I have a large matrix A and I need to calculate the value of log(1+exp(A)) (where the calculation must be done for each element of A - yes this this is expected value of the gumbel distribution). After some trial and error, I realized that if A is large enough, then this was one of those cases where loops are actually faster than the vectorization:
C1=A; %Allocate Memory
C2=A; %Allocate Memory
for t=1:draws
tic; C1=log(1+exp(A)); speed_test(t,1)=toc;
for i=1:n
which yields mean(speed_test)= 0.1789 0.1689or about 6% faster. I was wondering if anyone has any other suggestions to speed up this calculation? I've heard that performing function like log and exp in C (i.e. mex) can be much faster.
Matlab has timeit method which is helpful to compare the performance of an implementation with another. I couldn't find something similar in octave. I wrote this benchmark method with runs a function f N times and then returns the total time taken. Is this a reasonable way to compare different implementations or am I missing something critical like "warmup"?
function elapsed_time_in_seconds = benchmark(f, N)
% benchmark runs the function 'f' N times and returns the elapsed time in seconds.
timeid = tic;
for i=1:N
output = f();
elapsed_time_in_seconds = toc(timeid);
MATLAB's timeit does the following (you can read the whole function, it's an M-file):
Obtain a rough estimate t_rough of the time for calling the function f.
Use the estimate to determine N such that N*t_rough is about 0.001 s.
Determine M such that M*N*t_rough is no more than 15 s, but M must be between 3 and 11.
Loop M times:
Call f() N times and record the total time.
Determine the median of the M times, divided by N.
The purpose of the two loops, M and N, is as follows: Calling f() N times ensures that the time measured by tic/toc is sufficiently large to be reliable, this loop avoids attempting to time something that is so short that it cannot be timed. Repeating the measurement M times and keeping the median attempts to make the measurement robust against delays caused by other stuff happening on your system, which can artificially inflate the recorded time.
The function subtracts the overhead of calling a function through its handle (determined experimentally by timing the call of an empty function), as well as the tic/toc call time (also determined experimentally). It does not subtract the cost of the inner loop, presumably because in MATLAB it is optimized by the JIT and its cost is negligible.
There are some further refinements. The function that determines t_rough first warms up tic and toc by calling each one twice, then it uses a while loop to ensure it calls f() for at least 0.001 s. But in this loop, if the first iteration takes at least 3 s, it just takes that time as the rough estimate. If the first iteration takes less time, the first time count is discarded (warmup), and then uses the median of all the subsequent calls as the rough estimate of the time.
There's also a lot of effort put into calling the function f() with the right number of output arguments.
The code has a lot of comments explaining the reason behind all these steps, it is worth reading.
As a minimum, I would augment your benchmark function as follows:
function elapsed_time_in_seconds = benchmark(f, N, M)
% benchmark runs the function 'f' N*M times and returns the elapsed time in seconds.
tic; [~] = toc; tic; [~] = toc; % warmup
output = f(); % warmup
t = zeros(M, 1);
for k=1:M
timeid = tic;
for i=1:N
output = f();
t(k) = toc(timeid) / N;
elapsed_time_in_seconds = median(t);
If you use the function to directly compare various alternatives, keeping N and M constant, then the overheads of tic, toc, function calls and loops is irrelevant.
This function does assume that f has one output argument, which is not necessarily the case. You could just call f() instead of output = f(), which will work for functions with or without output arguments. But if the function needs to have a certain number of outputs to work correctly, or to trigger computations that you want to time, then you'd have to adjust the function to call it with the right number of output arguments.
You could come up with some heuristic to determine M from N, which would make it a little easier to use this function.
It is really stupid all I am trying to do is having a 7 column matrix consisiting all mod 7 numbers and it takes a huge time to generate such a matrix utilizing the following code
to = 7^k;
msgValue = zeros(to,k);
for l=0:to
for kCounter=0:(k-1)
msgValue = floor(msgValue);
How can I do this faster?
Or another vectorized approach (direct matrix multiplication):
msgValue = floor( mod( (0:7^k).' * (1./(7.^(0:k-1))),7 ) ) ;
a wee bit faster than the famous bsxfun ;-)
%// For 10000 iterations, k=3
Elapsed time is 2.280774 seconds. %// double loop
Elapsed time is 1.329179 seconds. %// bsxfun
Elapsed time is 0.958945 seconds. %// matrix multiplication
You can use a vectorized approach with bsxfun -
msgValue = floor(mod(bsxfun(#rdivide,[0:to]',7.^(0:(k-1))),7));
Quick runtime tests for k = 7:
-------------------- With Original Approach
Elapsed time is 1.519023 seconds.
-------------------- With Proposed Approach
Elapsed time is 0.279547 seconds.
I used a submssion from matlab central called rude, which I tend to use from time to time and was able to eliminate one for loop and vectorize the code to some extent.
modval = 7;
mods = mod(0:(modval-1),modval);
for kCounter=1:k
aux = rude(modval^(kCounter-1)*ones(1,modval),mods)';
msgValue(:,kCounter) = repmat(aux,to/(7^kCounter),1);
The idea behind the code is to make at the beginning of each iteration the building block of the column vector using the rude function. Rude, in turn, uses mods = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6] as a starting point for the manipulation. The real work is done through vectorization.
You did not mention how long your code takes to run. So I timed it just once to give you a rough idea. It ran in 0.43 seconds in my machine, a Windows 7 Ultimate, 2.4 GHz, 4GB Ram, Dual CPU.
Also, the way you defined your loop adds a repetition in your msgValue matrix. The first row consists of zero values throughout all columns, and so the last row, which I also fixed. For a toy example with k=3, your code returns a 344x1 matrix, while you explicitly initialize it as a 7³x1 (343x1) matrix.
I have a loop in which I use ppval to evaluate a set of values from a piecewise polynomial spline. The interpolation is easily the most time consuming part of the loop and I am looking for a way improve the function's efficiency.
More specifically, I'm using a finite difference scheme to calculate transient temperature distributions in friction welds. To do this I need to recalculate the material properties (as a function of temperature and position) at each time step. The rate limiting factor is the interpolation of these values. I could use an alternate finite difference scheme (less restrictive in the time domain) but would rather stick with what I have if at all possible.
I've included a MWE below:
for n=1:10000
plot(x,y,x_int,y_int,'*') % plot for sanity of data
Elapsed time is 1.265442 seconds.
Edit - I should probably mention that I would be more than happy with a simple linear interpolation between values but the interp1 function is slower than ppval
for n=1:10000
plot(x,y,x_int,y_int,'*') % plot for sanity of data
Elapsed time is 1.957256 seconds.
This is slow, because you're running into the single most annoying limitation of JIT. It's the cause of many many many oh so many questions in the MATLAB tag here on SO:
MATLAB's JIT accelerator cannot accelerate loops that call non-builtin functions.
Both ppval and interp1 are not built in (check with type ppval or edit interp1). Their implementation is not particularly slow, they just aren't fast when placed in a loop.
Now I have the impression it's getting better in more recent versions of MATLAB, but there are still quite massive differences between "inlined" and "non-inlined" loops. Why their JIT doesn't automate this task by simply recursing into non-builtins, I really have no idea.
Anyway, to fix this, you should copy-paste the essence of what happens in ppval into the loop body:
% Example data
x = 0:.1:10;
y = sin(x);
pp = spline(x,y);
% Your original version
for n = 1:10000
x_int = 10*rand(1000,1);
y_int = ppval(pp, x_int);
% "inlined" version
br = pp.breaks.';
cf = pp.coefs;
for n = 1:10000
x_int = 10*rand(1000,1);
[~, inds] = histc(x_int, [-inf; br(2:end-1); +inf]);
x_shf = x_int - br(inds);
zero = ones(size(x_shf));
one = x_shf;
two = one .* x_shf;
three = two .* x_shf;
y_int = sum( [three two one zero] .* cf(inds,:), 2);
Results on my crappy machine:
Elapsed time is 2.764317 seconds. % ppval
Elapsed time is 1.695324 seconds. % "inlined" version
The difference is actually less than what I expected, but I think that's mostly due to the sum() -- for this ppval case, I usually only need to evaluate a single site per iteration, which you can do without histc (but with simple vectorized code) and matrix/vector multiplication x*y (BLAS) instead of sum(x.*y) (fast, but not BLAS-fast).
Oh well, a ~60% reduction is not bad :)
It is a bit surprising that interp1 is slower than ppval, but having a quick look at its source code, it seems that it has to check for many special cases and has to loop over all the points since it it cannot be sure if the step-size is constant.
I didn't check the timing, but I guess you can speed up the linear interpolation by a lot if you can guarantee that steps in x of your table are constant, and that the values to be interpolated are stricktly within the given range, so that you do not have to do any checking. In that case, linear interpolation can be converted to a simple lookup problem like so:
%data to be interpolated, on grid with constant step
x = 0:0.5:10;
y = sin(x);
x_int = 0:0.1:9.9;
%make sure it is interpolation, not extrapolation
assert(all(x(1) <= x_int & x_int < x(end)));
% compute mapping, this can be precomputed for constant grid
slope = (length(x) - 1) / (x(end) - x(1));
offset = 1 - slope*x(1);
%map x_int to interval 1..lenght(i)
xmapped = offset + slope * x_int;
ind = floor(xmapped);
frac = xmapped - ind;
%interpolate by taking weighted sum of neighbouring points
y_int = y(ind) .* (1 - frac) + y(ind+1) .* frac;
% make plot to check correctness
plot(x, y, 'o-', x_int, y_int, '.')
I am just learning MATLAB and I find it hard to understand the performance factors of loops vs vectorized functions.
In my previous question: Nested for loops extremely slow in MATLAB (preallocated) I realized that using a vectorized function vs. 4 nested loops made a 7x times difference in running time.
In that example instead of looping through all dimensions of a 4 dimensional array and calculating median for each vector, it was much cleaner and faster to just call median(stack, n) where n meant the working dimension of the median function.
But median is just a very easy example and I was just lucky that it had this dimension parameter implemented.
My question is that how do you write a function yourself which works as efficiently as one which has this dimension range implemented?
For example you have a function my_median_1D which only works on a 1-D vector and returns a number.
How do you write a function my_median_nD which acts like MATLAB's median, by taking an n-dimensional array and a "working dimension" parameter?
I found the code for calculating median in higher dimensions
% In all other cases, use linear indexing to determine exact location
% of medians. Use linear indices to extract medians, then reshape at
% end to appropriate size.
cumSize = cumprod(s);
total = cumSize(end); % Equivalent to NUMEL(x)
numMedians = total / nCompare;
numConseq = cumSize(dim - 1); % Number of consecutive indices
increment = cumSize(dim); % Gap between runs of indices
ixMedians = 1;
y = repmat(x(1),numMedians,1); % Preallocate appropriate type
% Nested FOR loop tracks down medians by their indices.
for seqIndex = 1:increment:total
for consIndex = half*numConseq:(half+1)*numConseq-1
absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex;
y(ixMedians) = x(absIndex);
ixMedians = ixMedians + 1;
% Average in second value if n is even
if 2*half == nCompare
ixMedians = 1;
for seqIndex = 1:increment:total
for consIndex = (half-1)*numConseq:half*numConseq-1
absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex;
y(ixMedians) = meanof(x(absIndex),y(ixMedians));
ixMedians = ixMedians + 1;
% Check last indices for NaN
ixMedians = 1;
for seqIndex = 1:increment:total
for consIndex = (nCompare-1)*numConseq:nCompare*numConseq-1
absIndex = seqIndex + consIndex;
if isnan(x(absIndex))
y(ixMedians) = NaN;
ixMedians = ixMedians + 1;
Could you explain to me that why is this code so effective compared to the simple nested loops? It has nested loops just like the other function.
I don't understand how could it be 7x times faster and also, that why is it so complicated.
Update 2
I realized that using median was not a good example as it is a complicated function itself requiring sorting of the array or other neat tricks. I re-did the tests with mean instead and the results are even more crazy:
19 seconds vs 0.12 seconds.
It means that the built in way for sum is 160 times faster than the nested loops.
It is really hard for me to understand how can an industry leading language have such an extreme performance difference based on the programming style, but I see the points mentioned in the answers below.
Update 2 (to address your updated question)
MATLAB is optimized to work well with arrays. Once you get used to it, it is actually really nice to just have to type one line and have MATLAB do the full 4D looping stuff itself without having to worry about it. MATLAB is often used for prototyping / one-off calculations, so it makes sense to save time for the person coding, and giving up some of C[++|#]'s flexibility.
This is why MATLAB internally does some loops really well - often by coding them as a compiled function.
The code snippet you give doesn't really contain the relevant line of code which does the main work, namely
% Sort along given dimension
x = sort(x,dim);
In other words, the code you show only needs to access the median values by their correct index in the now-sorted multi-dimensional array x (which doesn't take much time). The actual work accessing all array elements was done by sort, which is a built-in (i.e. compiled and highly optimized) function.
Original answer (about how to built your own fast functions working on arrays)
There are actually quite a few built-ins that take a dimension parameter: min(stack, [], n), max(stack, [], n), mean(stack, n), std(stack, [], n), median(stack,n), sum(stack, n)... together with the fact that other built-in functions like exp(), sin() automatically work on each element of your whole array (i.e. sin(stack) automatically does four nested loops for you if stack is 4D), you can built up a lot of functions that you might need just be relying on the existing built-ins.
If this is not enough for a particular case you should have a look at repmat, bsxfun, arrayfun and accumarray which are very powerful functions for doing things "the MATLAB way". Just search on SO for questions (or rather answers) using one of these, I learned a lot about MATLABs strong points that way.
As an example, say you wanted to implement the p-norm of stack along dimension n, you could write
function result=pnorm(stack, p, n)
... where you effectively reuse the "which-dimension-capability" of sum.
As Max points out in the comments, also have a look at the colon operator (:) which is a very powerful tool for selecting elements from an array (or even changing it shape, which is more generally done with reshape).
In general, have a look at the section Array Operations in the help - it contains repmat et al. mentioned above, but also cumsum and some more obscure helper functions which you should use as building blocks.
In addition to whats already been said, you should also understand that vectorization involves parallelization, i.e. performing concurrent operations on data as opposed to sequential execution (think SIMD instructions), and even taking advantage of threads and multiprocessors in some cases...
Now although the "interpreted vs. compiled" point has already been argued, no one mentioned that you can extend MATLAB by writing MEX-files, which are compiled executables written in C, that can be called directly as normal function from inside MATLAB. This allows you to implement performance-critical parts using a lower-level language like C.
Column-major order
Finally, when trying to optimize some code, always remember that MATLAB stores matrices in column-major order. Accessing elements in that order can yield significant improvements compared to other arbitrary orders.
For example, in your previous linked question, you were computing the median of set of stacked images along some dimension. Now the order in which those dimensions are ordered greatly affect the performance. Illustration:
%# sequence of 10 images
fPath = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','images','imdemos');
files = dir( fullfile(fPath,'AT3_1m4_*.tif') );
files = strcat(fPath,{filesep},{files.name}'); %'
I = imread( files{1} );
%# stacked images along the 1st dimension: [numImages H W RGB]
stack1 = zeros([numel(files) size(I) 3], class(I));
for i=1:numel(files)
I = imread( files{i} );
stack1(i,:,:,:) = repmat(I, [1 1 3]); %# grayscale to RGB
%# stacked images along the 4th dimension: [H W RGB numImages]
stack4 = permute(stack1, [2 3 4 1]);
%# compute median image from each of these two stacks
tic, m1 = squeeze( median(stack1,1) ); toc
tic, m4 = median(stack4,4); toc
The timing difference was huge:
Elapsed time is 0.257551 seconds. %# stack1
Elapsed time is 17.405075 seconds. %# stack4
Could you explain to me that why is this code so effective compared to the simple nested loops? It has nested loops just like the other function.
The problem with nested loops is not the nested loops themselves. It's the operations you perform inside.
Each function call (especially to a non-built-in function) generates a little bit of overhead; more so if the function performs e.g. error checking that takes the same amount of time regardless of input size. Thus, if a function has only a 1 ms overhead, if you call it 1000 times, you will have wasted a second. If you can call it once to perform a vectorized calculation, you pay overhead only once.
Furthermore, the JIT compiler (pdf) can help vectorize simple for-loops, where you, for example, only perform basic arithmetic operations. Thus, the loops with simple calculations in your post are sped up by a lot, while the loops calling median are not.
In this case
M = median(A,dim) returns the median values for elements along the dimension of A specified by scalar dim
But with a general function you can try splitting your array with mat2cell (which can work with n-D arrays and not just matrices) and applying your my_median_1D function through cellfun. Below I will use median as an example to show that you get equivalent results, but instead you can pass it any function defined in an m-file, or an anonymous function defined with the #(args) notation.
>> testarr = [[1 2 3]' [4 5 6]']
testarr =
1 4
2 5
3 6
>> median(testarr,2)
ans =
>> shape = size(testarr)
shape =
3 2
>> cellfun(#median,mat2cell(testarr,repmat(1,1,shape(1)),[shape(2)]))
ans =
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a fast (i.e. O(N log(N)) ) method of calculating the average square difference function (ASDF) or average magnitude difference function (AMDF) for a periodic signal, or it is even possible.
I know that one can use the FFT to calculate the periodic cross correlation. For example, in Matlab code,
for i=1:N
is equivalent to the much faster
Is there a similar "fast" algorithm for
for i=1:N
for i=1:N
You can expand your definition of ASDF as follows:
for i = 1:N
asdf(i) = (sum(x1.^2) - 2*sum(x1*circshift(x2,i-1)) + sum(x2.^2))/N;
which simplifies to
asdf = (-2*ifft(fft(x1).*conj(fft(x2))) + sum(x1.^2) + sum(x2.^2))/N;