Treetop parser error handling mechanism providing useless output - ruby

I've been experimenting with Treetop lately to create simple parser for CFG DSL language for one of my clients. I was successful to implement all the features he required, but working with Treetop turned out to be quite a painful experience.
The problem is that I was not able to get any usable error message from Treetop. The only output I am getting is
parser.rb:22:in `parse': Parser error at offset: 0 (Exception)
from parser.rb:28:in `<class:Parser>'
from parser.rb:10:in `<main>'
which always points to the first character in the file. This is really terrible to find any error in the parsed language. How should I incrementally develop my parser if I can't find what's wrong whatsoever?
I tried to change my grammar to contain recursive rules, because I thought that this would help the parser to create AST nodes as soon as possible, but it didn't help.
My question is:
Am I doing something wrong? Is there any good example how to create PEG grammars for Treetop, which provide meaningful error messages on partially derived trees? Or is it a bug/error in Treetop library?
Thanks for any opinion.

Did you try printing parser.failure_reason? This prints the list of terminals that would have allowed advancing beyond the right-most position the parser reached (before it back-tracked).
Did you try a single token or ultra-simple grammar, working up as you go?
Did you try setting parser.consume_all_input = false, to see whether it was parsing correctly but not to the end of the input?
There are a few more "traps for young players" but you haven't given us enough information to go on. Once you "get it", developing in Treetop is a breeze, but it can take a little while to get to that point.


How to create AST parser which allows syntax errors?

First, what to read about parsing and building AST?
How to create parser for a language (like SQL) that will build an AST and allow syntax errors?
For example, for "3+4*5":
/ \
3 *
/ \
4 5
And for "3+4*+" with syntax error, parser would guess that the user meant:
/ \
3 *
/ \
4 +
/ \
? ?
Where to start?
/ \ \
/ \ | / \
a city_name people address ON
/ \
.____ .
/ \ / \
p address_id a id
The standard answer to the question of how to build parsers (that build ASTs), is to read the standard texts on compiling. Aho and Ullman's "Dragon" Compiler book is pretty classic. If you haven't got the patience to get the best reference materials, you're going to have more trouble, because they provide theory and investigate subtleties. But here is my answer for people in a hurry, building recursive descent parsers.
One can build parsers with built-in error recovery. There are many papers on this sort of thing, a hot topic in the 1980s. Check out Google Scholar, hunt for "syntax error repair". The basic idea is that the parser, on encountering a parsing error, skips to some well-known beacon (";" a statement delimiter is pretty popular for C-like languages, which is why you got asked in a comment if your language has statement terminators), or proposes various input stream deletions or insertions to climb over the point of the syntax error. The sheer variety of such schemes is surprising. The key idea is generally to take into account as much information around the point of error as possible. One of the most intriguing ideas I ever saw had two parsers, one running N tokens ahead of the other, looking for syntax-error land-mines, and the second parser being feed error repairs based on the N tokens available before it encounters the syntax error. This lets the second parser choose to act differently before arriving at the syntax error. If you don't have this, most parser throw away left context and thus lose the ability to repair. (I never implemented such a scheme.)
The choice of things to insert can often be derived from information used to build the parser (often First and Follow sets) in the first place. This is relatively easy to do with L(AL)R parsers, because the parse tables contain the necessary information and are available to the parser at the point where it encounters an error. If you want to understand how to do this, you need to understand the theory (oops, there's that compiler book again) of how the parsers are constructed. (I have implemented this scheme successfully several times).
Regardless of what you do, syntax error repair doesn't help much, because it is almost impossible to guess what the writer of the parsed document actually intended. This suggests fancy schemes won't be really helpful. I stick to simple ones; people are happy to get an error report and some semi-graceful continuation of parsing.
A real problem with rolling your own parser for a real language, is that real languages are nasty messy things; people building real implementations get it wrong and frozen in stone because of existing code bases, or insist on bending/improving the language (standards are for wimps, goodies are for marketing) because its cool. Expect to spend a lot of time re-calibrating what you think the grammar is, against the ground truth of real code. As a general rule, if you want a working parser, better to get one that has a track record rather than roll it yourself.
A lesson most people that are hell-bent to build a parser don't get, is that if they want to do anything useful with the parse result or tree, they'll need a lot more basic machinery than just the parser. Check my bio for "Life After Parsing".
There are two things the parser could do:
Report the error and have the user try again.
Repair the error and proceed.
Generally speaking the first one is easier (and safer). There may not always be enough information for the parser to infer the intent when the syntax is wrong. Depending on the circumstances, it may be dangerous to proceed with a repair that makes the input syntactically correct but semantically wrong.
I've written a few hand-rolled recursive descent parsers for little languages. When writing code to interpret the grammar rules explicitly (as opposed to using a parser-generator), it's easy to detect errors, because the next token doesn't fit the production rule. Generated parsers tend to spit out a simplistic "expected $(TOKEN_TYPE) here" message, which isn't always useful to the user. With a hand-written parser, it's often easy to give a more specific diagnostic message, but it can be time consuming to cover every case.
If your goal is the report the problem but to keep parsing (so that you can see if there are additional problems), you can put a special AST node in the tree at the point of the error. This keeps the tree from falling apart.
You then have to resync to some point beyond the error in order to continue parsing. As Ira Baxter mentioned in his answer, you might look for a token, like ';', that separates statements. The correct token(s) to look for depends on the language you're parsing. Another possibility is to guess what the user meant (e.g., infer an extra token or a different token at the point the error was detected) and then continue. If you encounter another syntax error within the next few tokens, you could backtrack, make a different guess, and try again.

Grammar for the Chef Language

I'm just starting to use antlr, with antlr for ruby. The version is 3.2.1
I'm trying to create a parser for the chef language, and the grammar is giving me a real headache :P I'm sure I'm missing some fundamental concept, but I just couldn't figure it out.
I created 3 grammars. The main one is the recipe parser, which (of course) parses the recipes. Once a recipe is parsed, I used the other 2 grammars, that parse ingredients and instructions (the method section).
My problem is with the last one, the one that parses the instructions, such as "put ... into the mixing bowl", "liquefy ...", etc. Everything works great except for a few rules. I've posted the Instructions.g source here, at paste.bin because of its length.
Here's what's happening:
When I uncomment the rules combine_ingredient_into_mixing_bowl or divide_ingredient_into_mixing_bowl, the parser stops recognizing almost all of the other rules (such as put_ingredient_into_mixing_bowl). This seems strange to me, because they don't seem to override each other (of course they are, somehow). I get the error: "line 0:-1 mismatched input "" expecting WS"
stir_mixing_bowl does not match anything, but it's really no different from the other rules that do work ok. I get the error: "line 0:-1 mismatched input "" expecting set nil"
Is it possible to include the rules verb_the_ingredient and liquefy_ingredient without making them conflict with the other rules? The former will actually conflict with everything else I guess, and the latter will conflict with liquefy_mixing_bowl. What would be the best way to deal with such a nasty grammar?
By the way, I haven't set the WS (whitespace such as space and tab) to the ignore channel because since an ingredient can consiste of one or more words (such as dijon mustard or just zuchinnis) I found that it is easier to specify the grammar by using the WS token as separators.
Also, running the antlr4ruby command to generate the parsers/lexers code shows no warnings at all.
Any tips, hints, or enlightening is really appreciated here :)
Thanks in advance.

How to build AST by S-expression in Ruby?

I have no idea how to build S-exp.
I want to do it, because I need to build AST for my langauge.
At the beginning I used RubyParser to parse it to sexp then code gen.
But it must be ruby's subset I think.I cant define the language what I want.
Now I need to implement parser for my language.
So anyone could recommend any ruby tool that building AST for S-expression ?
It is not very clear from your question what exactly do you need, but simple Google search gives some interesting links to check. Maybe after checking these links, if they are not the answer to your question, you can edit question and make it more precise and concrete.
You might try the sxp-ruby gem at I use it for SPARQL S-Expressions (SSE) and similar methods for managing Abstract Syntax Trees in Ruby.
Maybe you could have a look at this gem named Astrapi.
This is just an experiment :
describe your language elements (concepts) in a "mm" file (abstract syntax)
run astrapi on this file
astrapi generates a parser that is able to fill up your AST, from your input source expressed in s-expression (concrete syntax of your concepts).
I have put a modest documentation here.

What a Ruby parser would you suggest to parse Ruby sources?

A parser I'm looking for should:
be Ruby parsing friendly,
be elegant by rule design,
produce user friendly parsing errors,
user documentation should be available in volume more than a calculator example,
UPD: allowing to omit optional whitespaces writing a grammar.
Fast parsing is not an important feature.
I tried Citrus but the lack of documentation and need to specify every space in rules just turned me away from it.
Or in case you want to parse Ruby itself:
parse_tree and ruby_parser
I just saw your last comment about needing a subset of Ruby for your project, in that case I'd also recommend having a look at tinyrb.

recognize Ruby code in Treetop grammar

I'm trying to use Treetop to parse an ERB file. I need to be able to handle lines like the following:
<% ruby_code_here %>
<%= other_ruby_code %>
Since Treetop is written in Ruby, and you write Treetop grammars in Ruby, is there already some existing way in Treetop to say "hey, look for Ruby code here, and give me its breakdown" without me having to write out separate rules to handle all parts of the Ruby language? I'm looking for a way, in my .treetop grammar file, to have something like:
rule erb_tag
"<%" ruby_code "%>" {
def content
Where ruby_code is handled by some rules that Treetop provides.
Edit: someone else parsed ERB using Ruby-lex, but I got errors trying to reproduce what he did. The rlex program did not produce a full class when it generated the parser class.
Edit: right, so you lot are depressing, but thanks for the info. :) For my Master's project, I'm writing a test case generator that needs to work with ERB as input. Fortunately, for my purposes, I only need to recognize a few things in the ERB code, such as if statements and other conditionals as well as loops. I think I can come up with Treetop grammar to match that, with the caveat that it isn't complete for Ruby.
As far as I know, nobody has yet created a Treetop grammar for Ruby. (In fact, nobody has ever been able to create any grammar for Ruby other than the YACC grammar that ships with MRI and YARV.) I know that the author of Treetop has been working on one for several years, but it's not a trivial undertaking. Getting the ANTLR grammar which is used in XRuby right took about 5 years, and it is still not fully compliant.
Ruby's syntax is insanely, mindbogglingly complex.
I don't think so. Specifying the complex and subtle Ruby grammar in treetop would be a major accomplishment, but it should be possible.
The actual ruby grammer is written in yacc. Now, yacc is a legendary tool but treetop generates a more powerful class of parsers, so it should be possible and perhaps someone has done it.
It's not an afternoon project.
May be I'm kidding but if yacc is less complex than ruby then you could realize yacc in treetop which than uses the ruby grammar created for yacc.
For your purposes, you can probably get away without parsing all of Ruby. What you actually need is a way to detect the %> that closes off a Ruby block. If you don't ever want to fail when the Ruby code contains those closing characters, you must detect anywhere those characters can occur inside the Ruby text; which means you need to detect all forms of literals.
However for you purposes you can probably get away with recognising the most likely cases where %> would occur in Ruby text, and ignore just those cases. This assumes of course that any remaining failure can be handled by getting your user to write the ERB a little differently.
For what it's worth, Treetop itself "parses" Ruby blocks this way; it just counts { and } characters until the closing one is found. So if your block contains a } in a literal string, you're broken (but you can work around by including the matching one in a comment).
