Is there a way to know if a device has version 3 of SNMP enabled without the credentials? - snmp

I need to do a device discovery which is working fine for version 1,2 because the community name by default "public" help me on this, but for the version 3 the credentials are required, do ou know any tool o method to know that ?

As described in you can send an empty v3 pdu. If the device supports v3 protocol it will respond (a report message) with it's snmpEngineID.
'This may be accomplished by generating a Request message with a securityLevel of noAuthNoPriv, a msgUserName of zero-length, a msgAuthoritativeEngineID value of zero length, and the varBindList left empty.'

#DominikPawlak already shows the RFC compliant approach. If you want some code sample, #SNMP has a sample called snmpdiscover,


How do I use "maxPageSize" with the new Xrm.API?

Edit 2
It was a Microsoft bug. My CRM updated recently and the query is now executing as expected
Server version: 9.1.0000.21041
Client version: 1.4.1144-2007.3
If it is a Microsoft bug, which looks likely thanks to Arun's research, then for future reference, my CRM versions are
Server version: 9.1.0000.20151
Client version: 1.4.1077-2007.1
Original question below
I followed the example as described in the MSDN Documentation here.
Specify a positive number that indicates the number of entity records to be returned per page. If you do not specify this parameter, the value is defaulted to the maximum limit of 5000 records.
If the number of records being retrieved is more than the specified maxPageSize value or 5000 records, nextLink attribute in the returned promise object will contain a link to retrieve the next set of entities.
However, it doesn't appear to be working for me. Here's my sample JavaScript code:
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords('account', '?$select=name', 20).then
result => console.log(result.entities.length),
error => console.error(error.message)
You can see that my query doesn't include any complex filter or expand expressions
maxPageSize is 20
When I run this code, it's returning the full set of results, not limiting the page size at all:
I noticed this too, but this happens only in UCI. Whereas this issue wont be reproduced when you run the same code in classic web UI.
Probably this is a bug in MS side, pls create a ticket so they can fix it.

IRS AIR 1095B Manifest Schema -- OriginalReceiptID

I'm attempting to upload AIR test 2C via the IRS UI web portal and received the following submission error: "The manifest file does not match our current schema. In particular, our system has detected a potential issue with the following element(s)" OriginalReceiptID
Here's our manifest file:
top portion of our manifest file
Can anyone find the errors of my ways?
You need to provide the OriginalReceiptId (on the Manifest) only when sending a Replacement record type for a previously "Rejected" Transmission.
The OriginalUniqueSubmissionId (on the 1094-C) should be provided only when sending a Replacement record type for a previously "Rejected" Submission.
Note: You will receive Transmission-level error if you include both the OriginalReceiptId and OriginalUniqueSubmissionId. The type of rejection dictates which one is needed to be used. The Type of Rejection is caused by either the Transmission or Submission, and is defined by the reason for the rejection and the structure of the Error Data File received from the status response.
CorrectedUniqueSubmissionId on the 1094-C is used when sending a
Correction record type for a previously "Accepted" or "Accepted with Errors" 1094-C record.
CorrectedUniqueRecordId on the 1095-C is used when sending a
Correction record type for a previously "Accepted" or "Accepted with Errors" 1095-C record.
I don't think you need original receipt id for the correction files, it is for rejected files. refer to IRS air composition referece guide at

Invalid Engine ID error in SNMP v3 microchip with manage engine MIB browser

I'm getting error for "SNMPv3" of invalid engine ID? what causes this error usually?
it perfectly works when i select no auth,no priv. but for other two options of auth,no priv and auth,priv it gives error of invalid engine id.
ManageEngine MibBrowser supports auto-discovery of SnmpEngineID, EngineBoots and EngineTime from an Authoritative SNMP Engine.
If user has enabled the "Set EngineID For Adding V3 entry" and entered SNMPV3 user details with EngineID parameter, MibBrowser displays the message received from Agent.
As per RFC3414, If the value of the msgAuthoritativeEngineID
field in the securityParameters is unknown then:
a) a non-authoritative SNMP engine that performs discovery may
optionally create a new entry in its Local Configuration Datastore
(LCD) and continue processing;
b) the usmStatsUnknownEngineIDs counter is incremented, and an error
indication (unknownEngineID) together with the OID and value of the
incremented counter are returned to the calling module.
Note in the event that a zero-length or other illegally sized
msgAuthoritativeEngineID is received,b) should be chosen to facilitate
engineID discovery. Otherwise, the choice between a) and b) is an
implementation issue.
If Authoritative SNMP Engine returns "unKnownEngineID OID"(. with incremental counter value to manager. Then, Mibbrowser displays the "Invalid EngineID" error.

reading EMV card using PPSE and not PSE

I'm trying to read the data off a contactless Visa Paywave card.
For the Paywave, I have to submit a SELECT using PPSE (2PAY.SYS.DDF01) instead of PSE (1PAY.SYS.DDF01).
The EMV book 1, section 11.3.4, table 43 only describes how to interpret the response for a successful SELECT command using PSE. Does anyone know or can refer me to a source that shows how to process the data returned from a successful SELECT command using PPSE?
Here's my request APDU:
Here's the response:
I understand tag 84, tag 85, tag BF0C from the response. According to the examples for reading PSE, I should be able to just send GET PROCESSION OPTIONS (to get the AIP and AFL) with PDOL = null after this successful response as follows: 80A80000830000.
But request 80A80000830000 returns error code 6985 - Command not allowed; conditions of use not satisfied.
I also tried reading all the files after successfully selecting the PPSE by traversing through every single SFI (0-30) and every single record (0-16) of each SFI. Yes, I also did the 3 bit shift and bitwise-OR the SFI with 0x4. But I got no data.
I'm stuck, any help that would point me into getting some info from my Paywave card would be appreciated!
Have you tried this tool from EMVLAB
Using that tool,
2PAY.SYS.DDF01 is for contactless (e.g. NFC ) cards, while 1PAY.SYS.DDF01 is for contact cards.
After successfully (SW1 SW2 = 90 00) reading a PSE, you should only search for the SFI (tag 88) which is a mandatory field in the FCI template returned.
With the SFI as your start index, your would have to read the records starting from the start index until you get a 6A83 (RECORD_NOT_FOUND). E.g. if your SFI is 1, you would do a readRecord with record_number=1. That would probably be successful. Then you increament record_number to 2 and do readRecord again. The increament to 3 .... Repeat it until you get 6A83 as your status.
The records read would be ADFs (at least 1). Then your would have to compare the read ADF Names with what your terminal support and also based on the ASI (Application Selection Indicator). At the end you would have a list of possible ADFs (Candidate list)
All the above steps (1-3) are documented in chapter 12.3.2 Book1 v4.3 of the EMV spec.
You would have to make a final selection (Chapter 12.4 Book1)
Read the spec book 1 chapter 12.3 - 12.4 for all the detailed steps.
You seem to have the flow mixed up a bit, you want to:
Send 1PAY or 2PAY, it doesn't actually matter for all of the cards I've tested. This will return a list of the AIDs available on the card. Alternately you can just select an AID straight away if you know it's there but good practice would be to check first.
Get the list of AIDs returned in response to 1PAY/2PAY, in PayWave's case this will probably be A0000000031010 if you sent 2PAY but you may get more if you send 1PAY.
Select one of the AIDs sent back (or one you already know is on there).
Then loop through the SFIs and records sending the Read Records command to get the data.
You don't have to send Get Processing Options before sending the Read Records command even though that's now a normal transaction flow goes.
I think the information you're looking for is available from this VISA website. But only if you're a registered and/or licensed partner of VISA.
EDIT: Looking at the resulting TLV struct under BF0C:
tag=0xBF0C, length=0x1A
tag=0x61, length=0x18
tag=0x4F, length=0x07, value=0xA0000000031010 // looks like an AID to me
tag=0x50, length=0x0A, value="VISA DEBIT"
tag=0x87, length=0x01, value=0x01
I would guess that you need to first select A0000000031010 before getting the processing options.
I was selecting application 2PAY.SYS.DDF01. when I should have been selecting AID = 0xA0000000031010. It looks like there's no records under application 2PAY.SYS.DDF01.
But there was 1 record under application 0xA0000000031010. After I got this application, I performed a READ RECORD, and the first record gave me the PAN and all the credit card info I wanted.
Thanks everyone for chiming in.

Teamcity email only 10 changes are shown, how to show more changes

The Teamcity notification email after build successful only show 10 changes. I want to know how to config in teamcity to show more changes.
you can create the in config folder, and included following properties,
teamcity.notification.template.update.interval - how often the templates are reread by system (integer, in seconds, default 60)
teamcity.notification.includeDebugInfo - include debug information into the message in case of template processing errors (boolean, default false)
teamcity.notification.maxChangesNum - max number of changes to list in e-mail message (integer, default 10)
teamcity.notification.maxCompilationDataSize - max size (in bytes) of compilation error data to include in e-mail message (integer, default 20480)
teamcity.notification.maxFailedTestNum - max number of failed tests to list in e-mail message (integer, default 50)
teamcity.notification.maxFailedTestStacktraces - max number of test stacktraces in e-mail message (integer, default 5)
teamcity.notification.maxFailedTestDataSize - max size (in bytes) of failed test output data to include in a single e-mail message (integer, default 10240)
more details see,
Imho, it seems TC does not clearly support anything away from out of the box defaults. In other words, lots of things are apparently configurable but there is no documentation nor will a query to their board receive a reply. Instead, the solution seems to be to assume that all the template files can be edited pretty much at will to provide the desired results.
This issue is a case in point. One user gave a generic answer to how to find/edit the notification template in general;
TeamCity 5.1 Email template :: JetBrains Developer Community 7, 2011 – I'm going to begin use TeamCity for our projects. ... getViewChangesUrl(}'>${modNum} change<#plural modNum/> ...
Note that he cites the "modNum" value, which is our problematic item. Its default appears to be 10 per out-of-the-box settings. (I don't think we can see that part.) I was able to easily change it by assigning a new value.
In my file [ServerConfigsPath]\config_notifications\email\common.ftl , I now have;
<!-- was #assign modNum=bean.modificationsNumber/ -->
<#assign modNum=100/>
I hope this helps you or another newbie. I love SO!
//sorry for spacing on the code, I can't see how to get it right...
