Windows Batch Script - Read file names into variables - windows

I am trying to convert files (movies) in a directory, one by one. Each new, converted file needs a new file name assigned - the old one with a new extension.
I've tried the below to read the source file, strip off the extension and assign a new one:
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
cd \target_dir
for %%x in (*) do (
echo %%x
set source=%%x
echo Source #%source%#
set target=%source:.mpg=%
echo Target #%target%#
transcode %source% %target%.mp4
Unfortunately, this is not working. As the output shows, I am not even managing to copy the current file into the variable "source":
source ##
target ##
source ##
target ##
I googled around and thought I'd have found the right syntax, but that doesn't appear to be it. Thanks for any help!

This works:
#echo off
cd \target_dir
for %%x in (*) do (
transcode "%%x" "%%~nx.mp4"
Note that you cannot use the %%~n syntax on standard environment variables - you need to directly access the for loop variable.
Edit: Added quotes to make the batch work with files with spaces in their names as well.

jlahd shows a correct solution without copying the filename to a variable.
But I want to explain your current problem.
As the output shows, I am not even managing to copy the current file
into the variable "source":
You found the BBB (batch beginner bug), in reality you set the variable but you failed to access the content later.
This is an effect of the batch parser working with code blocks, as these blocks are parsed and percent expansion will be done before the code will be executed.
A code block is the code inside of parenthesis or commands concatenated by &, && or ||.
To avoid this problem the delayed expansion was introduced.
Then you simply can use !variable! to expand a variable at runtime.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd \target_dir
for %%x in (*) do (
echo %%x
set source=%%x
echo Source #!source!#
set target=!source:.mpg=!
echo Target #!target!#
transcode !source! !target!.mp4


Batch file locating duplicate patterns in filename then process

Ok, i've been working on a batch file for some time now, and im just stuck on the last bit.
What im trying to accomplish is to loop through a directory, create a variable which stores the filename of each file in the directory without the extension. Then for each file in the first loop, loop through a different directory and try to find any filename in the second loop that has the same name as stored in the variable, and then just output some simple text.
So for instance lets say in the first directory there is a filename called imafile-yehyeh.png, the variable will save imafile-yehyeh, then it will loop through all the files in the second directory, and output a message for each filename that has that pattern in it, so if a file in the second directory is called imafile-yehyeh_01.mp4 or imafile-yehyeh-newtitle.jpg, they would match the pattern and a message would output.
My script is looping and i am able to echo out all the variables, the files exist as i have created them exactly as shown above, but its not echoing out the filename is set for deletion line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. my code is as follows;
#echo off
set "parent_folder=C:\Users\Testing\script"
set "dupe_folder=DUPEFOLDER"
set "kill_folder=1 SCANNED\thumb"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%X in ("%parent_folder%\%dupe_folder%\*") do (
set dupe_pattern=%%~nX
for %%F in ("%parent_folder%\%kill_folder%\*") do (
echo %%~nF | FIND "%dupe_pattern%" 1>NUL && (
echo %%~F is set for deletion.
Thanks to #Squashman the answer was to remove the set dupe_pattern.... line
and then change the FIND command to the following;
FIND "%%~nX"
Apart from needlessly setting a variable, as already pointed out, you are also making the script inefficient. For every file in the dupe_folder you are Echoing every file name in the kill_folder and piping that into a Find command looking for matches.
Here's a simpler way of doing it, (it matches file names which begin with the same string followed by a dot, as opposed to any file name containing the string anywhere).
#Echo Off
Set "parent_folder=C:\Users\Testing\script"
Set "dupe_folder=DUPEFOLDER"
Set "kill_folder=1 SCANNED\thumb"
CD /D "%parent_folder%" 2>Nul || Exit /B
For %%A In ("%kill_folder%\*") Do If Exist "%dupe_folder%\%%~nA.*" (
Echo %%A is set for deletion.)

Splitting file path in batch using for loop and variable substitution

I have searched around for quite a while without any luck in getting my script working. I feel like I'm pretty close, but need a little help. I am attempting to use a FOR loop to recursively scan "srcdir" (set at the beginning of my script), then once the loop returns files/paths (%%f), then I can substitute part of the file path with something else (eg; C:\rootpath\src for C:\rootpath\des).
I am able to do something just like this by using a script like this one:
set subdir=C:\rootpath\src
set subdir=%subdir:src=des%
echo %subdir%
However, what makes this difficult is that the root path of my "srcdir" may change (eg; C:\roothpath) and everything recursively after the "srcdir" may change (eg. anything after folder "src" in C:\rootpath\src). The only constant paths the folder src and the folder des (located in the same directory where I am running my batch file from).
So, by using the same technique in the previous example, I want to use a FOR loop to recursively find the full path of the files in "srcdir" (%%f) and substitute the folder "src" with the folder "des" in the path string. Therefore, I am trying to set "%%f" as a variable (subdir) and replace the folders using variable substitution.
Here is my current non-working script:
set srcdir=C:\rootpath\src
for /r "%srcdir%" %%f in (*.txt) do (
set subdir=%%f
set subdir=%subdir:src=des%
echo %subdir%
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
You need to enable delayed expansion since you are assigning and reading variables within a block of code like a for loop:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "srcdir=C:\rootpath\src"
for /R "%srcdir%" %%F in ("*.txt") do (
set "subdir=%%~fF"
set "subdir=!subdir:\src\=\des\!"
The setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion command enables delayed expansion; it also localises the environment, meaning that changes to environment variables are available only before endlocal is executed or the batch file is terminated.
To actually use delayed expansion, you need to replace the percent signs by exclamation marks, so %subdir% becomes !subdir!.

Batch file for loop string replacement

I have a batch file that take a directory path as a parameter.
In that file folder, there are any number of .ai.pdf or .pdf files that I need to convert to jpg's. The conversion is not my issue (I am using imageMagick) , but lopping off the full extension is.
I need to be able to either take off the full .ai.pdf (7 characters) or .pdf (4 characters) from the file name and replace it with .jpg I cannot use just ~n in the for loop because it will not take off the .ai in an instance with there is an .ai.pdf (results in file where I need just the file name)
There are quite a few posts on StackOverFlow about this
StackOverFlow Example
but no matter what I attempt to try, I get an error when truncating the appropriate amount of extension off of the file name.
Here is my code. This is the first major batch file I have ever created, so I am open to anything, other than installing more programs to do the work.
The thing that kills me, is I had this working and in the shuffle from one server to another and a week of vacation, the working code got....misplaced.
#echo off
set dir1=%1
echo recieved !dir1!
for /R %dir1% %%a in (*.pdf) DO (
echo file found !a!
set b=th_%%~nxa
if x%b:ai.pdf=%==x%b% set b=%%~dpa!b:~0,-7!
if not x%b:ai.pdf=%==x%b% set b=%%~dpa!b:~0,-4!
REM convert -density 64 "%%a" +matte -resize 15%% "!b!.jpg"
#echo !b! converted
the file tells me that %~dpa!b:~0,-7! is an invalid substitution
Any ideas? Thanks for the help!
A few things first:
!a! and %%a are two different variables.
if x%b:ai.pdf=%==x%b% does not mean what you think it does. That will only be true when %b% does NOT contain .ai.pdf.
Again, if not x%b:ai.pdf=%==x%b% does not mean what you think. This is true when %b% DOES contain .ai.pdf.
There is no need to do any verification and cutting, just search and replace. ( That is what the %y:x=z% notation does, in this example it replaces every x within %y% with a z.) Let search and replace do the verification. It will only replace what matches the search. That will speed up the your batch file.
Lastly, since you are inside a () code block you will need to use the delayed Expansion turned on with your setlocal statement. This is because everything inside a code block is treated as if it were on a single line. That means that if you change a variable inside a code block, you will not be able to see the new value using the % notation. Instead you need to replace the %'s with !'s. For instance...
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set x=Hello
set x=Goodbye
echo I don't know why you say "!x!", I say "%x%".
...will give you the old Beatles lyric...
I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello".
Anyway, on to your answer:
#echo off
set dir1=%1
echo recieved !dir1!
for /R %dir1% %%a in (*.pdf) DO (
:: Adding a colon to the end of the filename allows the extension to be ID'd
: without explicitly looking at it with an IF statement, while simultaneously
:: avoiding similar looking character groupings inside the filename.
set b=th_%%~nxa:
:: No need to check for case, the substitution will do that for you.
set b=!!
set b=!b:.pdf:=.jpg!
REM convert -density 64 "%%a" +matte -resize 15%% "!b!"
echo %%a converted into !b!
The drawback is that both the files...
...will be translated into th_X.jpg, creating the possibility of duplicate filenames for two different files.
But that's intrinsic to your concept of treating both types of filenames the same. If you don't have a method for avoiding this sort of duplication it might not be a bad idea to leave the .ai on the file, thereby creating two files: th_X.jpg and, eliminating the possibility of duplicate filenames.
Hm... would this work for you:
for /R %F in (*.pdf) do #for %G in ("%~nF") do #echo %~nxF ==^> %~nG.jpg
(as executed directly from cmd, if run from batch, replace % with %%).
This has a peculiar effect of changing the case of a file to case of a directory if there exists one with the same name as base name of your file (file.pdf will become FILE.jpg if you happen to have a subdirectory called FILE), but that's it (I think).
This also assumes your base names differ (so no and file.pdf in same directory)

Windows .Bat file behave differently when executed from command window and by double clicking on the bat file

Windows .Bat file behave differently when executed from command window and by double clicking on the bat file. This is my file:
del activity_ftp.log
cd D:\My_Test
IF EXIST united_ops*.csv (
for %%i in (united_ops*.csv) do (
set size=0
set /A size=%%~zi
echo %%i,%size%,397312,624640 > D:\My_Test\activity_ftp.log
When I run this by opening command window and calling it,
There are some issues in your code.
cd d:\My_test will only work if you are on D:, you could use cd /d or pushd here.
echo ...%size% doesn't work, as it's expands when the for block is parsed not when it's executed.
The if exist seems to be redundant, as the for %%i in ( united_ops*.csv) only expands if any file exists.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
del activity_ftp.log
pushd D:\My_Test
for %%i in (united_ops*.csv) do (
set size=0
set /A size=%%~zi
echo %%i,!size!,397312,624640 > D:\My_Test\activity_ftp.log
Building on jeb's answer.
1) Your FOR loop may iterate through many files that match your pattern. But you use the overwrite mode of file redirection. Each found file will over-write the output for the prior file. Your final output file will never have more than one line. You could change to the append mode using >>, but there is a better way. It is faster to enclose the entire loop in parentheses and redirect once in overwrite mode using >.
2) You are setting size to 0, then setting it to the file size, and then you don't use it after the line is echoed. I suspect you don't need the variable at all, so you don't need delayed expansion.
3) The file you delete at the top does not include the path information, so it may not be deleting from the correct folder. Even if it were, it is unnecessary since you are redirecting in overwrite mode anyway.
4) Instead of changing the current directory you could include the path in the FOR statement.
>"D:\My_Test\activity_ftp.log" (
for %%i in ("d:\My_Test\united_ops*.csv") do (
echo %%~nxi,%%~zi,397312,624640

DOS Batch: Getting partial file names

I've got this little batch file I'm trying to write for a Windows 7 environment. It's supposed to go through a directory and echo the last four characters of the file names. So far I've got:
for /r C:\Users\userName\Desktop\testFolder %%g in (*) do (
Set fileName = %%~ng
echo %fileName:~-4%
And all that is echoed out is "~-4" once for each file in testFolder. I can't figure out what's wrong, but then I'm not very well versed in batch files or dos. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Environment variable expansion occurs when the command is read, so your %fileName:~-4% is evaulated when the for is read, which is before the Set is performed. Use delayed expansion.
for /r C:\Users\userName\Desktop\testFolder %%g in (*) do (
Set fileName=%%~ng
echo !fileName:~-4!
Note also that spaces are significant in the Set command. With the space, you created a variable called fileName  with a trailing space.
