Too many fetch faliuers - hadoop

I have a setup, 2 node hadoop cluster on Ubuntu 12.04 and Hadoop 1.2.1.
While I am trying to run hadoop word count example I am gettig "Too many fetch faliure error". I have referred many articles but I am unable to figure out what should be the entries in Masters,Slaves and /etc/hosts file.
My nodes names are "master" with ip and "slaveone" with ip
I need assistance in what should be the entries in masters,slaves and /etc/hosts file in both master and slave node?

If you're unable to upgrade the cluster for whatever reason, you can try the following:
Ensure that your hostname is bound to the network IP and NOT in /etc/hosts
Ensure that you're using only hostnames and not IPs to reference services.
If the above are correct, try the following settings:
set mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps=0.80
set tasktracker.http.threads=80
set mapred.reduce.parallel.copies=(>= 10)(10 should probably be sufficient)
Also checkout this SO post: Why I am getting "Too many fetch-failures" every other day
And this one: Too many fetch failures: Hadoop on cluster (x2)
And also this if the above don't help:
For brevity and in interest of time, I'm putting what I found to be the most pertinent here.
The number 1 cause of this is something that causes a connection to get a
map output to fail. I have seen:
1) firewall
2) misconfigured ip addresses (ie: the task tracker attempting the fetch
received an incorrect ip address when it looked up the name of the
tasktracker with the map segment)
3) rare, the http server on the serving tasktracker is overloaded due to
insufficient threads or listen backlog, this can happen if the number of
fetches per reduce is large and the number of reduces or the number of maps
is very large.
There are probably other cases, this recently happened to me when I had 6000
maps and 20 reducers on a 10 node cluster, which I believe was case 3 above.
Since I didn't actually need to reduce ( I got my summary data via counters
in the map phase) I never re-tuned the cluster.
EDIT: Original answer said "Ensure that your hostname is bound to the network IP and in /etc/hosts"


NiFi - data stuck in queues when load balancing is used

In Apache NiFi, dockerized version 1.15, a cluster of 3 NiFi nodes is created. When load balancing is used via default port 6342, flow files get stuck in some of the queues, in the queue in which load balancing is enabled. But, when "List queue" is tried, the message "The queue has no FlowFiles." is issued:
The part of the NiFi processor group where the issue happens:
Configuration of NiFi queue in which flow files seem to be stuck:
Another problem, maybe not related, is that after this happens, some of the flow files reach the subsequent NiFi processors, but get stuck before the MergeContent processors. This time, the queues can be listed:
The part of code when the second issue occurs:
The part of code when the second issue occurs
The configuration of the queue:
The listing of the FlowFiles in the queue:
The MergeContent processor configuration. The parameter "max_num_for_merge_smxs" is set to 100:
Load balancing is used because data are gathered from the SFTP server, and that processor runs only on the Primary node.
If you need more information, please let me know.
Thank you in advance!
I put the load-balancing queues between the ConsumeMQTT (working on the Primary node only) and UpdataAttribute processors, but Flow files are seemingly staying in the load-balancing queue, but when the listing is done, the message is "The queue has no FlowFiles.". Please check:
Changed position of the load-balancing queue:
The message that there are no flow files in the queues:
Take notice that the processors before and after the queue are stopped while doing "List queue".
Edit 2:
I changed the configuration in the to the following:
nifi.cluster.load.balance.comms.timeout=30 sec
I also restarted the NiFi containers, so I will monitor the behaviour. For now, there are no stuck Flow files in the load-balancing queues, they go to the processor that follows the queue.
"The queue has no FlowFiles" is normal behaviour of a queue that is feeding into a Merge - the flowfiles are pending to be merged.
The most likely cause of them being "stuck" before a Merge is that you have Round Robin distributed the FlowFiles across many nodes, and then you are setting a Minimum count on the Merge. This minimum is per node and there are not enough FlowFiles on each node to hit the Minimum, so they are stuck waiting for more FlowFiles to trigger the Merge.
-- Edit
"The queue has no FlowFiles" is also expected on a queue that is active - in your flow, the load balancing queue is drained immediately into the output queue of your merge PGs Input port - so there are no FFs sitting around in the load balancing queue. If you were to STOP the Input ports inside the merge PG, you should be able to list them on the LB queue.
It sounds like you are doing GetSFTP (Primary) and then distributing the files. The better approach would be to use ListSFTP (Primary) -> Load Balance -> FetchSFTP - this would avoid shuffling large files, and would instead load balance the file names between all nodes, with each node then fetching a subset of the files.
Secondly, I would review your Merge config - you have a parameter #{max_num_for_merge_xmsx} defined, but this set in the Minimum Number of Entries for the Merge - so you are telling Merge to only ever merge when at least #{max_num_for_merge_xmsx} amount of FlowFiles is reached.

How to specific Datanote server on Hadoop cluster

I am running a Hadoop cluster on 4 servers. I see that all servers has TaskTracker and DataNone
I start cluster with hadoop/bin/
I have 2 servers which have very litter Hardware Disk so I want these only run TaskTracker.
How should I config hadoop?
hadoop/bin/ actually just calls hadoop/bin/ followed by hadoop/bin/ so this provides a convenient way to use different settings for the two sets of daemons. The easiest way is to create a separate file, perhaps called hadoop/conf/datanodes, and then populate it with just the 2 servers that you want to be datanodes; presumably, you also have hadoop/conf/slaves which lists all 4 servers.
echo "my-datanode0" > hadoop/conf/datanodes
echo "my-datanode1" > hadoop/conf/datanodes
Then, run the two commands separately, note that there is no semicolon after the first assignment statement, as you need the environment variable to propagate into the underlying "" call:
HADOOP_SLAVES=hadoop/conf/datanodes ./hadoop/bin/
Go ahead and check port 50030 for your JobTracker's listing of TaskTrackers, then 50070 for your NameNode's listing of DataNodes, and you should be good to go.

"Too many fetch-failures" while using Hive

I'm running a hive query against a hadoop cluster of 3 nodes. And I am getting an error which says "Too many fetch failures". My hive query is:
insert overwrite table tablename1 partition(namep)
select id,name,substring(name,5,2) as namep from tablename2;
that's the query im trying to run. All i want to do is transfer data from tablename2 to tablename1. Any help is appreciated.
This can be caused by various hadoop configuration issues. Here a couple to look for in particular:
DNS issue : examine your /etc/hosts
Not enough http threads on the mapper side for the reducer
Some suggested fixes (from Cloudera troubleshooting)
set mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps = 0.80
tasktracker.http.threads = 80
mapred.reduce.parallel.copies = sqrt (node count) but in any case >= 10
Here is link to troubleshooting for more details
Update for 2020 Things have changed a lot and AWS mostly rules the roost. Here is some troubleshooting for it
Too many fetch-failures
The presence of "Too many fetch-failures" or "Error reading task output" error messages in step or task attempt logs indicates the running task is dependent on the output of another task. This often occurs when a reduce task is queued to execute and requires the output of one or more map tasks and the output is not yet available.
There are several reasons the output may not be available:
The prerequisite task is still processing. This is often a map task.
The data may be unavailable due to poor network connectivity if the data is located on a different instance.
If HDFS is used to retrieve the output, there may be an issue with HDFS.
The most common cause of this error is that the previous task is still processing. This is especially likely if the errors are occurring when the reduce tasks are first trying to run. You can check whether this is the case by reviewing the syslog log for the cluster step that is returning the error. If the syslog shows both map and reduce tasks making progress, this indicates that the reduce phase has started while there are map tasks that have not yet completed.
One thing to look for in the logs is a map progress percentage that goes to 100% and then drops back to a lower value. When the map percentage is at 100%, this does not mean that all map tasks are completed. It simply means that Hadoop is executing all the map tasks. If this value drops back below 100%, it means that a map task has failed and, depending on the configuration, Hadoop may try to reschedule the task. If the map percentage stays at 100% in the logs, look at the CloudWatch metrics, specifically RunningMapTasks, to check whether the map task is still processing. You can also find this information using the Hadoop web interface on the master node.
If you are seeing this issue, there are several things you can try:
Instruct the reduce phase to wait longer before starting. You can do this by altering the Hadoop configuration setting mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps to a longer time. For more information, see Create Bootstrap Actions to Install Additional Software.
Match the reducer count to the total reducer capability of the cluster. You do this by adjusting the Hadoop configuration setting mapred.reduce.tasks for the job.
Use a combiner class code to minimize the amount of outputs that need to be fetched.
Check that there are no issues with the Amazon EC2 service that are affecting the network performance of the cluster. You can do this using the Service Health Dashboard.
Review the CPU and memory resources of the instances in your cluster to make sure that your data processing is not overwhelming the resources of your nodes. For more information, see Configure Cluster Hardware and Networking.
Check the version of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) used in your Amazon EMR cluster. If the version is 2.3.0 through 2.4.4 inclusive, update to a later version. AMI versions in the specified range use a version of Jetty that may fail to deliver output from the map phase. The fetch error occurs when the reducers cannot obtain output from the map phase.
Jetty is an open-source HTTP server that is used for machine to machine communications within a Hadoop cluster

Aerospike's behavior on EC2

In my test setup on EC2 I have done following:
One Aerospike server is running in ZoneA (say Aerospike-A).
Another node of the same cluster is running in ZoneB (say Aerospike-B).
The application using above cluster is running in ZoneA.
I am initializing AerospikeClinet like this:
hosts= new Host[];
hosts[0] = new Host(PUBLIC_IP_OF_AEROSPIKE-A, 3000);
AerospikeClient client = new AerospikeClient(policy, hosts);
With above setup I am getting below behavior:
Writes are happening on both Aerospike-A and Aerospike-B.
Reads are only happening on Aerospike-A (data is around 1million records, occupying 900MB of memory and 1.3 GB of disk)
Question: Why are reads not going to both the nodes?
If I take Aerospike-B down, everything works perfectly. There is no outage.
If I take Aerospike-A down, all the writes and reads start failing. I've waited for 5 mins for other node to take traffic but it didn't work.
a. In above scenario, I would expect Aerospike-B to take all the traffic. But this is not happening. Is there anything I am doing wrong?
b. Should I be giving both the hosts while initializing the client?
c. I had executed "clinfo -v 'config-set:context=service;paxos-recovery-policy=auto-dun-all'" on both the nodes. Is that creating a problem?
In EC2 you should place all the nodes of the cluster in the same AZ of the same region. You can use the rack awareness feature to set up nodes in two separate AZs, however you will be paying with a latency hit on each one of your writes.
Now what your seeing is likely due to misconfiguration. Each EC2 machine has a public IP and a local IP. Machines sitting on the same subnet may access each other through the local IP, but a machine from a different AZ cannot. You need to make sure your access-address is set to the public IP in the event that your cluster nodes are spread across two availability zones. Otherwise you have clients which can reach some of the nodes, lots of proxy events as the cluster nodes try to compensate and move your reads and writes to the correct node for you, and weird issues with data upon nodes leaving or joining the cluster.
For more details:

Amazon EMR: Set unique number of mappers and reducers per EMR instance

I'm running an Amazon EMR cluster that has M core instances and N task instances.
My jobs run multiple times per day and are time sensitive so I am keeping the M core instances up and running 24/7 so that I don't have data transfer overhead to/from S3.
The N task nodes are being dynamically launched and terminated as needed.
The M core nodes are c1.mediums and the N task nodes are m2.xlarge.
Is there a way to configure and mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum per instance?
For the core nodes I want:
For the task nodes I want at least:
Note that task trackers run on the core nodes as well, so I think this configuration will need to be on a per-instance basis depending on the instance size.
Is this possible? And if so how can I set up this type of configuration?
There is a great blog here - which gives you the answer.
Note though that you might have to play around a bit with sshing into your task nodes. It will not work just like that.
I would get my pem file onto a local directory.
chmod 400 on that pem file
and then do "scp -l hadoop -i .pem and then the rest of of it"
as mentioned in the blog
Mind you I have not tried this yet but I believe it will work.
Also - the .versions... stuff may not be needed. You will probably just need conf.
