How to find specific text field with same id? - ruby

I am testing this one angularjs application that has
text_field(:date, :id => 'transfer_date')
Problem is that there are two text fields with this id the reason being that the first one has ng-show = externalaccount and the second has ng-show = !externalaccount.
So when I test something that is not externalaccount, I will receive an error saying that the text_field is not visible. However when I test externalaccount, the test will pass fine. I looked around and found
Page-object gem: Identifying object with same properties based on their visibility
I tried this but it there are other text_fields on the page. I need to find the first visible text_field that has id='transfer_date'. How do I set this up with pageobject or step definitions?

You can find the first visible text field with specific attributes using:
text_field(:date){ text_field_elements(:id => 'transfer_date').find(&:visible?) }
This says to find all text fields with the specific id and then from that list find the first that is visible.


How to assert that image has been uploaded with Capybara?

Let's say I have a form where user can create a post with an image attached to it. I want to make sure the image attached is displayed on the next page:
visit url
fill_in the_form
click_on 'Create'
assert_selector '.post'
post = Post.first
img = page.find '.post .image'
assert_equal post.file.thumb.url, URI(img[:src]).path
But I'm told asserting against database objects in system tests is to be avoided. What do I do then?
So long as there's no "complex" file renaming happening on the backend, you already know the uploaded filename when populating the form:
fill_in the_form
Therefore, you could assert that the page contains an image with this name (perhaps using an xpath).
If there is trivial file renaming (e.g. replacing spaces with hyphens), then you could either (ideally) just choose a filename that does not change, or reproduce the renaming in your test.

How to get the text of hidden check boxes inside a scroll bar using Selenium WebDriver?

I'm trying to automate Filter By Brand scenario in BigBasket and now stuck up in a situation where my code could not print the brand names that are hidden inside a scroll bar.
Steps to follow
Go to
Click Skip & Explore button
Search Apple and view the list of brands on the left side
List chkBrands;
The above lines of code identifies all the brand names but when I print them using the below code I can see only the brand names that are visible
for(WebElement eachElement:chkBrands){
System.out.println("No. of brands is "+chkBrands.size());
Could you please let me know the solution? I apologize that I could not think of a solution as I'm an amateur in Selenium.
WebElement.getText() will return the text of the element only if it is displayed on the screen.
Meaning if the isDisplayed method returns false then getText()method will return empty.
Explanation with Examples Here
As defined in WebDriver spec, Selenium WebDriver will only interact
with visible elements, therefore the text of an invisible element will
always be returned as an empty string.
However, in some cases, one may find it useful to get the hidden text,
which can be retrieved from element's textContent, innerText or
innerHTML attribute, by calling element.attribute('attributeName') or
injecting JavaScript like return arguments[0].attributeName.
So you can get the text by textContent attribute
Try this one:
JavascriptExecutor je = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("Your_xpath"));
String text_value = ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return arguments[0].innerHTML;",element);

How to set a span value with capybara?

Does anyone know how to set a value to span tag using capybara?
I tried using element.set or element.send_keys, they only selected the targeted element without modifing the previous value.
<div data-offset-key="bbpvo-0-0" class="_1mf _1mj"><span data-offset-key="bbpvo-0-0"><span data-text="true">aa</span></span></div>
HTML snippet is above, I want to set aa to bb.
Capybara is designed to emulate a user - A user can't edit a span unless there's some sort of javascript widget attached to it. If you have a JS widget attached to the span you would need to perform whatever actions a user would do in order to edit the span. So you say the user has to click on the span and then type on the span - if that is so then you could try something like
span = find('span[data-text="true"]')
span.send_keys("new content", :enter) # if enter is needed to end the editing
which may work - although I'm going to guess the element actually gets replaced with an input or something after it's clicked on, in which case you need to figure out what those elements are (using the browsers inspector) and then find and use send_keys or set on that element instead
To set text in span value,jquery can be used with capybara as shown below:
page.execute_script("$("<span css selector>").text("testing")");
page.execute_script("$("<span css selector>").html("testing <b>1 2 3</b>")");

HTML.SelectListFor selectedValue never gets set

I have the following partial view which renders a drop down list:
#model MartinDog.Core.Models.Section
, new SelectList(Model.Dock.DockTemplate.Columns,
"Id", "FriendlyName",
, new { #id = "ddlb_dockTemplateColumns" +
I render it on my page like so:
#{Html.RenderPartial("_Admin_Page_DockTemplateColumnDropDown", Model);}
The partial view is rendered once for every Section object. A Section object one I've created and is editable in a jquery dialog box (change the name, display order, dock template column, etc.)
On the test page I am using, this Section dialog box is rendered four times (as there are four of them in my parent object).
The problem:
*The SelectedValue in the SelectList for the drop down never gets set* - that is to say, the correct item in the drop down list is never selected when the dialog is displayed and I can't quite work out why.
I thought it might be because the drop down is rendered four times, so I tried rendering it for just one of the 'Sections' but still the same problem.
Anyone know what I can do?
Not sure if I'm doing it in a sucky way. I had thought of building the dialog just once with jquery and json but I'd prefer to do it this way as it just feels cleaner.
I do this:
In controller action (Edit for example):
ViewData["ProvinceID"] = new SelectList(dc.Provinces.OrderBy(p => p.NameAr), "ID", "NameAr", factory.ProvinceID);
and Markup:
<%: Html.DropDownList("ProvinceID") %>
See? so it is a list of factories and it has a Province field and what I want you to notice is the 4th parameter in the SelectList constructor, I passed factory.ProvinceID so the DropDownList knows which option to be set on. Otherwise the DropDownList will show the default value (the first one).
P.S: It is your job to change to Razor syntax; I don't use it.
Hope that helps.
Doh... fixed - totally my own fault.
I had set up my html.dropdownlistfor like so
When it should've been like so:
Setting the first argument to x=>x.DockTemplateColumn.Id (which uniquely identifies the items in my list) instead of x.Name fixed the issue straight away.
Just thought I'd post it here in case someone else makes the same mistake I did.
Found the answer here:
C# mvc 3 using selectlist with selected value in view

How do I identify a dynamic-id custom-type text field in WATiR?

I have this input of type "Submit" that Watir cannot see. I can identify it by ID, but it doesn't turn up in browser.text_fields, or by any other idenfication method. The ID is dynamically generated so I cannot use it for testing. Any ideas on how to make this readable? I'm willing to change the WATiR source code if necessary.
<INPUT id=t8CPm value=Submit type=submit>
I have obviously tried text_field(:value, 'Submit') and text_field(:type, 'Submit'), and I get an "Unable to locate element" error.
Did you try treating it as a button element? Inputs of type submit are generally considered to be a button because the browser generally renders them that way.
browser.button(:value, 'Submit').flash
and see if it works for you
I changed INPUT_TYPES to ["text", "password", "textarea", "submit"] in the TextField class of input_elements.rb and there it was.
I should also probably edit the collections to read the type too.
Edit: I am an idiot and I didn't need to do this, but I'm leaving it here in case anyone else needs to identify a real dynamic-id custom-type text field, not a fake dynamic-id custom-type text field otherwise known in my particular case as a "button".
