Configurable products Design App for Magento - magento

We are planning development of a jewellery design tool for a magento site.
Something like gem vara has.We are looking towards some pointers as to what will be the best approach. We can use configurable products but the problem is with product images. For example, a pendant can have 10-12 different kind of stones and we want to give user instant view of his/her selections.
For example, if user selects a blue stone, we would like the stones on the pendant to be replaced and blue color stones loaded.
There are two challenges -
1. If we create all images, the combinations would cross 200K images per product.
2. If we try to merge two images, and replace only the stones on selection, how we will define their position for each product ?

Magento new feature is introduced that is "Configurable Swatches".
you can set multiple images if you set configurable products in magento. you can also set diffetent images for all products. customers can select different images in product listing page and product detail page. you can refer this link for more detail.


Magento simple product with custom options and different stocks

I have a problem in finding a solution for our store. We are selling shoes with different colors and sizes. Each product has a different sku based on color and size and different stock.
Until now all is simple, I can use configurable products but I want to have all options visible in category list as a separate product.
For eg.: in flats category I have a product with 2 different colors and I want to display them separately and when I choose one of them there I want to have the options of other colors and sizes.
Is there a solution or a module that I can use?
From what is in the description, Configurable product would suit your situation better. For each configurable product, you can have multiple simple product with different colour and sizes. And you can change the visibility attribute of the simple product to make it show up in the frontend.

Create a product in Magento with different colors (associated products) pointing to the same stock

Is it possible to create a product with different colors where each different color points to the same stock?
For example, I have created a configurable product with a color attribute. After creating the configurable product I create a couple of associated simple products for a few different colors. Instead of having each color have it’s own product qty / stock, I want all the colors to share the same stock.
So for example the configurable product is a lamp. The associated simple products are lamp green, lamp red etc. I want to tell Magento that the lamp product has 10 in stock. So when someone buys a lamp red, it will tell me there are only 9 lamps left in stock regardless of the color. Is this possible?
The way I have it now is that each associated simple product has it’s own stock, but this is not what I want in my case.
This functionality is not in vanilla magento, so you will need to create/obtain a module that handles it. this one seems to do what you need.
If you don't want to pay or prefer to do it yourself, perhaps and easy solution is to keep the stock of your products synchronized.. maybe use observe stock changes or use crons that detect and syncs when they are out of sync.

Change Related Products Depending on Size - Magento

Really hope someone can help point me in the right direction with this, i have been going round in circles for a quite a while.
Background Info
i) I have a configurable product with 3 associated simple products (different sizes)
ii) I have some related products that are specific to each size (they are each different prices & simple products also)
iii) I have linked the related products to the relevant different size simple products
If i go to the simple product directly, the correct related product shows
How do i make it so on the main configurable product. that when the customer selects the size, that it shows the correct related product to buy with that size? (as Add on Buys)

Magento grouped product options

I want to show a set of products as a table inside one product with these attributes.
Dimensions Width x Gusset x Height Code Price/Case Bags/Case Weight
So i chosen grouped product option but it does not match the requirement. How can i design a table like format from the grouped product option with radio button to choose only one product from it. So using grouped product or configurable product or by any way how can i achieve this.
Here am attaching the screen-shot which i actually wanted
I can think of two ways to represent this in code. If the dimensions tend to be from a limited set of choices, you could use a configurable product to represent this choice, simply displaying all possible sub-products in the table. This would let you reuse the existing catalog product page with a little retrofitting.
If they do not fit well, you could place the items in a category hidden from the public categories and loop through each of the products in the category to display the table. This would require more work to tie back to putting into the cart, etc.
Importantly, it looks like each of your options has an entirely uncorrelated price, so it seems to me that you need to have a simple product underpinning these options at some point. (I'm sure you could get more clever, I'm just not sure that's a good idea.)
You can easily solve this with a plugin for Magento. There is a plugin here which will do exactly what you want. It will display product options in a grid:

What's the best way to have multiple groups of simple featured products in Magento?

I would like to have a small number of pages on my site that have some text, and then an associated group of products eg, here is a picture of a nice kitchen, the things we sell that are included in this picture are below. I would like people to be able to click on the product and be taken to that product's page AND I plan to implement functionality that would allow you to add all of the products directly to the basket.
Caveat: All of my main product pages are of Configurable Products, and I would like to "Feature" certain Simple Products on the above pages, eg: this is a picture of a kitchen, we are using a blue lamp. This links directly to the "Lamp" page, but if you add this to basket, you'll get a blue lamp.
I have created the pages as Magento CMS pages and had created a specific inactive category of products for each page. This doesn't work because it links directly to the product in the inactive category, and not the actual category, eg: clicking wants to take you to /kitchinA/lampA.html instead of /lamps/lampA.html
What is the best way for me to include multiple groups of "featured" products, on different pages?
How about using related products?
