Transloading is submitting the wrong form - transloadit

I have several forms on my page that all have the class "my_form". I have activated transloadit as follows :
$(function() {
wait: true,
triggerUploadOnFileSelection: true
After the files upload and the form is submittted, the wrong form is submitted. Transloadit is submitting the last form on the page with the class "my_form", rather than the specific form I submitted.
Any idea how this is happening?

Transloadit can't know which form you mean if you have several that match the my_form class. One way to workaround this is to give one form the attrbute id="upload_form" and then refer to that as $('#upload_form').transloadit(...etc


jQuery .delegate Not Working on Form Load via AJAX

I am submitting and loading a new form via AJAX and want to use the same script that the first form uses to submit and load the new form to submit a comment. I have this script commented out so you cannot see it but when I use it, the commentForm.php loads and does not use the jQuery submission. I have tried it many ways with no luck.
$('#quoteForm').delegate('input:submit', 'submit',function(e) {
Any help would be appreciated.
If your form is getting replaced then you'll need to delegate the event handler to a parent element. And you'll need to bind to the form and not the submit button:
$('body').delegate('form', 'submit', function(e) {
// and you'll need this to prevent
// the form's 'default' action

How to force form client-side validation in or before $.ajax()

I have a form and unobtrusive validations are enabled. By default in submit method client side validation gets triggered and (if you have any errors) the form looks like this:
The validation happens even before any data gets sent to the server.
Now this behavior doesn't work if you want to use $.ajax method. Client side validation doesn't work. You have to manually check all the fields in your javascript, losing all the beauty of DataAnnotations.
Is there any better solution? I could've use jquery's submit() but I guess it doesn't have callback like $.ajax.
if (form.valid()) // do submit
You must force the form to validate before checking if it is valid. Something like this:
var form = $( "#myform" );
if (form.valid()) {
// ...
I did...
$("#form-submit-button").click(function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Stops the form automatically submitting
if ($("#my-form").valid()) {
This also seems to be a good solution if you have say textboxes with a plugin to make those textboxes into a calendar control. Only reason I say this is because I used Zebra Datepicker with an MVC form and it would submit an invalid form if focus was on the calendar date picker. Using the below code stops this.
I was having the same issue Yablargo was having in that it was saying that valid is not a function, so I came up with this:
For the onclick handler of the submit button, I put this:
onclick="return $(this).closest('form').checkValidity();"

ASP.NET MVC 3 Dynamic Controls and Unobtrusive Validation

Good afternoon everyone. I was wondering if there is anyway to have the MVC framework automatically wire up the data-val* attributes on the controls or do we need to manually create and apply the attributes to dynamic content?
I have a view that initially calls a partial view passing in the main viewmodel. This partial view is bound to a complex property on my main viewmodel. The partial view simply contains a set of cascading dropdown lists. On initial load of the page I have a call to #Html.Partial("PartialName", Model), the two dropdown lists’ validation works perfectly if I try to submit without selecting proper values. I also have another button on the page that if clicked loads another instance of the partial view on the page. If I now try to submit the form these controls, although they are bound to the same model and although I have set the correct .ValidationMessageFor helpers, no validation appears for them since the dropdownlists do not appear to be generated with the data-val* attributes. Is there any way that I can get them to appear correctly? I also noticed that the associated <span /> tag associated to the .ValidationMessageFor is not generated either. Has anyone run into this problem as well, if so how did you resolved?
Here is the javascript function that I call to load the partial on the button's onClick event:
function AddNewVehicle() {
type: 'GET',
url: '/ReservationWizard/AddVehicleToReservation',
data: $('#reservation-wizard-form').serialize(),
dataType: 'HTML',
async: true,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null) {
The problem is that if you are not inside a form context, the HTML helpers such as TextBoxFor do not output any client validation data-* attributes. The first time when the page loads you invoke your Html.RenderPartial inside an Html.BeginForm() but later when you use AJAX to append form elements there is no longer this form context and there won't be any data-* client validation attributes generated. One possible solution would be to put the form inside the partial and then update the entire form during the AJAX call and in the success callback re-parse the client validation rules using $.validator.unobtrusive.parse('#vehicle-selection-container').
But if you want to keep only a single element inside the partial you are pretty much on your own :-) Here's a blog post which covers your scenario that you might take a look at.
So what can I say: unobtrusive client validation is great on paper and Scott Gu's blog posts but at some stage of the development of real world applications people start to realize its limitations. That's one of the reasons why I directly use the jquery.validate plugin and no MS jquery.unobtrusive. And, yes I know that I repeat my server validation logic in the javascript and yes I don't care because I have total control. Oh, and on the server I use FluentValidation.NET instead of data annotations for pretty much the same reasons as the client side part :-)
So maybe some day in MVC 4 Microsoft will finally make validation right (imperative vs declarative) but until this day comes, we just need to be searching for workarounds.

Validator plugin firing with links and on submit

I have a web form which is split up into several HTML pages.
I am using the validation plug-in to check fields on submit and this is working great.
The spec says that users should be able to navigate through the form, both linearly (just using the submit buttons to go from page to page) and also to skip to any particular page.
I have a unordered list with the links at the top of each page. I'm looking to fire the validation both on submit and when one of these links is clicked but don't know if this is possible.
For info, I'm currently firing the validation this way:
rules: {
studiedBefore: "required" //Have you studied with us before
messages: {
studiedBefore: "Please indicate whether you have studied with us before."
Each form has an ID and validation for all the forms is in one JS file.
Not that it really matters, but the navigation is in <ul id="tabNav">
Any help much appreciated.
Check the .valid() method it provides. If you call that in click handlers attached to your links, you should be ok.

jQuery Validation plugin attaches only to the first form

I have noticed a strange jQuery Validation plugin behaviour, possible a bug (tested with the latest version at
Suppose I have several forms on a page.
This code leads to only first form to be validated:
$(document).ready(function() {
But this one attaches data validator to all forms:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("form").each(function() {
Is it by design? Why can't I handle all forms at once?
The api for validate does state that it "Validates the selected form" (not forms), but I agree that that's not very jQueryish. Maybe you should suggest it as an enhancement, I can't imagine that breaking any old code?
