How to tell if a cell value has passed validation - validation

I am familiar with the Google Apps script DataValidation object. To get and set validation criteria. But how to tell programatically if a cell value is actually valid. So I can see the little red validation fail message in the spreadsheet but can the fact the cell is currently failing validation be picked up thru code?
I have tried to see if there is a cell property that tells you this but there is not. Also I looked for some sort of DataValidation "validate" method - i.e. test a value against validation rules, but nothing there either
Any ideas? Is this possible??

Specific answer to your question, there is no method within Google Apps Script that will return the validity of a Range such as .isValid(). As you state, you could reverse engineer a programatic one using Range.getDataValidations() and then parsing the results of that in order to validate again the values of a Range.getValues() call.
It's a good suggestion. I've added a feature request to the issue tracker -> Add a Star to vote it up.

I've created a workaround for this issue that works in a very ugly -technically said- and slightly undetermined way.
About the workaround:
It works based on the experience that the web browser implementation of catch() function allows to access thrown errors from the Google's JS code parts.
In case an invalid input into a cell is rejected by a validation rule then the system will display an error message that is catchable by the user written GAS. In order to make it work first the reject value has to be set on the specified cell then its vale has to be re-entered (modified) then -right after this- calling the getDataValidation() built in function allows the user to catch the necessary error.
Only single cells can be tested with this method as setCellValues() ignores any data validation restriction (as of today).
The validity won't be necessarily re-checked for this function:
it calls a cell validation function right after the value is inserted into the cell.
Therefore the result of this function might be faulty.
The code messes up the history as cells will be changed - in case they are
I've tested it successfully on both Firefox and Chromium.
function getCellValidity(cell) {
var origValidRule = cell.getDataValidation();
if (origValidRule == null || ! (cell.getNumRows() == cell.getNumColumns() == 1)) {
return null;
var cell_value = cell.getValue();
if (cell_value === '') return true; // empty cell is always valid
var is_valid = true;
var cell_formula = cell.getFormula();
// Storing and checking if cell validation is set to allow invalid input with a warning or reject it
var reject_invalid = ! origValidRule.getAllowInvalid();
// If invalid value is allowed (just warning), then changing validation to reject it
// IMPORTANT: this will not throw an error!
if (! reject_invalid) {
var rejectValidRule = origValidRule.copy().setAllowInvalid(false).build();
// Re-entering value or formula into the cell itself
var cell_formula = cell.getFormula();
if (cell_formula !== '') {
} else {
try {
var tempValidRule = cell.getDataValidation();
} catch(e) {
// Exception: The data that you entered in cell XY violates the data validation rules set on this cell.
// where XY is the A1 style address of the cell
is_valid = false;
// Restoring original rule
if (rejectValidRule != null) {
return is_valid;
I still recommend starring the above Google bug report opened by Jonathon.

I'm using this solution. Simple to learn and fast to use! You may need to adapt this code for your needs. Hope you enjoy
function test_corr(link,name) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(link).getSheetByName(name);
var values = ss.getRange(2,3,200,1).getValues();
var types = ss.getRange(2,3,200,1).getDataValidations()
var ans
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i][0] != null){
var type = types[i][0].getCriteriaType()
var dval_values = types[i][0].getCriteriaValues()
ans = false
if (type == "VALUE_IN_LIST") {
for (var j = 0; j < dval_values[0].length; j++) {
if (dval_values[0][j] == values[i][0]) { ans = true }
} else if (type == "NUMBER_BETWEEN") {
if (values[i][0] >= dval_values[0] && values[i][0] <= dval_values[1]) { ans = true }
} else if (type == "CHECKBOX") {
if (values[i][0] == "Да" || values[i][0] == "Нет") { ans = true }
if (!ans) { return false }
return true;


Passing event objects from trigger function to another function

I decided to break this onEdit(e) trigger function up into multiple functions, but when I did, the event objects (e) portion got "lost." After messing with it for a while, I finally got it to work again, but I don't think it's the most efficient solution.
Any suggestions, or is this good enough? Basically, I just added var e = e; and that made it work again.
function onEdit(e){
if(e.range.getSheet().getName() == 'Estimate'){
var e = e;
Logger.log("Starting subCatDV...");
Logger.log("Finished subCatDV!");
Logger.log("Starting itemDV...");
Logger.log("Finished itemDV!");
Logger.log("Starting subItemDV...");
Logger.log("Finished subItemDV!");
if(e.range.getSheet().getName() == 'Items'){
Here is the function that didn't seem to be receiving the event objects
function subItemDV(e){
// Populate sub-item data validations
var estss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Estimate');
var itemss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Items');
var subItemDVss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('subItemDataValidations');
var activeCell = estss.getActiveCell();
Logger.log("I'm in subItemDV...");
Logger.log("Checking sheet name...");
if(activeCell.getColumn() == 3 && activeCell.getRow() > 1){
if(e.range.getSheet().getName() == 'Items') return;
Logger.log("Not in 'Items' sheet! Moving on...");
activeCell.offset(0, 1).clearContent().clearDataValidations();
var subItem = subItemDVss.getRange(activeCell.getRow(),activeCell.getColumn(),itemss.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var subItemIndex = subItem[0].indexOf(activeCell.getValue()) + 2;
Logger.log("Checking subItemIndex...");
if(subItemIndex != 0){
var subItemValidationRange = subItemDVss.getRange(activeCell.getRow(),4,1,subItemDVss.getLastColumn());
var subItemValidationRule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(subItemValidationRange).build();
activeCell.offset(0, 1).setDataValidation(subItemValidationRule);
Logger.log("Finished checking subItemIndex...");
So as not to inflate discussion in comments: you can safely remove the var e = e assignment from the script, as it does not affect the problems that your updated version of the script solved:
e is an event object that is constructed as a response to trigger being fired. Since in your case the trigger is an onEdit(e) trigger, event object is undefined until an edit is made in the target Spreadsheet (please, note that script-triggered edits do not count);
Even if you called the function with a parameter (like doSomething(e)), in case you either do not access the parameter via the arguments object, or explicitly define it in a function declaration function doSomething(e), the event object won't be persisted;
Also, you might've missed the e binding in the last subCatDV() call + the if statement can be optimized (btw, don't use the equality comparison, use the identity comparison instead, it will save you debugging time in the future):
var name = e.range.getSheet().getName();
if(name === 'Estimate') {
}else if(name === 'Items') { //identity comparison ensures type match;
Useful links
event object reference;
arguments object reference;

Do not automatically expand all subgrid rows when clicking grouping column's expand icon

After grouping, is there a way for expand/collapse icon of current row not automatically expand/collapse all of the subgrid's rows? Just leave it alone as it was.
var parmColumnName = 'Model';
groupCollapse: true,
groupField: ['name']
//Original setup after playing around with it. (See X5 under BMW)
//Collapse the grouped Make
//Then Expand the grouped Make (All of the model are expanded by default, I do not want it to change and I want it to look like the original snapshot above)
I find your question very interesting, but the solution for the problem is not easy. In my opinion the source code of two jqGrid methods groupingRender and especially groupingToggle should be changed. The solution which I suggest you can see on the demo. The demo overwrites the original code of groupingRender and groupingToggle methods. More full description of my suggestions you will find below.
First of all I want to describe the problem in my words. You used the words "the subgrid's rows" in the text of your question which bring misunderstanding. What you use is multilevel grouping. The first problem in my opinion is the behavior of groupCollapse: true option. In case of multilevel grouping jqGrid collapse currently only data instead of all grouping headers till the top level. The demo uses 3-level grouping and the option groupCollapse: true. It dysplays
instead of intuitively expected
Another problem which you formulate in your question is the current behavior of expending. The problem is that if the user have collapsed the nodes to that all looks compact, like on the last picture which I posted, end then the user expand some node jqGrid expand all children grouping headers of the node till the data. So if one expand for example only "test1" node then all its children nodes will be expanded instead of expending only the next grouping level.
To fix the first problem (opened sub-grouping headers in spite of groupCollapse: true) I changed one line of groupingRender method from
str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\" role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\" colspan=\""+colspans+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td></tr>";
str += "<tr id=\""+hid+"\"" +(grp.groupCollapse && n.idx>0 ? " style=\"display:none;\" " : " ") + "role=\"row\" class= \"ui-widget-content jqgroup ui-row-"+$t.p.direction+" "+clid+"\"><td style=\"padding-left:"+(n.idx * 12) + "px;"+"\" colspan=\""+colspans+"\">"+icon+$.jgrid.template(grp.groupText[n.idx], gv, n.cnt, n.summary)+"</td></tr>";
The main problem which you asked was a little more difficult. Below you can find the fixed version of
groupingToggle : function(hid){
var $t = this,
grp = $t.p.groupingView,
strpos = hid.split('_'),
//uid = hid.substring(0,strpos+1),
num = parseInt(strpos[strpos.length-2], 10);
var uid = strpos.join("_"),
minus = grp.minusicon,
plus = grp.plusicon,
tar = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)),
r = tar.length ? tar[0].nextSibling : null,
tarspan = $("#"+$.jgrid.jqID(hid)+" span."+"tree-wrap-"+$t.p.direction),
getGroupingLevelFromClass = function (className) {
var nums = $.map(className.split(" "), function (item) {
if (item.substring(0, uid.length + 1) === uid + "_") {
return parseInt(item.substring(uid.length + 1), 10);
return nums.length > 0 ? nums[0] : undefined;
collapsed = false, tspan;
if( tarspan.hasClass(minus) ) {
if(grp.showSummaryOnHide) {
while(r) {
if($(r).hasClass('jqfoot') ) {
var lv = parseInt($(r).attr("jqfootlevel"),10);
if( lv <= num) {
r = r.nextSibling;
} else {
while(r) {
itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined && itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
r = r.nextSibling;
collapsed = true;
} else {
var showData = undefined;
while(r) {
itemGroupingLevel = getGroupingLevelFromClass(r.className);
if (showData === undefined) {
showData = itemGroupingLevel === undefined; // if the first row after the opening group is data row then show the data rows
if (itemGroupingLevel !== undefined) {
if (itemGroupingLevel <= num) {
break;// next item of the same lever are found
} else if (itemGroupingLevel === num + 1) {
} else if (showData) {
r = r.nextSibling;
$($t).triggerHandler("jqGridGroupingClickGroup", [hid , collapsed]);
if( $.isFunction($t.p.onClickGroup)) { $$t, hid , collapsed); }
return false;
The demo demonstrates the results of all changes which I suggest. I'll post the changes as pull request to trirand. I hope that the changes will be included in the main code of jqGrid.
UPDATED: I posted the pull request with the changes which I suggested above.
UPDATED 2: My pull request was merged with the main code of jqGrid. The new 4.5.4 version of jqGrid published today includes the changed. The new demo uses jqGrid 4.5.4 and it works like you expect. So to fix the problem which you described in your question you need just update jqGrid.

jqGrid loses selections when request is cancelled

I have a requirement to allow a user to cancel a jqGrid (Version 4.4.1) paging or sorting operation if they have any selections that they do not want to lose.
I initially attempted to handle this in the beforeRequest event handler but when I call the selarrrow function an empty array is always returned as the selections appear to have already been cleared.
I then tried adding onPaging and onSorting event handlers where the selections were available via the selarrrow function, however, when I return 'stop' from these functions to cancel the request (as specified in the jqGrid documentation) the selections still appear to have been cleared. Note the rows still appear selected in the grid but selarrrow returns an empty array.
I'm guessing this is a jqGrid defect but does anyone know if it has been fixed in a more recent release or if there is a configuration workaround?
I think that there are just a bug in usage of onPaging. If the method return "stop" the selection still cleared. The reason is the order of the lines in the code fragment
clearVals = function(onpaging){
var ret;
if ($.isFunction(ts.p.onPaging) ) { ret =,onpaging); }
ts.p.selrow = null;
if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[]; setHeadCheckBox( false );}
ts.p.savedRow = [];
if(ret==='stop') {return false;}
return true;
The correct code should be
clearVals = function(onpaging){
var ret;
if ($.isFunction(ts.p.onPaging) ) { ret =,onpaging); }
if(ret==='stop') {return false;}
ts.p.selrow = null;
if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[]; setHeadCheckBox( false );}
ts.p.savedRow = [];
return true;
You can move the line 2045 (with if(ret==='stop') {return false;}) of jquery.jqGrid.src.js of the version 4.5.2 (which corresponds the line 1902 in version 4.4.1) after the 2041 (the line 1898 in version 4.4.1) (after if ($.isFunction(ts.p.onPaging) ) { ret =,onpaging); }) to fix the bug.
The usage of onSortCol seems be correct and if the callback returns "stop" string the selection should stay unchanged.
UPDATED: I posted the corresponding bud fix as pull request. It's merged today (see here) to the main code of jqGrid. So the next version (>4.5.2) should not have more the problem which you described.
This is the workaround I have put in place for this problem (note: it requires Underscore.js) but interested in a cleaner solution if anyone has one:
var tempSelections,
myGrid = $("#mygrid"),
checkSelections = function() {
var selections = myGrid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "selarrrow");
if (selections && selections.length > 0) {
tempSelections = selections;
... //settings
multiselect: true,
onPaging: checkSelections,
onSortCol: checkSelections,
beforeRequest: function() {
if (tempSelections && tempSelections.length > 0) {
if (!confirm("Do you want to clear the selections on this page?")) {
_.forEach(tempSelections, function(selection) {
myGrid.jqGrid("setSelection", selection);
tempSelections = null;
return false;
tempSelections = null;
return true;

How to tell if anything is selected in CKEditor

I'm trying to determine with Javascript if anything is selected within the CKEditor. I wish there was a bool like editor.hasSelection(). I started out using editor.getSelection().getSelectedText() === "", but if an element with no "text" is selected (like an img) then that will be a blank string, giving me a false negative. I also looked into editor.getSelection().getSelectedElement(), but that gives null if more than one element is selected.
Is there anything that does this that I'm not seeing in the API?
Looks to me as though there is nothing in the CKEditor selection API to do this directly. However, I think the following will do it, although I agree that it's a shame (and surprising) there is no equivalent of the isCollapsed property of the native browser Selection object.
This is untested but looks as though it will work:
function hasSelection(editor) {
var sel = editor.getSelection();
var ranges = sel.getRanges();
for (var i = 0, len = ranges.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (!ranges[i].collapsed) {
return true;
return false;
// Example:
alert( hasSelection(editor) );

facing performance issues with knockout mapping plugin

I have decent large data set of around 1100 records. This data set is mapped to an observable array which is then bound to a view. Since these records are updated frequently, the observable array is updated every time using the ko.mapping.fromJS helper.
This particular command takes around 40s to process all the rows. The user interface just locks for that period of time.
Here is the code -
var transactionList = ko.mapping.fromJS([]);
//Getting the latest transactions which are around 1100 in number;
var data = storage.transactions();
//Mapping the data to the observable array, which takes around 40s
Is there a workaround for this? Or should I just opt of web workers to improve performances?
Knockout.viewmodel is a replacement for knockout.mapping that is significantly faster at creating viewmodels for large object arrays like this. You should notice a significant performance increase.
I have also thought of a workaround as follows, this uses less amount of code-
var transactionList = ko.mapping.fromJS([]);
//Getting the latest transactions which are around 1100 in number;
var data = storage.transactions();
//Mapping the data to the observable array, which takes around 40s
// Instead of - ko.mapping.fromJS(data,transactionList)
var i = 0;
//clear the list completely first
//Set an interval of 0 and keep pushing the content to the list one by one.
var interval = setInterval(function () {if (i == data.length - 1 ) {
}, 0);
I had the same problem with mapping plugin. Knockout team says that mapping plugin is not intended to work with large arrays. If you have to load such big data to the page then likely you have improper design of the system.
The best way to fix this is to use server pagination instead of loading all the data on page load. If you don't want to change design of your application there are some workarounds which maybe help you:
Map your array manually:
var data = storage.transactions();
var mappedData = ko.utils.arrayMap(data , function(item){
return ko.mapping.fromJS(item);
var transactionList = ko.observableArray(mappedData);
Map array asynchronously. I have written a function that processes array by portions in another thread and reports progress to the user:
function processArrayAsync(array, itemFunc, afterStepFunc, finishFunc) {
var itemsPerStep = 20;
var processor = new function () {
var self = this;
self.array = array;
self.processedCount = 0;
self.itemFunc = itemFunc;
self.afterStepFunc = afterStepFunc;
self.finishFunc = finishFunc;
self.step = function () {
var tillCount = Math.min(self.processedCount + itemsPerStep, self.array.length);
for (; self.processedCount < tillCount; self.processedCount++) {
self.itemFunc(self.array[self.processedCount], self.processedCount);
if (self.processedCount < self.array.length - 1)
setTimeout(self.step, 1);
Your code:
var data = storage.transactions();
var transactionList = ko.observableArray([]);
function (item) { // Step function
var transaction = ko.mapping.fromJS(item);
function (processedCount) {
var percent = Math.ceil(processedCount * 100 / data.length);
// Show progress to the user.
function () { // Final function
// This function will fire when all data are mapped. Do some work (i.e. Apply bindings).
Also you can try alternative mapping library: knockout.wrap. It should be faster than mapping plugin.
I have chosen the second option.
Mapping is not magic. In most of the cases this simple recursive function can be sufficient:
function MyMapJS(a_what, a_path)
a_path = a_path || [];
if (a_what != null && a_what.constructor == Object)
var result = {};
for (var key in a_what)
result[key] = MyMapJS(a_what[key], a_path.concat(key));
return result;
if (a_what != null && a_what.constructor == Array)
var result = ko.observableArray();
for (var index in a_what)
result.push(MyMapJS(a_what[index], a_path.concat(index)));
return result;
// Write your condition here:
switch (a_path[a_path.length-1])
case 'mapThisProperty':
case 'andAlsoThisOne':
result = ko.observable(a_what);
result = a_what;
return result;
The code above makes observables from the mapThisProperty and andAlsoThisOne properties at any level of the object hierarchy; other properties are left constant. You can express more complex conditions using a_path.length for the level (depth) the value is at, or using more elements of a_path. For example:
if (a_path.length >= 2
&& a_path[a_path.length-1] == 'mapThisProperty'
&& a_path[a_path.length-2] == 'insideThisProperty')
result = ko.observable(a_what);
You can use typeOf a_what in the condition, e.g. to make all strings observable.
You can ignore some properties, and insert new ones at certain levels.
Or, you can even omit a_path. Etc.
The advantages are:
Customizable (more easily than knockout.mapping).
Short enough to copy-paste it and write individual mappings for different objects if needed.
Smaller code, knockout.mapping-latest.js is not included into your page.
Should be faster as it does only what is absolutely necessary.
