Syntax error ... Jython/Python - syntax

Hi I'm doing my first programming assignment (it's with Jython, i.e. Python using Java) and I've run into a syntax error on line 14 (bolded below). I've tried changing the variable to something less useful like "L" or "I" but it still gives the error. It's annoying because it makes no sense. I have tried indenting again and adding comments around it.
This is a program that outputs a picture of a soccer ball factory. It's as much as an artistic project as a comp sci project. So the printing looks complicated but is only like long checklist for building.
def prettyPic():
#building materials and parts
spacer = " "
ceiling_part = "-"
ball = "o"
wheel = ""
door_joint = "#"
left_half_arch = "/"
right_half_arch = "\\"
ladder = "\\"
wall = "|"
glass = (
**left_box = "u"
right_box = "u"**
#begin printing
print (spacer*30 + ceiling_part*30)
print (spacer*32 + wall*1) + (spacer*47 + wall*1)
#three balls, leaving space for drop
print (spacer*32 + wall*1) + (ball*27) + (wall*1)
#arches, not touching ceiling
etc, etc

The problem is in this line:
glass = (
This means that to glass variable, you assign tuple just like:
glass = (1, 2, 'some string')
Python interpreter searches for termination of just opened tuple but it finds only Python code that is not correct in this context.
Remove or comment out line with glass, or assign to glass variable some value.


Creating a console based text game and can't get the cursor to pop up a line into the proper location (Ruby)

Edit: using the Paint gem.
So I'm re-writing the shop system in my text based game I made in ruby. I'm attempting to get multiple colors onto a single line of text. I found a method that works but for some reason the first string (which includes the item id and the item name) is getting concated at 11 characters all the time.
each item value is an array. value[0] contains the name, and so on.
Here is the code that draws each item for the shop menu:
shopbag.each { |id, value|
if id != 0
string1 = "(" + id.to_s + ")" + " " + value[0]; str1 = string1.size
string2 = "ATTACK: #{value[1]}"; str2 = string2.size
string3 = "SPEED: #{value[2]}"; str3 = string3.size
pa string1; pa "\033[1A \033[#{str1}C #{string2}", :red, :bright; pa "\033[1A \033[#{str2}C #{string3}", :green, :bright
Here is a screenshot of what it looks like:
shop bug (click for image)
Note you can see a string size before each item, as I had a print line in there to verify that the size was correct. It is not present in my code snippet here. If it was working properly, it would show the full names before the attack and speed values.

Random Characters added to String

I am trying to add a random set of numbers to the end of a string. I'm still learning the basics of VBS but this has really tricked me and I can't seem to find anything online.
I've tried:
string2 = "hello" + (Rnd() * Len(VALID_TEXT)) + 1
x = rnd*10
string2 = "hello" + x
What am I doing wrong?
All random number generators rely on an underlying algorithm, usually fed by what’s called a seed number. You can use the Randomize statement to create a new seed number to ensure your random numbers don’t follow a predictable pattern.
To get the random numbers, using rnd alone is not sufficient as you will keep on getting the same random number again and again. You have to use randomize to achieve the task as shown below:
Dim strTest:strTest = "Hello"
Dim intNoOfDigitsToAppend:intNoOfDigitsToAppend = 5
Msgbox "String before appending: " & strTest
strTest = fn_appendRandomNumbers(strTest,intNoOfDigitsToAppend)
Msgbox "String before appending: " & strTest
function fn_appendRandomNumbers(strToAppend,intNoOfRandomDigits)
Dim i
for i=1 to intNoOfRandomDigits
strToAppend= strToAppend & int(rnd*10) 'rnd gives a random number between 0 and 1, something like 0.8765341. Then, we multiply it by 10 so that the number comes in the range of 0 to 9. In this case, it becomes 8.765341. After that, we use the int method to truncate the decimal part so that we are only left with the Integer part. In this case, 765341 is truncated and we are left with only the integer 8
fn_appendRandomNumbers = strToAppend
end function
Reference 1
Reference 2
& is the string concatenation character. + is an old compatability concat character and will error if you mix text and numbers. Use + for maths only.

Does ruby's case statement fall through?

I am writing a hangman game in ruby and I wanted to use a case statement to determine which body part to place corresponding to a number of incorrect guesses. I made this game using a board class I use for other games like chess and connect-4 because I have a method which serializes the board class allowing me to save and load the game without any extra code. For the game to be saved, I needed some way of determining the number of incorrect guesses for the hangman without adding extra variables to the board class. To solve this I used an instance variable on the board class called history, which can be used to push moves from the game to the boards history. When the board gets serialized, the history is saved as well, which can be read by the game and used to determine incorrect guesses.
In the hangman game, I have a method called read history (which I use for all the games since it solves the serialization issue described above). The read_history method is responsible for reading the past guesses, display them, and determine the number of incorrect guesses. This number is then passed to a hang method which determines which body parts of the hangman to add.
def hang(incorrect)
case incorrect
when 0
#hangman = [" ", " ", " "]
when 7
#hangman[2][2] = '\\'
when 6
#hangman[2][0] = '/'
when 5
#hangman[2][1] = '*'
when 4
#hangman[1][2] = '\\'
when 3
#hangman[1][0] = '/'
when 2
#hangman[1][1] = '|'
when 1
#hangman[0][1] = 'o'
If I were writing this in java, and a value of 5 were passed to the above method, it would read the statement until it hit "when 5" or in java terms "case 5:". It would notice that there is not a break in the statement and will move down the list executing the code in "case 4:" and repeating until a break is found. If 0 were passed however it would execute the code, see the break, and would not execute and other statements.
I am wondering if Ruby is capable of using case statements the way java does in the way that they fall through to the next statement. For my particular problem I am aware that I can use a 0.upto(incorrect) loop and run the cases that way, but I would like to know the similarities and differences in the case statement used in ruby as opposed to the switch-case used in java
No, Ruby's case statement does not fall through like Java. Only one section is actually run (or the else). You can, however, list multiple values in a single match, e.g. like this site shows.
print "Enter your grade: "
grade = gets.chomp
case grade
when "A", "B"
puts 'You pretty smart!'
when "C", "D"
puts 'You pretty dumb!!'
puts "You can't even use a computer!"
It's functionally equivalent to a giant if-else. Code Academy's page on it recommends using commas to offer multiple options. But you can still won't be able to execute more than one branch of logic.
It does not fall through.
Ruby just doesn't have the same behavior as Java for this type of statement.
If you want to simulate the fall through behavior, you can do something like this:
def hang(incorrect)
#hangman = [" ", " ", " "]
#hangman[2][2] = '\\' if incorrect > 6
#hangman[2][0] = '/' if incorrect > 5
#hangman[2][1] = '*' if incorrect > 4
#hangman[1][2] = '\\' if incorrect > 3
#hangman[1][0] = '/' if incorrect > 2
#hangman[1][1] = '|' if incorrect > 1
#hangman[0][1] = 'o' if incorrect > 0

Error in my ruby code [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I can't get this code to work. Can anyone help me by pointing out the error in this code so that I can understand where I made mistakes?
STDOUT.print 'Do you wish to input another length in meters? '
more = STDIN.getString
more = STDIN.getint( );
more = more.toUpper( )
while(more[1] = 'Y')
STDOUT.puts 'Enter length in meters: '
f = meter * 3.28084
feet = f.toInt
inches = (12.0 * (feet - f)).to_i
print 'The length is '
if feet = 1
STDIN.print feet + 'foot ';
STDOUT.print feet + 'feet '
if inches = 1
STDOUT.print inches + ' inch.\n'
else if (inches < 1)
STDOUT inches + ' inches.\n'
STDOUT.print '.\n'
STDOUT.print 'Do you wish to input another length in meters: '
more = STDIN.getint
Where do I start?
In Ruby, you need to terminate your blocks with end. You did it for while, but not for if.
Ruby uses elsif; you can't write else if.
Ruby does not have toInt; it's called to_i, as you use in the very next line
gets(meter) is an error; you need to say meter = gets
STDIN does not have getString, it has gets. It also doesn't have getint, you need to write gets.to_i.
toUpper does not exist, use upcase, as in more = more.upcase. You can also use the more readable and more efficient more.upcase!.
In if and while, you have assignment =, where you presumably want to have comparison ==.
more[1] is the second character of more; the first being more[0].
more = ... is being called twice in a row. That means the first value you input will be discarded without effect.
STDIN.print is an obvious mistake for STDOUT.print.
You can use puts "..." instead of print "...\n".
STDIN and STDOUT are redundant when you are using gets, print and others; STDIN.gets is identical to gets, STDOUT.print is identical to print.
STDOUT inches + ' inches.\n' is an obvious mistake, since STDOUT is not a function.
'.\n' contains three characters: a period, a backslash and a letter. The double-quoted ".\n" contains two: a period and a newline.
Ruby does not typically use ;, and it does not usually use empty parentheses for calling 0-parameter functions. These are just stylistic errors, and won't impact runtime.
There may or may not be more.

Ruby replace text within single quotes or backticks for html tag

Hello I am trying to build a simple action in Ruby that takes one string like
result = "This is my javascript variable 'var first = 1 + 1;' and here is another 'var second = 2 + 2;' and that's it!"
So basically I would like to take the text within single quotes ' or backticks ` and and replace it by:
<code>original text</code> note I'm replacing it by an opening and closing code tag
Just like in markdown
so I would have a result like
result = "This is my javascript variable <code>var first = 1 + 1;<code> and here is another <code>var second = 2 + 2;</code> and that's it"
If it's possible to run this natively without the need of any extra gem it would be great :)
Thanks a lot
I guess you'll need to iterate the string and parse it. While you can do non-greedy regex matches, e.g. result.gsub!(/'([^']*)'/, '<code>\1</code>') you might find the result might not behave correctly in corner-cases.
Without any other advanced requirement
>> result.gsub(/\s+'/,"<code>").gsub(/'\s+/,"</code>")
=> "This is my javascript variable<code>var first = 1 + 1;</code>and here is another<code>var second = 2 + 2;</code>and that's it!"
You will need to come-up with a character as a delimiter for your code, which you don't use otherwise..
Why? because of all the corner cases. E.g. the following string
result = "This's my javascript variable 'var first = 1 + 1;' and here is another 'var second = 2 + 2;' and that's it!"
which would otherwise produce:
"This<code>s my javascript variable </code>var first = 1 + 1;<code> and here is another </code>var second = 2 + 2;<code> and that</code>s it!"
Total garbage out..
However if you use a unique character as a delimiter that's otherwise not used, you can create a non-greedy RegExp which will do the search/replace
e.g. using a # character to delimit the code:
"This's my javascript variable #var first = 1 + 1;# and here is another #var second = 2 + 2;# and that's it!"
