Create a Sizeable Draggable Pane in JavaFX 8 - draggable

I am attempting to create a "workspace" where users can open several containers to display distinct information. These need to be moveable and sizeable (ScrollPane for example).
I have successfully created the majority of the functionality - however one thing is really causing me issues and I am not able to figure out the issue.
I created the following class:
public class WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane extends Pane
public WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane(Node view) {
private void init() {
...set up the event handlers....
I attempt to use this pane by wrapping an existing pane like so in my WorkspaceController:
#FXML private openSampleWorkspaceNode() {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
Parent node = loader.load(
WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane dn = new WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane(node);
When I open it this way - I can size my Pane and drag it, however the children on the "node" which is an anchor pane stay in their current positions rather than get hidden.
To correct this issue, I wrapped the AnchorPane in a ScrollPane in the FXML file. This allowed the resize to happen - and as expected the portions out of bounds were not visible and the scrollbars appeared, however the drag stopped. When I attempted to track the mouse dragged event, it actually didn't fire unless I was resizing the WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane.
//Event Listener for MouseDragged
onMouseDraggedProperty().set(event -> {
System.out.println("You are in the Mouse Dragged Event");
}else if(isResizingHeight) {
}else if(isResizingWidth) {
I reverted my FXML to AnchorPane and changed the WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane as follows to see if that would help:
public class WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane extends ScrollPane
public WorkspaceMoveableSizeablePane(Node view) {
private void init() {
...set up the event handlers....
As before the resize worked, but the drag didn't. The mouse dragged event never fired. Additionally, my scroll pane was blank with nothing in it.
So I am at a loss on how to proceed with this attempt.
Is there a limitation on the event handlers of the ScrollPane? Is there a different event I should be listening for? Thanks!!

The issue was that the ScrollPane was trapping the MouseDragged event.
Added an Event Filter and all is good...
addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, event -> {
}else if(isResizingHeight) {
}else if(isResizingWidth) {


How to create a "clicking effect" on a 3d-object (3d-cube) in Unity3d?

I have a 3d-object (cube), which I want to use as a button. I've written the code in order to detect, if the cube was pressed but it doesn't look like it was pressed, since it lacks the "clicking animation". How can I create a clicking animation on my 3d-object ?
A good idea is to play an aninimation which skrinks the cube a bit and releases it immediately afterwards. The handler code you want to execute on a click might block the game loop, e.g. when you load a level. Then it might be useful to load the level aysnchronously to be able to see the animation. Or you execute the handler code after the animation. Or you play the scale down animation on the press event and the scale up animation on the release event.
Technically you can use the build in animation editor, the Update() method, start a coroutine or use the assets iTween or HOTween.
Let me know if you like the idea or questions arise.
Unity makes it easier now to do this using Unity Canvas UI. Instead of real 3d buttons, you could place a canvas UI in world space at the location where you want the buttons. Add a UI Panel to the canvas then add a UI Button.
Now, you have out of the box several clicking effects. The default it color tint, but you can choose sprite swap, or animation.
If you do want animation, when you select button animation it will create an animator for you. Click on your UI button Game Object in the scene hierarchy and open the animation window. You can choose Pressed animation from the drop down, and press RECORD button, then edit your buttons scale, say make it 0.75 for x,y,z. Now when you click on the button it will animate a cool scale down for you.
Sorry, I know that is a lot of information dumped! But you will find it pretty great once you start working with it in world space.
You can scale it down a tiny bit once click happen. For example:
void OnMouseDown() {
this.transform.localScale += new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
Then after click scale it back to the original size.
Perhaps look into iTween (free on Unity Asset store).
Its very easy to use and you can produce some nice looking animations.
you can scale it when pressed or just change the color a little bit. On mouse up, rescale or recolor it.
void OnMouseDown()
transform.localScale -= new Vector3(0.05, 0.05 , 0);
transform.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color += new Color(40,40,40);
void OnMouseUp()
transform.localScale += new Vector3(0.05, 0.05 , 0);
transform.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color -= new Color(40,40,40);
You can implement your button using new Event system of unity. Here are the functions you can implement :
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerClickHandler, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
//it is the function when you hover your mouse to the object
//You can change the color of your object to make your users
//understand that it is not just a cube but also a clickable item
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData)
//You can revert your color back to its original
public void OnPointerDown (PointerEventData eventData)
//You can play with local scale as suggested by other answers here
public void OnPointerUp (PointerEventData eventData)
// Revert back the changes you made at onPointerDown
public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData)
//Use here for operations when your button is clicked

Notify the parent pane about the mouse click event

I have list of stackPanes on which different fxmls are loaded. So i want to know which of the stackPane is in interactive with user. For example, if a event occurs on a fxml, then stackPane should be notified abt this event. I added mouse click event to the stackPane, but its not triggering everytime.
stackPane.setOnMouseClicked( new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
public void handle( MouseEvent event ){
setSelectedPane( (Pane) event.getSource() );
} );

JavaFX button event triggers only once

So i have this JavaFX application, which contains a button, that is supposed to open the DirectoryChooser onclick. When i trigger it once, it does what it was supposed to do, perfectly fine. As soon as i close the DirectoryChooser Dialog, the button doesn't do anything anymore. I was searching the web for some "event resetting" or something similar, because i thought maybe the Event was still "active" and therefore doesn't trigger anymore, but without any results:
// first attempt
new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent e) {
// dirChooser.setTitle("Select Directory:");
file = dirChooser.showDialog(primaryStage);
// just incase only the DirectoryChooser wasn't opening
// updates the application view with the new selected path
// not sure, if this affects anything
// found it while looking for resetting of events
// secont attempt
button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
DirectoryChooser dirChooser = new DirectoryChooser();
dirChooser.setTitle("Select Directory:");
file = dirChooser.showDialog(primaryStage);
Not sure if this is just a complete wrong approach, or if i'm missing something important there. I hope you guys can figure it out.
So after the help of Uluk Biy, i got the problem. In the update routine, the button is newly created and therefore it's event handler is not existent anymore. I added the button to the attributes so I don't need to replace it everytime when calling the update routine, and the event handler is still existent.

JavaFX: Focusing textfield programmatically

I wrote an application with JavaFX which will only be usable with keyboard's arrows.
So I prevented MouseEvent on Scene's stage, and I "listen" to KeyEvents.
I also switched off focusability of all nodes :
for(Node n : children) {
Now I have some textfields, checkboxes, and buttons.
I would like to change the state of my input controls (textfield, checkbox,..) programatically: for example I would like to enter the textfield to edit the content programatically.
So my question is: how to enter in a non-focus-traversable textfield?
Because textfield.requestFocus(); doesn't work anymore since I set false to focustraversable property of my textfield.
the node is made non-focus-traversable instead of non-focusable. It can still be focused for example by mouse or programmatically. Since you prevented mouse events, here the other option:
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
EDIT: as per comment,
The javadoc of requestFocus states:
... To be eligible to receive the focus, the node must be part of a scene,
it and all of its ancestors must be visible, and it must not be
disabled. ...
So this method should be called after construction of scene graph as follow:
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
However, Platform.runLater in the above will run at the end, after the main method start(), which ensures the call of requestFocus will be after scene graph cosntruction.
There maybe other reasons depending on the requestFocus implementation code.
set the .requestFocus(); on initialize method to fire on .fxml file loading controller
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
/* the field defined on .fxml document
private TextField txtYear;

Multiple leave events generated in Custom widget in Qt

I receive a Leave Event every time i move a pixel with my mouse over a customized QFrame i did. Why is this happening?.
I reimplemmented the leave and enter event as follows. As you can see i tried to comment the QFrame enterEvent, and restrict the repetition with a boolean, but it doesnt work because an enter and leave are continuously generated:
void enterEvent( QEvent *event ){
if (!mouseHover_)
mouseHover_ = true;
emit hoverInSignal("");
void leaveEvent( QEvent *event ){
if (mouseHover_)
emit hoverOutSignal();
mouseHover_ = false;
Does it have something to be with the focus?
I discovered the reason.
I created a panel over this QFrame when i hovered.
When i moved the mouse, since the panel is positioned on the right bottom side of the cursor position, everytime i moved over the QFrame to the right or bottom, when i hovered this new panel i created, it looses the focus, so it gets closed again, then another hover comes, and then it´s created again... and again... everytime i hover the new panel.
