Why I can not login to magento 2 backend using google chrome - magento

I am using magento community edition 2. I am not able to login to back end of magento. I know this problem can be because of chrome not accepting cookies. In previous versions(Magento 1.9.1,1.9.0, & so on) I normally go to app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php file and comment the below lines to fix the above mentioned chrome browser issue,
But Magento 2 Folder structure is different.
How do I fix this issue.

Use another browser to set the cookie time and HTTPS settings to its correct values. You should now be able to use Chrome again.


Website error for HTTPS; But website works fine through HTTP

I just installed a SSL certificate on the website and confirmed that it was set-up correctly. But for some reason when visiting the website through HTTPS it gives the error "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]". But HTTP works fine.
It's a WordPress website and the htaccess file has not been modified.
What could be the problem?
www.benchmarkadvertising.ca https://benchmarkadvertising.ca/
I've Googled and Googled but cannot find a solution. Called my hosting company, but they're not specialized enough to understand the issue.
First off check this may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins, and use one of the default (Twenty*) themes. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.
If you can install plugins, install “Health Check”: https://wordpress.org/plugins/health-check/ On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

Joomla Upgrade 2.5 to 3

I am trying to upgrade Joomla from 2.5 to 3 but update button is not showing on administrator panel. It is showing “Joomla! is up-to-date”. How will I get update button. Following errors came when I try to troubleshoot.
I am not able to get response from update.joomla.org. Is it due to proxy applied on my connection. If yes then could you please let me know the step to overcome this issue.
When I get in touch to our technical support team then they provide me proxy URL with port number. Without any credential. And they told me that I have to surpass this URL after using the proxy URL. But I am not sure how I can use this proxy to get response. Please suggest and let me know the solution. Thank you!!
Errors :
Update: :Collection: Could not open http:///update.joomla.org/core/sts/list_sts.xml ;
Update: :Collection: Could not open http:///update.joomla.org/core/jed/list.xml
Within the administrator area navigate to the 'Joomla! Updater' component (under Components) - when there click on the 'Options' button in the top right of the screen. When the pop-up appears, change the 'Update server' to 'Short Term Support' and click the 'Save & Close' button within the pop-up. Once closed, the updater component should go off and check for the latest version on the 'Short Term Support' branch. The text that said 'Joomla is up to date' should be replaced with the option to install the 3.5.1 version.
Make sure you take a backup before updating. Your template and other extensions may not be compatible with the 3.5.x branch so it's best to either make sure that they are compatible or find an alternative solution.
For others that might have been scouring the internet to solve this problem, I had the same thing happening to me on a very old site that needed to be upgraded. I had an early 2.5 site which I managed to update to 2.5.28, but could not get any further due to these errors.
Most posts on this that you'll find will refer to the https version of the error, but in my case I had the same problem is the OP, where the file that could not be opened was on the http URL.
Trying to directly load the http site seemed to work, until I noticed that my browser was automatically redirecting to the https site. I don't know if that was the browser, or a server redirect causing this, but it let me to another solution to this problem, which is that these resources obviously are no longer hosted on an insecure site.
Open up the administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/models/default.php file and around lines 37-47, modify the listed URLs from http to https. Then rerun the purge/udpate check cycle and you should now get the update found.
In addition to this, other sites that are listed as not being found on http links can be updated by modifying records in the #__update_sites table. YMMV with these, as most of them are going to be 3rd party sites that may/may not have changed hosting. In my case, most of them had just disappeared. Notably, the core update site is listed in this table, but it gets overwritten by the aforementioned script, so updating the DB doesn't help.

Drupal in Moodle sharing session

I have a Moodle site, in one of the Moodle pages I have an iFrame which contains a Drupal application. I want the Drupal application to see whether the user is logged in on Moodle, and if so show extra content.
However, I cannot access the session data from Moodle (especially information on the User) to in Drupal.
I tried two things:
If the iframe was a normal PHP page, I'd pass session_start(); on the top of the page in order for the session to persists, but I have no idea HOW to do that in Drupal.
And since they are on the same server, I tried accessing the config.php file in Moodle from a plain PHP file in the Drupal directory, and, as expect, I was able to get the variable. But as soon as I do this inside the Drupal application, a clash in function name between Moodle and Drupal threw an error.
The other option is to add a plugin in Moodle which sets a cookie on user login, a cookie that Drupal can get. But I'm really against this option since anyone can set a cookie and it persists. (There's no guarantee the user will click log-out)
I've never used/touched Moodle and Drupal until today. Can anyone help me figure out how to check whether a user is logged in on Moodle, from an iframe running a Drupal application?
A quick google gives the following moodle plugin that may be useful: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=208285
Looks like it allows single sign-on between the two, I've never used moodle before, but this may be a step in the right direction.

Magento Connect Manager redirecting to 3rd party site - malicious code?

I have a strange problem with Magento Connect Manager: firstly, if I cliick the "settings" tab, the page redirects to an the 1and1.com.com homepage with an affiliate link suffix (1and1 arent my hosting provider).
Similarly, if I try and uninstall / reinstall any extension on the "extensions" page, the same 1and1.com page appears in the window below the list of extensions (where you would normally see the installation being actioned).
I am also unable to install any new extensions / or uninstall any existing ones. I'm guessing this is the result of some malicious code being inserted somewhere?
does anyone else have any similar experience or any idea how to fix?
Thanks in advance.
Rollback your updated htaccess to default magento htaccess and clear your cache and test again.
In your current htaccess file you may find some urls like
update them to your website url.

SSL issue in Joomla web site

We have installed SSL in server for a Joomla website and https is working fine for Joomla admin panel. But in front end it auto redirecting to http.
i.e in browser if I enter https://mysite.com it auto redirect to http://mysite.com (without S).
I do not know how to fix this. Please help me.
Joomla version - 2.5.7
The following instructions are for Joomla 3, but for other versions the instructions should be identical, it will just look a bit different and the menus might be in a different place.
Log into your Joomla admin site.
Go to Global Configuration
Go to the Server tab.
Find the option "Force SSL" and change it to "Entire Site".
Click "Save and Close"
Clear your site cache.
If you have any SEF extensions with caches, they will need their caches purged too. They may also have their own HTTPS settings within their configuration, however that will vary by extension.
Here is a screenshot taken from Joomla 3:
It is also possible to activate SSL on a per-page basis. This is done via the menu manager.
You may also want to check your web server configuration (i.e. .htaccess) for any rewrites or redirects, but that's beyond the scope of Joomla configuration.
