I am trouble to push code onto gcloud with
git push google master. It always says.
ERROR: (gcloud.auth.git-helper) unrecognized arguments: --ignore-unknown
I already checked gcloud.cmd is in path and gcloud auth list shows my username on gcloud. Not sure where is --ignore-unknown coming from.
gcloud uses a hidden command,
gcloud auth git-helper
as a git credential helper[1] to authenticate for git push/pull operations. The error message you're seeing is probably a sign that the gcloud auth component of gcloud is out of date. Your best bet is to run
gcloud components update
to make sure all glcoud components are up to date.
[1] If you're curious about git credential helpers you might start here: https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/v1.7.9/gitcredentials.html.
I am trying to clone an AWS CodeCommit repository via HTTPS within a Python script. Doing this in a terminal, I simply use git clone and then I get prompted to enter the git credentials I generated, however this is not possible within a script. What I am looking for is a one line command like git clone https:{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}#{HTTPS_URL} like it is possible for Azure and Github. I have searched for documentation regarding this and tried many credential combinations for achieving this, however none works.
My setup is Visual Studio Code on windows 10. I have installed Git for windows and would like to use Google Cloud Repositories in Visual Studio Code.
I have set up the credential helper to be gcloud.md. I made sure the correct project/id is selected in gcloud.
When I push the changes to Google repository i get the message
fatal: remote error: Access denied to zzz#zzz.com
The message is correct the user does not have access. But the user is not the active user in gcloud. But I would expect the active user in gcloud to be used for the authentication.
How can I use gcloud as the credentials helper and authenticate with the different available gcloud users?
When you use gcloud source repos clone gcloud is added as a credential helper for that repository. It is configured to always use the gcloud account that was active when you cloned the repo (since that is the account that would have access and that presumably you would want to use from that point on). So regardless of your current gcloud settings, opertaions on that repo will continue to use that account.
You can see this if you run:
git config credential.helper
from within that repo. It will print the gcloud command that runs, and it should have a --account flag pointing to a specific account.
If you want to change the account, you can change your gcloud account and clone the repo again, or you can use git config to edit that credential helper setting and put whatever account you intended.
Every time I want to commit the command "git push heroku master" I am asked in the PowerShell to enter the credentials. When I enter heroku credentials (which is connected to git by default) I get the error message.
But, when I type the credetials contained in the netrc file in my home directory, then the thing functions. The password is however hashed in my opinion. How can I avoid entering credentials every time I want to push changes to git?
PS C:\Users\Dragan\heroku_workspace\python-getting-started> git push heroku master
github --credentials get: github: command not found
Username for 'https://git.heroku.com': my-email#hotmail.com
Password for 'https://my-email#hotmail.com#git.heroku.com':
github --credentials erase: github: command not found
remote: ! WARNING:
remote: ! Do not authenticate with username and password using git.
remote: ! Run `heroku login` to update your credentials, then retry the git command.
remote: ! See documentation for details: Https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/http-git#authentication
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://git.heroku.com/mysterious-river-71834.git/'
A common mistake is cloning using the default (HTTPS) instead of SSH. You can correct this by going to your repository, clicking the ssh button left to the URL field and updating the URL of your origin remote like this:
git remote set-url origin git#github.com:username/repo.git
or if your repository already then click green button CLONE OR DOWNLOAD and select use SSH
Enable SSH authentication
$ heroku create --ssh-git
Redirect tall HTTPS calls to SSH ( If you want to always use SSH Git with Heroku on a particular machine)
$ git config --global url.ssh://git#heroku.com/.insteadOf https://git.heroku.com/
To generate a public key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa Press enter at the first prompt to use the default file location. Next, type a secure passphrase for the key.
If you are using v1.9.3 or later Git for Windows, you can do the following
git config --global credential.helper wincred
Please note that this mechanism stores your username/password in Windows Credential Store.
In relatively newer versions, Git Credential Manager for Windows is bundled with Git for Windows and enabled by default, you might have to override credential.helper configuration for Heroku. GCM seems designed for VSTS and GitHub and I am not how it will behave with other servers.
Worked for me:
Run heroku login using the windows command prompt cmd.exe. This will drop your API key into your _netrc at which point you can open up cygwin or git bash and do whatever you need to
From .gitconfig remove the helper = manager line so that it is no longer registered as a credential helper and stops it from showing up.
(in C:\Users\username\.gitconfig )
Rename _netrc file to .netrc on Windows 7 in the user dir:
cd %home%
REN _netrc .netrc
'git push heroku master' is still asking for authentication
I am trying to gain access to the embedded git repository for an existing Google Developers Console (GDC) project. The GDC shows the git repository under -SOURCE CODE-Releases. I followed the official gcloud installation instructions to the point:
gcloud auth login /* pulls up browser and does authentication just fine */
gcloud config set project <project>
gcloud init <project>
The latter always results in the following (replacing actual project name with 'fishbone'):
$gcloud init fishbone
Initialized gcloud directory in [/Users/dummy/Workspace/fishbone/.gcloud].
Cloning [https://source.developers.google.com/p/fishbone/r/default] into [default].
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/dummy/Workspace/fishbone/default/.git/
fatal: remote error: Invalid username/password.
You may need to use your OAuth token password; Note that generated google.com passwords are not compatible with private repositories
ERROR: Unable to initialize project [fishbone], cleaning up [/Users/dummy/Workspace/fishbone].
ERROR: (gcloud.init) Could not fetch repository.
Only on the very first installation of the SDK (re-tried more than once now), I remember gcloud init asking for a username. Never again after this. Mac OS X 10.9.3 and:
$git --version
$git version (Apple Git-48)
I am aware of this related gcloud init issue, but it's not this. Help greatly appreciated.
Go to https://console.developers.google.com/project/your-project-id > Source Code > Browse > Find this line : "Alternatively, instead of using the Google Cloud SDK to manage your authentication, you can manually generate your Git credentials by following this link." > Click "following this link" and you can see your git password. As you can see in your error, google password are not compatible with private repositories. Now you can :
Use your gmail and git password above to clone reposite.
Or create .netrc file at your home folder and add : "machine source.developers.google.com login your-email#gmail.com password 1/abxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to this file. It will not request your password again.
Just goto your Google Developer Console and click /
find the content like below
"Alternatively, instead of using the Google Cloud SDK to manage your authentication, you can manually generate your Git credentials by following this link."
and click "following this link" then follow the instructions on that page.
Thats all.
They moved the options to manually created Git credentials. The options are now under GCP -> (tools) Development -> Source Code
and under the options when cloning new or existing repos they give you the option to use gcloud or create your own credentials.
also below in screenshots
I am starting out with heroku and am following the getting to start with heroku tutorial. I am on windows 7 and am using Windows powershell as the command line.
The commands that I am using are
git clone git://github.com/heroku/ruby-sample.git
cd ruby-sample
heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku open
The directory was cloned and after heroku login I got Authentication successful. in the command line. After heroku create I got
Creating immense-lowlands-8694... done, stack is cedar
http://immense-lowlands-8694.herokuapp.com/ | git#heroku.com:immense-lowlands-8694.git
Git remote heroku added
so the app was added to my heroku account. But there was problem with git push heroku master. I got
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
What I have tried so far
This question said about adding keys but it is for Linux and didn't work for Windows 7.
I used heroku keys and it says that there is a key present for my e-mail ID.
As this answer says I tried heroku keys:add and got
Found existing public key: C:/Users/Aseem/.ssh/github_rsa.pub
Uploading SSH public key C:/Users/Aseem/.ssh/github_rsa.pub... done
but after that the error didn't end.
I tried what this answer says but ssh-keygen wasn't recognized so I guess it's for linux.
I tried removing using heroku keys:remove KEY_NAME and then heroku login to login again but that didn't take care of the error either.
What can I do to solve the problem?
Installed MSysGit instead of git. Added the C:\Program Files(x86)\Git\bin directory to the PATH variable and then doing what this answer says solved the problem.