Where to get a full list of debugger variables? - visual-studio

I'm trying to set a tracepoint to print hit count in VS but I cannet find any sort of $NAME to use in print message dialog. I tried http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/232dxah7(v=vs.100).aspx but I'm unable to find any link that describes every possible value I can output. Previously I used VB macro that I have written for this purpose, but unfortunately it runs too slow and can lead to very high delays that are unacceptable on my environment. Maybe somebody can point me to some article where I can pick enough of information?

MSDN states: You can include programmatic information in the message by using DebuggerDisplayAttribute syntax (see DebuggerDisplayAttribute). Here are a couple of examples
Have a look at this Q&A:
What expressions are allowed in tracepoints?

Not exactly what you want but you can achieve this by declaring a variable in the Immediate window with execution stopped ie:
int hitCount;
Then in Breakpoint -> When Hit -> Print a Message enter:
Hit Count : {hitCount}


Xdebug: how to break program when a certain output occurs?

When debugging a PHP program with Xdebug, is it possible to set a kind of "conditional breakpoint" not on a specific line, but rather when a certain output is echoed?
This output could be specified by a certain string like id="someid" or by a regexp like id="header(1|2)".
I believe this would be extremely practical when debugging - I know something is wrong with some part of my output, and I want to break the program at the point where it is produced, so I can work up the Call Stack and see what went wrong.
I am using PhpStorm and I would be satisfied by an answer explaining how to do that in this particular IDE. But since I suspect it won't be possible, I ask the question in more generic terms: would Xdebug allow for this?

VB6 - Set Debug Mode via Registry?

I have a VB6 application that I'm trying to make log out differently. What I have is a flag in the registry (existing) which states if the application is set to Debug mode so that it would log out.
Within my code I then have lots of if statements checking if this is true. This means that there is a lot of processing time checking if a statement is true, which maybe not much really but as it does it so often it's an overhead I would like to reduce.
The code is full of statements like this
If isDebug = True Then
LogMessage("Log what is happening")
End If
So what I'm looking for is a better way to do this. I know I can set a debug mode within Project Properties -> Make, but this needs to be set prior to building the .exe and I want to be able to set this in production via the registry key.
Consider using a command line argument to set debug mode. I used to do this.
Dim sCommandLine() As String
sCommandLine = Split(Command$)
For I = 0 To UBound(sCommandLine)
' do something with each arg
Next I
You can also persist command line args inside the IDE, so you always have them when debugging. When running outside of the IDE, make a shortcut to the compiled application with the arguments in it.
I do something almost identical to what you have in mind in a lot of my code. Add this:
Sub LogDebug(ByVal strMsg As String)
If (isDebug) Then
End If
End Sub
Then just call LogDebug in your main program body, or call LogMessage directly if it's something you always want to log, regardless of the debug flag.
I'm assuming isDebug is a boolean here. If it's a function call, you should just create a global flag that you set at the beginning of the code, and check that instead of looking at the registry over and over. I don't think checking a boolean is that much of a processing load, is it?
You want to call a function if a runtime flag is set. The only thing I can see that could be faster is:
If isDebug Then
LogMessage("Log what is happening")
End If
But I doubt that either would be the cause of performance problems. Most logging frameworks promote code like that and even put the flag/log level as a parameter to the function. Just be sure that you don't have other places where you needlessly compute a log message outside of the conditional statement.
You might evaluate why you need logging and if the logs produced are effective for that purpose.
If you are looking for a problem that can be trapped using VB error handling, consider a good error handling library like HuntERR31. With it you can choose to log only errors instead of the debug message you are now doing. Even if you don't use the library, the docs have a very good description of error handling in VB.
Another answer still:
Read your registry flag into your app so that it's a session based thing (i.e. when you close and restart the app the flag will be checked again - there's no point in checking the registry with every single test).
Then (as per Tom's post) assign the value to a global variable and test that - far faster than a function.
To speed up logging you may want to consider dimensioning a string buffer in your app and, once it has reached a specific size, fire it into your log file. Obviously there are certain problems with this approach, namely the volatility of the memory, but if you want performance over disk access I would recommend such an approach.
This would, of course, be a lot easier if you could show us some code for your logging process etc.

is there a way to track the values of certain variables after the end of a program in visual studio?

i have found myself several times in the need of knowing the last values set to a range of variables that were in a certain portion of code, or method; maybe dispersed around the program.
does anyone know a way to select variables and know the last value set to them after the program ends running - in a windows maybe ?
There isn't anything I know of that will record every value ever assigned to every variable in your program in case you want to look at it later. It is possible with VS2010's historical debugging abilities to look at "values from the past" although I haven't used this yet, so I don't know if that ability extends "beyond death" of the process.
You may also be able to use tracepoints (VS2008 and later). These are like breakpoints, but instead of stopping execution they simply print information to the debug output. So you could add a tracepoint for a variable so that each time it is changed its value is reported (basically the same as printing the values out in your code, but you don't have to change your code to enable them, and can add them while your code is executing).
Two simple approaches that will work for pretty much any dev environment are:
Write the values to an application log each time they change, then read the last reported entries. If you realise you need 5 values from all around the program, simply printing them to the debug output will only take a few seconds to add to your program. (If you can't do this easily, then you're not encapsulating your data very well).
Put a breakpoint on the destructor of the class you're interested in, or at the start of the shutdown process just before you destroy the objects, or the last line of code in your program (for statics) (etc) and just use the debugger to drill down into the data.

JMeter - saving results + configuring "graph results" time span

I am using JMeter and have 2 questions (I have read the FAQ + Wiki etc):
I use the Graph Results listener. It seems to have a fixed span, e.g. 2 hours (just guessing - this is not indicated anywhere AFAIK), after which it wraps around and starts drawing on same canvas from the left again. Hence after a long weekend run it only shows the results of last 2 hours. Can I configure that span or other properties (beyond the check boxes I see on the Graph Results listener itself)?
Can I save the results of a run and later open them? I know I can save the test plan or parts of it. I am unclear if I can save separately just the test results data, and later open them and perform comparisons etc. And furthermore can I open them with different listeners even if they weren't part of original test (i.e. I think of the test as accumulating data, and later on I want to view and interpret the data using different "viewers").
-- Shaul
Don't know about 1. Regarding 2: listeners typically have a configuration field for "Write All Data to a File", which lets you specify the file name. You can use the Simple Data Writer to store results efficiently for later analysis.
You can load results from a previous test into a visualizer by choosing "Write All Data to a File" and browsing for the file you wish to load. Somewhat counterintuitively, selecting a file for writing also loads that file into the visualizer and displays the results. Just make sure you don't run the test again while that file is selected, otherwise you will lose your saved test data. :-)
Well, I later found a JMeter group that was discussing the issue raised in my first question, and B.Ramann gave me an excellent suggestion to use instead a better graph found here.
-- Shaul

How to execute GetLastError() while debugging in Visual Studio

You're stepping through C/C++ code and have just called a Win32 API that has failed (typically by returning some unhelpful generic error code, like 0). Your code doesn't make a subsequent GetLastError() call whose return value you could inspect for further error information.
How can you get the error value without recompiling and reproducing the failure? Entering "GetLastError()" in the Watch window doesn't work ("syntax error").
As mentioned a couple times, the #err pseudo-register will show the last error value, and #err,hr will show the error as a string (if it can).
According to Andy Pennell, a member of the Visual Studio team, starting with VS 7 (Visual Studio .NET 2002), using the '#' character to indicate pseudo-registers is deprecated - they prefer to use '$' (as in $err,hr). Both $ and # are supported for the time being.
You can also use the $err pseudo-register in a conditional breakpoint; so you can break on a line of code only if the last error is non-zero. This can be a very handy trick.
Some other pseudo registers that you may find handy (from John Robbins' outstanding book, "Debugging Applications for Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Windows"):
$tib - shows the thread information block
$clk - shows a clock count (useful for timing functions). To more easily use this, place a $clk watch then an additional $clk=0 watch. The second watch will clear the pseudo register after the display of the current value, so the next step or step over you do gives you the time for that action only. Note that this is a rough timing that includes a fair bit of debugger overhead, but it can still be very useful.
ERR,hr in a watch window usually does the trick
"edit and continue" add the code so you can see the error (just don't create a new global variable to store it). It works really well if you can quickly put a call to a pre-existing function that executes this kind of error handling code.
As a bonus, you can leave the new code there for the future too.
If you can't do this, then QBziZ is right "ERR,hr" does it.
