why does my page load super slow?(has GeoJSON and Javascript content) - performance

I made a data visualization using d3.js and here is the link: http://glennaxie.com/light-up-denver/
However, I've noticed the page loads very slow. It can take more than 20 seconds to allow the visualization to show up. Any suggestions for speeding it up?

Hi I cam across in your site Remove the following redirect chain if possible: http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js .


Why are there unused images resources while using Google Chrome Lighthouse?

I try to improve the overall performance of loading time (especially images) with the Google Chrome Lighthouse extension of this website: https://muckenthaler.de/
When the Performance Test is finished I get a list of opportunities, please see this screenshot or test for yourself: https://capture.dropbox.com/YV5ii1vrj0xpfWwK
Under Serve images in next-gen formats are listed some image urls (like this one: https://muckenthaler.de/media/image/54/7c/cb/Sliderbild_Produkte_Steh_SItz_Tische_2.jpg) that don't even appear on the specific page but somehow seem to get loaded into it and affect the performance.
How could I prevent this and why are these image resources loaded?
Here are the WebPageTest results for this page: https://www.webpagetest.org/result/220529_AiDcZP_759/1/details/#waterfall_view_step1
All you need to know from this thumbnail is that yellow rows indicate HTTP redirects and purple bars represent images. The longer the bar, the longer it took for the resource to load.
So we can tell a few things from this waterfall image:
there are many redirects
there are many images
many images take a very long time to load, relative to other resources
When I look up https://muckenthaler.de/media/image/54/7c/cb/Sliderbild_Produkte_Steh_SItz_Tische_2.jpg in the response headers, I see at request 19 that there's a redirect to that image from https://muckenthaler.de/media/image/Sliderbild_Produkte_Steh_SItz_Tische_2.jpg.
Looking up that image in your source code, I see
<img src="https://muckenthaler.de/media/image/Sliderbild_Produkte_Steh_SItz_Tische_2.jpg"
Also note that this content is inside of something called <div class="hidden-elements">. These elements of class emotion--element are set to display: none so that the contents are not shown on screen, but loading="eager" on the images forces them to be loaded.
It seems like maybe your CMS (Shopware) is trying to eagerly preload images that will be used on other pages. That's not a terrible idea if you have a small number of lightweight images and users are very likely to navigate to those pages, but in this case it's loading dozens of images totalling over 30 MB. So definitely not recommended.
According to the CWV Tech Report, Shopware websites tend to only load 2 MB of images and have pretty good Core Web Vitals performance compared to other CMS and ecommerce platforms. That leads me to believe that there might be a misconfiguration on your end, or you may have installed a bad plugin.
First things first, a big thanks to Rick Viscomi for the research!
I found the answer which is basically Shopware 5 hidden elements, that can be shown and then be removed clicking the number next to the chain icon.
Here is a screenshot.

How can I stop Dashing from updating widgets outside of viewport

I have set up a Home-automation dashboard using Shopify/Dashing as base.
Dashing uses Gridster.js to allocate the large amount of widgets I have in columns & pages. The pages are being switched with Dashing.cycleDashboards(). The widgets are binded to an EventSource socket with Batman.js (installed as Ruby Gem, which gets it's data from OpenHab through mqtt)
I've chosen not to create multiple dashboards because of the outdated browser the dashboard is running on and split them in gridster divs as said. This is where my question is about;
Although only one Gridster div is displayed at a time, all are being updated in the DOM. Because the browser is so unstable this takes up a lot of memory and browser chrashes.
I'd like to stop Dashing from updating the hidden Gridster divs. Of course the div should get updated after switching to it. (After the switch I would like to execute state updates per widget with jQuery XHR calls.)
Is the above possible? And if so, please point me in the right direction. What file(s) do I need to change? Sample code would be great.
Thanks in advance.
I did not fix this issue. I have rewritten the complete HTML structure to accomplish what I needed. Closing this thread!

jQuery AJAX Load Method - Delay

I'll admit that I'm pretty new web development (only been coding for about a year) and especially green when it comes to JS / jQuery.
A specific web page I've built loads different data based on hovering over certain categories: country clubs, resorts, hotels, etc. When I built the site on my local machine, the javascript function was super quick. However, on the live site, it has a long delay before the data swap happens.
The URL is: http://preferredparkingsolutions.com/client_list.html
Which links to a javascript function at: http://preferredparkingsolutions.com/scripts/clientHover.js
Which replaces the display div (#client_list) by pulling data from a text file.
Is there a better / faster way of doing this?
Yes, this could be optimised by loading the content in up-front and caching it. Currently you are doing a HTTP request each for each and every hover - even if the user has hovered over that element before, since the AJAX responses aren't being cached. Doing this would be your quickest win.
However, I can't see any case at all for having the content live externally. Is there any reason you're against having the content physically in the page and just using show/hide methods? There's various benefits to this - SEO, for one thing, since Google will find the content.
this is the external page you are loading http://preferredparkingsolutions.com/client_list.inc.html and the content looks little and looks like its a static page then why not just load every thing upfront and then just hide and show div's ? as Utkanos suggested you will aslo have a SEO benifit and also its HTTP request each for each and every hover. if you still want to load it externally lost load it once and cache it and use the cached version to hide and show divs.

Load/Run "<php require...file.php..." After Rest of Page Has Loaded

On my website I have a image rotator. The page takes some time, it varies on how many pictures are in the slide show, to load the pictures. This delays the page and it takes more time to appear. After the page is finished loading how would I then be able to run this script? That way they could see the page, and then seconds later have this image rotator appear. The image rotator is not necessary so it's fine if it does not show up right away.
<php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'slideshow.php'); ?>
I'll take any language, php, javascript or jquery, or ajax. I do not know ajax so if would be helpful if the answer was in one of the first two languages.
Thanks, Luc
PHP won't be a good solution for this - the whole PHP page will have been executed by the time the page is shown to the user.
Instead, you might look at JavaScript solutions - searching for JavaScript image carousel or rotator should lead you to many popular methods and libraries.

AJAX load time - Host and Server issue?

I'm having an issue with slow AJAX calls. This is a common question, but I've done everything suggested in all the research I can find. I'm hoping to get a consensus form people who read this.
Basically, I make an ajax request to a php page, which gets info from a database.
Here is the page.
I've timed all of my javascript, mySQL, and php scripts, requests, and pages.
(If you run firebug you can see my time markers in the console, as well as in the xml)
As an example -
The mysql request takes 20ms
The PHP page takes 50ms
The ajax success script, which processes the small amount of xml (less than 1k) and generates the markers, takes 8ms to run.
Yet, loading the page takes nearly 4 seconds.
So, assuming none of my scripts are lagging, this has to be a problem with the response time from the server, or my own internet connection, right?
I'd appreciate any theories or thoughts.
Thank you
Ok looked at your page and here are some of the issues I saw that would affect speed:
It takes 4ms to get your data in your getMarkers function but it takes 892ms to read the xml file. I would recommend falling back to vanilla javascript to read your xml file as the amount of find's you are performing is really harming your performance here.
Minify and combine all of the scripts that are local on your server. I was getting some really high response times. You can eliminate 4 http requests by doing this which with the response times on your server will help a bit. (Note don't combine jquery or jquery ui in this)
Since your server is a bit slow (not your fault this will vary as you are probably on shared hosting) I would recommend linking jquery and jquery ui to the google cdn hosted versions. Here is a post on that Jquery CDN
You have 24 images on your page; 23 of which are under 4KB. Combine those 23 into one CSS sprite image and assign a 1px X 1px blank gif to be the inline html image and use the CSS sprite image instead. Here is good article on what this is if you are unfamiliar: CSS Sprites explained also here is good online css sprites generator: CSS Sprite generator
Make sure you need Jquery UI for this page. I didn't see anything that would have required it. If you can remove it you save yourself 206k. Remember to remove the associated CSS file if it isn't needed. This would save you another 2 calls.
Didn't dig too deep but if you are not already kick off the call to setup the google map in a $(document).ready() that way the rest of your page can load and you can display a loading animation in that area. This way users know something is happening and your page will appear to load a lot quicker.
So you can greatly speed things up by doing the above. You would go from 82 components down to 51 local and 2 more on Google CDN. If you can improve that xml read time you can shave nearly another second off load time as well
