Connect to Laravel Homestead, Vagrant running on Mac from iPad and iPhone - macos

Is it possible to connect to my Laravel projects running on my Mac using Laravel Homestead from my iPad and iPhone?
When I go to the IP address of my Mac from either my iPad or iPhone I get the error:
Safari cannot open the page because it could not connect to the server.
I'm sure I have done it in the past but I can't remember how. (That's if I did in the first place.)

By default, port 80 on the Vagrant VM is mapped to port 8000 on your computer. You should be able to open http://<ipcomputer>:8000 on your iPhone/iPad.
If you have multiple sites defined in your ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml file, you will need to comment out the ones you don't want and provision the Vagrant machine again, otherwise, you cannot be sure which one of your sites will show up.


Delphi - Checklist for PAServer Connection (Mac OSX)

I have spent the better part of a day trying to connect to PAServer on MAC OSX from my Windows PC with no luck. I am not sure what I am missing.
I am using Delphi 10.2 Tokyo on Windows. Trying to connect to PAServer 19.0 on a Mac Mini running macOS Sierra (10.12.4) on which I already have XCode (v8.3.2) installed along with Command Line Tools.
Both the dev machine as well as the Mac Mini are connected to the same Wifi network. I even tried connecting both machines to a different network but with the same issue.
I get the same error message every time that the connection failed. I suspect that it has something to do with the network - where the 2 machines cannot see each other, but I don't know how I can confirm this or resolve it. I have tried to search on SO as well as online but have not found anything that has helped.
Has anyone seen this issue and overcome it? Is there a set of steps I can go thru to troubleshoot this? Any help or guidance would be most appreciated!
OK - I kept trying out different things and was able to solve this issue (one way to solve it I guess).
Because it seemed like it was network related, I tried first to create a hotspot with my phone and connected the dev machine and the Mac Mini to it. The PAServer connection worked.
So I looked for a way to do this via Windows. Here are the steps I followed:
Open Settings > Network & Internet (on Windows 10)
Go into Mobile Hotspot and select Wi-Fi in the Share my
Connection From dropdown
Set a Network name and Network password
Turn on Share my Internet connection with other devices
Now on the Mac, connect to the network name we set up in step 3 and enter the password that was set. Then start PAServer on the Mac. That's it!
Now when you connect from Delphi to PAServer, the connection succeeds.
Note: Interestingly, when I was not using the mobile hotspot method on Windows, the IP address on PAServer (and on Windows) was 10.xx.xx.xx. With the mobile hotspot, the IP address is 192.xx.xx.xx.
I just configured (today) a new macos sierra with paserver. yes it's painfull :(
don't use virtualbox (it's buggy and slow), but use instead VMware, it's work like a charm. it's much more easy to have only one computer to develop than 2. also you can copy/past the log or anythink else from macosx to windows (or vice-versa) in just one click. and you will not have any internet problem or anything else ...

El Capitan Unable to Connect to Localhost Server Via External Device in LAN

Trying to test a local web app developed on my mac running El Capitan using my iPhone. I'm able to pull up the web app using my internal ip on the actual mac, but when using another device connect to the same network it's not working. This use to work fine on previous versions of osx, but ever since upgrading to El Capitan, this hasn't been working properly.
Any hints or solutions to this problem?
I have a website on my Mac running off MAMP. I couldn't connect to it via IP on another computer. I turned off the firewall on the Mac and could connect by just typing in the IP into the address bar. Mine happened to be To get the actual website, I did have to include the port number, i.e Make sure that you are using your private IP, not your public one (should start 192.168.X.X or 10.X.X.X). This worked to connect from another computer and from my phone.

Mac as dns server on local lan

I'm a web developer in an office, and I often have to let some other collegues to see the websites I'm working on.
On my mac, I've installed XAMPP and for every site I set up a virtual host, so for example mywebsite.local is available for me.
For my collegues what I do at the moment is, on their hosts file, point mywebsite.local to my Mac IP. Of course it's very annoying.
I was wondering if I could use, locally in my office, my mac as a DNS server for all my collegues, without editing everytime their hosts file.
So, if they looks for mywebsite.local, first they look if it's somehow mapped on my mac, and then they looks on a DNS server.
If they install Bonjour for Windows, mywebsite.local should automatically resolve to your computer.

Accessing Meteor local web server from another local device on Mac 10.8

I am working on a Meteor website and conveniently, it will run on localhost with the simple command, meteor. However, I want to be able to access this website from other computers on the local network. The main reason I want to do this is for viewing and testing the app on mobile.
I am running Mac Mountain Lion 10.8, and they got rid of some of the convenient Personal Web Sharing pref panes. Everything else I have seen online deals with setting up your own server, but all I want to do is grant access from other local device...
Find out your ip address (mac system prefs/network)
start meteor in your project on a port (default 3000)
from another comp on network, browse

Running XAMPP on Windows through VMWare Fusion on a MAC, how do I configure apache to use my shared folders (Z:) as the web root?

Main platform: MAC OSX 10.6
Secondary platform via VMWare Fusion: Windows 7 64-bit
Background: I'm running MAMP Pro on the MAC side with a webroot at "/www". I need to test websites in IE thus requiring a Windows installation. I installed XAMPP on my Windows side and changed the apache root directory to "Z:\www", the location of my MAMP webroot which is a shared folder between MAC and Windows.
When I try to access a local site from windows (http://localhost/asite) I get a 403 Forbidden error:
Access forbidden!
You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 403
07/30/10 14:21:07
Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.3.1
What other configuration changes need to be made for this to work if it will work at all?
Thanks to those who responded. I did a little research on the types of network connections and here's how I resolved the issue without using XAMPP at all.
To recap, I'm running Win7 on my Mac via VMWare Fusion as a virtual machine. I have MAMP running a local web server on my Mac with a webroot at /www and I want to be able to also access the web server from browsers in Windows.
In short, I want to be able to go to http://localhost/mysite from Safari (Mac) or IE (Windows).
Changed my Fusion Network Adapter to Bridged, since I am working from a home office.
Refreshed my network connections using the ipconfig commands in the command prompt.
Edited my windows hosts file to reflect: localhost
Done and done.
I hope someone else can find this useful.
Is there any specific reason you're trying to serve your site from XAMPP, rather than just MAMP? I worked in a similar environment a couple of years ago, and I simply set the virtual machine's networking type to NAT (so that the guest has a different IP from the host), and then pointed IE at the IP address of the host running MAMP.
Maybe I didn't quite understand your problem completely, but:
"I need to test websites in IE"
you don't need to setup a Web server to do that...
Keep using Apache on your Mac host and point IE from your Windows VM to the host machine IP, as peterjmag suggested.
Also, wasn't there a Mac version of IE?
Again, my apologies if i misunderstood you - I don't want to sound arrogant;)
"Z:\www ... a shared folder between MAC and Windows"
What's this - a network share? Do you get the same error if you use a local folder in your VM (eg: C:\www)?
Try mounting /www from your VM - go to it's settings > options tab > shared folders. Select Always Enabled. Click Add and browse to your /www host folder. This should make /www accessible in your VM Windows.
Finally, just in case: check Windows permissions on the www folder.
Hope that helps!
