ODBC connection with oracle oraclient10g missing driver - oracle

Can you help me connect access 2013 with an Oracle database using odbc. I need a Oracle in oraclient10g driver, however I do not know how to install it. I went through many descriptions how to install that driver.
I have the database i just need to connect it to Access for a school project.


Is there any way to connect Sybase Database using SSIS

Please suggest suitable SDK to connect Sybase Database using SSIS package.
Trying to pull data from Sybase Database.
Connection manager doesn't show drivers to connect Sybase Database like wise ASE Client/ ASEOLEB ..
Any leads on this.

Unable to connect to Oracle database from SSIS

I am new to SSIS and ETL .I have a task to connect to oracle database from SSIS. But when I am giving source as OLEDB source and select Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle along with server name and credentials, it throws me an error on testing the connection. i.e.
"Oracle client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 or later client software installation.
Provider is unable to function until these components are installed."
I have seen many posts and blogs but I could not follow the steps and where I followed I could not connect. Hence I request you to please guide me in achieving the same.
You need to install Oracle Client on the server that holds your SQL Server database. Oracle Client is free of charge.

Toad for Oracle install

I'm beginner level oracle developer. I have SQL developer installed on my machine. And I wanted to install Toad for oracle too. But When I tried to install Toad, it gave me an error:
No Valid Oracle Clients found. You need atleast one 64- bit client properly configured.
Can someone explain why I'm getting this error?
Because SQL Developer ships with its own JDBC driver, which doesn't require an oracle client to connect to the Database.
If you have a compatible Oracle Client sitting around, you can tell SQL Developer to piggyback on that client for connections - but THAT IS NOT required.
T.O.A.D. is a windows executable that needs an Oracle Client to connect to a database. An Instant Client is the easiest way to get going.

Accessing DB2 with SQL Developer via ODBC (not JDBC)

Due to company constraints, I cannot read my DB2 tables using the Oracle SQL Developer.
I could do it via JDBC, but I don’t have enough information to configure the connection (e.g. the port is missing).
I found in my local Windows ODBC list a system DNS ( IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER – DEFAULT_DB2) that I can use with Microsoft Access.
I mean, tables are accessible via MS Access through an ODBC DNS.
I’d like to do the same with SQL Developer too. Is it possible?
May I use my local ODBC system DNS in SQL Developer or something like this?
I see that ODBC connections are possible with SQL Server, MySql, Sybase and other databases but I cannot find anything about DB2.
Additionally, if it helps, I can see my DB2 server via QMF (already registered by the company software distribution) but I don’t think this is useful for me.

No driver found to connect to sql database file

I tried to connect my database application to a .sdf database, but there there is no sqlce driver listed there to build my connection string. can anyone suggest me a way.
can anyone tell me, from where i can download sql server ce driver, if there is any
Unfortunately there isn't any ODBC driver for Compact Edition. But you can use this to connect
Source: Paul Sasik
