Visual Studio 2010 project displays a weird name under VS 2013 - visual-studio-2010

I created a project and solution in Visual Studio 2010 for a VC++ MFC application, and added quite a bit of code there. Then, today, I opened the same project in Visual Studio 2013. I set the following property
Platform Toolset : Visual Studio 2013 (v120)
Strangely, the project's name got changed from MyProject to MyProject (Visual Studio 2010)
Between, the v120 in project properties and the Visual Studio 2010 in the name, I am a little confused. Does it mean I have all the capabilities of Visual Studio 2010 or 2013?


Is there a Visual Studio Installer Project type for Visual Studio 2019?

I am trying to build a VS 2017 solution which includes a Visual Studio Installer Project with the just released Visual Studio Pro 2019. Of course, when I tried to open the solution I got an error because there was not Visual Studio Installer project type in VS 2019. And, I cant find a place to load it from.
How do I add a Visual Studio Installer Project type in the released version of VS 2019?
Install the addin in Visual Studio 2019:
This extension provides the same functionality that currently exists
in Visual Studio 2015 for Visual Studio Installer projects. To use
this extension, you can either open the Extensions and Updates dialog,
select the online node, and search for "Visual Studio Installer
Projects Extension," or you can download directly from this page.
This extension is designed to work with Visual Studio 2017 and
Visual Studio 2019.

Upgrading project from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to upgrade my project to Visual Studio 2013. For upgrading I simply opened the project with Visual Studio 2013. But no conversion dialog was shown and when the project is opened it has Visual Studio 2012 written in brackets (See snapshot):
What is the meaning of Visual Studio 2012 written in brackets. And is there anyway to convert this project to Visual Studio 2013 manually ?
I've found the solution to this issue. The parenthesis means that VS 2013 will use toolset of VS 2012 because the project hasn't been upgraded to VS 2013.
And to convert c++ project there is a 'Update C++ Project' in the Project menu.

How to select the Visual Studio version to use on the build machine?

We have a buildmachine that currently has installed Visual Studio 2010 to compile our application.
Now we have moved to Visual Studio 2015 and developers have installed it on their machines and modified the solution so it works with 2015 but the previous versions will continue to build with 2010.
I was going to install Visual Studio 2015 on the build machine but I don't know how the build machine will know that the previous branches must be built with 2010 and the new ones with 2015. With some Msbuild settings? Just looking at the sln? By other means?
With some Msbuild settings? Just looking at the sln? By other means?
Open your .sln file with Notepad. Look for Format Version on the first line which correlates with a Visual Studio version.
•Format Version 11.00 is Visual Studio 2010
•Format Version 12.00 is Visual Studio 2013 && Visual Studio 2013
For visual studio 2013 and visual studio 2015, we could find the visual studio version on the third line. like this:
visual studio 2013: VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.30501.0
visual studio 2015: VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25420.1
As far as I know it does it looking at the ToolsVersion on every .csproj. VisualStudio is not required as MsBuild and the compiler come with the .Net Framework.

Visual Studio 2015 not finding Visual studio 2010

My visual studio 2015 cannot build 2010 platform toolsets. It says:
The build tools for Visual Studio 2010 (v100) cannot be found. To
build using the Visual Studio 2015 (v140) build tools, either click
the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then select "Upgrade
Solution...". Install Visual Studio 2010 (v100) to build using the
Visual Studio 2010 (v100) build tools.
I do not want to upgrade my project or switch the toolset. I have visual studio 2010 installed. It builds the 2012 projects inside visual studio 2015 fine. 2012 also finds the 2010 build tools and builds 2010 projects fine.
Is there a visual studio setting where I can point it to the Visual Studio 2010 directory so that it correctly finds the build tools?
I have tried reinstalling 2010, 2012 and 2015 in that order.
tldr; Visual studio 2015 wont build 2010 projects even though I have visual 2010 installed.
Install this service pack:
Fixed the issue for me. Released March 3, 2016 so it was unavailable at the time of posting.
according to this documentation from microsoft, the toolset is a per-project setting. So you need to change it for all of your VS2010 projects inside VS2015.
To change the project toolset
In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for
your project (not for your solution) and then choose Properties to
open your project Property Pages dialog box.
In the Property Pages dialog box, open the Configuration drop-down
list and then select All Configurations.
In the left pane of the dialog box, expand Configuration Properties
and then select General.
In the right pane, select Platform Toolset and then select the toolset
you want from the drop-down list. For example, if you have installed
the Visual Studio 2010 toolset, select Visual Studio 2010 (v100) to
use it for your project.
Choose the OK button.
does that help?

How can i update my Project Template from Visual Studio 2010 to support Visual Studio 2012?

Me and my team were using Visual Studio 2010 as C#/.NET IDE, but we decided to upgrade it to 2012, and thats what we did.
We have a bunch of Project Templates previously created, on Visual Studio 2010.
How can we create/convert those for the 2012 version of the IDE ?
I've tried this link from msdn but got no luck because my Visual Studio does not shows the VSIX Project option in this step :
On the File menu, click New and then click Project. Select either Visual Basic or Visual C#, select Extensibility, and then select VSIX Project.
Any tip / How to ?
Thanks in advance
