Is there joomla Jhtml method for input? - joomla

So I've tried to use echo JHtml::_('input.text', name, value, attribs, label); for generating input, but I got error message JHtml::text not found.. Is there a way to generate input with text type ?

Short answer: No, there isn't.
But you could write your class or just use JLayouts to do the job until Joomla gets some sort of real GUI toolkit.


botbuilder DialogTestClient 's sendActivity only accepts strings and not numbers

I am using the botbuilder DialogTestClient 's sendActivity method to send prompts to my bot while testing but the method only accepts string types and in my bot i use number promts to prompt the user for numbers . Do you have any idea on how i can overturn this problem ?
Thanks in advance
I'm a bit unclear if you are having this issue only for DialogTestClient or all Clients, but in nodejs you can just convert the string to number using Number(promptInput). If the promptInput is already a number, it will still work fine. I assume there is a similar function in C#.
Edit: Some additional context. You can take a look at userProfileDialog.js in multi-turn-prompt sample for an example. Essentially, NumberPrompt has a "succeeded" property in the recognizer that ensures you entered a number. You can use that plus whatever validations you want in the validator function. If it succeeds and is validated, a number, not a string, is passed to the next step in your dialog.
If the error is coming when you are trying to repeat back the prompt value to the user, you need to convert it to a string. I favor using the backtick for this (template string/literal), e.g.
await step.context.sendActivity(`You entered ${step.result}`);
where step.result is the numberPrompt result.

DialogFlow CX inline system functions not working in text fulfillment

I would like to generate dynamic text without the need to create webhooks whenever possible. I understand that the only way to create dynamic text is by either creating different routes depending on parameters or by using inline system functions like $sys.func.ADD(1, 2) within text fulfillments.
But inline system functions like $sys.func.ADD(1, 2) do not work for me if used in text fulfillments. System functions just don't get executed for me. I.e. instead of uttering "3" my bot just utters "$sys.func.ADD(1, 2)" as a result of a test fulfillemnt. What am I doing wrong here? Does anybody have an example for using inline system functions in text fulfillment?
To resolve this issue, you need to check the result of system functions in order to identify the error that occurred.
For the system function $sys.func.ADD, when using it as a text response in your fulfillment, you need to convert it to type STRING to be embedded in text since the output of this system function returns a type DOUBLE.
You can convert the output of the $sys.func.ADD function to STRING by creating a nested function in your text response and utilizing the $sys.func.TO_TEXT which converts a value of other types to string.
Here’s an example for reference:

Rounding Numbers in Actuate

Using Actuate eReport Designer Professional 9 SErvice Pack 3 Fix 2
I am attempting to set a text control's ValueExp property to display a string consisting of a division result concatenated with some static text. I want the division result to display as an integer if there is no remainder. Otherwise, I want only 1 decimal place.
There will be conditional logic involved, but I will be able to handle that. What I am really looking for is, using the Expression Builder only, can I format numbers. For example, how would I get the expression, 5/3 & " text" to display 1.7 text? This guess,
round(5/3, 1) & " text"
threw errors for "illegal variable use (round)" and "operator not found for these types"
From Dominique's answer, this effort:
BirtMath.round(5/3, 1)
resulted in an illegal variable use on BirtMath.
Try this:
BirtMath.round(5/3, 1) + " text"
(tested on BIRT Eclipse designer, this should be the same with actuate professional designer)
What finally got the job done was:
Format(5/3, "##.#") & " text"
Dominique's answer refers to BIRT, which is a completely different technology/product.
If you want to display a numeric value with special formatting, a Text Control is not the best choice here. Instead, you should use a numeric control of the appropriate type (for example, a Double Control) and either override the GetText() method of that control to handle the display formatting or use Conditional Formatting. The reason this is a better solution is that data search and export will not work properly with a Text Control.
Note that you can use a format pattern like this: "#,##0 \T\e\x\t" instead of concatenating the string; this technique is needed when you are using Conditional Formatting.
Personally, I would prefer you to use Conditional Formatting, because I put a lot of effort into designing that feature of e.Reports, and I'd like to see more people using it. :) But overriding GetText() is probably easier in your specific situation, due to the need to do more complex string manipulation to eliminate the trailing decimals.
I want to add that with BIRT, you can also format the text in a more 'graphic' way, without the need for SQL ... in case it is useful to someone ...
Select the Object - Properties - Format Number - You choose the Format
there is variety for each case and in addition to adding the custom format.
Of course, it is everyone's decision to how format the text, and it is always good to know how it is done in different ways!

UITextField binding to a decimal. Can I automatically turn empty string to zero

I have a very standard binding set up in android on a UITextView
local:MvxBind="Text Quantity"
Where Quantity is an int property.
If I enter 123 say, that gets assigned and the setter is called. As I delete that text, 123 -> 12 -> 1 -> empty string, the setter is called for each number but not for the empty string infact the following exception occurs:
MvxBind:Error: 48.84 SetValue failed with exception - FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format
Is there a way of automatically converting the empty string value to 0 in the binding? Will I need a value converter for this? Is this in fact a bug?
Thanks in advance.
This area has been discussed recently in with some nullable additions in - people are welcome to contribute their opinions (and/or code) there.
The current 'status quo' is that MvvmCross will parse and represent valid decimal numbers. However, if the number isn't valid - eg if it's string.Empty or a set of non-numeric characters - then MvvmCross won't interpret these as zero (should "" be zero? should "asdf" be zero? should "123.456.7" be zero? should "1234asd" be zero? perhaps all of these should actually be NaN?).
If people need specific behaviour then it's easy for them to implement this behaviour - e.g. using a custom control (subclassed UITextField), using a value converter, using a custom binding (or overriding the default binding), using a string property on the viewModel, etc.
My personal opinion is that this topic really comes under the Validation heading. In general, MvvmCross doesn't provide many hooks for Validation at present. It's been proposed for a long time - - but no-one has shown much interest. There are some simple validation samples in the WithErrors demo within Within the apps I've written we've generally written and sub-classed UI controls to help reduce the need for validation - and in general we've tried to avoid the need for as much text input as we can (users don't like seem to like using keypads on phones)

Getting text from a form and evaluate in selenium using ruby

I am testing a registration form and one of the questions before submitting is:
"What is 8 + 4?"
The values will be different every time. I am using Selenium 2 with Ruby and want to to see if anyone knows how to a) get the text from the question and then b) compute the addition and return the correct answer in the field.
Using ruby code try to get the values in between is and ? Store this in Variable and now split the text with deliminator + now you will get the Values in array in different location. Now you can add these two and use for your evaluation. I don't have idea about ruby but its possible in PHP as I have done the same. Its should be in Ruby too.
Getting text between is and ? can be done strpos() in php that gives the position of the string see similar function for ruby.
