flask blueprint for custom static folder not working in templates using url_for - static-files

I am trying to use a blueprint to serve some of my js and css files from a folder than /static. I want these files to be available from the root. I have registered the following blueprint with the app:
custom = Blueprint('/', __name__, static_folder='custom', static_url_path='/custom')
I can find the desired files in the expected place, ie. /custom/custom.css by putting this url directly into the browser, however, I am not able to access them in templates using url_for like this:
<link href="{{ url_for('custom', filename='style.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
I get: BuildError: ('custom', {'filename': 'style.css'}, None)
I have tried any number of combinations ie.:
custom = Blueprint('custom', __name__, static_folder='custom', static_url_path='/custom')
<link href="{{ url_for('custom.custom', filename='style.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
etc but nothing is working for me.

You need to use the blueprint's static endpoint.
url_for('custom.static', filename='custom.css')


Laravel CSS asset function doesn't point to correct URL

I am using Laravel, in my layout blade template file (used by all my views) I have the following code to generate my stylesheet URL:
<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
When the page is generated this appears like this: http://myapp.test/css/app.css which looks like its correct, I have a file in the following directory \resources\css\app.css.
When I try and access the css file directly via the URL, laravel throws a 404 error, can someoen tell me what I'm doing wrong?
If you aren't using mix.css or tailwind or anything, and are writing your own css, put it in /public/css/app.css
When you use {{ asset('css/app.css') }} , laravel points to public/app.css.
Browser can only access contents of inside public folder.
Laravel uses webpack which complies css file located inside resources/css and saves into public/css.
If you look inside webpack.mix.js located in root folder of your project you can see following:
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.postCss('resources/css/app.css', 'public/css', [
So, if you access http://myapp.test/css/app.css , you should get css located in your public folder. you can confirm this from source tab of your browser's developer tools (i.e. page inspect).

Laravel mix - 404 error on routes with two levels

I have a small issue with my current configuration using Laravel for the backend, and Vue in the frontend, while my application is built using Laravel mix (6.0).
I am using the following simple mix configuration:
mix.js("resources/js/app.js", "public/js/app.js")
Everything works fine when running npm run watch, and when I launch the production build, I get as expected three files in my public folder (manifest.js, app.js and vendor.js). I included these three files in my app.blade.php file in the following way:
<script src="{{ asset(mix('js/manifest.js')) }}" defer></script>
<script src="{{ asset(mix('js/vendor.js')) }}" defer></script>
<script src="{{ asset(mix('js/app.js')) }}" defer></script>
The mix-manifest.json that comes out looks like this:
"/js/app.js": "/js/app.js?id=55e00bb7adfe7cc8d33c",
"/js/vendor.js": "/js/vendor.js?id=3cc2a9d83cabdff07b38",
"/js/manifest.js": "/js/manifest.js?id=7d6950016e73d672d079",
Most of the routes are working just fine with such a configuration.
However, the problem I am facing is a generic 404 error that shows up when trying to access particular routes having at least two levels, such as <my_website>/read/<post_id>. In this case, the browser tries to resolve something like <my_website>/read/js/app/1.js which obviously doesn't exist, as it should search for <my_website>/js/app/1.js instead.
Am I missing something obvious here? Is there any way to include a full path in the manifest file to avoid this, and making sure that the browser resolves the correct files? Or any other work around to make this work? Thank you!
You can force a base URL in the browser. This rewrites the URLs for you.
Use the <base> tag
See documentation of the base tag here:
<base href="https://www.example.com/">

How to use single css in a multi-tenant application

i'm developing a multi-tenant application with laravel & livewire.
I've a bootstrap template mounted such as a laravel project and i've integrated this template in my project.
For how the template is built, when I am on the localhost:8000/... views I get the correct rendering of the template, while when I go to the domain of a tenant, example: tenant.localhost:8000/... I completely lose the template.
I noticed that in resources/layout/default.blade to load all css and js there is a for loop that takes the css from the configuration file and loads them into the page
{{-- Global Theme Styles (used by all pages) --}}
#foreach(config('dz.public.global.css') as $style)
<link href="{{ asset($style) }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
using asset($style) when I go to the tenant domain, it looks for the css in a location that does not exist (the css are under localhost).
I thought of inserting an if-else inside the foreach loop in order to check the domain in the asset($style) and make sure that when in the tenant domain the css are searched as if we were in the localhost domain.
It's a good idea? do you have any advice or suggestions?
Now the asset location is changed for each tenant. You could 'hardcode' it.
Something like:
<link href='{{ env('APP_URL') }}/location/style.css'>
Another solution is to use the url() helper function instead of asset(), since it would generate an absolute path for the assets, this way you can use it in the same way as you use asset() function

How to install Slim Cropper in Laravel?

I need to install Slim Cropper in Laravel (https://pqina.nl/slim/). I downloaded it and I have two files: slim.jquery.min and slim.min.css. How can I install it? I think I need to use the webpack.min.js, but I dont know how to use it. Thanks!
Well thats depends how you want do it. the quickest way could be simply, Add them to resources/layouts/app.blade.php in <head>. (assuming app.blade.php is your main layout file which you extending in all child views.) and use it like you would be using in normal html. Nothing Fancy. and for urls you can always use
<!-- Styles -->
<link href="{{ asset('css/slim.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- script -->
<script src="{{ asset('js/slim.jquery.min.js') }}"></script>
which should load them from public/css and public/js folders.
read more about asset function here

css not working after passing id in url in laravel 5.6

My CSS is not working after passing an ID in an URL in Laravel 5.6
My route
<i class="icon-eye"></i>
I am using Laravel 5
This is the script tag:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{URL::asset('/css/style.css')}}">
Just use what #demo suggested.
Or just
But never
Because if you later on change your current URL from{id} to , let's say,{id}, the asset will not be loaded properly anymore.
By using "/" in front of a source, you are telling the browser to start looking from the base URL, which is in your case.
By omitting "/" in front of a source you are telling the browser to start looking from the current URL, which would be in your case, or even{id} when you add your ID to it.
This problems occurs because we are using the relative path in our blade template and the solution is so simple, We have to use only the asset function to overcome this problem.
So change your code like this:
<link href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.min.js') }}"> </script>
