Can I use a register as a loop counter? - windows

Since the calling convention of a function states which registers are preserved, can a register be used as a loop counter?
I first thought that the ecx register is used as a loop counter, but after finding out that an stdcall function I have used has not preserved the value of ecx, I thought otherwise.
Is there a register that is guaranteed (by mostly used calling conventions at least) to be preserved?
Note: I don't have a problem in using a stack variable as a loop counter, I just want to make sure that it is the only way.

You can use any general-purpose register, and occasionally others, as the loop counter (just not the stack pointer of course ☺).
Either you use one to loop manually, i.e. replace…
loop label
… with…
dec ebp
jnz label
… which is faster anyway (because AMD (and later Intel, when they caught up, MHz-wise) artificially slowed down the loop instruction as otherwise, Windows® and some Turbo Pascal compiled software crashed).
Or you just save the counter in between:
push ecx
call func
pop ecx
loop label
Both are standard strategies.

Is there a register that is guaranteed (by mostly used calling conventions at least) to be preserved?
You can choose any free register in your own code if your loop code will not call any external entity.
If your loop code will call an external entity where the only guaranteed contract is the ABI and calling convention then you must save/restore your registers and make the register choice case-by-case.
Quoting Agner Fog's excellent paper Calling conventions for different C++ compilers and operating systems:
6 Register usage
The rules for register usage depend on the operating system, as shown in table 4. Scratch registers are registers that can be used for temporary storage without restrictions (also called caller-save or volatile registers). Callee-save registers are registers that you have to save before using them and restore after using them (also called non-volatile registers). You can rely on these registers having the same value after a call as before the call...
See also:
Wikipedia: x86 calling conventions


saving general purpose registers in switch_to() in linux 2.6

I saw the code of switch_to in the article "Evolution of the x86 context switch in Linux" in the link
Most versions of switch_to only save/restore ESP/RSP and/or EBP/RBP, not other call-preserved registers in the inline asm. But the Linux 2.2.0 version does save them in this function, because it uses software context switching instead of relying on hardware TSS stuff. Later Linux versions still do software context switching, but don't have these push / pop instructions.
Are the registers are saved in other function (maybe in the schedule() function)? Or is there no need to save these registers in the kernel context?
(I know that those registers of the user context are saved in the kernel stack when the system enters kernel mode).
Linux versions before 2.2.0 use hardware task switching, where the TSS saves/restores registers for you. That's what the "ljmp %0\n\t" is doing. (ljmp is AT&T syntax for a far jmp, presumably to a task gate). I'm not really familiar with hardware TSS stuff because it's not very relevant; it's still used in modern kernels for getting RSP pointing to the kernel stack for interrupt handlers, but not for context switching between tasks.
Hardware task switching is slow, so later kernels avoid it. Linux 2.2 does save/restore the call-preserved registers manually, with push/pop before/after swapping stacks. EAX, EDX, and ECX are declared as dummy outputs ("=a" (eax), "=d" (edx), "=c" (ecx)) so the compiler knows that the old values of those registers are no longer available.
This is a sensible choice because switch_to is probably used inside a non-inline function. The caller will make a function call that eventually returns (after running another task for a while) with the call-preserved registers restored, and the call-clobbered registers clobbered, just like a regular function call. (So compiler code-gen for the function that uses the switch_to macro doesn't need to emit save/restore code outside of the inline asm). If you think about writing a whole context switch function in asm (not inline asm), you'd get this clobbering of volatile registers for free because callers expect that.
So how do later kernels avoid saving/restoring those registers in inline asm?
Linux 2.4 uses "=b" (last) as an output operand, so the compiler has to save/restore EBX in a function that uses this asm. The asm still saves/restores ESI, EDI, and EBP (as well as ESP). The text of the article notes this:
The 2.4 kernel context switch brings a few minor changes: EBX is no longer pushed/popped, but it is now included in the output of the inline assembly. We have a new input argument.
I don't see where they tell the compiler about EAX, ECX, and EDX not surviving, so that's odd. It might be a bug that they get away with by making the function noinline or something?
Linux 2.6 on i386 uses more output operands that get the compiler to handle the save/restore.
But Linux 2.6 for x86-64 introduces the trick that hands off the save/restore to the compiler easily: #define __EXTRA_CLOBBER ,"rcx","rbx","rdx","r8","r9","r10", "r11","r12","r13","r14","r15"
Notice the clobbers declaration: : "memory", "cc" __EXTRA_CLOBBER
This tells the compiler that the inline asm destroys all those registers, so the compiler will emit instructions to save/restore these registers at the start/end of whatever function switch_to ultimately inlines into.
Telling the compiler that all the registers are destroyed after a context switch solves the same problem as manually saving/restoring them with inline asm. The compiler will still make a function that obeys the calling convention.
The context-switch swaps to the new task's stack, so the compiler-generated save/restore code is always running with the appropriate stack pointer. Notice that the explicit push/pop instructions inside the inline asm int Linux 2.2 and 2.4 are before / after everything else.

System call uses registers or stack to pass the parameters to kernel?

I have a confusion about the system call mechanism. In X86, System Call uses eax to pass the system call number to kernel.
But what does it use to pass the parameters to kernel, at some place I am seeing it uses stack and at other places it says, it uses ebx, ecx, etc registers.
So can someone confirm which one is correct ?
Fore reference :
this link says it uses stack.
And this link says it uses registers.
Both the links tell that the parameters are passed through registers like EBX, ECX, etc to the kernel space from the user space.
In the first reference page : 35/352, System Call Implementation/wrappers task 1st point, it is given that
the parameters available in the user stack are moved to the processor registers and then this registers are used to pass parameters of the syscall to the kernel space.
I think you must be confused after seeing the word stack in that point about implementing the libc wrappers like write() which are callable from C, to interface between the system-call calling convention (6 regs) and the function-calling convention (stack args since user-space doesn't normally use -mregparm=3)
Both the links are correct.
You can see in , all system calls are declared with prefix asmlinkage. Infact when you define your system call using SYSCALL_DEFINEx macro, it defines your system call function with asmlinkage directive. asmlinkage directive directs compiler that the function should not expect any of it's parameters from CPU registers i.e. all parameters should be accessed from stack only.
When called from user space each parameters are pushed to CPU registers, during user to kernel transition, kernel needs to save all the registers onto stack (in order to restore the environment before returning to the user space) when handling the system call requests from user space, so after that the parameters are available on stack for kernel space system call function.

Why doesn't gcc handle volatile register?

I'm working on a timing loop for the AVR platform where I'm counting down a single byte inside an ISR. Since this task is a primary function of my program, I'd like to permanently reserve a processor register so that the ISR doesn't have to hit a memory barrier when its usual code path is decrement, compare to zero, and reti.
The avr-libc docs show how to bind a variable to a register, and I got that working without a problem. However, since this variable is shared between the main program (for starting the timer countdown) and the ISR (for actually counting and signaling completion), it should also be volatile to ensure that the compiler doesn't do anything too clever in optimizing it.
In this context (reserving a register across an entire monolithic build), the combination volatile register makes sense to me semantically, as "permanently store this variable in register rX, but don't optimize away checks because the register might be modified externally". GCC doesn't like this, however, and emits a warning that it might go ahead and optimize away the variable access anyway.
The bug history of this combination in GCC suggests that the compiler team is simply unwilling to consider the type of scenario I'm describing and thinks it's pointless to provide for it. Am I missing some fundamental reason why the volatile register approach is in itself a Bad Idea, or is this a case that makes semantic sense but that the compiler team just isn't interested in handling?
The semantics of volatile are not exactly as you describe "don't optimize away checks because the register might be modified externally" but are actually more narrow: Try to think of it as "don't cache the variable's value from RAM in a register".
Seen this way, it does not make any sense to declare a register as volatile because the register itself cannot be 'cached' and therefore cannot possibly be inconsistent with the variable's 'actual' value.
The fact that read accesses to volatile variables are usually not optimzed away is merely a side effect of the above semantics, but it's not guaranteed.
I think GCC should assume by default that a value in a register is 'like volatile' but I have not verified that it actually does so.
I just did a small test and found:
avr-gcc 4.6.2 does not treat global register variables like volatiles with respect to read accesses, and
the Naggy extension for Atmel Studio detects an error in my code: "global register variables are not supported".
Assuming that global register variables are actually considered "unsupported" I am not surprised that gcc treats them just like local variables, with the known implications.
My test code looks like this:
uint8_t var;
volatile uint8_t volVar;
register uint8_t regVar asm("r13");
#define NOP asm volatile ("nop\r\n":::)
int main(void)
var = 1; // <-- kept
if ( var == 0 ) {
NOP; // <-- optimized away, var is not volatile
volVar = 1; // <-- kept
if ( volVar == 0 ) {
NOP; // <-- kept, volVar *is* volatile
regVar = 1; // <-- optimized away, regVar is treated like a local variable
if ( regVar == 0 ) {
NOP; // <-- optimized away consequently
The reason you would use the volatile keyword on AVR variables is to, as you said, avoid the compiler optimizing access to the variable. The question now is, how does this happen though?
A variable has two places it can reside. Either in the general purpose register file or in some location in RAM. Consider the case where the variable resides in RAM. To access the latest value of the variable, the compiler loads the variable from RAM, using some form of the ld instruction, say lds r16, 0x000f. In this case, the variable was stored in RAM location 0x000f and the program made a copy of this variable in r16. Now, here is where things get interesting if interrupts are enabled. Say that after loading the variable, the following occurs inc r16, then an interrupt triggers and its corresponding ISR is run. Within the ISR, the variable is also used. There is a problem, however. The variable exists in two different versions, one in RAM and one in r16. Ideally, the compiler should use the version in r16, but this one is not guaranteed to exist, so it loads it from RAM instead, and now, the code does not operate as needed. Enter then the volatile keyword. The variable is still stored in RAM, however, the compiler must ensure that the variable is updated in RAM before anything else happens, thus the following assembly may be generated:
lds r16, 0x000f
inc r16
sts 0x000f, r16
First, interrupts are disabled. Then, the the variable is loaded into r16. The variable is increased, interrupts are enabled and then the variable is stored. It may appear confusing for the global interrupt flag to be enabled before the variable is stored back in RAM, but from the instruction set manual:
The instruction following SEI will be executed before any pending interrupts.
This means that the sts instruction will be executed before any interrupts trigger again, and that the interrupts are disabled for the minimum amount of time possible.
Consider now the case where the variable is bound to a register. Any operations done on the variable are done directly on the register. These operations, unlike operations done to a variable in RAM, can be considered atomic, as there is no read -> modify -> write cycle to speak of. If an interrupt triggers after the variable is updated, it will get the new value of the variable, since it will read the variable from the register it was bound to.
Also, since the variable is bound to a register, any test instructions will utilize the register itself and will not be optimized away on the grounds the compiler may have a "hunch" it is a static value, given that registers by their very nature are volatile.
Now, from experience, when using interrupts in AVR, I have sometimes noticed that the global volatile variables never hit RAM. The compiler kept them on the registers all the time, bypassing the read -> modify -> write cycle alltogether. This was due, however, to compiler optimizations, and it should not be relied on. Different compilers are free to generate different assembly for the same piece of code. You can generate a disassembly of your final file or any particular object files using the avr-objdump utility.
Reserving a register for one variable for a complete compilation unit is probably too restrictive for a compiler's code generator. That is, every C routine would have to NOT use that register.
How do you guarantee that other called routines do NOT use that register once your code goes out of scope? Even stuff like serial i/o routines would have to NOT use that reserved register. Compilers do NOT recompile their run-time libraries based on a data definition in a user program.
Is your application really so time sensitive that the extra delay for bringing memory up from L2 or L3 can be detected? If so, then your ISR might be running so frequently that the required memory location is always available (i.e. it doesn't get paged back down thru the cache) and thus does NOT hit a memory barrier (I assume by memory barrier you are referring to how memory in a cpu really operates, through caching, etc.). But for this to really be true the up would have to have a fairly large L1 cache and the ISR would have to run at a very high frequency.
Finally, sometimes an application's requirements make it necessary to code it in ASM in which case you can do exactly what you are requesting!

Does Mutex call a system call?

CRITICAL_SECTION locking (enter) and unlocking (leave) are efficient because
CS testing is performed in user space without making the kernel system call that
a mutex makes. Unlocking is performed entirely in user space, whereas ReleaseMutex requires a system call.
I just read these sentences in this book.
What the kernel system call mean? Could you give me the function's name?
I'm a English newbie. I interpreted them like this.
CS testing doesn't use a system call.
Mutex testing uses a system call.(But I don't know the function name. Let me know)
CS unlocking doesn't call a system call.
Mutex unlocking requires a system call.(But I don't know the function name. Let me know)
Another question.
I think CRITICAL_SECTION might call WaitForSingleObject or family functions. Don't these functions require a system call? I guess they do. So CS testing doesn't use a system call is very weird to me.
The implementation of critical sections in Windows has changed over the years, but it has always been a combination of user-mode and kernel calls.
The CRITICAL_SECTION is a structure that contains a user-mode updated values, a handle to a kernel-mode object - EVENT or something like that, and debug information.
EnterCriticalSection uses an interlocked test-and-set operation to acquire the lock. If successful, this is all that is required (almost, it also updates the owner thread). If the test-and-set operation fails to aquire, a longer path is used which usually requires waiting on a kernel object with WaitForSignleObject. If you initialized with InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount then EnterCriticalSection may spin an retry to acquire using interlocked operation in user-mode.
Below is a diassembly of the "fast" / uncontended path of EnterCriticialSection in Windows 7 (64-bit) with some comments inline
0:000> u rtlentercriticalsection rtlentercriticalsection+35
00000000`77ae2fc0 fff3 push rbx
00000000`77ae2fc2 4883ec20 sub rsp,20h
; RCX points to the critical section rcx+8 is the LockCount
00000000`77ae2fc6 f00fba710800 lock btr dword ptr [rcx+8],0
00000000`77ae2fcc 488bd9 mov rbx,rcx
00000000`77ae2fcf 0f83e9b1ffff jae ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+0x31 (00000000`77ade1be)
; got the critical section - update the owner thread and recursion count
00000000`77ae2fd5 65488b042530000000 mov rax,qword ptr gs:[30h]
00000000`77ae2fde 488b4848 mov rcx,qword ptr [rax+48h]
00000000`77ae2fe2 c7430c01000000 mov dword ptr [rbx+0Ch],1
00000000`77ae2fe9 33c0 xor eax,eax
00000000`77ae2feb 48894b10 mov qword ptr [rbx+10h],rcx
00000000`77ae2fef 4883c420 add rsp,20h
00000000`77ae2ff3 5b pop rbx
00000000`77ae2ff4 c3 ret
So the bottom line is that if the thread does not need to block it will not use a system call, just an interlocked test-and-set operation. If blocking is required, there will be a system call. The release path also uses an interlocked test-and-set and may require a system call if other threads are blocked.
Compare this to Mutex which always requires a system call NtWaitForSingleObject and NtReleaseMutant
Calling to the kernel requires a context switch, which is takes a small (but measurable) performance hit for every context switch. The function in question is ReleaseMutex() itself.
The critical section functions are available in kernel32.dll (at least from the caller's point of view - see comments for discussion about ntdll.dll) and can often avoid making any calls into the kernel.
It is worthwhile to know that Mutex objects can be accessed from different processes at the same time. On the other hand, CRITICAL_SECTION objects are limited to one process.
To my knowledge critical sections are implemented using semaphores.
The critical section functions are implemented in NTDLL, which implements some runtime functions in user mode and passes control so the kernel for others (system call). The functions in kernel32.dll are simple function forwarders.
Mutexes on the other hand are kernel objects and require a system call as such. The kernel calls them "mutants", by the way (no joke).
Critical section calls only transition to kernel mode if there is contention and only then if they can't relieve the contention by spinning. In that case the thread blocks and calls a wait function – that's a system call.

Simple "Hello-World", null-free shellcode for Windows needed

I would like to test a buffer-overflow by writing "Hello World" to console (using Windows XP 32-Bit). The shellcode needs to be null-free in order to be passed by "scanf" into the program I want to overflow. I've found plenty of assembly-tutorials for Linux, however none for Windows. Could someone please step me through this using NASM? Thxxx!
Assembly opcodes are the same, so the regular tricks to produce null-free shellcodes still apply, but the way to make system calls is different.
In Linux you make system calls with the "int 0x80" instruction, while on Windows you must use DLL libraries and do normal usermode calls to their exported functions.
For that reason, on Windows your shellcode must either:
Hardcode the Win32 API function addresses (most likely will only work on your machine)
Use a Win32 API resolver shellcode (works on every Windows version)
If you're just learning, for now it's probably easier to just hardcode the addresses you see in the debugger. To make the calls position independent you can load the addresses in registers. For example, a call to a function with 4 arguments:
PUSH 4 ; argument #4 to the function
PUSH 3 ; argument #3 to the function
PUSH 2 ; argument #2 to the function
PUSH 1 ; argument #1 to the function
MOV EAX, 0xDEADBEEF ; put the address of the function to call
Note that the argument are pushed in reverse order. After the CALL instruction EAX contains the return value, and the stack will be just like it was before (i.e. the function pops its own arguments). The ECX and EDX registers may contain garbage, so don't rely on them keeping their values after the call.
A direct CALL instruction won't work, because those are position dependent.
To avoid zeros in the address itself try any of the null-free tricks for x86 shellcode, there are many out there but my favorite (albeit lengthy) is encoding the values using XOR instructions:
MOV EAX, 0xDEADBEEF ^ 0xFFFFFFFF ; your value xor'ed against an arbitrary mask
XOR EAX, 0xFFFFFFFF ; the arbitrary mask
You can also try NEG EAX or NOT EAX (sign inversion and bit flipping) to see if they work, it's much cheaper (two bytes each).
You can get help on the different API functions you can call here:
The most important ones you'll need are probably the following:
The first launches a command, the next two are for loading DLL files and getting the addresses of its functions.
Here's a complete tutorial on writing Windows shellcodes:
Assembly language is defined by your processor, and assembly syntax is defined by the assembler (hence, at&t, and intel syntax) The main difference (at least i think it used to be...) is that windows is real-mode (call the actual interrupts to do stuff, and you can use all the memory accessible to your computer, instead of just your program) and linux is protected mode (You only have access to memory in your program's little cubby of memory, and you have to call int 0x80 and make calls to the kernel, instead of making calls to the hardware and bios) Anyway, hello world type stuff would more-or-less be the same between linux and windows, as long as they are compatible processors.
To get the shellcode from your program you've made, just load it into your target system's
debugger (gdb for linux, and debug for windows) and in debug, type d (or was it u? Anyway, it should say if you type h (help)) and between instructions and memory will be the opcodes.
Just copy them all over to your text editor into one string, and maybe make a program that translates them all into their ascii values. Not sure how to do this in gdb tho...
Anyway, to make it into a bof exploit, enter aaaaa... and keep adding a's until it crashes
from a buffer overflow error. But find exactly how many a's it takes to crash it. Then, it should tell you what memory adress that was. Usually it should tell you in the error message. If it says '9797[rest of original return adress]' then you got it. Now u gotta use ur debugger to find out where this was. disassemble the program with your debugger and look for where scanf was called. Set a breakpoint there, run and examine the stack. Look for all those 97's (which i forgot to mention is the ascii number for 'a'.) and see where they end. Then remove breakpoint and type the amount of a's you found out it took (exactly the amount. If the error message was "buffer overflow at '97[rest of original return adress]" then remove that last a, put the adress you found examining the stack, and insert your shellcode. If all goes well, you should see your shellcode execute.
Happy hacking...
