Safari (Host App) give selected text to App Extension? - ios-app-extension

Possible to get a text selection out from safari (host app)to an app extension, or only the URL?

Yes this is possible. You can create a JavaScript file as part of your Action Extension. This is described in the documentation since you also have to add a NSExtensionJavaScriptPreprocessingFile key to your extension's Info.plist.
Inside the JavaScript file you can define a run function which allows you to define values to pass to your native extension code. Here you can get the selected text as shown in other questions and pass this through to your extension.
Here's a quick example of how this might work on the JavaScript side:
var MyExtensionJavaScriptClass = function() {};
MyExtensionJavaScriptClass.prototype = {
run: function(arguments) {
// Pass the selected text through
arguments.completionFunction({"text": window.getSelection().toString()});
// The JavaScript file must contain a global object named "ExtensionPreprocessingJS".
var ExtensionPreprocessingJS = new MyExtensionJavaScriptClass;


How do I debug JQuery-BootGrid data api to NancyFX

Question edited:
I wrote a page with jquery-bootgrid data API.
Its should be calling with AJAX to my NancyFX REST API, but it isn't.
Client side:
I'm serving the bootgrid from a local repo:
<script src="~/scripts/jquery.bootgrid.min.js"></script>
Maybe I shouldn't be using the .min.js file but rather the open one for debugging? If so, could you walk me through what to do, or point me in the direction?
The page code is
data-toggle="bootgrid" data-ajax="true"
data-url="/cars/0" data-method="GET"
Server side:
I have the html page served by NancyFx and is seen ok, except for the grid which is empty. There's an API module with a breakpoint in Visual Studio (running on localhost), with the following:
Get["/cars/{status:int}?current={current}&rowCount={rowCount}"] = parameters => ...
This code is never called. How can I force the debugger to catch ANY call before the routing is checked, and show me what's coming into the server?
I'm using the chrome debugger.
The current URL is not valid by Nancy standards. We don't add query string params to the route.
You would want to write something along the lines of:
Get["/cars/{status:int}"] = parameters =>
var status = (int)parameters.status;
var current = (string)parameters.current.TryParse("");
var rowCount = (int)parameters.current.TryParse(10);
Along those lines. (written off the top of my head)
An alternative approach is to bind the request like so:
Get["/cars/{status:int}"] = parameters =>
var request = this.Bind<MyRequest>();
public class MyRequest
public MyRequest()
RowCount = 10;
public int Status {get;set;}
public string Current {get;set;}
public int RowCount {get;set;}
Changing the nancy to Get["/cars/{status:int}"] = parameters => did the trick of catching the request.
The ajax wasn't being called because I lost the JQuery first line...
$(document).ready(function() {
To get the current and rowCount you need to use
var current = (int)Request.Form["current"];
var rowCount = (int)Request.Form["rowCount];
By the way, the Get wasn't working (I think its a Bootgrid bug) so I changed it to POST.
The simplest way to debug any jQuery library is by using the in-built debugger, it's kinda difficult for me to use chrome for that , so I use Firefox but if you are habitual of chrome then use it, the functionality is almost the same, but with Firefox you can directly switch to the events associated with any element in the html (in the inspect section)
Once you get into the debugger, set the breakpoint and refresh the page either by F5 or Ctrl+F5 if you selected the valid breakpoint you can see all the values associated with every variable also with every function.
Secondly, use the step-in option in the debugger to see where the exact line is pointing, if it's refering to any other file it will pop open automatically in the debugger menu. Firefox's spider monkey is much good at debugging and relating codes (that's totally my opinion).
3- for the api calls, the reason for data not being processed or not displayed, very much lies within the structure of the library,(on what parameters the data is called/fetched/retrieved), for this try to use the "watch expressions" option in debugger and try implementing the code on loaded dom in console section with trigger on the node which you think is bugged or which should display the value.

PDF.js rendering a base64 pdf in .Net

I have a Xamarin WindowsRT project where I am able to load a local PDF and view it within the WebView of the app using PDF.js.
I have created a custom renderer to override the Xamarin WebView and I simply call:
Control.Source = new Uri("ms-appx-web:///Assets/pdf/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=mypdf.pdf");
And this works great for opening and viewing the PDF.
The thing is, the PDFs I will need to view are in the form of base64 encoded strings downloaded from a server. Is there a way to pass the base64 to PDF.js somehow?
Just to see if I can get this working using javascript, I am loading a basic html page into the webview with the following script, but I just get a blank page:
I know the html page is loading because above the script i put TEST and that renders. And it is executing the javascript. It is also properly creating the pdfAsArray, because I also iterated through it and it has a lot of values.
Fetch your pdf string using C# and then inject it as a variable in your WebView in order to pass it (since you're using Xamarin.Forms, you can use HybridWebView's InjectJavaScript)
Then, use the function from this gist to convert that string into an array that can be accepted by pdf.js, as pointed in this answer.
var pdfAsDataUri = //Your string;
var pdfAsArray = convertDataURIToBinary(pdfAsDataUri);
You can also create a function that wraps the conversion and the PDFJS.getDocument and call it directly from C#:
function loadPdfFromBase64(pdfString) {
var pdfAsArray = convertDataURIToBinary(pdfString);
hybridWebView.CallJsFunction("loadPdfFromBase64", yourPdfString);

Can i modify an external js file via Ajax post?

I Would like to know if there is a possibility to modify an external js file via ajax post, for example:
Into my external js file i've got a variable :
var color;
So i would like my users to be able change the value of this variable by typing the HEX code into an input text form.
So when the type and press submit button to grab this value and post it to external js file and modify the variable.
I want something like this:
var colorVal = $('input').val();
$.post("external-file-js.js", {color: colorVal}, function(result){});
In external js file something like:
var color = $.get(colorVal); // HERE i dont know how to grab the value
Thank you :)
I need to understand the use case you are intending in order to provide a full answer. If all you are attempting to do is change the background color, why do you need to run an AJAX post at all? Why not just change it?
In extenal.js (which is included in html body):
function changeColor(color) {
Then you bind the following event to the input:
$('input').change(function () {
// Though you may want to perform validation first.
The only problem is if you need to change it long term, for multiple users. Then you would need to store the value server side (with a post and some type of CRUD system, in which case, check out JSON/JSONP)
It can be done. You would have to use some back-end code to rewrite your JS file. You would then need to remove any binds and use a script to reload your js document on the fly. Here is an example of loading JS on the fly.
I am not sure why you would do this. I would just rework my JS file so I can avoid this mess.

Firefox extension: share state

I have a Firefox overlay extension with a tree in a sidebar.
How can I keep the tree state synchronized in several windows?
For example in first window added new item in tree, how update tree in other windows?
If somebody can show minimal code for it (with use code modules, observers, broadcasters or something else), please help.
I read similar question, but it did not help:
Firefox extension - Share common state between two or more windows
The answer in the question you reference is good, but short on explanation. You should read the references to which it links. I have duplicated those links here.
One way to keep state information outside of a window context is to use JavaScript code modules (JSM). The section Sharing objects using code modules talks briefly about doing this. Once you have set up your JSM to share the data, it is merely a matter of informing each window that a change has been made and it should update the displayed state. This is easily accomplished by using an event which you define. All of the sidebars listen for a particular event in their window. Then there is one function in the JSM which runs through all the windows signalling them that they need to update.
The code to signal could look something like:
function forEachOpenWindow(todo) {
// Apply a function to all open browser windows
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
function signalUpdateNeeded(window){
let event = window.document.createEvent("Event");
function sendUpdateAvailableToAllWindows(){
Then in the code for the sidebar:
//This imports your JSM, it does not need the .jsm extension, you can use
// whatever extension you want.
updateDataFromModule, false);
//Instead you may need the following (or another way to get to the
// top window). What is actually needed will depend on the context in
// which your sidebar code is running. You should see below for code to
// access the main browser window from within a sidebar.
// updateDataFromModule, false);
function updateDataFromModule(){
//Whatever it is you need to do here.
mylocalVariable = myExtensionModule.dataStructure.whatever;
Refactoring the first code section above so that it looks like it is in a module that uses one variable to reduce namespace clutter. The code for the module could be something like:
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "myExtensionModule" ];
var myExtensionModule = {
dataStructure: {
whatever: true,
you: 1,
want: ["here.", "It", "is", "your", "data."]
forEachOpenWindow: function(todo){
// Apply a function to all open browser windows
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
signalUpdateNeeded: function(window){
let event = window.document.createEvent("Event");
sendUpdateAvailableToAllWindows: function(){
I have not actually tested this, so there may be some errors.
Having either your sidebar code access the main browser window, or the JSM code find which sidebar your code is in (in order to send or listen fro events) may be a bit more complicated than you think. You should see Working with windows in chrome code. Specifically, Accessing the elements of the top-level document from a child window. That section provides the following code to access the main browser window from within a sidebar:
var mainWindow = window
An alternative is for your JSM to keep a reference to an object in the data structure on which all of the sidebars place listeners. This could be an object which it creates. If you do use this method and choose to use a window, then you need to make sure that handle releasing the reference if the window is closed. If you don't you could end up with a memory leak.

How to access the content of a webpage displayed in a tab from a Firefox addon

In a Firefox extension, I am attempting to add a form into the web page by inserting DOM elements, and then process any data that the user enters in the form.
I have tried several methods, but have been unable to get my form inserted into the webpage's document. I tried using the different types of add-ons, Overlay (XUL) and the Add-on SDK, but I have not been able to get it to work.
Overlay/XUL: I investigated and found nothing that specifically showed me how to change the contents of a web page.
Using the Addons SDK: The only working code which I found was the demo code in "Modifying Web Pages Based on URL" which appeared to give:
var html = sth;
I tried:
$('.id_of_ele').html('I want to show');
It doesn't work.
So far the only thing which has gotten me close is to use unsafeWindow.document, but I believe that is a really a bad idea, and the code looks really bad.
How do I access the the document of a webpage from a Firefox extension?
If you are looking for examples of known working code, you can always download one or more extensions from Mozilla Add-ons which do something close to what you want to accomplish and look at how they do it. Obviously, you should look at the license (linked on each extensions page) to see what the legal status of the code it. There are literally thousands of working examples there. The vast majority of which have code which is licensed in a way which permits you to re-use it.
The jQuery accesses which you are trying to use rely on the document variable pointing to the document which you are wanting to modify. In the context in which you are running, a Firefox add-on, the document variable may, by default, point to a document which is an ancestor of the webpage you are interested in or not be defined at all. What document actually is will depend on the context from which your add-on code was invoked. In a Firefox add-on, the document variable will almost never, by default, point to the content of a web page. You have to remember that you are writing code that is intended to run in a context that is much larger (entire browser/user agent) than that which is used for content scripts on a webpage (context within the browser is restricted to only the content of the webpage from which the script was run, or data which is obtained from references originating from within the page).
Gaining access to the document for the currently selected tab:
Changing the content document is very easy. You can change it just like you would from any JavaScript. The issue that you may find frustrating is obtaining a reference to the document.
Firefox overlay and restartless/bootstrapped have a great amount of power over the entire browser. However, the context, and what window points to, or even if it is defined, depends greatly on how the JavaScript was invoked. This can be both confusing and frustrating. On MDN, there is a document "Working with windows in chrome code" which describes many of the issues.
From extensions you have access to all windows and tabs. However, what you probably want is just some code that works to get you access to the current selected document.
This should work from all contexts to get you a reference to the document for the currently selected tab:
var selectedTabWindow = Components.classes[";1"]
var selectedTabDocument = selectedTabWindow.content.document;
If you have code which you are converting from a content script which just expects to find window and document objects, you could write something like:
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
var window;
} else {
//Keep a reference to whatever was defined as window.
var originalWindow = window;
//Get the window from the most recently selected tab.
window = Components.classes[";1"]
//Now that we have a window for the most recently selected tab,
// get the document for it.
if (typeof document === "undefined") {
var document;
} else {
//Keep a reference to whatever was defined as document.
var originalDocument = document;
document = window.content.document;
//Now that we have a window for the most recently selected tab,
// get the gBrowser for it.
if (typeof gBrowser === "undefined") {
var gBrowser;
} else {
//Keep a reference to whatever was defined as gBrowser.
var originalGBrowser = gBrowser;
gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
The above will, obviously, overwrite any currently variables currently defined as window, document and gBrowser. Depending on the context in which you are running, and the scope in which you define these this could be either a good thing, or it might be a bad idea to change that reference. For example, if the code is running in a popup window then window is a reference to window of the popup. In that case, you can get a reference to the window from which the popup was opened with:
var windowWhichOpendedThisOne = window.opener;
var documentForWindowWhichOpendedThisOne = window.opener.content.document;
If you are in an event handler, then you can get the window for the target of the event from:
var windowInWhichEventTargetExists = event.view;
Choosing what to do based on the URL:
Once you have the correct document it should be quite easy to choose what to do based on the document's URL:
var currentUrl = document.location.href;
