validation giving error in Joomla 2.5 - joomla

i am using Joomla 2.5 user registration form . manually i added one more field user phone number . and i am doing server side validation .
Code is : registration.xml
description="Enter your valid Number"
label="Phone number:"
and i have created validation file in administrator\components\com_users\models\rules\mobile.php
code is :
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;
class JFormRuleMobile extends JFormRule
public function mobile(& $element, $value, $group = null, & $input = null, & $form = null)
return preg_match("/^\+{0,1}[0-9]{6,14}$/",$value);
when i submit the form "Validation Rule missing: mobile" error is coming.
what is the problem . where i am doing mistakes

its very simple ...
just use joomla inbuilt rule called "tel" .its very good for validate the phone number
more info joomla document about this

You need to enable the behaviour of validate on your form.
Add form-validate class to your form as well.
you have different classes:-
validate-[custom] -> custom defined
Use this link for Joomla
Or you can easily validate the form using jQuery or HTML's required attribte and pattern attribute.


adding a different customer example:seller through a different regestration page

I am using magento 1.9. I want to add a customer group as seller from the front end using a different registration form keeping the registration form for registration of general category separate.
Add in your registration the following field,
$groups = Mage::helper('customer')->getGroups()->toOptionArray();
foreach ($groups as $group){
echo '<input type="radio" name="group_id" value="'.$group['value'].'" class="validate-radio" >'.$group['label'].'</input><br/>';
And save the fields as following in your controller file.

Forms fields filtering issue in Magento

In account form fields or user registration page form fields for First name and Last name, when i place the following JS code :
It is saved and is run on page load. This is very strange, because i checked the template files and values are escaped as below:
<?php echo $this->escapeHtml($this->getObject()->getFirstname()) ?>
I have also confirmed if i am in correct template file by changing the label of field.
I have read the following questions and tried to used them but did not worked for me.
Regarding to the observer method, it works, but when i try to login to magento admin, i cant, but when iremove the observer, i can login again.
Check the two attached screenshots.
Kindly help me with this issue.
Thank you
I have created an observer. For login forms at admin and front end (and may be some other forms), the form fields for user name and password are in array format like below:
<input type="text" id="username" name="login[username]" value="" class="required-entry input-text">
<input type="password" id="login" name="login[password]" class="required-entry input-text" value="">
TO fix this issue, i have modified the code in observer as below:
public function sanitizeParams($observer)
$post = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParams();
foreach($post as $pkey => $pvalue)
foreach($post[$pkey] as $key => $value)
$post[$pkey][$key] = filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
$post[$pkey] = filter_var($pvalue, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
$_POST = $post;
And it fixed my problem, and is working fine now.

Server side validation in module setting page in backend joomla

I am using joomla 2.5, i am working on joomla module, i want to perform server side custom form validation at backend setting page in module. I have checked joomla forums , but they all explained according to component , i strictly need to do it in module . I am new in joomla . Please explain the method.
Try this,
First of all you can't do a wide variety of validations like components forms in module params without hacking the core.
the available options are limiting INT,RAW data string only.
you can use the last option of module params called filter. Details take a look at this.
<field name="myintvalue" type="text" default="8" label="Enter some text" description="Enter some description" filter="integer" />
<field name="myhtmlvalue" type="text" default="" label="Enter some text" description="Enter some description" filter="raw" />
Alternate Options.
You can create a custom rule for validation. For example your module name is mod_mymodule:
Add addrulepath attribute to the fieldset in the .xml file:
This will be the path to the custom rule folder.
Add validate attribute to the field with the name of the rule file:
This will give us the file testint.php.
Create the rule file testint.php and put it to the path specified in the addrulepath attribute. So the full path will be:
Here is a simple validation rule class:
class JFormRuleTestint extends JFormRule
public function test(&$element, $value, $group = null, &$input = null, &$form = null)
return ((int)$value > 0 && (int)$value < 2);
it should extend JFormRule class and you will need only one method, called test. $value will contain the input from the field. Here we are testing it to be integer between 0 and 2.
Hope its helps..

Where to define a filter function for a form field in my Joomla component's preferences

I am creating a component in Joomla 2.5. This component has some options that are defined in its config.xml, so they can be set in the preferences of the component. Now I would like to apply a filter to one of these option fields, using the attribute filter="my_filter".
In the source code of JForm I saw the following lines at the very end of the implementation of JForm::filterField():
if (strpos($filter, '::') !== false && is_callable(explode('::', $filter)))
$return = call_user_func(explode('::', $filter), $value);
elseif (function_exists($filter))
$return = call_user_func($filter, $value);
That's what I needed for using a filter function defined by myself!
I managed to do this for form fields used in the views of my component. I defined the filter function as MyComponentHelper::my_filter(), where MyComponentHelper is a helper class which I always load in the very base of my component. And in the form's xml I added filter="MyComponentHelper::my_filter" to the fields that have to be filtered. However... when I am trying to apply the filter function to a form field in my component's preferences, I am not in my own component, but in com_config instead, so my helper class is not available!
So, therefore, my question: where to define my own filter function in such a way that it can be found and called by JForm::filterField() in com_config?? Help is very much appreciated.
May be it is too late, but this topic is only I found about that trouble. May be my solution will be helpfull to someone.
1) Add to tag of .xml form file the attribute 'addfieldpath' like this:
<fieldset name="basic" addfieldpath="PATH_TO_MY_EXTENSION/models/fields">
2) Modify filtered field description like this:
3) Create the file 'PATH_TO_MY_EXTENSION/models/fields/myfildtype.php':
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
JFormHelper::loadFieldClass('text'); // or other standard Joomla! field type
class JFormFieldMyFieldType extends JFormFieldText // or other standard Joomla! field type class
protected $type = 'MyFieldType';
public static function filter($value)
// filter code
return $value;
I had to deal with the same issue today. Here is what I did.
Our form field looks like this:
<field name="verwaltungskosten" type="text" class="form-control" size="40" label="Verwaltungskosten" labelclass="col-sm-2
filter="MyComponentFilterDouble::filter" required="true"/>
As you can see we have a filter. We've specified
MyComponentFilterDouble as class and filter as a method of this class.
If you have a look at libraries/joomla/form/form.php in the
FilterField function toward the end you'll see that the code will try
to execute our custom filter. Now here comes the tricky part. How does
Joomla know where our filters are located? Well, it doesn't! We have
to load our filters in advance. JForm doesn't come with a utility
class that could load a custom filter. I've decided to load our
Filters in our model in the getForm function. As you know each model
that extends from JModelAdmin should have a getForm function. This
function makes sure that we are loading the correct form from a .xml
file. So in this function just before I load the form I did:
JLoader::discover('MyComponentFilter', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_mycomponent/models/forms/filters');
The discover method will make sure to auto load our class when we need
it. This way it will be available to our form.
And there we go! Now when our model validates the form. It actually
always first performs filtering on the data. Now in our custom filter
we can modify the data and pass it back for validation. It's that
The above text is in quotes because I took it from my blogpost about that same issue over here:
I think what you're asking about is actually adding custom validation to one of your form fields. If that's the case you actually need to be looking at adding server-side validation in addition to adding configuration. Pay particular attention to the 'addrulepath' in the example under the heading "Using configuration parameters as default value". You'll most likely end up extending JFormRule, of which I've included a very stripped-down example below.
/** headers */
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; // Joomla only
class JFormRuleCustom extends JFormRule
public $type = 'Custom';
public function test(&$element, $value, $group = null, &$input = null, &$form = null) {
return /* true for passed validation, false for failed validation */
When you've got that down you can add the validation "custom" to your form fields like so:
Hopefully that answers your question and didn't go totally off-topic.

Codeigniter: How to redirect properly with form validation

I understand how to do it w/ a plain form w/o existing values, but let's say I have a view that I can call via let's say I have two fields, username, password and city, which are all pulled from the DB (except for password of course). So, if a user tries to submit the form and fails validation for whatever reason, where should I "redirect" them to? Right now, I have it showing the same view but the problem is, it pulls the info from the DB again. Should I be creating two different views?
The second view would essentially show the information they tried to enter along w/ the error message.
You do not need two separate views. Check out Form Helper's functions set_value(), set_select(), set_checkbox() and set_radio(). These re-populate form after its submission and validation. So in your case, you should specify the fields this way:
<input type="text"
value="<?php echo set_value('username', $user['username']); ?>" />
<input type="text"
value="<?php echo set_value('city', $user['city']); ?>" />
By default, the input will have $user['city'] value. But after failed validation it will be re-populated with previously entered values (including incorrect ones).
Just remember that all fields you want to re-populate need to be passed through form_validation library:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('city', 'City', '');
On the same controller you could have something like this:
if ($this->form_validation->run('create_comment') === TRUE)
$this->comments_model->name = $this->input->post('name', TRUE);
$this->comments_model->email = $this->input->post('email', TRUE);
$this->comments_model->website = $this->input->post('website', TRUE);
$this->comments_model->comment = $this->input->post('comment', TRUE);
That's all there is to it.
The idea is to have it redirect to itself or wherever you want, when the validation returns 'true' so that we kind of refresh the page, hence, update the page.
If the validation returns 'false' then you won't have to do anything.
Redirect to the same form.
And in your view give error information to the visitor.
There are two ways you can do this.
Use this error in your view. This will show validation error info.
echo validation_errors('<p class="error">','</p>');
Or you can use flashdata()
In your controller
$this->session->set_flashdata('msg', 'All fields are required. or other useful info here. Please try again!');
And in your view, you need to show it.
if ($this->session->flashdata('msg')){ //change!
echo "<div class='message'>";
echo $this->session->flashdata('msg');
echo "</div>";
Had the same problem and discovered that a redirection makes you lose the data that would have been provided by form_error(...) or validation_errors(), except you store such data in a session or in an array being passed into the loaded view.
The point to note is that you should redirect only if the data you want passed around is in session, else you should just load a view. The latter ensures that you have your validation errors intact when you reach the loaded view.
Just load same view if form validation failed
#set form validation rules
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required');
#get all posted data ,this helps you in two ways,
# 1. Get all form data and can be use here server side
# 2. repopulating the form data by passing to view page
$userData=$this->input->post(NULL, TRUE);
#check form validation result
if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {
//do the operation
$this->load->view($view, $userData);
View page
<form method=post action='URL'>
<input type='text' name='username'value='<?php echo $username?>'/>
<?php echo (form_error('username')) ? form_error('username', "<div style='color:red'>", "</div>") : ""; ?>
<input type='text' name='password' value='<?php echo $password?>'/>
<?php echo (form_error('username')) ? form_error('username', "<div style='color:red'>", "</div>") : ""; ?>
<input type='submit' value='submit'/>
This code display form errors and repopulate the form
