Does someone know the short cut for this button in xcode - xcode

right bottom in the screen shot
I know I can find it in Cmd+, but I don't know its name, hide something??
in Xcode 6

It's not exactly what you want but maybe it could help. You have:
cmd + shift + Y to show/hide debug area
cmd + shift + C to activate console


Adding image in an iOS Launch Screen - Xcode

This is my Xcode Launch Screen View:
On the very bottom right I am supposes to see this box to drag the image:
How Can I show this box?
Cmd + Shift + L is now the shortcut to see the Library. It’s no longer always visible.
There is a + button upper right corner to access it.

How to set keybinding to move (rearrange) tabs in Atom?

I'm trying to setup keybinding for physically moving my current tab, either right or left of other tabs (rather than click and drag to rearrange them).
I know user defined keybindings are added to ~/.atom/keymap.cson, I'm just having trouble determining the command as I don't see it present in the default keybindings.
I found that Atom has a native keybinding set for this under as:
ctrl + shift + ←: pane:move-item-left
ctrl + shift + →: pane:move-item-left
The native bindings weren't showing up in Settings > Keybindings. Here they are:
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
'ctrl-alt-]': 'window:move-active-item-to-pane-on-right'
'ctrl-alt-[': 'window:move-active-item-to-pane-on-left'
You can take a look at Tab Move Key package. It is simple, you can use alt page up and alt + page down for moving tabs around.
command + [ = to move the block left by 1 tab
command + ] = to move the block right by 1 tab

Window 7 64 bit: using shift + arrow down and ctrl + shift + arrow left move cursor but select nothing

Hi all I've installed window 7 64 bit.
I have a very strange problem using all application installed (e.g. notepad++, eclipse, notepad, ecc).
a) pressing shift + arrow down
The cursor moves down of 1 line but the line above is not selected
b) pressing ctrl + shift + arrow left
The cursors moves to the next word but nothing on the left is select.
Example if I press ctrl + shift + arror left with cursor on the left of ThisIsAnExample
the cursor moves on left of I but the word This is not selected.
I've performed several search in several forums nd I've see that is there some applications that might cause that problem, just like clownfish, lenovo monitor driver or some mouse driver or strictly keys enabled, but in my sytem is not there any of that conditions.
Does someone has any suggestion to help me to solve my problem?
Thanks in advance for your time
at least I've found the root of problem.
I've updated logmein to latest version ( and the problem is solved.

XCode 4 and Cmd + Shift + E shortcut doesn't work anymore

I want to know if it is possible to make the Cmd + Shift + E (in XCode 3.x, this shortcut was used to maximize the editor window) works in XCode 4.
P.S: the idea is exactly the same as Cmd + ESC on Netbeans.
Thanks in advance!
Go to "Xcode" - "Preferences" - "Key Bindings" - set it to whatever you want.
Full screen is ⌃+⌘+F. You can search for "zoom" or "full" and bind whatever key you want to whichever command you want (I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted "full screen" or just "Window" - "Zoom" command. Unfortunately, ⇧+⌘+E is taken as short cut, so if you really want to use that key, you may have to remove it from that particular "Use Selection for Replace" command:

How can I navigate backwards in Xcode?

In Visual Studio I can navigate backwards by pressing Ctrl + -. This is very useful when checking out the definition of a function and then immediately going back to the code I was working on.
How can I do this in Xcode? (I'm using version 3.1.2)
* Writing this if people using Xcode 4 need the answer for their versions:
In Xcode 4 preferences, it's configured to be ^ + ⌘ + ← (control-command-left arrow) to navigate back and ^ + ⌘ + → (control-command-right arrow) to navigate forwards.
Xcode 3.1.x is admittedly a bit weak in this respect. Happily, the navigation #zoul mentions (The back/forward arrows in the header bar, or ⌘⌥← and ⌘⌥→) is significantly improved in Snow Leopard, and should provide the finer-grained navigation you're hoping for. Sorry there's not an immediate solution, but hopefully it helps to know that a fix is coming...
There’s a Cmd + Alt + ← that goes back in editor history, and conversely Cmd + Alt + → that browses forward. (Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for.) It goes well with Cmd + Alt + ↑ that switches between the header and the implementation file.
There are small arrows on top left corner of editor pane in Xcode.
On Macs with multitouch trackpads, you can also use three-finger-swipe left and right to navigate through the file history.
Also re: MrDatabase's comments on stefanB's response, if you've been actually jumping from definition to definition (by, for instance, holding down Command and clicking on a symbol) as opposed to just scrolling, I believe that the file history should track navigation even within the same file... perhaps that was a change in Xcode 3.1.3.
Control + Command + Arrow keys work for me.
Other than the 'complete shortcut list', I don't know.
You can find previous with ⇧⌘G, but that's not really what you were after I think.
In Xcode 13.0.0 you can use:
(OS: Mac 11.6)
Control + Command + → or ←
Hope this help!
