How can I convert from []byte to [16]byte? - go

I have this code:
func my_function(hash string) [16]byte {
b, _ := hex.DecodeString(hash)
return b // Compile error: fails since [16]byte != []byte
b will be of type []byte. I know that hash is of length 32. How can I make my code above work? Ie. can I somehow cast from a general-length byte array to a fixed-length byte array? I am not interested in allocating 16 new bytes and copying the data over.

There is no direct method to convert a slice to an array. You can however do a copy.
var ret [16]byte
copy(ret[:], b)
The standard library uses []byte and if you insist on using something else you will just have a lot more typing to do. I wrote a program using arrays for my md5 values and regretted it.


How to make a slice to be able to convert *uint64 to *int64

I'm a beginner in using golang, I'm still confused about creating a slice for the child model, after that I want to take index "0" and convert it from *uint64 to *int64. Maybe i'm wrong way to convert the field, but i think i need to make the child model into a slice first before converting it. Here is the code :
params := category.PostAPICategoryParams{
Data: category.PostAPICategoryBody{
CategoryData: categoryTestData.CategoryData,
Childs: categoryTestData.Childs,
result, _ := mainSuite.h.CreateCategory(mainSuite.rt, &params.Data.CategoryData, params.Data.Childs)
categoriesParamsTest := &category.GetAPICategoryParams{
ParentID: // here is the code I need to write,
Here is the error when I try to write the code before creating the slice :
You have a pointer to a uint64, and want a pointer to a int64. There's no direct (safe) way to do this -- pointers to unsigned ints aren't compatible with pointers to signed ints -- but you can convert the pointed-at value to the right type (assuming the pointer isn't nil).
For example:
func convertUnsignedToSignedPointer64(p *uint64) *int64 {
if p == nil { return nil }
x := int64(*p)
return &x
You can also do it via the unsafe package, although I prefer avoiding the unsafe package in code I write when possible:
func convertUnsignedToSignedPointer64(p *uint64) *int64 {
return (*int64)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
This is ok via the rules given in unsafe.Pointer:
(1) Conversion of a *T1 to Pointer to *T2.
Provided that T2 is no larger than T1 and that the two share an
equivalent memory layout, this conversion allows reinterpreting data
of one type as data of another type.

Unmarshalling in-place into a slice type in Go

Often when using go, not sure why, I get the urge to write something like
type data []event
especially when I know I'm going to be passing the slice around without thinking too much about its contents for much of the program. Sooner or later it's going to be time to unpack some data into that slice of events and I end up writing something like:
func (d *data)Unmarshal(b []byte){
//... lots of sad code that never works
No matter what I do I can never quite figure out how to bless my slice type with an unmarshal method that turns some bytes into the data type in-place.
When I give up, I either write a simpler function like func UnmarshalData(b []byte) data which feels like a retreat and makes it hard to write interfaces, or change the type in the first place and make a struct like
type data struct {
actuallyTheData []event
which feels like boilerplate purely to compensate for my lack of understanding.
So my question is: is it possible to write a function with a pointer receiver where the receiver is a slice type and that allows me to e.g. Unmarshal in-place?
The closest I can get, though it still doesn't work (and, let's face it, is pretty ugly), is something like:
type foo []int
func (f *foo) Unmarshal(s string) {
numbers := strings.Split(s, ",")
integers := make([]int, len(numbers))
for i, n := range numbers {
integer, err := strconv.Atoi(n)
if err != nil {
integers[i] = integer
my_f := foo(integers)
f = &my_f
Here's the full example: Why doesn't it work? What am I misunderstanding?
The last line in your Unmarshal function is overwriting the receiver itself, i.e. its address:
f = &my_f // changing the value of the pointer
The updated value won't be propagated to callers. From Declarations and Scope:
The scope of an identifier denoting a method receiver, function parameter, or result variable is the function body.
You must mutate the value that is being pointed to, then callers will see it upon dereference. (As a matter of fact, you don't have to convert to the defined slice type)
func (f *foo) Unmarshal(s string) {
// ...
integers := make([]int, len(numbers))
*f = integers
Fixed playground:

Does the conversion from string to rune slice make a copy?

I'm teaching myself Go from a C background.
The code below works as I expect (the first two Printf() will access bytes, the last two Printf() will access codepoints).
What I am not clear is if this involves any copying of data.
package main
import "fmt"
var a string
func main() {
a = "èe"
fmt.Printf("%d\n", a[0])
fmt.Printf("%d\n", a[1])
fmt.Printf("%d\n", []rune(a)[0])
fmt.Printf("%d\n", []rune(a)[1])
In other words:
does []rune("string") create an array of runes and fill it with the runes corresponding to "string", or it's just the compiler that figures out how to get runes from the string bytes?
It is not possible to turn []uint8 (i.e. a string) into []int32 (an alias for []rune) without allocating an array.
Also, strings are immutable in Go but slices are not, so the conversion to both []byte and []rune must copy the string's bytes in some way or another.
It involves a copy because:
strings are immutable; if the conversion []rune(s) didn't make a copy, you would be able to index the rune slice and change the string contents
a string value is a "(possibly empty) sequence of bytes", where byte is an alias of uint8, whereas a rune is a "an integer value identifying a Unicode code point" and an alias of int32. The types are not identical and even the lengths may not be the same:
a = "èe"
r := []rune(a)
fmt.Println(len(a)) // 3 (3 bytes)
fmt.Println(len(r)) // 2 (2 Unicode code points)

How to use []byte as a buffer in registry.GetValue?

The documentation in the registry package for GetValue() says :
GetValue retrieves the type and data for the specified value associated with an open key k. It fills up buffer buf and returns the retrieved byte count n. If buf is too small to fit the stored value it returns ErrShortBuffer error along with the required buffer size n. If no buffer is provided, it returns true and actual buffer size n. If no buffer is provided, GetValue returns the value's type only. If the value does not exist, the error returned is ErrNotExist.
GetValue is a low level function. If value's type is known, use the appropriate Get*Value function instead."
In my case, I don't know the value type of the registry key. However, I only need to print the value as a string. GetValue() takes in the value name and a "buffer" but the buffer is of type []byte. It is not passed by reference so I can't just create var buf []byte, pass that in and read it. I can't pass it in with &buf (type *[]byte). I can't use byte.Buffer (also type mismatch). I feel like there is something really simple I'm missing.
var buf []byte //????
_, _, e := myKey.GetValue(valuename, buf)
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("Value: %s\n", string(buf)) // Prints blank
I suppose the registry API you mention is the Windows registry. To use these kinds of APIs, you have to take your best guess on the size of output you expect from the call:
typ, n, e := myKey.GetValue(valuename, buf)
if e==ErrShortBuffer {
// Go back, try with a larger buffer size
typ, n, e = myKey.GetValue(valuename, buf)

encode object to bytes by golang unsafe?

func Encode(i interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
// size := unsafe.Sizeof(i)
size := reflect.TypeOf(i).Size()
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&i)
startAddr := uintptr(ptr)
endAddr := startAddr + size
for i := startAddr; i < endAddr; i++ {
bytePtr := unsafe.Pointer(i)
b := *(*byte)(bytePtr)
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
test := Test{10, "hello world"}
b, _ := Encode(test)
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&b)
newTest := *(*Test)(ptr)
I am learning how to use golang unsafe and wrote this function for encoding any object. I meet with two problems, first, dose unsafe.Sizeof(obj) always return obj's pointer size? Why it different from reflect.TypeOf(obj).Size()? Second, I want to iterate the underlying bytes of obj and convert it back to obj in TestEncode function by unsafe.Pointer(), but the object's values all corrupt, why?
First, unsafe.Sizeof returns the bytes that needs to store the type. It is a little bit tricky, but it does not mean bytes that needs to store the data.
For example, a slice, as it is well known, stores 3 4-byte ints on a 32bit machine. One uintptr for memory address of the underlying array, and two int32 for len and cap. So no matter how long a slice is or what type it is of, a slice takes always 12 bytes on a 32 bit machine. Likely, a string uses 8 bytes: 1 uintptr for address and 1 int32 for len.
As for difference between reflect.TypeOf().Size, it is about interface. reflect.TypeOf looks into the interface and gets an concrete type, and reports bytes needed about the concrete type, while unsafe.Sizeof just returns 8 for an interface type: 2 uintptr for a pointer to the data and a pointer to the method lists.
Second part is quite clear now. For one, unsafe.Pointer is taking the address of the interface, instead of the concrete type. Two, in TestEncode, unsafe.Pointer is taking address to the 12-byte slice "header". There might be other errors, but with the two mentioned, they are meaningless to spot.
Note: I avoid talking about orders of the uintptr and int32 not only because I don't know, but also becuase they are not documented, unsafe, and implentation depended.
Note 2: Conclusion: Don't try to dump memory of a Go data.
Note 3: I change everything to 32 bit becuase playground is using it, so it is easier to check.
