what is difference between (define (add x y) (+ x y)) and (define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))? - scheme

I am now writing a scheme's interpreter by using c++. I got a question about define and lambda.
(define (add x y) (+ x y))
is expanded as
(define add (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
by lispy.py
what's the difference between this two expression?
why need expand the expression? Just because it is easy to evaluate the expression?

They are the same, since one gets expanded into the other. The first expression is easier to both write & read; having it expand into the second simplifies the interpreter (something you should appreciate).

They are equivalent in R5RS:
5.2 Definitions
(define (<variable> <formals>) <body>)
<Formals> should be either a sequence of zero or more variables, or a
sequence of one or more variables followed by a space-delimited period
and another variable (as in a lambda expression). This form is
equivalent to
(define <variable>
(lambda (<formals>) <body>)).


What Scheme special forms must the hygienic macro expander know about?

syntax-rules in Scheme are "hygienic" and "referentially transparent" and must preserve Scheme's lexical scoping. From my understanding, this means that during the macro expansion phase, the expander would need to know about lambda and define.
The expander needs to know about lambda.
Suppose we have this code:
(define x 1)
((lambda (x) x) 2)
If the expander did not know about the lambda special form, it would consider the two xs in (lambda (x) x) to be bound to the x in (define x 1), which is incorrect.
The expander needs to know about define, so that it knows where (i.e. in which scope) a particular identifier is defined. In addition, suppose we have this code:
(define n 1)
(define f (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))
(define lambda f)
(lambda n n)
In order to correctly determine that both n in (lambda n n) refer to (define n 1), the expander has to understand that (define lambda f) has changed the meaning of lambda (and therefore the expander has to stop using special rules for handling lmabda in this scope).
What other special forms does the macro expander need to know about? Does it need to know about set!?
The examples seem to be about lexical scoping, not macro expansion.
(define x 1)
((lambda (x) x) 2)
The binding of x in the second line shadows that in the first.
Similarly in the second example (define lambda f) binds lambda
in the region following the define; there is no macro expansion.
The identifier lambda can be used as a keyword in a syntactic extension (macro);
lexical scoping applies normally, there are no special rules:
> (let-syntax ([lambda (syntax-rules ()
[(lambda arg) ((lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) arg)])])
(lambda 2))
> (letrec-syntax ([lambda (syntax-rules ()
[(lambda arg) ((lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) arg)])])
(lambda 2))
Exception: invalid syntax (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))

Difference between usage of set! and define

In the following code:
(define x 14)
(display x) ; x = 14
(set! x 13)
(display x) ; x = 13
(define x 14)
(display x) ; x = 14
(set! y 13) ; SchemeError: y not found!
(display y)
What we a use case where someone would want to use set! over just define, if define can be used for everything that set! can be used for + the actual definition itself?
define creates a new binding between a name and a value (a variable), set! mutates an existing binding. These are not the same operation, languages like Python which confuse the operations notwithstanding.
In particular something like
(define x 1)
(define x 2)
is illegal: you can only create the variable once. Implementations may not check this, but that doesn't make it legal. Once you've created the binding, if you want to modify it you need to do that with set!.
A particular case where implementations (including Racket) are intentionally sloppy about this is when they are being used interactively. Quite often if you're interacting with the system you may want to say, for instance:
> (define square (λ (x) (+ x x)))
... ooops, that's not right, is it?
... Better fix it using the command-line editing
> (define square (λ (x) (* x x)))
In cases like that it's clearly better for the implementation just to allow this repeated definition of things, because it's going to make the life of users enormously easier.
But in programs such repeated definitions in the same scope are (almost?) always bugs, and they really ought to be caught: if you want to mutate a binding, use set!. Racket in particular will certainly puke on these.
Finally note that define is simply not legal in all the places set! is: even in Racket (which allows define in many more places than Scheme does) this is not even slightly legal code:
(define (foo x)
(define v x)
(if (odd? x)
(define v (* v 2))
(define v (/ v 2)))
While this is
(define (foo x)
(define v x)
(if (odd? x)
(set! v (* v 2))
(set! v (/ v 2)))
(It's still terrible code, but it is legal.).

Function Definitions After Expressions in Scheme

I understand I can't define a function inside an expression, but I'm getting errors defining one after an expression within the same nested function. I'm using R5RS with DrScheme.
For example, this throws an error, 'define: not allowed in an expression context':
(define (cube x)
(if (= x 0) 0) ;just for example, no reason to do this
(define (square x) (* x x))
(* x (square x)))
In R5RS you can only use define in rather specific places: in particular you can use it at the beginning (only) of forms which have a <body>. This is described in 5.2.2. That means in particular that internal defines can never occur after any other expression, even in a <body>.
Native Racket (or whatever the right name is for what you get with#lang racket) is much more flexible in this regard: what you are trying to do would (apart from the single-armed if) be legal in Racket.
You can use define inside another definition. Some Schemes won't allow you to have an if without the else part, though. This works for me:
(define (cube x)
(if (= x 0) 0 1) ; just for example, no reason to do this
(define (square x) (* x x))
(* x (square x)))
Have you tried making the definition at the beginning? maybe that could be a problem with your interpreter.
define inside a procedure body (that includes all forms that are syntactic sugar for procedures, like let, let*, and letrec) are only legal before other expressions and never after the first expression and it can not be the last form.
Your example shows no real reason for why you would want to have an expression before definitions. There is no way you can get anything more than moving all define up to the beginning. eg.
(define (cube x)
;; define moved to top
(define (square x) (* x x))
;; dead code moved under define and added missing alternative
(if (= x 0) 0 'undefined)
(* x (square x)))
If the code isn't dead. eg. it's the tail expression you can use let to make a new body:
(define (cube x)
(if (= x 0)
(let ()
;; this is top level in the let
(define (square x) (* x x))
;; required expression
(* x (square x)))))
I think perhaps we would need an example where you think it would be warranted to have the define after the expression and we'll be happy to show how to scheme it up.

What causes an unbound variable error in Scheme?

I've started out with SICP and I'm new to Scheme. I've tried debugging this piece of code and even compared it to similar solutions.
(def (myFunc x y z)
(cond ((and (<= x y) (<= x z)) (+ (* y y) (* z z)))
((and (<= y x) (<= y z)) (+ (* x x) (* z z)))
(else (+ (* x x) (* y y)))))
This function returns the sum of the squares of two largest numbers.
When I run this, the interpreter gives out ";Unbound variable: y". Could you please explain the cause behind this error?
Help is greatly appreciated :)
The function-defining primitive in Scheme is called define, not def.
As it is, the whole (def ...) expression was treated as a function call to def. So its arguments' values needed to be found. The first argument (myFunc x y z) is a function call so its argument values needed to be found. Apparently your implementation wanted to find out the value of y first.
The R5RS standard says "The operator and operand expressions are evaluated (in an unspecified order) and the resulting procedure is passed the resulting arguments."
It is likely your implementation chooses the rightmost argument first, which leads to (<= x y) being evaluated first (because of special rules of evaluating the cond and and special forms), with y in its rightmost position.

Using 'define' in Scheme

I'm new to Scheme and was just curious about 'define'. I've seen things like:
(define (square x) (* x x))
which makes sense [Function name 'square' input parameter 'x']. However, I found some example code from the 90's and am trying to make sense of:
(define (play-loop-iter strat0 strat1 count history0 history1 limit) (~Code for function~)
Except for the function name, are all of those input parameters?
Short answer - yes, all the symbols after the first one are parameters for the procedure (the first one being the procedures's name). Also it's good to point out that this:
(define (f x y)
(+ x y))
Is just syntactic sugar for this, and both forms are equivalent:
(define f
(lambda (x y)
(+ x y)))
In general - you use the special form define for binding a name to a value, that value can be any data type available, including in particular functions (lambdas).
A bit more about parameters and procedure definitions - it's good to know that the . notation can be used for defining procedures with a variable number of arguments, for example:
(define (f . x) ; here `x` is a list with all the parameters
(apply + x))
(f 1 2 3 4 5) ; 0 or more parameters can be passed
=> 15
And one final trick with define (not available in all interpreters, but works in Racket). A quick shortcut for defining procedures that return procedures, like this one:
(define (f x)
(lambda (y)
(+ x y)))
... Which is equivalent to this, shorter syntax:
(define ((f x) y)
(+ x y))
((f 1) 2)
=> 3
Yes, strat0 through limit are the parameters of the play-loop-iter function.
The general form for define is:
(define (desired-name-of-procedure item-1 item-2 item-3 ... item-n)
(; what to do with the items))
Another way to explain the behaviour of define, is in terms of "means of combination", and "means of abstraction".
[A] The means of combination in simple terms:
The syntax (item-1 item-2 item-3 ... ... item-n) is the fundamental means of combination provided by Scheme (and Lisp in general.)
All code is a list represented using the above pattern
The very first (leftmost) item is always treated as an operator
Parentheses enforce the application of the operator... The leftmost item is required to accept all the items that follow, as arguments
[B] means of abstraction is simply; a way to name things.
An example will demonstrate how this all folds into the idea of the define primitive...
Example--Arriving at define in a bottom-up way
Consider this expression:
(lambda (x y) (* x y))
In plain English, the above expression translates to "Create a nameless procedure that accepts two arguments, and returns the value of the their product". Note that this generates a nameless procedure.
More accurately, in terms of means of combination, Scheme provides us the keyword lambda as a primitive operator that creates user-defined procedures.
The leftmost item--lambda--is passed items (x y) and (* x y) as arguments, and the operator-application rule forces lambda to do something with the items.
The way lambda is defined internally causes it to parse the list (x y), and treat x and y as arguments to pass to the list (* x y), which lambda assumes is the user's definition of what to do when arguments x and y are encountered. Any value assigned to x and y will be processed in accordance with the rule (* x y).
Enter, means of abstraction...
Suppose I wanted to refer to this type of multiplication at several places in my program, I might tweak the above lambda expression like this:
(define mul-two-things (lambda (x y) (* x y)))
define takes mul-two-things and the lambda expression as arguments, and "binds" them together. Now Scheme knows that mul-two-things should be associated with a procedure to take two arguments and return their product.
As it happens, the requirement of naming procedures is so very common and provides so much power of expression, that Scheme provides a cleaner-looking shortcut to do it.
Like #oscar-lopez says, define is the "special form" Scheme provides, to name things. And as far as Scheme's Interpreter is concerned, both the following definitions are identical:
(define (mul-two-things x y) (* x y))
(define mul-two-things (lambda (x y) (* x y))
