List all the modules of an aggregate POM dependent on a specific dependency - maven

Here's my aggregate POM:
Assume that the modules: module1, module3 and module5 depend on same/different versions of an artifact, say, dependency1. I wanted the maven-dependency-plugin to list these modules when I run a goal on the aggregate POM above, but I couldn't find a goal that would do it for me. Like, for example:
mvn dependency:dependents-of -Dartifact=...
Anyone know of any plugin that tells me this or if I should write my own goal for the plugin?

Since the modules were right under the aggregator, I merely used grep on the pom.xmls to list them. Sometimes, simplicity helps ;)


Maven says it cannot find something in the "reactor"

I have a maven project and I'm using this --projects command from the root of the project to run several pom files.
mvn clean install --projects proj1, then-proj2
The proj1 and then proj2 are the artifact ids of the projects I want to run. That is, I go to the pom.xml for each project and use the "artifact id" there.
Both proj1 & then-proj2 are themeslves sub modules of projects in the main pom file.
Say proj1 is in A, and then-proj2 is in B, and both A & B are in the main pom file.
When I run this, maven tells me: "could not find the selected project in the reactor: proj1".
This is really frustrating - why not tell me what all the projects in the reactor are? Anyway, what am I doing wrong?
If you only use the artifactId's of the given project you have to define that correctly on command line:
help output of Maven (mvn --help)
Comma-delimited list of specified reactor projects to build of all
projects. A project can be specified by [groupId]:artifactId or by its
relative path
This means in your case you have to define:
mvn clean install --projects :proj1,:then-proj2
Try this:
mvn clean install -pl A/proj1, B/then-proj2
check this out:
Another thing is to make sure that you have listed your child projects inside the
sections of the corresponding parent multimodule projects.
For example in the below project structure:
Let's say you are trying to build proj1A. When you try
mvn package -pl A/proj1/proj1A
from the main's pom directory you will still have this same reactor error if you don't have:
"A" as a module in "main", or
"proj1" as a module in "A", or
"proj1A" as a module in "proj1"
If your modules are distinguished based on profiles then make sure to consider profiles too. Eg:
mvn -P profile1 -pl relative/path/to/project1 clean install
For this kind of setting, the pom would be:
Not mentioning profile would also give the Not Found in reactor.
A solution that worked for me, run the below command from the root directory.
mvn clean install --projects :projA, :projB -am
assuming that projB is dependent on projA
If project list is specified, also
build projects required by the
The command used by you :
mvn clean install --projects 'submodule1','submodule2`
works on the sub-modules submodule1 and submodule2 specified in the pom.xml of the module where you're executing this command.
The guide to Working with Multiple modules shall help you understand the reactor and its sorting order. A general structure of the module for such use case would look like:
... others
... other tags

versions-maven-plugin on mutli module project with aggregator pom does not set versions on modules

I have a multi module project with two POMs, one aggregates the modules the other one is the parent of the modules.
Child module pom looks like:
I want to execute versions:set on the aggregator-project to update the versions on the modules (A, B), but it seems that the versions plugin does not support this use case. The excat call is:
build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DnewVersion=${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.${parsedVersion.minorVersion}.${parsedVersion.incrementalVersion}-${SVN_REVISION}
So the intention is that the build-helper plugin reads the current version with the help of jenkins we append the svn revision number to the version. This should be done on every module defined in the aggregator project. If I call this for just one independent project it works well. If the versions-plugin does not support this use case how can I achieve this?

Jenkins fails to build multi-module Maven project

I have a multi-module Maven project where I have multiple micro services as modules so I have modules listed in my parent pom.xml like below:
Here the module7 is dependent on module5, 6 so I have dependencies listed like below in my module7 pom.xml:
When I run mvn clean package in my local the module5, 6 called before the module7 as expected but in Jenkins it is trying to build module 5 then module7 making build fail saying:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project module7: Could not resolve dependencies for project module7:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact module6:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 1]
Do I need to run any other jobs or re-order the modules in my pom.xml, how is it differ from local to Jenkins? Appreciate any help on this.
The order of modules is not relevant. Maven recognizes which project depends on which other project(s) and sets the build order in the reactor accordingly. See POM Reference, Aggregation (or Multi-Module):
You do not need to consider the inter-module dependencies yourself when listing the modules, i.e. the ordering of the modules given by the POM is not important. Maven will topologically sort the modules such that dependencies are always build before dependent modules.
Add Pre-Step as per below attached screenshot. This will compile all your top modules.
Then we can execute which ever module we want.
As is probably quite well understood, the issue is that the dependencies between the child modules fail because they aren't installed in the local repository yet (because they are yet to be built). The goal that causes this (for me anyway) is mvn test, which is invoked by mvn package. Your local build probably works because at some point you've done a mvn install and this has bootstrapped your system.
In Jenkins the only way I've found to make these builds work is to use the Pre-build step invoking a Maven target of install, and then build the main step as usual.

build multiple modules multiple times in parent pom

There are several applications that need to be built and packaged from a number of modules.
In parent pom, i'm using the profile to invoke builds for different apps.
For example, app "profile-1" would need a subset of existing modules to be built and put together as a tar ball.
The tar would contain several jars and different config files pulled from the target/ of the sub modules.
I'm using a shell script invoked using exec-maven-plugin to put together the tar.
The problem I'm facing is that, in one application, i need to build the same module multiple times but with different maven parameters.
What is the best way to do this?
<!-- <module>../moduleC</module> -->
<!-- use maven exec plugin to run a shell script which generates the tar ball picking jars and config files from different modules target dirs -->
A sample sub module pom
<name>test :: ${project.artifactId} :: ${name} </name>
Things i tried:
1) Can i separate into multiple profiles and invoke them as -Pprofile-1,profile-2?
It did not work for me but i would be doing something wrong.
2) Have another shell script that has mvn command line to build the moduleC in different ways.
- Even though i pass in the "-Dglobal_version", the moduleC run from mvn command line does not seem to find the parent in the repository.
I tried doing a "-N" build to put the parent pom in the repository before building the application but did not help.
Best way is:
mvn clean install --projects moduleA, moduleB
mvn clean install --projects moduleB, moduleC
You can't run multiple builds with maven (see this stackoverflow question)

Specify modules in root pom with archetype

I'm generating a custom archetype that has 4 child modules. The problem is, when I define these 4 modules in the root pom.xml, using the following notation:
When i run a mvn install on the archetype, I get an error saying that the project doesn't contain the modules.
Any ideas?
update your pom as follow:
