Primefaces dataTable with commandButton send multiple request to hibernate [duplicate] - spring

Let's say I specify an outputText component like this:
<h:outputText value="#{ManagedBean.someProperty}"/>
If I print a log message when the getter for someProperty is called and load the page, it is trivial to notice that the getter is being called more than once per request (twice or three times is what happened in my case):
DEBUG 2010-01-18 23:31:40,104 ( - Getting some property
DEBUG 2010-01-18 23:31:40,104 ( - Getting some property
If the value of someProperty is expensive to calculate, this can potentially be a problem.
I googled a bit and figured this is a known issue. One workaround was to include a check and see if it had already been calculated:
private String someProperty;
public String getSomeProperty() {
if (this.someProperty == null) {
this.someProperty = this.calculatePropertyValue();
return this.someProperty;
The main problem with this is that you get loads of boilerplate code, not to mention private variables that you might not need.
What are the alternatives to this approach? Is there a way to achieve this without so much unnecessary code? Is there a way to stop JSF from behaving in this way?
Thanks for your input!

This is caused by the nature of deferred expressions #{} (note that "legacy" standard expressions ${} behave exactly the same when Facelets is used instead of JSP). The deferred expression is not immediately evaluated, but created as a ValueExpression object and the getter method behind the expression is executed everytime when the code calls ValueExpression#getValue().
This will normally be invoked one or two times per JSF request-response cycle, depending on whether the component is an input or output component (learn it here). However, this count can get up (much) higher when used in iterating JSF components (such as <h:dataTable> and <ui:repeat>), or here and there in a boolean expression like the rendered attribute. JSF (specifically, EL) won't cache the evaluated result of the EL expression at all as it may return different values on each call (for example, when it's dependent on the currently iterated datatable row).
Evaluating an EL expression and invoking a getter method is a very cheap operation, so you should generally not worry about this at all. However, the story changes when you're performing expensive DB/business logic in the getter method for some reason. This would be re-executed everytime!
Getter methods in JSF backing beans should be designed that way that they solely return the already-prepared property and nothing more, exactly as per the Javabeans specification. They should not do any expensive DB/business logic at all. For that the bean's #PostConstruct and/or (action)listener methods should be used. They are executed only once at some point of request-based JSF lifecycle and that's exactly what you want.
Here is a summary of all different right ways to preset/load a property.
public class Bean {
private SomeObject someProperty;
public void init() {
// In #PostConstruct (will be invoked immediately after construction and dependency/property injection).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void onload() {
// Or in GET action method (e.g. <f:viewAction action>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void preRender(ComponentSystemEvent event) {
// Or in some SystemEvent method (e.g. <f:event type="preRenderView">).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void change(ValueChangeEvent event) {
// Or in some FacesEvent method (e.g. <h:inputXxx valueChangeListener>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void ajaxListener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
// Or in some BehaviorEvent method (e.g. <f:ajax listener>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public void actionListener(ActionEvent event) {
// Or in some ActionEvent method (e.g. <h:commandXxx actionListener>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
public String submit() {
// Or in POST action method (e.g. <h:commandXxx action>).
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
return "outcome";
public SomeObject getSomeProperty() {
// Just keep getter untouched. It isn't intented to do business logic!
return someProperty;
Note that you should not use bean's constructor or initialization block for the job because it may be invoked multiple times if you're using a bean management framework which uses proxies, such as CDI.
If there are for you really no other ways, due to some restrictive design requirements, then you should introduce lazy loading inside the getter method. I.e. if the property is null, then load and assign it to the property, else return it.
public SomeObject getSomeProperty() {
// If there are really no other ways, introduce lazy loading.
if (someProperty == null) {
someProperty = loadSomeProperty();
return someProperty;
This way the expensive DB/business logic won't unnecessarily be executed on every single getter call.
See also:
Why is the getter called so many times by the rendered attribute?
Invoke JSF managed bean action on page load
How and when should I load the model from database for h:dataTable
How to populate options of h:selectOneMenu from database?
Display dynamic image from database with p:graphicImage and StreamedContent
Defining and reusing an EL variable in JSF page
Measure the render time of a JSF view after a server request

With JSF 2.0 you can attach a listener to a system event
<h:outputText value="#{ManagedBean.someProperty}">
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{ManagedBean.loadSomeProperty}" />
Alternatively you can enclose the JSF page in an f:view tag
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{ManagedBean.loadSomeProperty}" />
.. jsf page here...

I have written an article about how to cache JSF beans getter with Spring AOP.
I create a simple MethodInterceptor which intercepts all methods annotated with a special annotation:
public class CacheAdvice implements MethodInterceptor {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CacheAdvice.class);
private CacheService cacheService;
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable {
String key = methodInvocation.getThis() + methodInvocation.getMethod().getName();
String thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();
Object cachedValue = cacheService.getData(thread , key);
if (cachedValue == null){
cachedValue = methodInvocation.proceed();
cacheService.cacheData(thread , key , cachedValue);
logger.debug("Cache miss " + thread + " " + key);
logger.debug("Cached hit " + thread + " " + key);
return cachedValue;
public CacheService getCacheService() {
return cacheService;
public void setCacheService(CacheService cacheService) {
this.cacheService = cacheService;
This interceptor is used in a spring configuration file:
<bean id="advisor" class="">
<property name="pointcut">
<bean class="">
<constructor-arg index="0" name="classAnnotationType" type="java.lang.Class">
<constructor-arg index="1" value="com._4dconcept.docAdvance.jsfCache.annotation.Cacheable" name="methodAnnotationType" type="java.lang.Class"/>
<property name="advice">
<bean class="com._4dconcept.docAdvance.jsfCache.CacheAdvice"/>
Hope it will help!

Originally posted in PrimeFaces forum #
Recently, I have been obsessed evaluating the performance of my app, tuning JPA queries, replacing dynamic SQL queries with named queries, and just this morning, I recognized that a getter method was more of a HOT SPOT in Java Visual VM than the rest of my code (or majority of my code).
Getter method:
Referenced by ui:include in in index.xhtml
Below, you will see that PageNavigationController.getGmapsAutoComplete() is a HOT SPOT (performance issue) in Java Visual VM. If you look further down, on the screen capture, you will see that getLazyModel(), PrimeFaces lazy datatable getter method, is a hot spot too, only when enduser is doing a lot of 'lazy datatable' type of stuff/operations/tasks in the app. :)
See (original) code below.
public Boolean getGmapsAutoComplete() {
switch (page) {
case "/orders/pf_Add.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_Edit.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_EditDriverVehicles.xhtml":
gmapsAutoComplete = true;
gmapsAutoComplete = false;
return gmapsAutoComplete;
Referenced by the following in index.xhtml:
<ui:include src="#{pageNavigationController.gmapsAutoComplete ? '/head_gmapsAutoComplete.xhtml' : (pageNavigationController.gmaps ? '/head_gmaps.xhtml' : '/head_default.xhtml')}"/>
Solution: since this is a 'getter' method, move code and assign value to gmapsAutoComplete prior to method being called; see code below.
* 2013-04-06 moved switch {...} to updateGmapsAutoComplete()
* because performance = 115ms (hot spot) while
* navigating through web app
public Boolean getGmapsAutoComplete() {
return gmapsAutoComplete;
* ALWAYS call this method after "page = ..."
private void updateGmapsAutoComplete() {
switch (page) {
case "/orders/pf_Add.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_Edit.xhtml":
case "/orders/pf_EditDriverVehicles.xhtml":
gmapsAutoComplete = true;
gmapsAutoComplete = false;
Test results: PageNavigationController.getGmapsAutoComplete() is no longer a HOT SPOT in Java Visual VM (doesn't even show up anymore)
Sharing this topic, since many of the expert users have advised junior JSF developers to NOT add code in 'getter' methods. :)

If you are using CDI, you can use Producers methods.
It will be called many times, but the result of first call is cached in scope of the bean and is efficient for getters that are computing or initializing heavy objects!
See here, for more info.

You could probably use AOP to create some sort of Aspect that cached the results of our getters for a configurable amount of time. This would prevent you from needing to copy-and-paste boilerplate code in dozens of accessors.

If the value of someProperty is
expensive to calculate, this can
potentially be a problem.
This is what we call a premature optimization. In the rare case that a profiler tells you that the calculation of a property is so extraordinarily expensive that calling it three times rather than once has a significant performance impact, you add caching as you describe. But unless you do something really stupid like factoring primes or accessing a databse in a getter, your code most likely has a dozen worse inefficiencies in places you've never thought about.

I would also advice using such Framework as Primefaces instead of stock JSF, they address such issues before JSF team e. g in primefaces you can set partial submit. Otherwise BalusC has explained it well.

It still big problem in JSF. Fo example if you have a method isPermittedToBlaBla for security checks and in your view you have rendered="#{bean.isPermittedToBlaBla} then the method will be called multiple times.
The security check could be complicated e.g . LDAP query etc. So you must avoid that with
Boolean isAllowed = null ... if(isAllowed==null){...} return isAllowed?
and you must ensure within a session bean this per request.
Ich think JSF must implement here some extensions to avoid multiple calls (e.g annotation #Phase(RENDER_RESPONSE) calle this method only once after RENDER_RESPONSE phase...)


jsf converter loses injected property

I had this working before, but then I changed some things, and I can't get it to work again. I am trying to use my service tier to hit the database and get a correct object from my converter class, depending on what the user clicks. I inject the service property into my converter with spring. During debugging, I can see that the property gets sets properly. But then when I go to call getService, it is null.
public class PlaceConverter implements Converter {
private SearchQueryService searchQueryService;
* #return the searchQueryService
public SearchQueryService getSearchQueryService() {
return searchQueryService;
* #param searchQueryService the searchQueryService to set
public void setSearchQueryService(SearchQueryService searchQueryService) {
this.searchQueryService = searchQueryService;
public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, String submittedValue) {
try {
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
return getSearchQueryService().findPlaces(criteria).get(0);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
public String getAsString(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, Object value) {
((Place) value).setCategory(" (" + ((Place) value).getCategory() + ")");
return String.valueOf(((Place) value).getPlaceId());
<bean id="placeConverterBean" class="com.ghghg.converter.PlaceConverter">
<property name="searchQueryService" ref="searchQueryServiceBean" />
Dependency injection in a converter works only if the converter is declared as a managed bean by the dependency injection framework in question. E.g. JSF's own #ManagedBean, or CDI's #Named, or Spring's #Component. You should remove the #FacesConverter altogether and reference the converter instance in EL scope instead of referencing it by the converter ID.
Thus, so
<h:inputXxx converter="#{placeConverter}" />
<f:converter binding="#{placeConverter}" />
instead of
<h:inputXxx converter="PlaceConverter" />
<f:converter converterId="PlaceConverter" />
Your concrete problem suggests that you were referencing it by converter ID (thus, via #FacesConverter). This way you end up getting a converter instance without any injected dependencies.
See also:
How to inject Spring bean into JSF converter
As to the role of the converter itself, this is mandatory because HTML code is represented as one large string and HTTP request parameter values can only be represented as strings. Complex Java objects would otherwise be printed via Object#toString() like so com.example.Place#hashcode, making it unusable in the server side.
I found a better way, and probably more proper way to do get what I wanted. I was not completely sure how the converter works and how the value of the selected item gets passed back to the managed bean. I just declared a new Place object in my method, set the required values. Then I saw that it got passed to my managed bean
I got it to work like this in java EE with jsf 2.0. By making the converter a member of the backing bean. I instantiate this member using CDI but it should work the same with spring.
First the backing bean:
public class SomeView implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private SomeConverter converter;
public Converter getConverter() {
return converter;
And then this is the jsf xhtml:
<p:selectOneMenu id="someId" value="#{someView.value}" converter="#{someView.converter}">
<f:selectItems value="#{someView.values}" var="object" itemLabel="#{}" />
Converter comes to play before updating your model bean. When user fill some input and this value is transferred to server first are updated your server side components and next conversion has happened. Converted values as saved in your bean (with method getAsObject) and before rendering the view values from beans are again converted to String because from user side everything is a string (then method getAsString is invoked).
In summary - Converter methods are the best place to change user input into your application logic, bean fields and in other way to convert your logic, bean fields into user friendly strings.
Due to your question and problem. You mean that SearchQueryService isn't available inside getAsObject method. Try to add an addnotation #Resource with proper name attribute and then it should be injected by your container.

Spring / AOP: Best way to implement an activities log in the database

I have been going through some Spring / AOP tutorials and have somewhat familiarized myself with the related concepts.
Now coming to my requirements, I need to create an Activities Log implementation which will save the activities of a logged-in user in the DB which can range from applying for a service or creating new users in case of Admin users, etc. On invocation of any method having an annotation (say #ActivityLog), this information is to be persisted in the form of actorId, actionComment, actionTime, actedUponId, ... etc.
Now, if I create a POJO class (that maps to a ActivityLog table in the DB) and want to save this data from inside the Advice (preferably using the same transaction as the method, method uses #Transactional annotation), how do I actually populate the variables in this POJO?? I can probably get the actorId from the session object & actionTime can simply be new Date() but how about the dynamic values for actionComment / actedUponId?
Any help will be brilliant! (BTW, I have a requirement to not use Hibernate Interceptors.)
Here is a complete example:
public class WebMethodAuditor {
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_NOW = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
AuditRecordDAO auditRecordDAO;
#Before("execution(* com.mycontrollers.*.*(..))")
public void beforeWebMethodExecution(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
String methodName = joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
User principal = (User)SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime());
// only log those methods called by an end user
if(principal.getUsername() != null) {
for(Object o : args) {
Boolean doInspect = true;
if(o instanceof ServletRequestDataBinder) doInspect = false;
if(o instanceof ExtendedModelMap) doInspect = false;
if(doInspect) {
if(o instanceof BaseForm ) {
// only show form objects
AuditRecord ar = new AuditRecord();
If you are looking to get the actionComment and actedUponId from arguments to the annotated method (assuming they're both strings), you can add binding terms to your #Around pointcut like this:
#Around("#annotation(ActivityLog) && args(actionComment,actedUponId)")
public Object logActivity(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp,
String actionComment, String actedUponId) throws Throwable {
// ... get other values from context, etc. ...
// ... write to log ...
The args binding in a pointcut can be used in partially-specified mode, in case there are other arguments about that you aren't interested in, and since the aspect is itself a bean, it can be wired into everything else that is going on in the normal way.
Note that if you're mixing declarative transaction management on the same method calls, you've got to get the order of aspects correct. That's done in part by making the aspect bean also implement the Spring Ordered interface, and by controlling the precedence of transactions through the order attribute to <tx:annotation-driven/>. (If that's impossible, you'll be forced to do clever things with direct transaction handling; that's a vastly more painful option to get right…)
You will be getting a reference to the org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint in your advice.You can get the name of target method being executed with toShortString().You can have a loop-up/property file with the method-name=comments entries.This comments can be populated into the POJO.actionComment.method-name can be set to POJO.actedUponId.
I hope the advice should run within the same transaction, if the data-access method is adviced and the service method uses #Transactional.

How can I set a value after data binding, but before validation, in Spring MVC 3?

I need to set a "time submitted" field on one of my domain objects. Validation rules require that property to be there, but I can't have it set by data binding from the form because then the user could change it. How can I set a property of the bound object (or about-to-be-bound object) before validation occurs?
I don't know if I understood your question correctly, but you have 2 options to manipulate your data, on client side using Java Script, on server side using customer Validator.
public class PersonValidator implements Validator {
* This Validator validates just Person instances
public boolean supports(Class clazz) {
return Person.class.equals(clazz);
public void validate(Object obj, Errors e) {
Person p = (Person) obj;
p.setanyValue(some value); //changing object value
if (p.getAge() < 0) {
e.rejectValue("age", "negativevalue");
} else if (p.getAge() > 110) {
e.rejectValue("age", "too.darn.old");
Hope it helps.
Maybe Stuff
I believe that binding starts by creating a new instance of a class. Assuming that this is true, you could add a blah = new Date(); in the constructor. Although this would happen before binding, I believe it fulfills the core requirement of get the submit time, but don't let the client edit it.
If this is wrong, check out the InitializingBean interface (or the corresponding init-method bean attribute).
Looks like spring 3.0 has even more lifecycle options. check out section Combining lifecycle mechanisms in the Spring 3.0 Reference.
Better Info
You should be able to register a handler interceptor and set the submit time therein.
Check out the 15.4.1 Intercepting requests - the HandlerInterceptor interface section in the Spring 3.0 Reference (link is above).

Best Practices for Struts 2 CRUD

So I've found a bunch of Struts 2 CRUD examples around the web:
Struts 2 CRUD Demo
and a few books:
Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development ISBN: 978-1847193391
Struts 2 Design and Programming ISBN: 978-0980331608
But all of them differ a little bit on how to do form population.
Some suggest implementing the Java interfaces ModelDriven or Prepareable to call come prepare function to pre-populate any needed data members.
Others suggest creating your own PrepareForUpdate action that calls a pre-populate function then redirects to the main edit view.
They also very on how to pass around an object identifier to indicate what object to retrieve for editing. SOme suggest intercepters what others throw it in the URL parameters and retrieve it through ActionContext or pass it around through a s:hidden field.
Is there a Best Practices way to do form population in Struts 2?
What are the advantages/disadvantages to the methods mentioned above?
I'm not aware of any documented best practices, but I've been using Webwork and Struts2 for about three years now, so I can tell you what I've used in my projects. By the way, the CRUD demo documentation you linked to strikes me as a bit out of date (I realize its from the project site).
I split my CRUD work into three different actions:
An action that lists the entities. It supports pagination and populates some type of a table or grid view.
An action that handles both add and edit functionality. Uses a prepare() method to set up dropdowns, etc.
An action that handles delete functionality.
Some suggest implementing the Java interfaces ModelDriven or Prepareable to call come prepare function to pre-populate any needed data members.
That's the approach that I would advocate, although I don't use the ModelDriven interface. For details, check out how Struts2 ModelDriven interface works and the comments on my answer. Whether you use ModelDriven or not is just a personal choice. Also, check out why is model-driven action preferred over object backed bean properties.
Others suggest creating your own PrepareForUpdate action that calls a pre-populate function then redirects to the main edit view.
I have not seen that before and based on your description, I would avoid that technique. It seems wasteful to do a redirect and create an additional HTTP request to achieve the same thing that the prepare() method was designed to handle.
They also very on how to pass around an object identifier to indicate what object to retrieve for editing.
Just pass the identifier in the URL or the form. That's the standard approach for web applications.
I've been using Struts 2 for about 3 years. I use ModelDriven and Prepareable together in the same action. Each domain object (model) has a struts action class that returns a list or single object depending on if the id was passed to the action. This works pretty well for me, and the only time it's been problematic is when using Ajax. I usually separate my Ajax actions into a separate action for the model, if I am using them. I store the model id, as well as any related objects that I might need as hidden HTML fields in the view.
Using this approach, the action and the view are restful. You can leave the page for a long period of time and invoke the action without fear that the action will fail. Here's an example:
public class ApplicationAction extends MyBaseAction
implements ModelDriven<Application>, Preparable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7242685178906659449L;
private ApplicationService applicationService;
private Application application;
private Integer id;
List<Application> allApplications;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) { = id;
public Application getModel() {
return application;
public void prepare() throws Exception {
if(id == null || id.intValue() == 0){
application= new Application();
application= applicationService.getApplication(id);
public String list() throws Exception {
allApplications = applicationService.getApplications();
return SUCCESS;
#Validations( visitorFields = {#VisitorFieldValidator(message = "Validation Error", fieldName = "model", appendPrefix = false)})
public String update() throws Exception {
addActionMessage("Application Saved Successfully.");
return SUCCESS;
public void setApplicationService(ApplicationService applicationService) {
this.applicationService = applicationService;
public List<Application> getAllApplications() {
return allApplications;

Spring - binding to an object rather than a String or primitive

Let's say I have the following command object:
class BreakfastSelectCommand{
List<Breakfast> possibleBreakfasts;
Breakfast selectedBreakfast;
How can I have spring populate "selectedBreakfast" with a breakfast from the list?
I was figuring I'd do something like this in my jsp:
<form:radiobuttons items="${possibleBreakfasts}" path="selectedBreakfast" />
But this doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
The key to it all of this is the PropertyEditor.
You need to define a PropertyEditor for your Breakfast class and then configure the ServletDataBinder using registerCustomEditor in the initBinder method of your controller.
public class BreakfastPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport{
public void setAsText(String incomming){
Breakfast b = yourDao.findById( Integer.parseInt(incomming));
public String getAsText(){
return ((Breakfast)getValue()).getId();
note you'll be needing some null checking etc, but you get the idea. In your controller:
public BreakfastFooBarController extends SimpleFormController {
protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Breakfast.class, new BreakfastPropertyEditor(yourDao));
things to watch out for:
PropertyEditor's are not thread safe
if you need spring beans, either manually inject them or define them in spring as prototype scope and use method injection into your controller
throw IllegalArgumentException if the inbound parameter is not valid/not found, spring will convert this into a binding error correctly
hope this helps.
Edit (in response to the comment):
It looks a little strange in the given example because BreakfastSelectCommand doesn't look like an entity, I'm not sure what the actual scenario you have is. Say it is an entity, for example like Person with a breakfast property then the formBackingObject() method would load the Person object from the the PersonDao and return it as the command. The binding phase would then change the breakfast property depending on the selected value, such that the command that arrives in onSubmit has the breakfast property all set up.
Depending on the implementation of your DAO objects calling them twice or attempting to load the same entity twice doesn't actually mean that you will get two SQL statements being run. This applies particularly to Hibernate, where it guarantees that it will return the same object that is in it's session for a given identifier, thus running letting the binding attempt to load the Breakfast selection even through it hasn't changed shouldn't result in any undue overhead.
