Cordova Https ajax requests fails or encoded response - ajax

We have developed an application which is running perfectly fine on desktop and mobile web with verisign certificate (https). We have developed iOS and android cordova application which was working fine with http server. For production they have enabled SSL. The iOS and android hybrid applications are not working fine because of ajax call response. The following response I am receiving for both http and https. Is there any changes required in client side or its all about SSL? Is there any workaround for SSL decoded response? We are using IBM's websphere application server.
Response from http server
Response from https server
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"></head><body>
<script type=text/javascript>
function decode_base64(input){
var keyStr="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";var output="";
var chr1,chr2,chr3;var enc1,enc2,enc3,enc4;var i=0;input=input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g,"");
output=output+String.fromCharCode(chr3)}}return output;

That is quite odd way to return the error message, but your HTTPS server is telling
i18n-values: Missing value for "primaryParagraph"
You can see that by
copy-paste the HTML to text editor,
Name it like foo.html,
Open it on browser,
Open developer tools and see console where it says that.
To answer your question: from point of view of client-side coding there isn't really much difference between HTTP and HTTPS calls. Browser tends to hide those quite effectively, though the performance is in general weaker on HTTPS calls etc.


ASP.NET Core MVC razor autocomplete some browser on production gave 404

I have implement autocomplete for search text box on my site.
it is working perfectly on all browsers.
But after production I got 404 error when I use Edge browser and samsung browser too.
But at same time on production it work perfectly with Chrome, Firefox, Brave and tor browsers
On edge I get this error in the console:
https://mysitedomainName/en/Home/ItemsMatchResultAjax **404**
In the browser development tools XHR I see the following:
Request URL: https://mysitedomainName/en/Home/ItemsMatchResultAjax
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 404
Remote Address: ip address:443
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
These errors do not appear in other browsers as mentioned above, it works perfectly!
Even in the development environment, when I use the same browsers such as Edge, it is working fine!
this is the signature of the action :
public async Task<JsonResult> ItemsMatchResultAjax(string strTag)
Any explanation that can help me in this situation?

Google Sign-in is not working

I tried to use Google Sign-in for my website, however, it keeps giving me 400 error.
I referenced this article:, and my code is really simple:
<title>Test Google Login</title>
<script src="" async defer></script>
<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="<CHANGE IT>">
function onSignIn(googleUser) {
var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
console.log('ID: ' + profile.getId());
console.log('Name: ' + profile.getName());
console.log('Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl());
console.log('Email: ' + profile.getEmail());
<div class="g-signin2" data-onsuccess="onSignIn"></div>
When I click Sign-in button, it popups a window, and after logged in, it gave me 400 error as below:
400. That’s an error.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
I guess it's redirect issue, but I don't know how to configure it. So I checked url it returned to me:
Why is redirect_uri "storagerelay://http/"?
Your code should work now.
Google fixed this issue. Origins with a trailing slash are also accepted now (Origin can be set in Google Developers Console > APIs & auth > Credentials).
Redirect URIs
http://localhost:8000/ this **/** at end solve my problem
JavaScript origins
NOTE: localhost and conflicts can create problems for you sometime
Hi I faced exactly same problem.
Regarding my case, the problem is that OAuth try to redirect to url of "" where xxxxx is random 5 digits.
Thus I added following four urls at Redirect URI Google Developers Console.
I am not sure which one hits the rule, but I could workaround with this
(2) https of (1)
(4) https of (3)
Hope it also works for you.
To test on localhost environment, here's things we should to do:
Add "http://localhost:8000" to "JavaScript origins"
Remove everything from "Redirect URIs", because JavaScript API doesn't need any redirect URIs
I'm also having the same problem, and was able to get past it by using "localhost" instead of the ip address. It's not a great solution, but it was sufficient for me to continue debugging in dev, so I just thought I'd mention it.
edit: keep in mind that you will have to add http://localhost to your Google Oauth Javascript Origins.
I had the same problem yesterday. I had OAuth credentials with localhost and So, I fixed this problem creating a new OAuth credentials only for, without localhost. Obviusly, my app uses these new credentials.
I found out that error disappears after clearing ACCOUNT_CHOOSER cookie.
Replace everywherehttp:// to HTTP://localhost:8000/even in your browser too. The Problem comes when you use either in the developer console or a browser.

WebAPI SignalR Negotiate response different on different browsers

The main problem about Access-Control-Allow-Origin I think. But when I configure the Web API project as defined in the given documentation, it still not working in chrome and firefox but working in IE well (it is about IE thinks localhost is not cross domain, AFAIK). I tried different ways to make it work but no result.
I put the example project to github repository. Project is very simple. There are two applications working on cross domains. It is very simple chat application like in signalr examples.
You must change the value of api host in client javascript file:
When you open the Chat page in mvc project, there will be two requests to api application
1- Regular ajax request (which is working fine)
2- Signalr negotiate request (cancelled)
And also I don't think browser disables the CORS because of if it disables there would not be an hit to server. So I think it is about browser but not about browser disables (something else).
Details are in repository
Fiddler Results:
The bad part about it also is server returning 500 with this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'chat' Hub could not be resolved.
Which hub name is chat also.
You can enable CORS for Web Api in project with different ways for test purposes. Each one is giving different errors all about XMLHttpRequest Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I commented them, so you can uncomment and make test for each one:
So what is going on here?
After I talked with David Fowler in JabbR, he mentioned the thing about using CORS with SignalR. My signalr startup code was wrong. So after changing the startup code like in his advice it worked well.
He also mentioned SignalR and Web API are working with different CORS definitions. So enabling or disabling one doesn't affect other.
Here is the new startup code:
app.Map("/signalr", map =>
map.RunSignalR(new HubConfiguration()
EnableDetailedErrors = true,
EnableJavaScriptProxies = true
The old one:
app.MapSignalR(new HubConfiguration()
EnableDetailedErrors = true,
EnableJavaScriptProxies = true
Hope it helps to somebody out there.

Angular JS $http request does not reach the server in ie8

I'm having issues with using $http on ie8. The request does not reach the server, until I hit a refresh. Coming back to the same link still has the same problem until I hit refresh again.
The weird thing is if the web server is on LAN and the request is made to a server in LAN, it works fine. But if the webserver is hosted remotely, it does not work!
Here is the code:
function( $scope, $http) {
var url = '/test/get_data';
$http.get(url).success(function(data) {
$scope.test = data;
I got this error: TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or methodundefined
I prepared a JSFiddle earlier but JSFiddle is broken in ie8 so I don't provide it here.
Unfortunately I don't have a remote server that I can share with you.
Previously I used an external url which gave me 'Access Denied' error in ie because of Same Origin Policy as mentioned by one answer below. But this was not my original problem. I still have the issue above when request is from the same origin
This is a cross domain request, which is not allowed in ajax because of Same Origin Policy.
There are two solutions for this
1. JSONP: It is a cross browser way to handle cross domain ajax requests using javascript callback mechanism
2. CORS: It is a HTML5 standard, it is implemented by most of the modern browsers except IE
Mongodb lab is not supporting jsonp since it has support for CORS, that is why your request is failing in IE and works in Chrome and other browsers.
As per this post they do not have any plan to support jsonp, so I don't thick there is a way to make this work in IE.
So I found the fix... Hope this helps anyone out there that experience this problem
Angular script needs to be loaded after jQuery. I didn't have this because Yii framework that I use autoloads jQuery and the angular was not included after the jQuery.
All the controller functions need to be at the end of body section (just before the closing )
Updating to angular 1.0.5 seems to fix the problem. The problem occurred in 1.0.4 with all the above tricks. I think is related to fix 791804bd

Can XDomainRequest be made to work with SSL?

I have code that uses Microsoft's XDomainRequest object in IE8. The code looks like this:
var url = "http://<host>/api/acquire?<query string>";
var xdr = new XDomainRequest();
xdr.onload = function(){
};"GET", url);
When the scheme in "url" is "http://" the command works fine. However, when the scheme is "https://" IE8 gives me an "Access denied" JavaScript error. Both schemes work fine in FF 3.6.3, where I am, of course, using XmlHttpRequest. With both browsers I am complying with W3C Access Control. "http://" works cross origin for both browsers. So the problem is with IE8, XDomainRequest, and SSL.
The SSL certificate is not the problem. If I type https://<host>/ into the address bar of IE8, where <host> is the same as in "url" above, the page loads fine.
So we have the following:
- hitting https://<host>/ directly from the browser works fine;
- hitting https://<host>/api/acquire?<query string> via XDomainRequest is not allowed.
Can it be done? Am I leaving something out?
Apparently, the answer is here: Link
Point 7 on this page says, "Requests must be targeted to the same scheme as the hosting page."
Here is some of the supporting text for point 7:
"It was definitely our intent to prevent HTTPS pages from making
XDomainRequests for HTTP-based resources, as that scenario presents a
Mixed Content Security Threat which many developers and most users do
not understand.
However, this restriction is overly broad, because it prevents HTTP
pages from issuing XDomainRequests targeted to HTTPS pages. While it’s
true that the HTTP page itself may have been compromised, there’s no
reason that it should be forbidden from receiving public resources
It would appear at present that the answer to my original question is: YES, if the hosting page can use the "https://" scheme; NO, if it cannot.
