IBM BigSheets Issue - hadoop

I am getting some error in loading my files onto big sheets both directly from the HDFS( files that are output of pig scripts) and also raw data that is lying on the local hard disk.
I have observed that whenever I am loading the files and issuing a row count to see if all data is loaded into bigsheets, then I see lesses number of rows being loaded.
I have checked that the files are consistent and proper delimeters(/t or comma separated fields).
Size of my file is around 2GB and I have used either of the format *.csv/ *.tsv.
Also in some cases when i have tired to load a file from windows os directly then the files sometimes load successfully with row count matching with actual number of lines in the data, and then sometimes with lesser number of rowcount.
Even sometimes when a fresh file being used 1st time it gives the correct result but if I do the same operation next time some rows are missing.
Kindly share your experience your bigsheets, solution to any such problems where the entire data is not being loaded etc. Thanks in advance

The data that you originally load into BigSheets is only a subset. You have to run the sheet to get it on the full dataset.


CSV Blob Sink - Skip Writing File when 0 Rows Present

This is a relatively simple problem with (I'm hoping) a similarly-simple solution.
In my ADF ETLs, any time there's a known and expected yet unrecoverable row-based error, I don't want my full ETL to fail. Instead, I'd rather pipe those rows off to a log, which I can then pick up at the end of the ETL for manual inspection. To do this, I use conditional splits.
Most of the time, there shouldn't be any rows like this. When this is the case, I don't want my blob sink to write a file. However, the current behavior writes a file no matter what -- it's just that the file only contains the table header.
Is there a way to skip writing anything to a blob sink when there are no input rows?
Edit: Somehow I forgot to specify -- I'm specifically referring to a Mapping Data Flow with a blob sink.
You can use Lookup activity(don't check first row only) to get all your table data firstly. Then use If condition to check the count of Lookup activity's output. If its count > 0, execute next activity(or data flow).

How does the CONCATENATE in ALTER TABLE command in HIVE works

I am trying to understand how exactly the ALTER TABLE CONCATENATE in HIVE Works.
I saw this link How does Hive 'alter table <table name> concatenate' work? but all I got from this links is that for ORC Files, the merge happens at a stripe level.
I am looking for a detailed explanation of how CONCATENATE works. As an e.g I initially had 500 small ORC Files in the HDFS. I ran the Hive ALTER TABLE CONCATENATE and the files merged to 27 bigger files. Subsequent runs of CONCATENATE reduced the number of files to 16 and finally I ended up in two large files.( used version Hive 0.12 ) So I wanted to understand
How exactly CONCATENATE works? Does it looks at the existing number of files , as well as the size ? How will it determine the no: of output ORC files after concatenation?
Is there any known issues with using the Concatenate ? We are planning to run the concatenate one a day in the maintenance window
Is Using CTAS an alternative to concatenate and which is better? Note that my requirement is to reduce the no of ORC files (ingested through Nifi) without compromising performance of Read
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance
Concatenated file size can be controlled with following two values:
set mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=268435456;
set hive.exec.orc.default.block.size=268435456;
These values should be set based on your HDFS/MapR-FS block size.
As commented by #leftjoin it is indeed the case that you can get different output files for the same underlying data.
This is discussed more in the linked HCC thread but the key point is:
Concatenation depends on which files are chosen first.
Note that having files of different sizes, should not be a problem in normal situations.
If you want to streamline your process, then depending on how big your data is, you may also want to batch it a bit before writing to HDFS. For instance, by setting the batch size in NiFi.

What is the best place to store multiple small files in hadoop

I will be having multiple small text files around size of 10KB, got confused where to store those files in HBase or in HDFS. what will be the optimized storage?
Because to store in HBase I need to parse it first then save it against some row key.
In HDFS I can directly create a path and save that file at that location.
But till now whatever I read, it says you should not have multiple small files instead create less big files.
But I can not merge those files, so I can't create big file out of small files.
Kindly suggest.
A large number of small files don´t fit very well with hadoop since each file is a hdfs block and each block require a one Mapper to be processed by default.
There are several options/strategies to minimize the impact of small files, all options require to process at least one time small files and "package" them in a better format. If you are planning to read these files several times, pre-process small files could make sense, but if you will use those files just one time then it doesn´t matter.
To process small files my sugesstion is to use CombineTextInputFormat (here an example):
CombineTextInputFormat use one Mapper to process several files but could require to transfer the files to a different DataNode to put files together in the DAtaNode where the map is running and could have a bad performance with speculative tasks but you can disable them if your cluster is enough stable.
Alternative to repackage small files are:
Create sequence files where each record contains one of the small files. With this option you will keep the original files.
Use IdentityMapper and IdentityReducer where the number of reducers are less than the number of files. This is the most easy approach but require that each line in the files be equals and independents (Not headers or metadata at the beginning of the files required to understand the rest of the file).
Create a external table in hive and then insert all the records for this table into a new table (INSERT INTO . . . SELECT FROM . . .). This approach have the same limitations than the option two and require to use Hive, the adventage is that you don´t require to write a MapReduce.
If you can not merge files like in option 2 or 3, my suggestion is to go with option 1
You could try using HAR archives:
It's no problem with having many small different files. If for example you have a table in Hive with many very small files in hdfs, it's not optimal, better to merge these files into less big ones because when reading this table a lot of mappers will be created. If your files are completely different like 'apples' and 'employees' and can not be merged than just store them as is.

Determine deltas between new extract and data extracted by previous run and Generate three separate CSV feed files based on the deltas

Hi I have a requirement which I need to develop in Informatica.
The requirement is
1)Determine deltas between new extract and data extracted by previous run
2) Generate three separate CSV feed files based on the deltas
Could you please let me know the process of how to do this delta thing and compare the data from previous run and the new run
And how to write these delta data into an automated .csv file which need to be created automatically by informatica for every run .
Instead of writing the data into target table,it should write the data into these automated .csv or .txt files.
Does Informatica creates .csv or .txt files automatically and saves the data in them for every informatica run?if so, could you please let me know how?
Information you are seeking is widely available on the Internet and can be found with little research. However, let me try to chip in,
If the structure of the file remains the same between two runs, create two staging tables, one for previous and one for current. Do a minus between the two to capture the delta. Move the current to previous after delta capture and truncate current every time you load into it.
Use a flat file target instead of a table.

Running a MR Job on a portion of the HDFS file

Imagine you have a big file stored in hdtf which contains structured data. Now the goal is to process only a portion of data in the file like all the lines in the file where second column value is between so and so. Is it possible to launch the MR job such that hdfs only stream the relevant portion of the file versus streaming everything to the mappers.
The reason is that I want to expedite the job speed by only working on the portion that I need. Probably one approach is to run a MR job to get create a new file but I am wondering if one can avoid that?
Please note that the goal is to keep the data in HDFS and I do not want to read and write from database.
HDFS stores files as a bunch of bytes in blocks, and there is no indexing, and therefore no way to only read in a portion of your file (at least at the time of this writing). Furthermore, any given mapper may get the first block of the file or the 400th, and you don't get control over that.
That said, the whole point of MapReduce is to distribute the load over many machines. In our cluster, we run up to 28 mappers at a time (7 per node on 4 nodes), so if my input file is 1TB, each map slot may only end up reading 3% of the total file, or about 30GB. You just perform the filter that you want in the mapper, and only process the rows you are interested in.
If you really need filtered access, you might want to look at storing your data in HBase. It can act as a native source for MapReduce jobs, provides filtered reads, and stores its data on HDFS, so you are still in the distributed world.
One answer is looking at the way that hive solves this problem. The data is in "tables" which are really just meta data about files on disk. Hive allows you to set columns on which a table is partitioned. This creates a separate folder for each partition so if you were partitioning a file by date you would have:
Inside of the date directory would be you actual files. So if you then ran a query like:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE dt ='2011-12-01'
Only files in /mytable/2011-12-01 would be fed into the job.
Tho bottom line is that if you want functionality like this you either want to move to a higher level language (hive/pig) or you need to roll your own solutions.
Big part of the processing cost - is data parsing to produce Key-Values to the Mapper. We create there (usually) one java object per value + some container. It is costly both in terms of CPU and garbage collector pressure
I would suggest the solution "in the middle". You can write input format which will read the input stream and skip non-relevant data in the early stage (for example by looking into few first bytes of the string). As a result you will read all data, but actually parse and pass to the Mapper - only portion of it.
Another approach I would consider - is to use RCFile format (or other columnar format), and take care that relevant and non relevant data will sit in the different columns.
If the files that you want to process have some unique attribute about their filename (like extension or partial filename match), you can also use the setInputPathFilter method of FileInputFormat to ignore all but the ones you want for your MR job. Hadoop by default ignores all ".xxx" and _xxx" files/dirs, but you can extend with setInputPathFilter.
As others have noted above, you will likely get sub-optimal performance out of your cluster doing something like this which breaks the "one block per mapper" paradigm, but sometimes this is acceptable. Can sometimes take more to "do it right", esp if you're dealing with a small amount of data & the time to re-architect and/or re-dump into HBase would eclipse the extra time required to run your job sub-optimally.
