VBS with space in file path 3 - vbscript

I have a VBS but the path to a file has a space as below, I have tried putting it inbetween "" but it gives an error, please help.
Set Objshell=wscript.Createobject("Wscript.Shell")
Objshell.Run "Telnet"
wscript.sleep 100
Strday= left(date,2)
Strmonth = right(left(date,5),2)
StrYear = Right(date,4)
StrHr = Left(Time,2)
StrMin = Right(Left(time,5),2)
StrSec = Right(Time,2)
StrDate=Stryear & StrMonth & StrDay &"_"& StrHr & StrMin & StrSec
Wscript.sleep 1000
Objshell.sendkeys "set Logfile ""L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\""" & StrDate & ".txt"
Objshell.sendkeys "~"
Wscript.sleep 1000
Its the
Objshell.sendkeys "set Logfile ""L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\""" & StrDate & ".txt"
bit that im having the problem with.

clear text : set Logfile "L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\xxxxxxxxxxxx.txt"
double quotes : set Logfile ""L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\xxxxxxxxxxxx.txt""
quote as string : "set Logfile ""L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\xxxxxxxxxxxx.txt"""
cut for variable: "set Logfile ""L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\" ".txt"""
concatenate : "set Logfile ""L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\"& StrDate &".txt"""
objShell.sendKeys "set Logfile ""L:\09 Phones\Switch_Logs\"& StrDate &".txt"""


What's wrong with my VBscript code?

I write the vbscript code to monitor system starting and ending time but it's not logging in same day 'That means not open and writing the same date file how to solve this
Dim objFS, objFile
Dim crdate,ckdate,fname
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
crdate = Day(now) & "-" & Month(now) & "-" & Year(now)
fname = crdate & ".txt"
if (objFS.FileExists(fname)) Then
ckdate = Day(now) & "-" & Month(now) & "-" & Year(now)
objFile.WriteLine(Time & "\n")
wscript.sleep 300000
loop until ckdate <> crdate
Set objFile = objFS.CreateTextFile(fname)
end if
I found the answer in google that is closing the file with
Dim objFS, objFile
Dim crdate,ckdate,fname
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
crdate = Day(now) & "-" & Month(now) & "-" & Year(now)
fname = crdate & ".txt"
if (objFS.FileExists(fname)) Then
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(fname, 8, True)
ckdate = Day(now) & "-" & Month(now) & "-" & Year(now)
wscript.sleep 300000
loop until ckdate <> crdate
Set objFile = objFS.CreateTextFile(fname)
end if
Windows does this natively... you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can pull this locally or remotely and more ACCURATELY with the windows events.
PS C:\Users\steve> Get-WinEvent -Log System | where {($_.ID -eq "12" -or $_.ID -eq "13")} | format-table -property Message
The operating system started at system time ?2017?-?01?-?01T00:51:20.610798500Z.
The operating system is shutting down at system time ?2017?-?01?-?01T00:50:53.812034600Z.

Run Rscript.exe with VBScript and spaces in path

I have the followaing run.vbs script
Rexe = "R-Portable\App\R-Portable\bin\Rscript.exe"
Ropts = "--no-save --no-environ --no-init-file --no-restore --no-Rconsole "
RScriptFile = "runShinyApp.R"
Outfile = "ShinyApp.log"
startChrome = "GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe --app="
strCommand = Rexe & " " & Ropts & " " & RScriptFile & " 1> " & Outfile & " 2>&1"
intWindowStyle = 0 ' Hide the window and activate another window.'
bWaitOnReturn = False ' continue running script after launching R '
' the following is a Sub call, so no parentheses around arguments'
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run strCommand, intWindowStyle, bWaitOnReturn
WScript.Sleep 1000
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run startChrome, intWindowStyle, bWaitOnReturn
It works pretty well in most cases except when the user puts the run.vbs script in a folder with spaces in its name: e.g. if run.vbs is in folder "foo bar", the user gets the error : "C:\Users\[user name]\Desktop\foo" not recognized as internal command...
I don't understand why Rscript.exe looks for the absolute path before running even if it's called from its parent directory using relative path.
I heard about the double quote solution using the absolute path but it doesn't seem to work with .exe scripts (it does though with .bat and .cmd)
Thanks for any help!
Below code will help you
Dim oShell As Object
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'run command'
Dim oExec As Object
Dim oOutput As Object
Set oExec = oShell.Exec("C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\bin\Rscript.exe C:\subfolder\YourScript.R " & """" & var1 & """")
Set oOutput = oExec.StdOut
handle the results as they are written to and read from the StdOut object
Dim s As String
Dim sLine As String
While Not oOutput.AtEndOfStream
sLine = oOutput.ReadLine
If sLine <> "" Then s = s & sLine & vbCrLf

VBscript to zip log files with 7zip

Would like someone to take a look at my script and tell me where I am messing up.
It is a script to zip log files and then I would like to move them into a new folder that is going to be shared over a network. Right now I am just trying to get the part where it zips up the files using 7zip correctly.
I am very new to VB (like 2 days) so having some syntax problems I think.
Script is found below, thank you in advance for all advice and help
Option Explicit
WScript.Echo "Press to start zipping log files."
Dim objFile, objPath, objFolder, Command, PathLogs, RetVal
Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objShell: Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
PathLogs = "C:\Testscripts\testfolder\" 'This path just has some test logs
' Loop through the logs and zip and move each file (if required, you could just move files with an '.log' extension)
Set objPath = objFSO.GetFolder(PathLogs)
For Each objFile In objPath.Files
If (LCase(objfso.GetExtensionName(objFile)) = "log") Then
Wscript.Echo objFile.Name
' zip and move files
'Command = """C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe"" -m -ex """ & PathLogs & \objFile.Name objfso.GetBaseName(objFile) & "*.zip"" """ & PathLogs & objFile.Name & """"
Command = ""C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe"" a -m -ex " & PathLogs & "" & objFile.Name & ".zip " & PathLogs & "" & objFile.Name & "
WScript.Echo "Command: " & Command
RetVal = objShell.Run(Command,0,true)
End If
WScript.Echo "Zip Successful."
You have your quotes wrong. To use a quote inside a string, you have to duplicate the quote.
Command = """C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe"" a -m -ex " _ 'this is the first part of the string
& PathLogs & objFile.Name & ".zip " & PathLogs & objFile.Name
If your Logfile or PathLogs can contain spaces they must be quoted as well.

VB Error "object required"

I'm getting an "object required" error on line 54, the last line, when I run the following script. What is wrong?
Option Explicit
Dim cmdString, g_strHostFile, filepath, flexnetpath, importcmd, dtmToday, dtmYesterday, dtmFileDate, param1, param2, param3, i4path, objFSO, objTextStream, g_strComputer, WshShell
'Initialize global constants and variables.
g_strHostFile = "D:\dataimports\LUM_servers.txt"
i4path = "C:\IFOR\WIN\BIN\i4blt.exe"
filepath = "D:\DataImports\"
flexnetpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexnet\Manager\Admin"
importcmd = flexnetpath & "flexnet bulkimport -uadmin -padmin -f" & filepath
dtmToday = Date()
dtmYesterday = Date() - 1
dtmFileDate = Year(Date) & padDate(Month(Date)) & padDate(Day(Date))
param1 = "-r1 -e2,4 -n "
param2 = " -v 'Dassault Systemes' -b "
param3 = " -g "
WScript.Echo "i4Path: " & i4path
WScript.Echo "FilePath: " & filepath
WScript.Echo "flexnetpath: " & flexnetpath
WScript.Echo "importcmd: " & importcmd
WScript.Echo "dtmToday: " & dtmToday
WScript.Echo "dtmYesterday: " & dtmYesterday
WScript.Echo "dtmFileDate: " & dtmFileDate
'Read LUM Server Names from text file.
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(g_strHostFile) Then
Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(g_strHostFile, FOR_READING)
WScript.Echo "Input file " & g_strHostFile & " not found."
End If
'Loop through list of computers and perform tasks on each.
Do Until objTextStream.AtEndOfStream
g_strComputer = objTextStream.ReadLine
WScript.Echo "Processing Server: " & g_strComputer
Set cmdString = i4path & param1 & g_strComputer & param2 & dtmYesterday & param3 & dtmToday & filepath & g_strComputer & "_" & dtmFileDate & "_lum.lrl"
WScript.Echo "Processing Command: " & cmdString
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "cmdString"
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Echo "Processing Bulk Import: " & importcmd
WshShell.Run "importcmd"
Function padDate(intNumber)
if intNumber <= 9 Then
padDate = "0" & CStr(intNumber)
padDate = CStr(intNumber)
End If
End Function
Object required is raised when you have a statement like Set x = y where x is not an object type, but is instead an simple type (Integer, Double, Date, etc. ). I think the line
Set cmdString = i4path & param1 & g_strComputer & param2 & ...
is causing the error, and I think all you have to do is remove the Set statement. I think strings do not derive from Object and thus do not need the Set statement.
There are a few problems, I think.
importcmd = flexnetpath & "flexnet bulkimport -uadmin -padmin -f" & filepath
You probably need some spaces:
importcmd = flexnetpath & " flexnet bulkimport -uadmin -padmin -f " & filepath
Set is only used with objects, not strings, so it should be removed from this line:
Set cmdString = i4path & param1 & g_strComputer & param2 & dtmYesterday & param3 & dtmToday & filepath & g_strComputer & "_" & dtmFileDate & "_lum.lrl"
I am fairly sure you either mean
WshShell.Run importcmd
WshShell.Run """" & importcmd & """"

Ping script with loop and save in a txt

i try to make an Ping script with vbs. I need a Script, that ping (no ping limit, the program will run all the time) a computername in the network every 2 seconds and save the results in a txt file.
For Example:
06/08/2010 - 13:53:22 | The Computer "..." is online
06/08/2010 - 13:53:24 | The Computer "..." is offline
Now i try a little bit:
strComputer = "TestPC"
Set objPing = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}")._
ExecQuery("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '"_
& strComputer & "'")
For Each objStatus in objPing
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.StatusCode <> 0 Then
And than i don't know how to make it. (I'm new with vbs :-))
I hope some one can help me.
Try this
Option Explicit
Dim strHost, strFile
strHost = "www.google.com" '""
strFile = "C:\Test.txt"
PingForever strHost, strFile
Sub PingForever(strHost, outputfile)
Dim Output, Shell, strCommand, ReturnCode
Set Output = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(outputfile, 8, True)
Set Shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
strCommand = "ping -n 1 -w 300 " & strHost
ReturnCode = Shell.Run(strCommand, 0, True)
If ReturnCode = 0 Then
Output.WriteLine Date() & " - " & Time & " | The Computer " & strHost & " is online"
Output.WriteLine Date() & " - " & Time & " | The Computer " & strHost & " is offline"
End If
Wscript.Sleep 2000
End Sub
You put your pings inside a loop of some kind and then use Wscript.Sleep 2000 to sleep for 2 seconds.
Then you use the File System Object (FSO) to write to a file. Information can be found here.
Edit: Something like this might work:
Const OpenFileForAppending = 8
Dim fso, ts
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting. FileSystemObject")
While 1 > 0 ' loop forever
Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\test.txt", OpenFileForAppending, True)
' do your pinging code
'if ok
ts.WriteLine("Not OK")
Wscript.Sleep 2000
