Difference between _mm256_xor_si256() and _mm256_xor_ps() - intrinsics

I am trying to find the actual difference between _mm256_xor_si256 and _mm256_xor_ps intrinsics from AVX(2).
They respectively map to the intel instructions:
vpxor ymm, ymm, ymm
vxorps ymm, ymm, ymm
Which are defined by Intel as:
dst[255:0] := (a[255:0] XOR b[255:0])
dst[MAX:256] := 0
FOR j := 0 to 7
i := j*32
dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] XOR b[i+31:i]
dst[MAX:256] := 0
But frankly, I don't see a difference in their effects?
They both xor 256 bits.
But the latter can be used on AVX and AVX2, the first only on AVX2.
Why would you ever use the first, with the lower compatibility?

There is no difference in the effects, both do a bitwise XOR of 256 bits. But that doesn't mean there aren't differences, the differences only are less visible.
vxorps can, on Haswell, only go to port port 5 (and therefore has a throughput of 1), but vpxor can go to ports 0, 1 and 5, and has a throughput of 3/cycle. Also, there is a bypass delay when a result generated in floating point domain is used by an instruction that executes in the integer domain, and vice versa. So using the "wrong" instruction can have a slightly higher latency, which is why vxorps may be better in some contexts (but it's not so simple as "always when using floats").
I don't know for sure what AMD Excavator will do in that regard, but Bulldozer and Piledriver and Steamroller have those bypass delays, so I expect them in Excavator as well.


Can 128bit/64bit hardware unsigned division be faster in some cases than 64bit/32bit division on x86-64 Intel/AMD CPUs?

Can a scaled 64bit/32bit division performed by the hardware 128bit/64bit division instruction, such as:
; Entry arguments: Dividend in EAX, Divisor in EBX
shl rax, 32 ;Scale up the Dividend by 2^32
xor rdx,rdx
and rbx, 0xFFFFFFFF ;Clear any garbage that might have been in the upper half of RBX
div rbx ; RAX = RDX:RAX / RBX
...be faster in some special cases than the scaled 64bit/32bit division performed by the hardware 64bit/32bit division instruction, such as:
; Entry arguments: Dividend in EAX, Divisor in EBX
mov edx,eax ;Scale up the Dividend by 2^32
xor eax,eax
div ebx ; EAX = EDX:EAX / EBX
By "some special cases" I mean unusual dividends and divisors.
I am interested in comparing the div instruction only.
You're asking about optimizing uint64_t / uint64_t C division to a 64b / 32b => 32b x86 asm division, when the divisor is known to be 32-bit. The compiler must of course avoid the possibility of a #DE exception on a perfectly valid (in C) 64-bit division, otherwise it wouldn't have followed the as-if rule. So it can only do this if it's provable that the quotient will fit in 32 bits.
Yes, that's a win or at least break-even. On some CPUs it's even worth checking for the possibility at runtime because 64-bit division is so much slower. But unfortunately current x86 compilers don't have an optimizer pass to look for this optimization even when you do manage to give them enough info that they could prove it's safe. e.g. if (edx >= ebx) __builtin_unreachable(); doesn't help last time I tried.
For the same inputs, 32-bit operand-size will always be at least as fast
16 or 8-bit could maybe be slower than 32 because they may have a false dependency writing their output, but writing a 32-bit register zero-extends to 64 to avoid that. (That's why mov ecx, ebx is a good way to zero-extend ebx to 64-bit, better than and a value that's not encodeable as a 32-bit sign-extended immediate, like harold pointed out). But other than partial-register shenanigans, 16-bit and 8-bit division are generally also as fast as 32-bit, or not worse.
On AMD CPUs, division performance doesn't depend on operand-size, just the data. 0 / 1 with 128/64-bit should be faster than worst-case of any smaller operand-size. AMD's integer-division instruction is only a 2 uops (presumably because it has to write 2 registers), with all the logic done in the execution unit.
16-bit / 8-bit => 8-bit division on Ryzen is a single uop (because it only has to write AH:AL = AX).
On Intel CPUs, div/idiv is microcoded as many uops. About the same number of uops for all operand-sizes up to 32-bit (Skylake = 10), but 64-bit is much much slower. (Skylake div r64 is 36 uops, Skylake idiv r64 is 57 uops). See Agner Fog's instruction tables: https://agner.org/optimize/
div/idiv throughput for operand-sizes up to 32-bit is fixed at 1 per 6 cycles on Skylake. But div/idiv r64 throughput is one per 24-90 cycles.
See also Trial-division code runs 2x faster as 32-bit on Windows than 64-bit on Linux for a specific performance experiment where modifying the REX.W prefix in an existing binary to change div r64 into div r32 made a factor of ~3 difference in throughput.
And Why does Clang do this optimization trick only from Sandy Bridge onward? shows clang opportunistically using 32-bit division when the dividend is small, when tuning for Intel CPUs. But you have a large dividend and a large-enough divisor, which is a more complex case. That clang optimization is still zeroing the upper half of the dividend in asm, never using a non-zero or non-sign-extended EDX.
I have failed to make the popular C compilers generate the latter code when dividing an unsigned 32-bit integer (shifted left 32 bits) by another 32-bit integer.
I'm assuming you cast that 32-bit integer to uint64_t first, to avoid UB and get a normal uint64_t / uint64_t in the C abstract machine.
That makes sense: Your way wouldn't be safe, it will fault with #DE when edx >= ebx. x86 division faults when the quotient overflows AL / AX / EAX / RAX, instead of silently truncating. There's no way to disable that.
So compilers normally only use idiv after cdq or cqo, and div only after zeroing the high half, unless you use an intrinsic or inline asm to open yourself up to the possibility of your code faulting. In C, x / y only faults if y = 0 (or for signed, INT_MIN / -1 is also allowed to fault1).
GNU C doesn't have an intrinsic for wide division, but MSVC has _udiv64. (With gcc/clang, division wider than 1 register uses a helper function which does try to optimize for small inputs. But this doesn't help for 64/32 division on a 64-bit machine, where GCC and clang just use the 128/64-bit division instruction.)
Even if there were some way to promise the compiler that your divisor would be big enough to make the quotient fit in 32 bits, current gcc and clang don't look for that optimization in my experience. It would be a useful optimization for your case (if it's always safe), but compilers won't look for it.
Footnote 1: To be more specific, ISO C describes those cases as "undefined behaviour"; some ISAs like ARM have non-faulting division instructions. C UB means anything can happen, including just truncation to 0 or some other integer result. See Why does integer division by -1 (negative one) result in FPE? for an example of AArch64 vs. x86 code-gen and results. Allowed to fault doesn't mean required to fault.
Can 128bit/64bit hardware unsigned division be faster in some cases than 64bit/32bit division on x86-64 Intel/AMD CPUs?
In theory, anything is possible (e.g. maybe in 50 years time Nvidia creates an 80x86 CPU that ...).
However, I can't think of a single plausible reason why a 128bit/64bit division would ever be faster than (not merely equivalent to) a 64bit/32bit division on x86-64.
I suspect this because I assume that the C compiler authors are very smart and so far I have failed to make the popular C compilers generate the latter code when dividing an unsigned 32-bit integer (shifted left 32 bits) by another 32-bit integer. It always compiles to the128bit/64bit div instruction. P.S. The left shift compiles fine to shl.
Compiler developers are smart, but compilers are complex and the C language rules get in the way. For example, if you just do a a = b/c; (with b being 64 bit and c being 32-bit) the language's rules are that c gets promoted to 64-bit before the division happens, so it ends up being a 64-bit divisor in some kind of intermediate language, and that makes it hard for the back-end translation (from intermediate language to assembly language) to tell that the 64-bit divisor could be a 32-bit divisor.

What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?

I want to be able to predict, by hand, exactly how long arbitrary arithmetical (i.e. no branching or memory, though that would be nice too) x86-64 assembly code will take given a particular architecture, taking into account instruction reordering, superscalarity, latencies, CPIs, etc.
What / describe the rules must be followed to achieve this?
I think I've got some preliminary rules figured out, but I haven't been able to find any references on breaking down any example code to this level of detail, so I've had to take some guesses. (For example, the Intel optimization manual barely even mentions instruction reordering.)
At minimum, I'm looking for (1) confirmation that each rule is correct or else a correct statement of each rule, and (2) a list of any rules that I may have forgotten.
As many instructions as possible are issued each cycle, starting in-order from the current cycle and potentially as far ahead as the reorder buffer size.
An instruction can be issued on a given cycle if:
No instructions that affect its operands are still being executed. And:
If it is a floating-point instruction, every floating-point instruction before it has been issued (floating-point instructions have static instruction re-ordering). And:
There is a functional unit available for that instruction on that cycle. Every (?) functional unit is pipelined, meaning it can accept 1 new instruction per cycle, and the number of total functional units is 1/CPI, for the CPI of a given function class (nebulous here: presumably e.g. addps and subps use the same functional unit? How do I determine this?). And:
Fewer than the superscalar width (typically 4) number of instructions have already been issued this cycle.
If no instructions can be issued, the processor simply doesn't issue any—a condition called a "stall".
As an example, consider the following example code (which computes a cross-product):
shufps xmm3, xmm2, 210
shufps xmm0, xmm1, 201
shufps xmm2, xmm2, 201
mulps xmm0, xmm3
shufps xmm1, xmm1, 210
mulps xmm1, xmm2
subps xmm0, xmm1
My attempt to predict the latency for Haswell looks something like this:
; `mulps` Haswell latency=5, CPI=0.5
; `shufps` Haswell latency=1, CPI=1
; `subps` Haswell latency=3, CPI=1
shufps xmm3, xmm2, 210 ; cycle 1
shufps xmm0, xmm1, 201 ; cycle 2
shufps xmm2, xmm2, 201 ; cycle 3
mulps xmm0, xmm3 ; (superscalar execution)
shufps xmm1, xmm1, 210 ; cycle 4
mulps xmm1, xmm2 ; cycle 5
; cycle 6 (stall `xmm0` and `xmm1`)
; cycle 7 (stall `xmm1`)
; cycle 8 (stall `xmm1`)
subps xmm0, xmm1 ; cycle 9
; cycle 10 (stall `xmm0`)
TL:DR: look for dependency chains, especially loop-carried ones. For a long-running loop, see which latency, front-end throughput, or back-end port contention/throughput is the worst bottleneck. That's how many cycles your loop probably takes per iteration, on average, if there are no cache misses or branch mispredicts.
Latency bounds and throughput bounds for processors for operations that must occur in sequence is a good example of analyzing loop-carried dependency chains in a specific loop with two dep chains, one pulling values from the other.
Related: How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction? is a good introduction to throughput vs. latency on a per-instruction basis, and how what that means for sequences of multiple instructions. See also Assembly - How to score a CPU instruction by latency and throughput for how to measure a single instruction.
This is called static (performance) analysis. Wikipedia says (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_performance_analysis_tools) that AMD's AMD CodeXL has a "static kernel analyzer" (i.e. for computational kernels, aka loops). I've never tried it.
Intel also has a free tool for analyzing how loops will go through the pipeline in Sandybridge-family CPUs: What is IACA and how do I use it?
IACA is not bad, but has bugs (e.g. wrong data for shld on Sandybridge, and last I checked, it doesn't know that Haswell/Skylake can keep indexed addressing modes micro-fused for some instructions. But maybe that will change now that Intel's added details on that to their optimization manual.) IACA is also unhelpful for counting front-end uops to see how close to a bottleneck you are (it likes to only give you unfused-domain uop counts).
Static analysis is often pretty good, but definitely check by profiling with performance counters. See Can x86's MOV really be "free"? Why can't I reproduce this at all? for an example of profiling a simple loop to investigate a microarchitectural feature.
Essential reading:
Agner Fog's microarch guide (chapter 2: Out of order exec) explains some of the basics of dependency chains and out-of-order execution. His "Optimizing Assembly" guide has more good introductory and advanced performance stuff.
The later chapters of his microarch guide cover the details of the pipelines in CPUs like Nehalem, Sandybridge, Haswell, K8/K10, Bulldozer, and Ryzen. (And Atom / Silvermont / Jaguar).
Agner Fog's instruction tables (spreadsheet or PDF) are also normally the best source for instruction latency / throughput / execution-port breakdowns.
David Kanter's microarch analysis docs are very good, with diagrams. e.g. https://www.realworldtech.com/sandy-bridge/, https://www.realworldtech.com/haswell-cpu/, and https://www.realworldtech.com/bulldozer/.
See also other performance links in the x86 tag wiki.
I also took a stab at explaining how a CPU core finds and exploits instruction-level parallelism in this answer, but I think you've already grasped those basics as far as it's relevant for tuning software. I did mention how SMT (Hyperthreading) works as a way to expose more ILP to a single CPU core, though.
In Intel terminology:
"issue" means to send a uop into the out-of-order part of the core; along with register-renaming, this is the last step in the front-end. The issue/rename stage is often the narrowest point in the pipeline, e.g. 4-wide on Intel since Core2. (With later uarches like Haswell and especially Skylake often actually coming very close to that in some real code, thanks to SKL's improved decoders and uop-cache bandwidth, as well as back-end and cache bandwidth improvements.) This is fused-domain uops: micro-fusion lets you send 2 uops through the front-end and only take up one ROB entry. (I was able to construct a loop on Skylake that sustains 7 unfused-domain uops per clock). See also http://blog.stuffedcow.net/2013/05/measuring-rob-capacity/ re: out-of-order window size.
"dispatch" means the scheduler sends a uop to an execution port. This happens as soon as all the inputs are ready, and the relevant execution port is available. How are x86 uops scheduled, exactly?. Scheduling happens in the "unfused" domain; micro-fused uops are tracked separately in the OoO scheduler (aka Reservation Station, RS).
A lot of other computer-architecture literature uses these terms in the opposite sense, but this is the terminology you will find in Intel's optimization manual, and the names of hardware performance counters like uops_issued.any or uops_dispatched_port.port_5.
exactly how long arbitrary arithmetical x86-64 assembly code will take
It depends on the surrounding code as well, because of OoO exec
Your final subps result doesn't have to be ready before the CPU starts running later instructions. Latency only matters for later instructions that need that value as an input, not for integer looping and whatnot.
Sometimes throughput is what matters, and out-of-order exec can hide the latency of multiple independent short dependency chains. (e.g. if you're doing the same thing to every element of a big array of multiple vectors, multiple cross products can be in flight at once.) You'll end up with multiple iterations in flight at once, even though in program order you finish all of one iteration before doing any of the next. (Software pipelining can help for high-latency loop bodies if OoO exec has a hard time doing all the reordering in HW.)
There are three major dimensions to analyze for a short block
You can approximately characterize a short block of non-branching code in terms of these three factors. Usually only one of them is the bottleneck for a given use-case. Often you're looking at a block that you will use as part of a loop, not as the whole loop body, but OoO exec normally works well enough that you can just add up these numbers for a couple different blocks, if they're not so long that OoO window size prevents finding all the ILP.
latency from each input to the output(s). Look at which instructions are on the dependency chain from each input to each output. e.g. one choice might need one input to be ready sooner.
total uop count (for front-end throughput bottlenecks), fused-domain on Intel CPUs. e.g. Core2 and later can in theory issue/rename 4 fused-domain uops per clock into the out-of-order scheduler/ROB. Sandybridge-family can often achieve that in practice with the uop cache and loop buffer, especially Skylake with its improved decoders and uop-cache throughput.
uop count for each back-end execution port (unfused domain). e.g. shuffle-heavy code will often bottleneck on port 5 on Intel CPUs. Intel usually only publishes throughput numbers, not port breakdowns, which is why you have to look at Agner Fog's tables (or IACA output) to do anything meaningful if you're not just repeating the same instruction a zillion times.
Generally you can assuming best-case scheduling/distribution, with uops that can run on other ports not stealing the busy ports very often, but it does happen some. (How are x86 uops scheduled, exactly?)
Looking at CPI is not sufficient; two CPI=1 instructions might or might not compete for the same execution port. If they don't, they can execute in parallel. e.g. Haswell can only run psadbw on port 0 (5c latency, 1c throughput, i.e. CPI=1) but it's a single uop so a mix of 1 psadbw + 3 add instructions could sustain 4 instructions per clock. There are vector ALUs on 3 different ports in Intel CPUs, with some operations replicated on all 3 (e.g. booleans) and some only on one port (e.g. shifts before Skylake).
Sometimes you can come up with a couple different strategies, one maybe lower latency but costing more uops. A classic example is multiplying by constants like imul eax, ecx, 10 (1 uop, 3c latency on Intel) vs. lea eax, [rcx + rcx*4] / add eax,eax (2 uops, 2c latency). Modern compilers tend to choose 2 LEA vs. 1 IMUL, although clang up to 3.7 favoured IMUL unless it could get the job done with only a single other instruction.
See What is the efficient way to count set bits at a position or lower? for an example of static analysis for a few different ways to implement a function.
See also Why does mulss take only 3 cycles on Haswell, different from Agner's instruction tables? (Unrolling FP loops with multiple accumulators) (which ended up being way more detailed than you'd guess from the question title) for another summary of static analysis, and some neat stuff about unrolling with multiple accumulators for a reduction.
Every (?) functional unit is pipelined
The divider is pipelined in recent CPUs, but not fully pipelined. (FP divide is single-uop, though, so if you do one divps mixed in with dozens of mulps / addps, it can have negligible throughput impact if latency doesn't matter: Floating point division vs floating point multiplication. rcpps + a Newton iteration is worse throughput and about the same latency.
Everything else is fully pipelined on mainstream Intel CPUs; multi-cycle (reciprocal) throughput for a single uop. (variable-count integer shifts like shl eax, cl have lower-than-expected throughput for their 3 uops, because they create a dependency through the flag-merging uops. But if you break that dependency through FLAGS with an add or something, you can get better throughput and latency.)
On AMD before Ryzen, the integer multiplier is also only partially pipelined. e.g. Bulldozer's imul ecx, edx is only 1 uop, but with 4c latency, 2c throughput.
Xeon Phi (KNL) also has some not-fully-pipelined shuffle instructions, but it tends to bottleneck on the front-end (instruction decode), not the back-end, and does have a small buffer + OoO exec capability to hide back-end bubbles.
If it is a floating-point instruction, every floating-point instruction before it has been issued (floating-point instructions have static instruction re-ordering)
Maybe you read that for Silvermont, which doesn't do OoO exec for FP/SIMD, only integer (with a small ~20 uop window). Maybe some ARM chips are like that, too, with simpler schedulers for NEON? I don't know much about ARM uarch details.
The mainstream big-core microarchitectures like P6 / SnB-family, and all AMD OoO chips, do OoO exec for SIMD and FP instructions the same as for integer. AMD CPUs use a separate scheduler, but Intel uses a unified scheduler so its full size can be applied to finding ILP in integer or FP code, whichever is currently running.
Even the silvermont-based Knight's Landing (in Xeon Phi) does OoO exec for SIMD.
x86 is generally not very sensitive to instruction ordering, but uop scheduling doesn't do critical-path analysis. So it could sometimes help to put instructions on the critical path first, so they aren't stuck waiting with their inputs ready while other instructions run on that port, leading to a bigger stall later when we get to instructions that need the result of the critical path. (i.e. that's why it is the critical path.)
My attempt to predict the latency for Haswell looks something like this:
Yup, that looks right. shufps runs on port 5, addps runs on p1, mulps runs on p0 or p1. Skylake drops the dedicated FP-add unit and runs SIMD FP add/mul/FMA on the FMA units on p0/p1, all with 4c latency (up/down from 3/5/5 in Haswell, or 3/3/5 in Broadwell).
This is a good example of why keeping a whole XYZ direction vector in a SIMD vector usually sucks. Keeping an array of X, an array of Y, and an array of Z, would let you do 4 cross products in parallel without any shuffles.
The SSE tag wiki has a link to these slides: SIMD at Insomniac Games (GDC 2015) which covers that array-of-structs vs. struct-of-arrays issues for 3D vectors, and why it's often a mistake to always try to SIMD a single operation instead of using SIMD to do multiple operations in parallel.

What type of addresses can the port 7 store AGU handle on recent Intel x86?

Starting with Haswell, Intel CPU micro-architectures have had a dedicated store-address unit on port 7 which can handle the address-generation uop for some store operations (the other uop, store data always goes to port 4).
Originally it was believed that this could handle any type of addresses, but this seems not to be the case. What types of addresses can this port handle?
This answer applies to Haswell and Skylake (/Kaby Lake / Coffee Lake). Future ISAs (Cannon Lake / Ice Lake) will have to be checked when they're available. The port 7 AGU was new in Haswell.
For instructions that can use port7 at all (e.g. not vextracti128), any non-indexed addressing mode can use port 7.
This includes RIP-relative, and 64-bit absolute (mov [qword abs buf], eax, even in a PIE executable loaded above 2^32, so the address really doesn't fit in 32 bits), as well as normal [reg + disp0/8/32] or absolute [disp32].
An index register always prevents use of port7, e.g. [rdi + rax], or [disp32 + rax*2]. Even [NOSPLIT disp32 + rax*1] can't use port 7 (so HSW/SKL doesn't internally convert an indexed with scale=1 and no base register into a base+disp32 addressing mode.)
I tested myself with ocperf.py stat -etask-clock,context-switches,cpu-migrations,page-faults,cycles,instructions,uops_dispatched_port.port_2,uops_dispatched_port.port_3,uops_dispatched_port.port_7 ./testloop on a Skylake i7-6700k.
The [+0, +2047] range of displacements makes no different for stores: mov [rsi - 4000], rax can use port 7.
Non-indexed loads with small positive displacements have 1c lower latency. No special case for stores is mentioned in Intel's optimization manual. Skylake's variable-latency store-forwarding (with worse latency when the load tries to execute right away after the store) makes it hard to construct a microbenchmark that includes store latency but isn't affected by having store-address uops compete with loads for fewer ports. I haven't come up with a microbenchmark with a loop-carried dependency chain through a store-address uop but not through the store-data uop. Presumably it's possible, but maybe needs an array instead of a single location.
Some instructions can't use port7 at all:
vextracti128 [rdi], ymm0, 0 includes a store-address uop (of course), but it can only run on port 2 or port 3.
Agner Fog's instruction tables have at least one error here, though: he lists pextrb/w/d/q as only running the store-address uop on p23, but in fact it can use any of p237 on HSW/SKL.
I haven't tested this exhaustively, but one difference between HSW and SKL I found1 was VCVTPS2PH [mem], xmm/ymm, imm8. (The instruction changed to use fewer ALU uops, so that doesn't indicate a change in p7 between HSW and SKL).
On Haswell: VCVTPS2PH is 4 uops (fused and unfused domain): p1 p4 p5 p23 (Agner Fog is right).
On Skylake: VCVTPS2PH xmm is 2 fused / 3 unfused uops: p01 p4 p237
On Skylake: VCVTPS2PH ymm is 3 fused / 3 unfused uops: p01 p4 p237
(Agner Fog lists VCVTPS2PH v as 3F/3U (one entry for both vector widths), missing the micro-fusion with the xmm version, and incorrectly lists the port breakdown as p01 p4 p23).
In general, beware that Agner's recent updates seem a little sloppy, like copy/paste or typo errors (e.g. 5 instead of 0.5 for Ryzen vbroadcastf128 y,m128 throughput).
1: HSW testing was on an old laptop that's no longer usable (I used its RAM to upgrade another machine that still gets regular use). I don't have a Broadwell to test on. Everything in this answer is definitely true on Skylake: I double checked it just now. I tested some of this a while ago on Haswell, and still had my notes from that.

Are scaled-index addressing modes a good idea?

Consider the following code:
void foo(int* __restrict__ a)
int i; int val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
val = 2 * i;
a[i] = val;
This complies (with maximum optimization but no unrolling or vectorization) into...
GCC 7.2:
xor eax, eax
mov DWORD PTR [rdi], eax
add eax, 2
add rdi, 4
cmp eax, 200
jne .L2
rep ret
clang 5.0:
foo(int*): # #foo(int*)
xor eax, eax
.LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
mov dword ptr [rdi + 2*rax], eax
add rax, 2
cmp rax, 200
jne .LBB0_1
What are the pros and cons of GCC's vs clang's approach? i.e. an extra variable incremented separately, vs multiplying via a more complex addressing mode?
This question also relates to this one with about the same code, but with float's rather than int's.
Yes, take advantage of the power of x86 addressing modes to save uops, in cases where an index doesn't unlaminate into more extra uops than it would cost to do pointer increments.
(In many cases unrolling and using pointer increments is a win because of unlamination on Intel Sandybridge-family, but if you're not unrolling or if you're only using mov loads instead of folding memory operands into ALU ops for micro-fusion, then indexed addressing modes are often break even on some CPUs and a win on others.)
It's essential to read and understand Micro fusion and addressing modes if you want to make optimal choices here. (And note that IACA gets it wrong, and doesn't simulate Haswell and later keeping some uops micro-fused, so you can't even just check your work by having it do static analysis for you.)
Indexed addressing modes are generally cheap. At worst they cost one extra uop for the front-end (on Intel SnB-family CPUs in some situations), and/or prevent a store-address uop from using port7 (which only supports base + displacement addressing modes). See Agner Fog's microarch pdf, and also David Kanter's Haswell write-up, for more about the store-AGU on port7 which Intel added in Haswell.
On Haswell+, if you need your loop to sustain more than 2 memory ops per clock, then avoid indexed stores.
At best they're free other than the code-size cost of the extra byte in the machine-code encoding. (Having an index register requires a SIB (Scale Index Base) byte in the encoding).
More often the only penalty is the 1 extra cycle of load-use latency vs. a simple [base + 0-2047] addressing mode, on Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs.
It's usually only worth using an extra instruction to avoid an indexed addressing mode if you're going to use that addressing mode in multiple instructions. (e.g. load / modify / store).
Scaling the index is free (on modern CPUs at least) if you're already using a 2-register addressing mode. For lea, Agner Fog's table lists AMD Ryzen as having 2c latency and only 2 per clock throughput for lea with scaled-index addressing modes (or 3-component), otherwise 1c latency and 0.25c throughput. e.g. lea rax, [rcx + rdx] is faster than lea rax, [rcx + 2*rdx], but not by enough to be worth using extra instructions instead.) Ryzen also doesn't like a 32-bit destination in 64-bit mode, for some reason. But the worst-case LEA is still not bad at all. And anyway, mostly unrelated to address-mode choice for loads, because most CPUs (other than in-order Atom) run LEA on the ALUs, not the AGUs used for actual loads/stores.
The main question is between one-register unscaled (so it can be a "base" register in the machine-code encoding: [base + idx*scale + disp]) or two-register. Note that for Intel's micro-fusion limitations, [disp32 + idx*scale] (e.g. indexing a static array) is an indexed addressing mode.
Neither function is totally optimal (even without considering unrolling or vectorization), but clang's looks very close.
The only thing clang could do better is save 2 bytes of code size by avoiding the REX prefixes with add eax, 2 and cmp eax, 200. It promoted all the operands to 64-bit because it's using them with pointers and I guess proved that the C loop doesn't need them to wrap, so in asm it uses 64-bit everywhere. This is pointless; 32-bit operations are always at least as fast as 64, and implicit zero-extension is free. But this only costs 2 bytes of code-size, and costs no performance other than indirect front-end effects from that.
You've constructed your loop so the compiler needs to keep a specific value in registers and can't totally transform the problem into just a pointer-increment + compare against an end pointer (which compilers often do when they don't need the loop variable for anything except array indexing).
You also can't transform to counting a negative index up towards zero (which compilers never do, but reduces the loop overhead to a total of 1 macro-fused add + branch uop on Intel CPUs (which can fuse add + jcc, while AMD can only fuse test or cmp / jcc).
Clang has done a good job noticing that it can use 2*var as the array index (in bytes). This is a good optimization for tune=generic. The indexed store will un-laminate on Intel Sandybridge and Ivybridge, but stay micro-fused on Haswell and later. (And on other CPUs, like Nehalem, Silvermont, Ryzen, Jaguar, or whatever, there's no disadvantage.)
gcc's loop has 1 extra uop in the loop. It can still in theory run at 1 store per clock on Core2 / Nehalem, but it's right up against the 4 uops per clock limit. (And actually, Core2 can't macro-fuse the cmp/jcc in 64-bit mode, so it bottlenecks on the front-end).
Indexed addressing (in loads and stores, lea is different still) has some trade-offs, for example
On many µarchs, instructions that use indexed addressing have a slightly longer latency than instruction that don't. But usually throughput is a more important consideration.
On Netburst, stores with a SIB byte generate an extra µop, and therefore may cost throughput as well. The SIB byte causes an extra µop regardless of whether you use it for indexes addressing or not, but indexed addressing always costs the extra µop. It doesn't apply to loads.
On Haswell/Broadwell (and still in Skylake/Kabylake), stores with indexed addressing cannot use port 7 for address generation, instead one of the more general address generation ports will be used, reducing the throughput available for loads.
So for loads it's usually good (or not bad) to use indexed addressing if it saves an add somewhere, unless they are part of a chain of dependent loads. For stores it's more dangerous to use indexed addressing. In the example code it shouldn't make a large difference. Saving the add is not really relevant, ALU instructions wouldn't be the bottleneck. The address generation happening in ports 2 or 3 doesn't matter either since there are no loads.

x86_64: is IMUL faster than 2x SHL + 2x ADD?

When looking at the assembly produced by Visual Studio (2015U2) in /O2 (release) mode I saw that this 'hand-optimized' piece of C code is translated back into a multiplication:
int64_t calc(int64_t a) {
return (a << 6) + (a << 16) - a;
imul rdx,qword ptr [a],1003Fh
So I was wondering if that is really faster than doing it the way it is written, something like:
mov rbx,qword ptr [a]
mov rax,rbx
shl rax,6
mov rcx,rbx
shl rcx,10h
add rax,rcx
sub rax,rbx
I was always under the impression that multiplication is always slower than a few shifts/adds? Is that no longer the case with modern Intel x86_64 processors?
That's right, modern x86 CPUs (especially Intel) have very high performance multipliers.
imul r, r/m and imul r, r/m, imm are both 3 cycle latency, one per 1c throughput on Intel SnB-family and AMD Ryzen, even for 64bit operand size.
On AMD Bulldozer-family, it's 4c or 6c latency, and one per 2c or one per 4c throughput. (The slower times for 64-bit operand-size).
Data from Agner Fog's instruction tables. See also other stuff in the x86 tag wiki.
The transistor budget in modern CPUs is pretty huge, and allows for the amount of hardware parallelism needed to do a 64 bit multiply with such low latency. (It takes a lot of adders to make a large fast multiplier. How modern X86 processors actually compute multiplications?).
Being limited by power budget, not transistor budget, means that having dedicated hardware for many different functions is possible, as long as they can't all be switching at the same time (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_silicon). e.g. you can't saturate the pext/pdep unit, the integer multiplier, and the vector FMA units all at once on an Intel CPU, because many of them are on the same execution ports.
Fun fact: imul r64 is also 3c, so you can get a full 64*64 => 128b multiply result in 3 cycles. imul r32 is 4c latency and an extra uop, though. My guess is that the extra uop / cycle is splitting the 64bit result from the regular 64bit multiplier into two 32bit halves.
Compilers typically optimize for latency, and typically don't know how to optimize short independent dependency chains for throughput vs. long loop-carried dependency chains that bottleneck on latency.
gcc and clang3.8 and later use up to two LEA instructions instead of imul r, r/m, imm. I think gcc will use imul if the alternative is 3 or more instructions (not including mov), though.
That's a reasonable tuning choice, since a 3 instruction dep chain would be the same length as an imul on Intel. Using two 1-cycle instructions spends an extra uop to shorten the latency by 1 cycle.
clang3.7 and earlier tends to favour imul except for multipliers that only require a single LEA or shift. So clang very recently changed to optimizing for latency instead of throughput for multiplies by small constants. (Or maybe for other reasons, like not competing with other things that are only on the same port as the multiplier.)
e.g. this code on the Godbolt compiler explorer:
int foo (int a) { return a * 63; }
# gcc 6.1 -O3 -march=haswell (and clang actually does the same here)
mov eax, edi # tmp91, a
sal eax, 6 # tmp91,
sub eax, edi # tmp92, a
clang3.8 and later makes the same code.
