Julia: How to copy data to another processor in Julia - parallel-processing

How do you move data from one processor to another in julia?
Say I have an array
a = [1:10]
Or some other data structure. What is the proper way to put it on all other available processors so that it will be available on those processors as the same variable name?

I didn't know how to do this at first, so I spent some time figuring it out.
Here are some functions I wrote to pass objects:
Send an arbitrary number of variables to specified processes.
New variables are created in the Main module on specified processes. The
name will be the key of the keyword argument and the value will be the
associated value.
function sendto(p::Int; args...)
for (nm, val) in args
#spawnat(p, eval(Main, Expr(:(=), nm, val)))
function sendto(ps::Vector{Int}; args...)
for p in ps
sendto(p; args...)
# creates an integer x and Matrix y on processes 1 and 2
sendto([1, 2], x=100, y=rand(2, 3))
# create a variable here, then send it everywhere else
z = randn(10, 10); sendto(workers(), z=z)
Retrieve an object defined in an arbitrary module on an arbitrary
process. Defaults to the Main module.
The name of the object to be retrieved should be a symbol.
getfrom(p::Int, nm::Symbol; mod=Main) = fetch(#spawnat(p, getfield(mod, nm)))
# get an object from named x from Main module on process 2. Name it x
x = getfrom(2, :x)
Pass an arbitrary number of objects from one process to arbitrary
processes. The variable must be defined in the from_mod module of the
src process and will be copied under the same name to the to_mod
module on each target process.
function passobj(src::Int, target::Vector{Int}, nm::Symbol;
from_mod=Main, to_mod=Main)
r = RemoteRef(src)
#spawnat(src, put!(r, getfield(from_mod, nm)))
for to in target
#spawnat(to, eval(to_mod, Expr(:(=), nm, fetch(r))))
function passobj(src::Int, target::Int, nm::Symbol; from_mod=Main, to_mod=Main)
passobj(src, [target], nm; from_mod=from_mod, to_mod=to_mod)
function passobj(src::Int, target, nms::Vector{Symbol};
from_mod=Main, to_mod=Main)
for nm in nms
passobj(src, target, nm; from_mod=from_mod, to_mod=to_mod)
# pass variable named x from process 2 to all other processes
passobj(2, filter(x->x!=2, procs()), :x)
# pass variables t, u, v from process 3 to process 1
passobj(3, 1, [:t, :u, :v])
# Pass a variable from the `Foo` module on process 1 to Main on workers
passobj(1, workers(), [:foo]; from_mod=Foo)

use #eval #everywhere... and escape the local variable. like this:
julia> a=collect(1:3)
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> addprocs(1)
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> #eval #everywhere a=$a
julia> #fetchfrom 2 a
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

Just so everyone here knows, I put these ideas together into a package ParallelDataTransfer.jl for this. So you just need to do
using ParallelDataTransfer
(after installing) in order to use the functions mentioned in the answers here. Why? These functions are pretty useful! I added some testing, some new macros, and updated them a bit (they pass on v0.5, fail on v0.4.x). Feel free to put in pull requests to edit these and add more.

To supplement #spencerlyon2 's answer here are some macros:
function sendtosimple(p::Int, nm, val)
ref = #spawnat(p, eval(Main, Expr(:(=), nm, val)))
macro sendto(p, nm, val)
return :( sendtosimple($p, $nm, $val) )
macro broadcast(nm, val)
#sync for p in workers()
#async sendtosimple(p, $nm, $val)
The #spawnat macro binds a value to a symbol on a particular process
julia> #sendto 2 :bip pi/3
julia> #fetchfrom 2 bip
The #broadcast macro binds a value to a symbol in all processes except 1 (as I found doing so made future expressions using the name copy the version from process 1)
julia> #broadcast :bozo 5
julia> #fetchfrom 2 bozo
julia> bozo
ERROR: UndefVarError: bozo not defined
julia> bozo = 3 #these three lines are why I exclude pid 1
julia> #fetchfrom 7 bozo
julia> #fetchfrom 7 Main.bozo


Why does ghostscript hang when passing a procedure to a procedure to another procedure to invoke when using the same argument name?

I am passing a postscript procedure (c) as an argument on the stack to a procedure (a), which then passes this as an argument on the stack to another procedure (b) that invokes the procedure (c).
When I use a dictionary to localize variables and use the same name for the argument in a and b, ghostscript hangs (in the below code, these are procedures a1 and a2 and they both use proc). When I make them different names (in the below code these are procedures a and b which use Aproc and Bproc, respectively), it runs correctly.
Note that I am aware that I can just use the stack to pass down the original argument and avoid the whole exch def step, but in my real world code, I want to capture the stack argument to use locally.
Below is a minimal working example of the issue:
(C output) =
(C END) =
}bind def
1 dict begin
/Bproc exch def
(B END) =
}bind def
1 dict begin
/Aproc exch def
{Aproc} b
(A END) =
}bind def
(B2 START) =
1 dict begin
/proc exch def
(B2 END) =
}bind def
(A2 START) =
1 dict begin
/proc exch def
{proc} b2
(A2 END) =
}bind def
{c} a
% {c} a2
Here is the output with the above code (different argument names, no issues):
$ gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=test2.pdf test2.ps
GPL Ghostscript 9.54.0 (2021-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software is supplied under the GNU AGPLv3 and comes with NO WARRANTY:
see the file COPYING for details.
C output
Change the last 2 lines of the code to the following (comment out first, uncomment out the second):
% {c} a
{c} a2
Now ghostscript just hangs:
$ gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=test2.pdf test2.ps
GPL Ghostscript 9.54.0 (2021-03-30)
Copyright (C) 2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software is supplied under the GNU AGPLv3 and comes with NO WARRANTY:
see the file COPYING for details.
C-c C-c: *** Interrupt
Environment: OpenSuse:
$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 5.18.4-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Jun 15 06:00:33 UTC 2022 (ed6345d) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
# VERSION="20220619"
ID_LIKE="opensuse suse"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
I think you are being tripped up by early and late name binding, which is a subtle point in PostScript and often traps newcomers to the language.
Because of late name binding you can change the definition of a key/value pair during the course of execution, which can have unexpected effects. This is broadly similar to self-modifying code.
See section 3.12 Early Name Binding on page 117 of the 3rd Edition PostScript Language Reference Manual for details, but the basic point is right at the first paragraph:
"Normally, when the PostScript language scanner encounters an executable name in the program being scanned, it simply produces an executable name object; it does not look up the value of the name. It looks up the name only when the name object is executed by the interpreter. The lookup occurs in the dictionaries that are on the dictionary tack at the time of execution."
Also you aren't quite (I think) doing what you think you are with the executable array tokens '{' and '}'. That isn't putting the definition on the stack, exactly, it is defining an executable array on the stack. Not quite the same thing. In particular it means that the content of the array (between { and }) isn't being executed.
If you wanted to put the original function on the stack you would do '/proc load'. For example if you wanted to define a function to be the same as showpage you might do:
/my_showpage /showpage load def
/my_showpage {showpage} def
So looking at your failing case.
In function a2 You start by creating and opening a new dictionary. Said dictionary is only present on the stack, so if you ever pop it off it will go out of scope and be garbage collected (I'm sure you know this of course).
In that dictionary you create a key '/proc' with the associated value of an executable array. The array contains {c}.
Then you create a new executable array on the stack {proc}
You then execute function b2 with that executable array on the stack.
b2 starts another new dictionary, again on the stack, and then defines a key/value pair '/proc' with the associated value {proc}.
You then execute proc. That executes the array, the only thing in it is a reference to 'proc', so that is looked up starting in the current dictionary.
Oh look! We have a definition in the current dictionary, it's an executable array. So we push that array and execute it. The only thing in it is a reference to 'proc', so we look that up in the current dictionary, and we have one, so we execute that array. Round and round and round we go.....
You can avoid this by simply changing :
(A2 START) =
1 dict begin
/proc exch def
{proc} b2
(A2 END) =
}bind def
To :
(A2 START) =
1 dict begin
/proc exch def
/proc load b2
(A2 END) =
}bind def

julia implement convert for struct containing NTuple

I'm trying to implement a convert for struct containing NTuple:
import Base: convert
abstract type AbstractMyType{N, T} end
struct MyType1{N, T} <: AbstractMyType{N, T}
data::NTuple{T, N}
struct MyType2{N, T} <: AbstractMyType{N, T}
data::NTuple{T, N}
foo(::Type{MyType2}, x::AbstractMyType{N, T}) where {N, T} = x
convert(::Type{MyType2}, x::AbstractMyType{N, T}) where {N, T} = MyType2{T}(x.data)
println(foo(MyType2, MyType1((1,2,3)))) # MyType1{Int64,3}((1, 2, 3))
println(convert(MyType2, MyType1((1,2,3)))) # MethodError
Defined functions foo and convert have the same signature. For some reason function foo returns normally while convert throws MethodError. Why Julia cannot find my convert method?
julia version 1.4.1
Julia is finding your convert method:
julia> println(convert(MyType2, MyType1((1,2,3)))) # MethodError
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching MyType2{3,T} where T(::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64})
[1] convert(::Type{MyType2}, ::MyType1{Int64,3}) at ./REPL[16]:1
[2] top-level scope at REPL[18]:1
That stack trace is saying that it's inside your convert function (in my case, I defined it on the first line of the 16th REPL prompt). The problem is that it cannot find a MyType2{T}(::Tuple) constructor.
Julia automatically creates a number of constructors for you when you don't use an inner constructor; in this case you can either call MyType(()) or MyType{T, N}(()), but Julia doesn't know what to do with only one type parameter passed (by default):
julia> MyType2((1,2,3))
MyType2{Int64,3}((1, 2, 3))
julia> MyType2{Int, 3}((1,2,3))
MyType2{Int64,3}((1, 2, 3))
julia> MyType2{Int}((1,2,3))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching MyType2{Int64,T} where T(::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64})
[1] top-level scope at REPL[7]:1
[2] eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:331
[3] eval_user_input(::Any, ::REPL.REPLBackend) at /Users/mbauman/Julia/release-1.4/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.4/REPL/src/REPL.jl:86
[4] run_backend(::REPL.REPLBackend) at /Users/mbauman/.julia/packages/Revise/AMRie/src/Revise.jl:1023
[5] top-level scope at none:0
So the fix is either to define that method yourself, or change the body of your convert method to call MyType{T,N} explicitly.
Just define the method
convert(::Type{MyType2}, x::AbstractMyType{N, T}) where {N, T} = MyType2(x.data)
julia> convert(MyType2, MyType1((1,2,3)))
MyType2{Int64,3}((1, 2, 3))

Tensorflow doesn't calculate summary

I try to understand how to collect summaries for tensorboard and wrote a simple code to increment x from 1 till 5.
For some unknown reason I see variable My_x as 0 in all steps.
import tensorflow as tf
tf.reset_default_graph() # To clear the defined variables/operations
# create the scalar variable
x = tf.Variable(0, name='x')
# ____step 1:____ create the scalar summary
x_summ = tf.summary.scalar(name='My_x', tensor=x)
# accumulate all summaries
merged_summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
# create the op for initializing all variables
model = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# launch the graph in a session
with tf.Session() as session:
# ____step 2:____ creating the writer inside the session
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('output', session.graph)
for i in range(5):
#initialize variables
x = x + 1
# ____step 3:____ evaluate the scalar summary
merged_summary_ans, x_summ_ans, x_ans = session.run([merged_summary, x_summ, x])
# ____step 4:____ add the summary to the writer (i.e. to the event file)
summary_writer.add_summary(summary=x_summ_ans, global_step=i)
print('Done with writing the scalar summary')
There are two problems that I can see in your code:
1) The first is that in each loop you are re-initialising the global variables again. This is resetting x back to its original value (0).
2) Second of all when you are updating x you are overwriting the link to the variable with a TensorFlow addition operation. Your code to increase x replaces 'x' with a tf.add operation and then your summary value is no longer tracing a tf.Variable but an addition operation. If you add "print(x)" after you define it and have it run once in every loop, you will see that originally it starts out as <tf.Variable 'x:0' shape=() dtype=int32_ref> but then after seeing that "x = x+1" then print(x) becomes Tensor("add:0", shape=(), dtype=int32). Here you can see that tf.summary.scalar is only compatible with the original value and you can see why it can't be updated.
Here is code I altered to get it to work so you can see the linear of the value of x in Tensorboard.
import tensorflow as tf
x = tf.Variable(0, name='x')
x_summary = tf.summary.scalar('x_', x)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as session:
merged_summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('output', session.graph)
for i in range(5):
summary = session.run(merged_summary_op)
summary_writer.add_summary(summary, i)
session.run(tf.assign(x, x+1))

Julia parallel processing in separate modules

I'm trying to write a simple program to do parallel processing with code in separate modules. I have the following code in two separate files:
push!(LOAD_PATH, ".")
#using other # This doesn't work either
importall other
np = 4
b = [Bounds(k, k+8) for k in 1:np]
fut = Array{Future}(np)
for k = 1:np
fut[k] = #spawn center(b[k])
for k = 1:np
xc = fetch(fut[k])
println("Center for k ", k, " is ", xc)
#everywhere module other
export Bounds
export center
#everywhere type Bounds
#everywhere function center(bound::Bounds)
return (bound.x1 + bound.x2) / 2
When i run with a single process with "julia main.jl" it runs with no errors, but if I try to add processes with "julia -p4 main.jl" I get the error below. It looks like maybe the additional processes can't see the code in other.jl, but I have the #everywhere macro at all the right places it seems. What is the problem?
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: On worker 2:
UndefVarError: ##5#7 not defined
in deserialize_datatype at ./serialize.jl:823
in handle_deserialize at ./serialize.jl:571
in deserialize_msg at ./multi.jl:120
in message_handler_loop at ./multi.jl:1317
in process_tcp_streams at ./multi.jl:1276
in #618 at ./event.jl:68
in #remotecall_fetch#606(::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::Function, ::Base.Worker) at ./multi.jl:1070
in remotecall_fetch(::Function, ::Base.Worker) at ./multi.jl:1062
in #remotecall_fetch#609(::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::Function, ::Int64) at ./multi.jl:1080
in remotecall_fetch(::Function, ::Int64) at ./multi.jl:1080
in (::other.##6#8)() at ./multi.jl:1959
...and 3 other exceptions.
in sync_end() at ./task.jl:311
in macro expansion; at ./multi.jl:1968 [inlined]
in anonymous at ./<missing>:?
in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:234
in (::##1#3)() at ./multi.jl:1957
in sync_end() at ./task.jl:311
in macro expansion; at ./multi.jl:1968 [inlined]
in anonymous at ./<missing>:?
in include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:488
in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:234
in require(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:409
in include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:488
in process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:262
in _start() at ./client.jl:318
while loading /mnt/mint320/home/bmaier/BillHome/Programs/Julia/parallel/modules/other.jl, in expression starting on line 1
while loading /mnt/mint320/home/bmaier/BillHome/Programs/Julia/parallel/modules/main.jl, in expression starting on line 5
Try #everywhere importall other in main.jl
This will load other on all of the current workers. There is no requirement for other to be anything other than a normal script or module, and so you don't need the #everywhere's in other.jl.

Parallelize row-operation in Julia

Coming from a R background, I was exploring the parallel possibilities by Julia. My objective is to replicate the performance of mcapply (parallel apply)
** The problem: **
I iterate a function on the rows of a data-frame that looks like that:
for i in 1:_nrow # of my DataFrame
lat1 = Raw_Data[i,"lat1"]
lat2 = Raw_Data[i,"lat2"]
lon1 = Raw_Data[i,"long1"]
lon2 = Raw_Data[i,"long2"]
iata1 = Raw_Data[i,"iata1"]
iata2 = Raw_Data[i,"iata2"]
a[i] = [(iata1::String,iata2::String, trunc(i,2), get_intermediary_points(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,j) ) for j in 0:.1:1]
Now, as a step toward parallelization, I can also create an anonymous function that does quite similar work, running calculation on each chunk of my dataframe:
Raw_Data["selector"] = rand(1:nproc,_nrow) # Define how I split my dataframe. 1 chunck per proc
B = by(Raw_Data,:selector,intermediary_points)
Is there a way to speed up calculations with a parallelized "by"? Otherwise, please suggest good alternative.
Note: This is how my dataframe Raw_Data looks like
6x7 DataFrame:
iata1 lat1 long1 iata2 lat2 long2
[1,] 1 "ELH" 0.444616 -1.3384 "FLL" 0.455079 -1.39891
[2,] 2 "BCN" 0.720765 0.0362729 "UFA" 0.955274 0.976218
[3,] 3 "ACE" 0.505053 -0.237426 "VCE" 0.794214 0.215582
[4,] 4 "PVG" 0.543669 2.12552 "LZH" 0.425277 1.91171
[5,] 5 "CDG" 0.855379 0.0444809 "VLC" 0.689233 -0.00835298
[6,] 6 "HLD" 0.858699 2.08915 "CGQ" 0.765906 2.18718
I figure out what happened. I didn't made all the inputs available to all processors.
Basically, if you are running into the same problem:
All functions should have #everywhere in front of them
All packages should also be declared as #everywhere using DataFrames
All parameters should also be declared with #everywhere in front
of it
Now, that's a lot of work. You can follow http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/parallel-computing/ to use stand-alone packages that would simplify a bit the process.
