their change, they should tag it with a minor or major version increment, depending on what they changed.
If however you incorrectly used their code, somehow not using the public API, a bug fix is unlikely. You should try fixing your code by not using stuff that is not supposed to be the public API. For example, in recent versions of Symfony, the public API is explicitly tagged in the code and documentation - using something else will break at some point, even when doing "compatible" version updates like from 2.6.x to 2.7.x.
Another way to fix it would be to exclude the newer version inside the composer.json file: Instead of "external/package":"~1.2" you'd put "external/package":"~1.2,!1.2.5" if you find that version 1.2.5 broke your software. Or maybe you are afraid of further updates also breaking your software, you'd put in "external/package":"~1.2,!>=1.2.5".
One more thing to add: If you run composer require, you won't get updates for packages that are already installed. They are fixed. The required package will be selected based on all the installed versions, and it will only be installed if there is a version available that is compatible with all the versions already installed. Note that this will not work correctly if there are dependencies on branches of packages in both your own composer.json and the new package. The reason is that the branch name will be the same, but you'll never know which commit was being used. Maybe the new package uses a very recent commit of dev-master of a third package, and your own software a very old one, and there have been incompatible changes in between - this will break things without Composer being able to detect it.
Using composer require packagename/package, you require a new package and you get a partial update for just packagename/package and its dependencies.
composer update packagename/package can be used to trigger the same partial update, but then in case you already have packagename/package in your composer.json.
One workaround is to use replace property, however there isn't dedicated command for that, so you can run composer require foo/bar as usual (which will create composer.json), then add a new replace section for the package to ignore.
Or create composer.json file on your own. Here is the example:
"require": {
"radic/tmp-underscore-php": "1.2.0"
"replace": {
"patchwork/utf8": "*"
Once you run composer install, the required package patchwork/utf8 won't be downloaded.

CodeIgniter: Using Composer libraries without composer

I have a project where I can't install or use composer.
However, I want to use the OmniPay library, which is a composer package. So I want to just take the libraries out and use them as standard libraries in Code Igniter.
This is what I get from the Composer install (below). If I take them into my application/libraries/ folder, how can i load them into my controller?
I think the easiest way would be to actually USE Composer on the machine you are developing on, and then commit the vendor folder to the repository.
If you don't want to do this, you'd have to manually do the steps Composer does. And this is more complicated than you think:
The last steps would be to extract the source from the package, put it somewhere suitable, and recreate the autoloading for it. This is the easy step, because the autoloading usually is PSR-0 or PSR-4. "Onmipay/Common" has one addtional class that doesn't fit into this and is loaded as classmap by Composer, so this class has to be handled extra.
The more complicated step before this: Omnipay is also using "guzzle/http" as a HTTP client, and "symfony/http-foundation". These packages also need to be included both as a file and then with their respective autoloading. And these also have dependencies with autoloading and dependencies...
Let Composer do the error-prone work, and commit the vendor folder if you can't provide the infrastructure to add the dependencies later during deployment.

Getting prototypejs into the bower registry

I am trying to move some code into a bower package, and my code depends on prototypejs. Prototypejs is not in the bower registry (or it wasn't-- actually I just added it incorrectly, so this question is a bit like asking how to avoid spilling milk after it is already running off the table). What is the proper way to go about getting it there?
I thought I could just point the registry to the prototypejs repo on github, but that resulted in a checkout of files which did not include a built prototype.js file, and it seems it can't be built with the latest version of ruby/rake. So, one option would be to create a new github repo with the built version (downloaded from the website) and a bower.json file. Development on prototypejs seems to have stalled (according to github), so it is unlikely the author(s) would be doing that anytime soon.
I'm beating my own drum but this should help
My PrototypeJS repo has updates in it as well as can be built using grunt and has the actual finished build files in it. Please take a look and see if it works for you.
I would create a repo with as you suggested for now, but still try to submit a PR on the upstream repo.
