Multiple Embedded HSQLDB databases in jUnit errors during build - spring

I'm working on a new Spring Batch (3.0.3.RELEASE) application where there will be multiple databases accessed during the jobs. For testing we are using HSQLDB (2.3.2) as the embedded database.
In my Application context I have the following.
<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource">
<jdbc:embedded-database id="proDataSource">
<jdbc:script location="classpath:script-tables.sql" />
<jdbc:script location="classpath:script-constraints.sql" />
<jdbc:embedded-database id="altDataSource">
<jdbc:script location="classpath:script-alt-tables.sql" />
When I run a single test in Eclipse, things are fine. When I build from the command line, after the first test, I get errors
Failed to execute SQL script statement at line 3 of resource class path resource [script-promrkt-promo.sql]
object name already exists: PROMRKT
It appears to me that the population process in EmbeddedDatabaseFactory is receiving an already populated database. From what I can tell is that after each test there is not a SHUTDOWN being executed and HSQLDB is leaving the already populated database in memory.
I have re-reviewed the documentation and in a Spring Doc this does show a explicit shutdown command. But if spring starts up the embedded database when my test starts why doesn't it shut it down when the test completes ?
Is it expected the embedded databases will remain after each unit test for the same application context?
What is the order that spring starts up an embedded database and when is the transactional context initialized?
Do I need to use a database cleaner ?
Can the populate be updated to only populate when the database is first started, and rollback to the original script configuration when my test is complete ( kinda like how the AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests worked )
Do I need some transactional markers? Spring Batch's JobRepo is properly being populated and destroyed between each test. Why are my custom dataSources not ?

The script the log message is complaining about isn't in your configuration. I presume it's being executed somewhere else? If that's the case, you'll probably need to add #DirtiesContext to your tests so that Spring doesn't cache the context (I'm assuming you're using the SpringJunit4Runner with #ContextConfiguration but can't be sure since your actual test isn't in the question).
If my assumption is correct, Spring caches the context in an effort to improve performance over the running of a unit test suite. If your test modifies the context in a way that can impact other tests (like running scripts in one test that need to be run again in others), you mark the tests with #DirtiesContext and Spring won't cache the context. You can use the annotation at either the method or class level. You can read more about the annotation here:

I spent a lot of time looking at this and reading the Spring Framework documentation (gasp!) and tracing through code. There are some interesting changes in 4.1 spring core, especially the testing.
I found out that ApplicationContext(s) are cached at the JVM level now. If a second test asks for a context the TestContext looks first in it's cache to see if some other test has already asked for the identical configuration.
I have some profiles for some of my tests. A test with a different profile but the same #ContextConfiguration causes the that context to be re-loaded with the profile applied. When the "Bean Loader" arrives at creating the embedded databases, the EmbeddedDatabaseFactory does not take into consideration that the embedded database (in memory HSQLDB) may have already been created or cached from previous tests and does not need to be re-initialized.
Therefore I added some logic to the EmbeddedDatabaseFactory.initDatabase() checking if the database already exists before re-initializing & running the DatabasePopulator.
List existingDataBases = org.hsqldb.DatabaseManager.getDatabaseURIs();
boolean isExisting = false;
String localDBName = StringUtils.lowerCase(this.databaseName);
for (Object object : existingDataBases) {
if (object.toString().contains(localDBName)) {
isExisting = true;
// Now populate the database
if (!isExisting && this.databasePopulator != null) {
( of course this isn't quite kosher for what spring would need but it gets the point across )
In my opinion it looks like an issue partially with the EmbeddedDatabaseFactory and the TestContext caching mechanism. My "jdbc:embedded-database" definitions do not have any profiles associated with them. Why does the cache need to re-create them and not load them out of the existing cached beans?

You can try to force creation of new embedded database by setting unique name with generateUniqueName(true) each time new object is created.
Here is an example:
embeddedDatabase = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
.addScripts("db/sql/create-db.sql", "db/sql/insert-data.sql")


WebSphere insert/update statements with SQL-SERVER hangs with REQUIRES_NEW propagation

We are facing an issue in our spring batch application when we are deploying the application on WebSphere.
Example: One class contains parent() method and Second class contains child() method, where child method requires a new transaction. After execution of the methods when transaction is committed the commit routine hangs and nothing happens further.
#Transactional //using current transaction
public void parent(){
#Transactional(propagation=REQUIRES_NEW) //creates new transaction
public void child(){
//Database save statements including update, insert and deletes
This issue only persists in WebSphere and code works fine on our local machine where we are using tomcat as web container.
WebSphere logs/stacktrace shows that the WebSphere prepared statement keeps on waiting for the response from the database. At the same time update and inserts are locked out on the affected tables i.e. if we run an insert or update query manually on the affected table the query doesn't execute.
We are using Spring JPA for data persistence and Spring’s JpaTransactionManager for transaction management and MSSQLServer database.
Is it that WebSphere does not support creating new transaction from existing transaction?
Yes, the pattern you are describing is supported by WebSphere Application Server. Given that this involved locked entries within the database, you might be running into a difference between the application servers in which transaction isolation level is used by default. In WebSphere Application Server, you get a default of java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ for SQL Server, whereas I think in most other cases you end up with a default of java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED (less locking). If the default value is the problem, you can change it on the data source configuration.
If you are using WebSphere Application Server Liberty, then the default isolation level can be configured in server.xml as a property of the dataSource element, like this,
<dataSource isolationLevel="TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED" jndiName=...
If you are using WebSphere Application Server traditional, then the default isolation level can be configured as the webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel custom property, which can be set to the numeric value of the isolation level constant on java.sql.Connection (value for TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED is 2).
See this linked article for the steps of doing so via the admin console.

Spring.datasource.initialize=false not working

I am working on spring boot and batch application.
Due to batch, the application tries to connect to datasource
with spring-boot:run.
I want to stop that and tried spring.datasource.initialize=false
Along with this also put spring.batch.job.enabled=false
While the second one works fine, it seems the first one is ignored.
Could someone let me know if there is a way to stop db connection on startup?
Thanks in advance
The problem is, that spring/spring-boot loads the whole spring-context when it is "booted". This means, that all defined spring-beans are loaded into the spring-context during this boot-phase. In the case of spring-batch, this also means that the datasource bean is loaded and, if not turned off by "spring.batch.initializer.enabled=false", the spring-batch tables are initialized.
Generally, you cannot prevent this from happening as soon as you have added your spring-batch-starter to your maven dependencies.
Moreover, I don't understand why you want to prevent this from happening. It is just initialisation taking place and, provided that everything is configured correctly, this shouldn't be a problem at all.
Nonetheless, if you really want to stop the datasource from beeing initialized, you could try the following approach. However, I don't know if this will work.
Spring-Batch needs a datasource that is registered under the name "dataSource" in the spring-context. If no spring-bean with that name is found, it creates its own. But if you provide your own implementation/configuration for it, it will use your spring bean.
What you need to do is, to provide a proxy for a datasource that is loaded lazily and then register it under the name "dataSource" in the context:
public class MySetUp {
public DataSource dataSource() {
// ... create your "lazy initializing" datasource
But - and let me stress that - this nothing that I would recommend and I don't see a good reason, why this should be necessary to do.
Furthermore, you mention that you only want load "initial static index page" (I assume, you are talking about html, right?). However, I don't see a "batch" use case, which should display html-pages. It would probably be better to have two different applications in this case.
Probably you could provide some more information about your use case.
As I understand, you don't want to prevent database connection during application startup.
Instead, you want to prevent execution of batch scripts.
Correct me, please, if I got it wrong.
To prevent execution of batch scripts set:

Any way to create DB(derby) in Spring MVC Project?

I am working on a program which uses memory DB(in my case, it is apache derby, is included in jdk 1.6 and further).
I can set resources like dataSource and sqlSession bean to 'root-context.xml', but do not know how to create DB and table.
If table and DB are already exist, I can do CRUD via usual way. However, this time I should make a DB and new Table on first time. I already tried Maker Class and put 'init-method' to create DB and table before was is uploaded, but it does not work.
How can I make a Spring was program which makes Memory DB and Table before running?
I really like to use CRUD in Spring way like SqlSessionTemplate or annotation. But almost of derby sample uses PreparedStatement or Statement. If you have any good sample links what I am looking for, share please. Thanks :D
You need to use the jdbc namespace which includes an embedded-database tag with support for Derby out of the box. The tag takes nested script tags to define scripts to run (they are run in the order declared).
<jdbc:embedded-database id="myDB" type="DERBY" >
<jdbc:script location="classpath:sql/schema.sql"/>
<jdbc:script location="classpath:sql/data.sql"/>

Access to h2 web console while running junit test in a Spring application

I'm building a Spring application and I need to inspect my H2 in-memory database while I'm running my JUnit tests from a web browser.
In my Spring configuration I have a bean which is responsible of creating my database schema and populating it with some data which will be used within my JUnit tests. I've also added a bean in my test context which creates a web server where I eventually will look for my data.
<bean id="" class=""
factory-method="createWebServer" init-method="start" lazy-init="false">
<constructor-arg value="-web,-webAllowOthers,-webPort,11111" />
Everything seems ok because the database is populated properly since I can access to its data from my JUnit tests and H2 Server only runs while I'm in my test-phase (I can know that, because if I try to access to my_ip:111111 before debugging my tests I cannot connnect but I can connect afterwards once I've started my tests).
Anyway If I open my H2 console from a web browser no schema is shown in it. Any ideas??
Many thanks!!
As this is probably going to be a test-debugging feature, you can add it at runtime with your #Before:
/* Initialization logic here */
public void initTest() throws SQLException {
Server.createWebServer("-web", "-webAllowOthers", "-webPort", "8082")
And then connect to http://localhost:8082/
Note: unless you need this to run as part of your CI build, you'll need to remove this code when you're finished debugging
For future reference here's another way to do it:
Start database and web servers (version can differ):
$ cd .../maven_repository/com/h2database/h2/1.4.194
$ java -cp h2-1.4.194.jar -tcp -web -browser
TCP server running at tcp:// (only local connections)
Web Console server running at (only local connections)
Set database url for tests in code to jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/mem:mytest.
Run or debug tests.
Click Connect in browser window which opened in step 1.
Jar file for H2 can be downloaded at
Server can be started via #Before in test file like in snovelli's answer, but only in case connection to database in established afterwards, which might be a problem.
I guess the problem is that you are connecting to h2db directly from your application. Not through the server you are launching with bean. Because of this your app and h2db-web-interface can't share one in-memory database.
You should change jdbcUrl in tests to something like jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:my_DB;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=Oracle and in browser you should connect to the same url.
With jdbc urls like jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/... all connections will go through the h2db-server and you can view database state in browser.
If you have defined the jdbc url to something like jdbc:h2:mem:db in your properties, when the database is created it actually gets a bit longer name.
Add a #Autowired DataSource dataSource to your test class, set a debug point somewhere, and inspect that datasource with dataSource.getConnection() and look at the url property. In the case I'm running right this moment, it is
Plugging that into the web cosole shows everything I'm expecting.
It isn't the most straightforward way, but it does work.
#snovelli answer above is good.
To debug a particular test case in your IDE, add a infinite loop at the end of the test case and go to browser and launch the console and you can query the data.
Something like below
/* Initialization logic here */
public void initTest() throws SQLException {
Server.createWebServer("-web", "-webAllowOthers", "-webPort", "8082")
void testMyDBOperation() {
//some db operations like save and get
while(true) {
now you can go to browser and launch the console at http://localhost:8082/
Of course delete above two changes after debugging
It is not the answer, but a debugging tip.
When you finally access h2-conole you may notice that database changes are not shown.
This is because the test cases are not transactional and the data is not committed. Although this behavior is good, as each test case, must run in predefined environment. It is not good if you want to debug and see database changes.
To achieve this, add #Commit annotation above test case and put a dummy line in a #AfterAll annotated method, to stop test and let you see the h2 console ( The h2 server will stop as the test finish).
public static void finalizeTest() throws Exception {
System.out.print("Just put a break point here");
void should_store_an_article() {
// Your test here

Testing Hibernate Mappings

I'm using Hibernate to map objects to a legacy schema which contains some ginormous tables via annotations (as XML files are so 2003). Since these classes are so large, yes I occasionally make an occasional typo, which Hibernate doesn't bother to tell me about until I try to run it.
Here's what I've tried:
One: Setting to "validate":
This causes the String values of the class to validate against varchar(255). Since many of the column types in the database are CHAR(n), this blows up. I would have to add the columnDefinition="CHAR(n)" to several hundred mappings.
Two: Using Unitils.
Importing these via Maven causes imports of dependency libraries which blow up other sections of code. Example: I'm using Hibernate 4.1, but Unitils imported Hibernate 3.2.5 and blew up a UserType.
So, is there another way to do this? I looked at the Unitils code to see if I could simply yank the sections I needed (I do that with apache-commons fairly often when I just need a single method), but that's not a simple task.
Hibernate is configured via a Spring application context.
Any ideas out there?
I would write tests against an in-memory database (HSQLDB, H2) using the Spring testing framework. You'll quickly see any mapping errors when you attempt to run queries against the tables.
The test class would look something like this:
#TransactionConfiguration(transactionManager="txMgr", defaultRollback=true)
public class MyTest {
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
// class body...
I would configure Hibernate to auto-deploy the tables as part of the tests.
