Using Spring+Hibernate for testing purposes - spring

I want to clarify my problem a bit more:
I understand the purposes of using SPring Framework (i.e. container-managed object lifecycle) and also Hibernate (using ORM between Javaobjects and relational database systems - impedance mismatch resolution).
I understand how we autowire an object and Spring takes over the creation and destruction of the object during runtime by looking at the applicationContext.xml file (in addition to persistence.xml file if using Hibernate or any other persistence provider).
What I want to do is the following:
I would like to implement my own shopping service. I already have entity (item) annotated with #Table, #Id, #Column, etc. to tell JPA that this is what will be stored in the database.
I already have a DAO interface (currently only add and delete methods) implemented by a DaoImpl class where I have done the following:
public class MyShopDbDaoImpl implements MyShopDbDao {
// The following named unit will be in my persistence.xml file
// Which will be placed in src/main/resources/META-INF folder
private EntityManager em;
// Getters for em (simply returns em)
// Setters for em (simply assigns an em supplied in the args.)
// Other query method
I also have a ShopDbController controller class that uses:
// defined in the applicationContext.xml file
private MyShopDbDao myShopDbDaoImpl
What I am struggling with is the "Understanding" of EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager relationships along with how the transactions must be managed. I know that the following hierarchy is the main starting point to understand this:
Client talks to a controller.
Controller maps the request and gets the entitymanager to do queries and stuff to the database (either a test/local database with JUNIT test etc. or an actual SQL-type database).
What I do know is that transactions can be managed either manually (i.e. beginning, committing, and closing a session) or through Spring container (i.e. using bean defs in applicationContext.xml file). How can I get more information about the entitymanagers and entitymanagerfactory in order to setup my system?
I didn't find the online documentation from Oracle/Spring/Hibernate very helpful. I need an example and the explanation on the relationship between entitymanagerfactory, sessionfactory, entitymanager, and transactionmanager. Could someone please help me with this?
I don't need people to hold my hand, but just put me in a right direction. I have done Spring projects before, but never got to the bottom of some stuff. Any help is appreciated.

EntityManagerFactory will obtain java.sql.Connection objects, through opening/closing new physical connections to the database or using a connection pool (c3p0, bonecp, hikari or whatever implementation you like). After obtaining a Connection, it will use it to create a new EntityManager. The EntityManager can interact with your objects and your database using this Connection and can manage the transaction through calling EntityManager#getTransaction and then calling EntityTransaction#begin, EntityTransaction#commit and EntityTransaction#rollback that internally works with Connection#begin, Connection#commit and Connection#rollback respectively. This is plain vanilla JPA and Spring has nothing to do up to this point.
For transaction management, Spring helps you to avoid opening/closing the transactions manually by using a transaction manager, specifically a class called JpaTransactionManager. This transaction manager will make use of your EntityManagerFactory to open and close a transaction for the EntityManager created for a set of operations. This can be done either using XML configuration or #Transactional annotation on your classes/methods. When using this approach, you won't directly work with your specific classes anymore, instead Spring will create proxies for your classes using cglib and make use of the transaction manager class to open the transaction, call your specific method(s) and execute a commit or rollback at the end, depending on your configuration. Apart of this, Spring provides other configurations like read-only transactions (no data modification operation allowed).
Here's a basic configuration of the elements explained above using Spring/Hibernate/JPA:
Declare the datasource.
Look for your datasource provider like c3p0 or HikariCP.
Using most basic parameters. It's up to you to tune this config.
<bean id="jpaDataSource"
password="${app.jdbc.password}" />
Specify the ORM vendor. This is, the framework implementing JPA.
<bean id="hibernateVendor"
Declare the JPA EntityManagerFactory.
Spring provides a class implementation for it.
<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
Declare a transaction manager.
Spring uses the transaction manager on top of EntityManagerFactory.
<bean id="transactionManager"

From what i see, your em reference should be a functioning proxy object to your database (this EntityManager is the thing that should be a spring bean, having configured everything, like DB url, driver, etc. Apart from this none of your code should depend on what DB you have). You don't need to know about the classes you mention (entitymanagerfactory sessionfactory transactionmanager). Easy example is:
List<MyBean> bean = (List<MyBean>)em.createNamedQuery("select * from mydb").getResultList();
It should be this easy to run a select * query and get your MyBean typed objects straight ahead, without any explicit conversion by you (this is what hibernate is for).
Similar for insert:
where myBean is something annotated for Hibernate.
Briefly about transactions, i found best to annotate #Transactional on service METHODS (you did it on a whole dao).

To be very very general:
an entitymanagerfactory is an object responsible of the creation of the entitymanager and it comes from the JPA specifications.
SessionFactory is the hibernate implementation of entitymanagerfactory
session is the hibernate implementation of entitymanager
A transacation manager is an object who manages transaction when you want to define a transaction manually.
So if you want to use hibernate, use SessionFactory and session. And if you want you to stay "generic" use the EntityManagerFactory.


Why creation of repository beans need a datasource bean during start-up

I was working on a Spring-data-jpa project with spring boot, I see that the creation of repository beans required a datasoure bean to be present, Why is it so?
And can a repository bean be created without datasource bean.
The purpose of a repository is to load and save data into a persistent store.
Spring Data JPA does that using JPA so it needs an EntityManager which in turn need a DataSource.
Strictly speaking the DataSource is only used once the database is actually accessed.
While you definitely nee a DataSource bean you may delay the construction of a normal DataSource by providing a wrapper which instantiates the the actual DataSource at a later point in time.
DelegatingDataSource might be of help, either as a basis class or, since you are going to change the DataSource as a template for an implementation.
See the somewhat related question

Best practice for open/get Hibernate session in Spring 4 + Hibernate

In our project we use Spring and Spring Data (for server side API service), but sometimes we do query not using Spring Data, but using JPA criteria. In order to do so we use:
private EntityManager em;
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
From the Spring docs:
Although EntityManagerFactory instances are thread-safe, EntityManager instances are not. The injected JPA EntityManager behaves like an EntityManager fetched from an application server's JNDI environment, as defined by the JPA specification. It delegates all calls to the current transactional EntityManager, if any; otherwise, it falls back to a newly created EntityManager per operation, in effect making its usage thread-safe.
So it seems that the way we use should get the current session if exists and if not should create new one. The issue we are facing is a memory leak of this use. seems like this way opens a lot of Hibernate session and does not close them.
So for the question: What is the best practice to getCurrent/open new session in Spring with Hibernate?
Note: HibernateUtil does not have getSessionFactory() as suggested in some other posts

Hibernate + JdbcTemplate

I've got a project of mine in which I would like to take advantage of Hibernate to increase the speed of development for basic operations, combined with Spring's JDBC template to be able to use my own SQL queries for some specific operations and not loose control, since there are some heavy, performance demanding operations.
Is this even possible or a good idea?
Yes, it is possible. And yes, it's a good idea.
The documentation says:
For distributed transactions across multiple Hibernate session factories, simply combine JtaTransactionManager as a transaction strategy with multiple LocalSessionFactoryBean definitions. Each DAO then gets one specific SessionFactory reference passed into its corresponding bean property. If all underlying JDBC data sources are transactional container ones, a business service can demarcate transactions across any number of DAOs and any number of session factories without special regard, as long as it is using JtaTransactionManager as the strategy.
HibernateTransactionManager can export the Hibernate JDBC Connection to plain JDBC access code, for a specific DataSource. This capability allows for high-level transaction demarcation with mixed Hibernate and JDBC data access completely without JTA, if you are accessing only one database. HibernateTransactionManager automatically exposes the Hibernate transaction as a JDBC transaction if you have set up the passed-in SessionFactory with a DataSource through the dataSource property of the LocalSessionFactoryBean class. Alternatively, you can specify explicitly the DataSource for which the transactions are supposed to be exposed through the dataSource property of the HibernateTransactionManager class.
So, if you're in a full-stack Java EE container supporting JTA transactions and DataSources, use a DataSource defined in your Java EE container and a JTATransactionManager.
If you'e in a simple web container such as Tomcat, use a Spring-provided DataSource and a HibernatTransactionManager.

How do you use Spring Data JPA outside of a Spring Container?

I'm trying to wire up Spring Data JPA objects manually so that I can generate DAO proxies (aka Repositories) - without using a Spring bean container.
Inevitably, I will be asked why I want to do this: it is because our project is already using Google Guice (and on the UI using Gin with GWT), and we don't want to maintain another IoC container configuration, or pull in all the resulting dependencies. I know we might be able to use Guice's SpringIntegration, but this would be a last resort.
It seems that everything is available to wire the objects up manually, but since it's not well documented, I'm having a difficult time.
According to the Spring Data user's guide, using repository factories standalone is possible. Unfortunately, the example shows RepositoryFactorySupport which is an abstract class. After some searching I managed to find JpaRepositoryFactory
JpaRepositoryFactory actually works fairly well, except it does not automatically create transactions. Transactions must be managed manually, or nothing will get persisted to the database:
The problem turned out to be that #Transactional annotations are not used automatically, and need the help of a TransactionInterceptor
Thankfully, the JpaRepositoryFactory can take a callback to add more AOP advice to the generated Repository proxy before returning:
final JpaTransactionManager xactManager = new JpaTransactionManager(emf);
final JpaRepositoryFactory factory = new JpaRepositoryFactory(emf.createEntityManager());
factory.addRepositoryProxyPostProcessor(new RepositoryProxyPostProcessor() {
public void postProcess(ProxyFactory factory) {
factory.addAdvice(new TransactionInterceptor(xactManager, new AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource()));
This is where things are not working out so well. Stepping through the debugger in the code, the TransactionInterceptor is indeed creating a transaction - but on the wrong EntityManager. Spring manages the active EntityManager by looking at the currently executing thread. The TransactionInterceptor does this and sees there is no active EntityManager bound to the thread, and decides to create a new one.
However, this new EntityManager is not the same instance that was created and passed into the JpaRepositoryFactory constructor, which requires an EntityManager. The question is, how do I make the TransactionInterceptor and the JpaRepositoryFactory use the same EntityManager?
While writing this up, I found out how to solve the problem but it still may not be the ideal solution. I will post this solution as a separate answer. I would be happy to hear any suggestions on a better way to use Spring Data JPA standalone than how I've solve it.
The general principle behind the design of JpaRepositoryFactory and the according Spring integration JpaRepositoryFactory bean is the following:
We're assuming you run your application inside a managed JPA runtime environment, not caring about which one.
That's the reason we rely on injected EntityManager rather than an EntityManagerFactory. By definition the EntityManager is not thread safe. So if dealt with an EntityManagerFactory directly we would have to rewrite all the resource managing code a managed runtime environment (just like Spring or EJB) would provide you.
To integrate with the Spring transaction management we use Spring's SharedEntityManagerCreator that actually does the transaction resource binding magic you've implemented manually. So you probably want to use that one to create EntityManager instances from your EntityManagerFactory. If you want to activate the transactionality at the repository beans directly (so that a call to e.g.…) creates a transaction if none is already active) have a look at the TransactionalRepositoryProxyPostProcessor implementation in Spring Data Commons. It actually activates transactions when Spring Data repositories are used directly (e.g. for…)) and slightly customizes the transaction configuration lookup to prefer interfaces over implementation classes to allow repository interfaces to override transaction configuration defined in SimpleJpaRepository.
I solved this by manually binding the EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory to the executing thread, before creating repositories with the JpaRepositoryFactory. This is accomplished using the TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource method:
emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("", properties);
em = emf.createEntityManager();
// Create your transaction manager and RespositoryFactory
final JpaTransactionManager xactManager = new JpaTransactionManager(emf);
final JpaRepositoryFactory factory = new JpaRepositoryFactory(em);
// Make sure calls to the repository instance are intercepted for annotated transactions
factory.addRepositoryProxyPostProcessor(new RepositoryProxyPostProcessor() {
public void postProcess(ProxyFactory factory) {
factory.addAdvice(new TransactionInterceptor(xactManager, new MatchAlwaysTransactionAttributeSource()));
// Create your repository proxy instance
FooRepository repository = factory.getRepository(FooRepository.class);
// Bind the same EntityManger used to create the Repository to the thread
TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(emf, new EntityManagerHolder(em));
try{; // Done in a transaction using 1 EntityManger
} finally {
// Make sure to unbind when done with the repository instance
There must be be a better way though. It seems strange that the RepositoryFactory was designed to use EnitiyManager instead of an EntityManagerFactory. I would expect, that it would first look to see if an EntityManger is bound to the thread and then either create a new one and bind it, or use an existing one.
Basically, I would want to inject the repository proxies, and expect on every call they internally create a new EntityManager, so that calls are thread safe.

Spring+JPA #Transactional not committing

I understand the similar question have been asked before here, but I couldn't find the solution to my problem. Basically, I am trying to use JPA through Hibernate in Spring, but the data is not being persisted for some reason.Turning on debug on spring transaction reveals nothing - EntityManager open and closed, but nothing shows up as far as transaction manager concerns ... I am sure I miss something big, any help is appreciated! see the following for more details.
The basic layout is as follows: class FooDaoJPA’s save function calls out entityManager.persist(object) to persist the object.
class FooServiceImpl implements the service interface by:
#Transactional(rollbackFor = DataAccessException.class,
readOnly = false, timeout = 30,
propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS,
isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT)
public void saveFoo(Foo foo) throws DataAccessException {;
Noted that fooDao is injected by Spring IoC
Finally controller is injected a FooService and call saveFoo() to persist data.
JPA configuration
<!-- JPA Entity Manager Factory -->
<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
<!-- Transaction Config -->
<bean id="transactionManager"
<tx:annotation-driven mode="aspectj"
Note the mode="aspectj" in your configuration. It requires additional configuration and usually you shouldn't use it unless you understand what does it mean and why do you need it. See 10.5.6 Using #Transactional.
The first thing that looks like a potential issue is your setting for propagation. Here is documentation showing the values you can specify:
Note that you've specified SUPPORTS which "Support a current transaction, execute non-transactionally if none exists". You probably want REQUIRED, which is the default, and will either use an existing transaction or create one if one does not currently exist.
In my case:
Using JPA with Spring MVC - all of my tests and code ran fine without error - symptom was that commits would simply not save to the database no matter what I tried.
I had to add
to my applicationContext.xml and cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar aopalliance-1.0.jar
Definitely the fix in my case. Without annotation-driven Spring will not scan for the #Transactional annotation
