Cannot access WCF Service running inside Parallels from outside - macos

I have a WCF service which is working perfect inside of my Parallels Bootcamp VM
However, I cannot get this working from outside, i.e. the MAC that parallels is running on
The IP address is shown as using IP Config
The service is running via port 17377 so I am trying to use the URL 'http :// 17377/CalculatorService.svc'
It appears as though this is normally caused by firewall issues
However, the firewall is off on both the windows VM and my MAC
Has anyone got any other ideas about what the problem could be?
I have tried this with another WCF service and still have the same problem, the 10.... IP address errors with invalid hostname

This has now been fixed thanks
If anyone else ever gets a similar issue to this the easiest thing is to change the parallels network to host only although this does disconnect the internet
I had to do that as well as modifyibg the host file on both the vm and mac to link the machines IP address to an specific host I gave it


Connecting to localhost on mac with an ipad

I would like to connect an ipad to localhost:5000 on my macbook. The purpose is that I would like to test how my website looks on the ipad. I followed the steps I found on numerous websites, meaning
I got the name (or ip address) of the macbook with
ipconfig getifaddr $(route -n get default|awk '/interface/ { print $2 }')
which gave So this is the internal ip address within the network created by my rooter. My ipad is also within that network.
I turned off the firewall on the mac. I did not think that is necessary, but I did it anyway.
I went to System Preferences -> Sharing -> enabled Remote Management (here one can find the computer name, but it doesn't make a difference whether I use the ip address or the computer name)
Now I should be able to connect to the localhost on the mac with
but this does not work. I get the message
This web page is not available
I use a Mac book running High Sierra, 10.13.6. Any idea what I might do wrong?
EDIT: Still no luck with this, but I got something working with
ngrok http 5000
see This works for what I need...
As long as the devices are on the same network, that should work. If they are not, you would have to enable port forwarding.
Try restarting both devices, then rechecking the IP address.
Make sure the server is running with no errors.
Also verify that you can access the page from the MacBook itself.
Aside from that, I don't know why it would not be working.

VirtualBox redirects to localhost when loading JetBrains Upsource

I've hit a brick wall and can't get past it as there isn't too much information out there on this problem. I have a VirtualBox on my Windows machine running Ubuntu with JetBrains Hub and Upsource installed on it. For making it public I am using apache2. I am able to run ' start' and start upsource ok, however when I try to access the website from an external network, the page gets stuck at 'Loading...' and then fails with '[name of my virtual box] server DNS address could not be found.'.
I am able to access the site from the internal network and everything works fine. I am forwarding a port from my public IP to the virtualbox port that is listening for JetBrains Upsource.
My hint is that the virtualbox is redirecting to itself and the client on the external network cannot reach that address. I am unfamiliar with apache so I'm not sure that it's configuration is setup properly. If anyone has run into this problem and fixed it or if anyone knows how to begin to debug/fix this... I'm all ears.
Thank you guys.
EDIT: The server seems to be hanging when the request for OAuth2 is made. Its making request to the virtualbox's local address rather than the public ip.
To anyone who runs into the problem in the future, I had to reinstall and put in the correct base-url. I'm guessing I was missing some properties that I needed to re configure and I could not find anywhere what all properties that I could configure.

Macbook how to access localhost

I am trying to set up my working environment at home. I am using a macbook, I did all the set up just like the PC in my office. I am be able to build the projects, start tomcat with no error. But I don't know how to access the running application. I am using VPN to connect the tomcat database in my office, everything looks fine. The problem is, on the PC in my office, I set the point to localhost in the system host file, then I can use localhost/admin to access the application after I started tomcat. I did the same on my mac, and it is not working. Then I found the local ip address should not be the for mac, I searched on the internet to see how to find the ip address, I found my ip address is I use, I still didn't see my application. Can someone please help me to fix this?

Stored Endpoint IP Address after Network Configure Changes in RMI

I've got a RMI server running on a mac. Once I changed the server IP and restart the Application and clients, then clients keep connect to the old ip address with right bind and lookup address. I really have no idea what went wrong because the program is working on another linux server just with different port.
What the remote object clients got is Proxy[MinervaInterface,RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](remote),objID:[40d99efb:140ba232cec:-7fff, 6333954213550330995]]]]]
which is the old IP and it should be
I've check the host file and my code, there is no anything like 192.168.0.*
Please help, Thank you.
I have confirmed this is a server registry problem. But I have already restarted the server. I did't remember what else did I do to the registry. Is there any way to set it manually?
I rune this code on that server InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(), it returned, that can explain where this address came from. But there is no such address on the server now
I found java use a hostname to lookup localhost address, that hostname is not localhost and have not been updated by OS X Server for some reason. I updated the record from OS X Server console and solved this annoying problem.

xampp and acces Local area network

I create a local network between my physical machine (windows) and my virtual machine (Fedorat)
I installed xampp on fedorat and I want to access my web application located in / opt / lampp / htdocs / MyApplication from my physical machine by ip address of the virtual machine
But its not working
What changes must I do that on xampp to make it accessible
Is your webserver running and is it possible to access the webserver locally (from your Fedora VM)?
What do you mean by not working? There are so many things that could be wrong... Do you receive a 404? Timeout? Are your machines on the same subnet? Are you able to ping your Fedora machine from Windows?
Had a similar problem once. In my case, it was because of firewall settings.
Try connecting your own machine to a LAN access point in the same router as the VM is connected.
I don't have much tech. background, but maybe if you narrow it to this specific case, someone else can help you.
I ping my VM from my physical machine and it works very well
How long have I install wamp on my physical machine and I set up for access to local network and I accessed from my VM
So the network between two machines running very well
my question is not about the establishment of networks between the two machines but rather how to configure XAMPP that it is accessible by
other machine in network
(I was already a problem on windows with wamp parail I solved by configuring wamp but I recall more of what I did)
