Powerpivot: Subtract first member of group - business-intelligence

Consider the following table:
Group ID Date
1001 2014-01-05
1001 2014-01-12
1001 2014-01-22
1002 2014-01-15
1002 2014-01-19
How may I calculate the Duration inside a group in days? Duration is defined as Date[k] - Date[0]
e.g.: The desired table should look like:
Group ID Date Duration
1001 2014-01-05 0
1001 2014-01-12 7
1001 2014-01-22 17
1002 2014-01-15 0
1002 2014-01-19 4
I have tried using MINX to return the group's first Date value:
=MINX(FILTER(Table;Table[Group ID] = Table[Group ID]); Table[Date])
But the value returned is the entire table's minimum, as if FILTER is returning the entire table.

It's not clear whether you are trying to produce a Calculated Column or a Measure - you should probably be trying the later but it can be done either way.
The calculated column would simply be:
= [Date] - CALCULATE(MIN(Table[Date]), FILTER(Table, Table[Group_ID] = EARLIER(Table[Group_ID])))
Far more powerful are Measures! You could get this date
[Raw Measure] = MAX(Table[Date]) - CALCULATE(MIN(Table[Date]), ALL(Table[Date]))
This works because the ALL() opens up the filter context on the Date column whilst retaining the filter on the group.
You would need to iterate over this measure as it would object to the total, in this example you could use:
[Iterated Measure] = SUMX(Table, [Raw Measure])

May depend on what you need to do, but...
=MAX(Table[Date]) - MIN(Table[Date]) could theoretically work w/ GroupID on rows?


SUMIF with date range for specific column

I've been trying to find an answer for this, but haven't succeeded - I need to sum a column for a specified date range, as long as my rowname matches the reference sheet's column name.
Date John Matt
07/01/19 1 2
07/02/19 1 2
07/03/19 2 1
07/04/19 1 1
07/05/19 3 3
07/06/19 1 2
07/07/19 1 1
07/08/19 5 9
07/09/19 9 2
1 07/01
2 07/07
3 Week1
4 John 10
5 Matt 12
Have to work in google sheets, and I tried using SUMPRODUCT which told me I can't multiply texts and I tried SUMIFS which let me know I can't have different array arguments - failed efforts were similar to below,
This might work:
But you'll need to specify how many rows down you need it to go. In my formula, it looks down till 100 rows.
To change the number of rows, you need to change the number in three places:
Reference_Sheet!A$2:A$100," ... in two places
To briefly explain what is going on:
look for the person's name in row 1 using match
Use address and indirect to build the address of cells to add
and then sumIfs() based on dates.
"where A >= date '"&TEXT(F$1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'
and A <= date '"&TEXT(F$2, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'", 1)),
"where Col1 = '"&$E4&"'", 0))

influxdb query last row of all series in a measurement

I trying to find a way to get the most recent row for each serie in a measurement.
for example:
Assuming the series in results measurement are:
> select series from test_result
and the rows in a given time frame are:
> select * from test_result order by time desc
time service team status duration
---- ------- ---- ------ --------
1523370939000000000 MyService A 1 300
1523370940000000000 MyService B 1 300
1523370941000000000 MyService A 1 300
1523370941000000000 MyService C 1 300
1523371748000000000 MyService A 1 300
1523371749000000000 MyService B 1 300
1523371750000000000 MyService B 1 300
1523371754000000000 MyService A 1 300
I would expect the query to return the first, second and fourth rows.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks to Katy from Influx Staff who answered the question:
To separate the series, you can add GROUP BY , which will give you
the results separated by series. Then you can add aggregates to your
query, like LAST. For example: SELECT LAST(field_name), from
test_result GROUP BY *
Keep in mind that your fields are also a factor here. You can use *
without specifying a field, but there’s room for error there. It’s
better to specify a field if you know what you need.

Making DAX code more efficient - counting unique Start dates in overlapping date ranges

I have a table of every product purchased by every client over 25 years. The table contains client#, product, start date, and end date.
The products can be owned by the client for any amount of time (1 day to 100 years). While the client owns products with us, the client is active. If a client ends all products they cease to be a client. I want to count new client starts each year. The problem is, some clients end all products then start purchasing products again years later (but clients always retain the same client#) - If the client leaves then rejoins year's later I want to count the client as a new client.
I have created DAX code to do this which works perfectly on a small file, but the code uses up too many resources and so I cannot use it on my data (about 200,000 records). I know my code is HIGHLY INEFFICIENT and could probably be cleaned up...but I am not sure how. Alternately, if I could figure out how to make these columns in PowerQuery, perhaps that would work
Here is how I do it.
1) Add four calculated columns to my table:
VeryFirstStart = Calculate(
this flags records that contain the first ever start date of any client
MaxEndDateofEarlierDates = Calculate(
Filter(ALLEXCEPT(Products, Products[ClientNumber]), Products[EndDate]),
Products[StartDate] < EARLIER(Products[StartDate])))
This step blows up my PowerBI - this shows the date of any NEW product purchases where the new start date occurs AFTER an ending date
Second+Start = And(
this flags records where we want to count the new start date as a new client
NewStart = OR(Products[Second+Start],Products[VeryFirstStart])
**this flags ANY new client start date regardless of whether it was the first or a subsequent*
Finally I added this measure:
!MemberNewStarts = CALCULATE(
('Products'[StartDate] <= LASTDATE('DIMDate'[Date]) &&
'Products'[StartDate]>= FIRSTDATE('DIMDate'[Date]) &&
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to achieve this with less resources?
Here is some data to try
MemberNumber Product StartDate EndDate Note (not in real data)
1 A 02/02/2003 02/02/2004
1 C 02/02/2009 02/02/2010
2 A 02/02/2001 02/02/2002
2 C 02/02/2001 02/02/2002
2 B 02/02/2005 02/02/2010
3 C 02/02/2002 02/02/2005
3 B 02/02/2002 02/02/2005
3 A 02/02/2003 02/02/2008
4 B 02/02/2002 02/02/2003
4 C 02/02/2003 02/02/2006
5 B 02/02/2003 02/02/2007
5 C 02/02/2005 02/02/2010
5 A 02/02/2005 02/02/2007
6 A 02/02/2001 02/02/2006
6 C 02/02/2003 02/02/2007
7 B 02/02/2001 02/02/2004
7 A 02/02/2001 02/02/2005
7 C 02/02/2005 02/02/2006
8 B 02/02/2002 02/02/2006
8 A 02/02/2004 02/02/2009
note member 1 starts as a new client in 2009 since all previous products ended in 2004 and member 2 starts as a new client in 2005 since all previous products ended in 2002
The desired outcome is:
Start Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
New Clients 3 3 2 0 1 0 0 0
Here's one way of trying to solve it. Let me know if this is any more efficient than yours:
1st New Column:
Products[StartDate] < Earlier(Products[StartDate]
This will give you the latest end date where the Client Number matches and the start date is before the current start date. If there is no earlier start date, it returns a blank.
2nd New Column:
This will give you a 1 for every row where the client has either not been seen before (and the previous column showed blank) or the client has ben seen before, but has no current products.
The problem with this measure is that if you have a client starting more than one product on the same date, they will show as multiple new clients.
The fix for this is to count up the instances of each client-date combination
3rd New Column:
This essentially gives the number of times that the client on this row in the table has started a product on this date.
Now divide the 2nd new column by this one
4th New Column:
And voila:

MDX Measure Customer by Category count optimizing

Here is my measure :
(UNORDER([Contact].[Contact Id].[Contact Id].MEMBERS)
,{linkmember([Period].[Per Quarter].currentmember,[Period Ending].[Per Quarter]).NextMember : STRTOMEMBER('TAIL([Period Ending].[Per Quarter].[' + [Period].[Per Quarter].currentmember.LEVEL.name +'],1)(0)')}
,{NULL :[Period].[Per Quarter].currentmember}
it gives me how much customers there are in a category at a period
my fact table is liked
contact periodin periodout category
A 25 26 cat1
A 26 27 cat2
A 27 end cat3
B 1 26 cat0
B 26 end cat1
C 1 2 cat2
C 3 4 cat2
C 4 end cat3
And my dimensions :
Period regular by periodin
Period ending regular by periodout
contact regular by contact
category regular by category
So for the 26th, I will have :
cat0 0
cat1 1(B)
cat2 1(A)
cat3 1(C)
If someone think to an obvious improvement...
it tooks me over 1min-1min30 for all 4categories in one day of 2017. There are more than 100 million rows in the table fact. Every customer has at least 1fact. Calendar begins in 2000 and there are 60 million of customers.
Thank you
Maybe this is faster:
(UNORDER([Contact].[Contact Id].[Contact Id].MEMBERS)
,{linkmember([Period].[Per Quarter].currentmember,[Period Ending].[Per Quarter]).NextMember : STRTOMEMBER('TAIL([Period Ending].[Per Quarter].[' + [Period].[Per Quarter].currentmember.LEVEL.name +'],1)(0)')}
,{NULL :[Period].[Per Quarter].currentmember}
I think linkmember is a slow function - is there any alternative you can use?
Thank you for answering,
I beleive I already tried replacing the count function by sum without good results.
But as soon as I go back to work I will try your proposition.
Yes I can replace all linkmember by reconstructing every member with level, current member name and strtomember function. It is something I can also try.
I also have the period of customer entry. I use it to know if the customer is "new" at the current period. And maybe it could be possible not browsing all the period dimension from the begining but from the "in period" of the customer...

SSRS Report expression setup

I have a dataset with 4 fields (Date,SeccurityName, FiledName, Value). In my dataset query I filter the data to bring only records with a specific value in the filed name(Last Price). Following is a sample of my dataset
Date SecurityName FiledName Value
5/5/2016 A LastPrice 20.01
5/6/2016 A LastPrice 19.8
5/7/2016 A LastPrice 19.9
5/5/2016 B LastPrice 43.1
5/6/2016 B LastPrice 43.5
5/7/2016 B LastPrice 43.7
In this dataset I have data for each security for each business day for the last 5 years.
In my report I need to show in a table The security name , the last value, the value from a month ago, the value from a year ago and the value from three years ago
Security name LastPrice 1M 1Year 3Years
A 20.1 18.8 19.01 16.05
I would appreciate if someone can give me the best way to build this format.
I would group your table on the Security Name. This would aggregate all records with the same security name on the same line.
Then for each date/value column, create an IIF statement to filter for the date that you want:
=MAX(IIF(Fields!Date.Value = Parameters!LastDate.Value, Fields!Value.Value, NOTHING))
The Last Month (and other dates) would be similar:
=MAX(IIF(Fields!Date.Value = DATEADD("M", -1, Parameters!LastDate.Value), Fields!Value.Value, NOTHING))
The MAX is used to aggregate the NOTHINGS with the Values.
I think it would be best to have the Last Date as a parameter (with a default of yesterday?) to make it easier to create the expressions and you would also have the ability to look at past dates if you ever have the need.
