How can you run more than one simultaneous job in Ansible Tower? - ansible

It seems that all jobs are enqueued, and only one will run at a time. How can we run more than one?

Tower is designed to parallelize jobs, but there are a couple of cases where it will not.
If you have your inventory or SCM set up to "update on launch" with no cache or the cahche has expired, then any additional jobs will be stuck pending behind the inventory or SCM update. The inventory and SCM will not update until after the currently running job is done.
If you are trying to run multiple jobs against the same host: Tower will not run multiple jobs against the same host at the same time in order to avoid race conditions. (localhost is a possible exception). If you need multiple jobs to run against the same host at the same time then you need to create two inventories and put that host in both inventories, running the two jobs against different inventories. In this situation, Tower does not know that you are running against the same host.

Jobs which share the same Inventory or SCM source can not run at the same time.

Suppose you have a job comprised of three tasks:
task 1: "do x", task 2: "do y", task 3: "do z"
With ansible "do x" will run on all the servers, then "do y" will run on all the servers, then "do z" will run on all the servers.
Also, I said "all serves" but in fact it maxes out at the ansible "forks" value, which defaults to 5. In my 100 server enviroment I set this value to 20. more on this here:
Remember the strength of ansible is doing a job ( a collection of tasks) on many machines at the same time. If what you want is to run the same task many times on a single machine, then you want something like fork, or parallel.
In fact Ansible will try to run "do x" as many times as it can across many machines. You can adjust this behavior having the whole job run on a portion of machines before it gets started on more machines with the "serial" keyword (
Not the subtle difference between forks, and serial.
forks is "per task"
serial is "per job" ( collection of tasks )
David Thornton
Edit:I re-read your question. This is about running more than one job at a time, not running more than on task in a job. So I think you are correct for ansible-awx but not for the command line. Via the web interface you can submit a job to the job queue, but you can't make ansible-awx run more than one task at a time. I think. However via command line, if you open more than one window you can run multiple ansible-playbooks at the same time. Do you have an ansible support account? Those guys are great IMHO, they have taken a lot of time to answer my questions ( like your question ).

Simultaneous jobs can be executed from Tower. Job templates have "Enable Concurrent Jobs" option. See section "15.4. Job Concurrency" at

If i have 3 different tasks on a single server running its called synchronous mode management, 3 tasks will be assigned to a single job ID , and each tasks executes one after the other were it consumes lots of time.
In Ansible version later than 2.5 we can get 3 job ID for 3 different tasks , and start executing at a same time were we can save a huge time.This type is called asynchronous mode.


Prioritize cron jobs running simultaneously

I have these commands set on different time in which different crons are running.
now i want to prioritize the particular command whenever it runs.
for example
now i want to give more priority to WeeklyCron command (this should run first) on weekends and then CronDelayMailCommand or any other commands.
is it possible to prioritize the cron commands ?
You can try to use Queues.Work well

Difference between Async, forks, serial in ansible

Having trouble to understand the difference between the async vs forks vs serial in Ansible.
I feel they almost do the same job. Found the below from google,
serial: Decides the number of nodes process in each tasks in a single run.
forks: Maximum number of simultaneous connections Ansible made on each Task.
async: to run multiple tasks in a playbook concurrently
Serial sets a number, a percentage, or a list of numbers of hosts you want to manage at a time.
Async triggers Ansible to run the task in the background which can be checked (or) followed up later, and its value will be the maximum time that Ansible will wait for that particular Job (or) task to complete before it eventually times out or complete.
Ansible works by spinning off forks of itself and talking to many remote systems independently. The forks parameter controls how many hosts are configured by Ansible in parallel. By default, the forks parameter in Ansible is a very conservative 5.This means that only 5 hosts will be configured at the same time, and it's expected that every user will change this parameter to something more suitable for their environment. A good value might be 25 or even 100.
SERIAL : Decides the number of nodes process in each tasks in a single run.
Use: When you need to provide changes as batches/ rolling changes.
FORKS : Maximum number of simultaneous connections Ansible made on each Task.
Use: When you need to manage how many nodes should get affected simultaneously.

What if I have less control tasks than I need to mix all suites for workers in toloka

For example I have 5 control tasks and 100 tasks and have mixing settings 4 task and 1 control.
What happens when the worker (aka toloker) just seen the last one, while there are still more potential task suites to work on?
The worker be kicked out of the "pool" !So only 5 task for every worker!
If the worker has seen all of the control tasks in the pool, he will not be able to complete any more of the task suits and will be notified that the tasks are finished.
However, if you create a separate pool with the exact same control tasks, the system will consider those as new control tasks and can show them to the same tolokers (But it could affect quality) I suggest create more control tasks from verified answers from prev runs

Modifying number of tasks executed on mesos slave

In a Mesos ecosystem(master + scheduler + slave), with the master executing tasks on the slaves, is there a configuration that allows modifying number of tasks executed on each slave?
Say for example, currently a mesos master runs 4 tasks on one of the slaves(each task is using 1 cpu). Now, we have 4 slaves(4 cores each) and except for this one slave the other three are not being used.
So, instead of this execution scenario, I'd rather prefer the master running 1 task on each of the 4 slaves.
I found this stackoverflow question and these configurations relevant to this case, but still not clear on how to use the --isolation=VALUE or --resources=VALUE configuration here.
Thanks for the help!
Was able to reduce number of tasks being executed on a single host at a time by adding the following properties to startup script for mesos agent.
--resources="cpus:<<value>>" and --cgroups_enable_cfs=true.
This however does not take care of the concurrent scheduling issue where the requirement is to have each agent executing a task at the same time. For that need to look into the scheduler code as also suggested above.

Laravel Queues for multi user environment

I am using Laravel 5.1, and I have a task that takes around 2 minutes to process, and this task particularly is generating a report...
Now, it is obvious that I can't make the user wait for 2 minutes on the same page where I took user's input, instead I should process this task in the background and notify the user later about task completion...
So, to achieve this, Laravel provides Queues that runs the tasks in background (If I didn't understand wrong), Now for multi-user environment, i.e. if more than one user demands report generation (say there are 4 users), so being the feature named Queues, does it mean that tasks will be performed one after the other (i.e. when 4 users demand for report generation one after other, then 4th user's report will only be generated when report of 3rd user is generated) ??
If Queues completes their tasks one after other, then is there anyway with which tasks are instantly processed in background, on request of user, and user can get notified later when its task is completed??
Queue based architecture is little complicated than that. See the Queue provides you an interface to different messaging implementations like rabbitMQ, beanstalkd.
Now at any point in code you send send message to Queue which in this context is termed as a JOB. Now your queue will have multiple jobs which are ready to get out as in FIFO sequence.
As per your questions, there are worker which listens to queue, they get a job and execute them. It's up to you how many workers you want. If you have one worker your tasks will be executed one after another, more the workers more the parallel processes.
Worker process are started with command line interface of laravel called Artisan. Each process means one worker. You can start multiple workers with supervisor.
Since you know for sure that u r going to send notification to user after around 2 mins, i suggest to use cron job to check whether any report to generate every 2 mins and if there are, you can send notification to user. That check will be a simple one query so don't need to worry about performance that much.
