Set a default sheet (tab) when opening a qlikview file - business-intelligence

How to set a default sheet (tab) when opening a qlikview file?
I have multiple tabs and would like the document to always open on a specific tab

In QlikView go to
Settings > Document Properties
Triggers (tab) > In Document Event Triggers choose OnOpen > Add Action(s)
Add > Layout > Activate Sheet > Ok > Add in the Sheet ID.
You can find the sheet ID by going to the relevant sheet then Settings > Sheet Properties and it is in the top right corner.


Custom Column - is it Forwardable?

I've added an editable Custom Column in Microsoft Outlook (see steps below) that is a Text field where Sensitive Data will be added (for example, a Social Security Number or ID field). We only want this data accessible within the Mailbox where the Custom Column was added. My question is, will this data be forwarded when a message from this Mailbox is Replied to or Forwarded?
Adding an editable Custom Column: Right-Click on the Outlook Columns and choose View Settings:
(Settings > Advanced View Settings > Columns > Add Column).
(Settings > Advanced View Settings > Other > check the Allow in-cell editing checkbox)
Yes, all custom fields and their values will be present on the forwarded item. You would need a macro or add-in to remove them when creating forwarded items.

Dynamics CRM 2013: Workflow designer Boolean & Optionset Fields set values disappearing

Background: I'm a sys admin running on CRM 2013 SP1 RU 3
Whenever I set a Boolean or Optionset field (text fields seem to be fine) value via the workflow designer, the values I previously set disappear from the designer.
For example when I initially set the values I see this:
Then after I hit save & close and click on "set properties" again I see this:
However, when I export the solution and open the workflow xaml file I can clearly see:
<InArgument x:TypeArguments="s:Object[]" x:Key="Parameters">[New Object() { Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow.WorkflowPropertyType.Boolean, "True" }]</InArgument>
Which suggests to me that the value is being set but it is just not showing up in the Workflow designer.
I found that if I move the field back ON the form (I.e. not have the field sitting in the "Additional Fields" section) then the value displays as per normal.
Can anyone explain to me what is happening and if it's something that can be resolved on my end?
You don't need to click the value inside the designer (left panel) but the default value inside the Form Assistant (right panel) and after click OK.
Your selection inside the left panel will become yellow, meaning is applied inside your workflow.

Joomla create 2 different sub menus with same menu items

I have two menus first one is "3D" and second one is "2D".
I have some sub menu items in common,for example Getting Started sub item common in 3D & 2D.
But i can't create that menu in same name.But that is very important in our project. How can i create sub menu items with same name?
You can't create two menu items with the same alias but you could link them using:
Menu item Type: System Links -> Menu Item Alias
This menu item will just be a link to the other item using the same alias.
Hope this helps
In menu manager (I use Isis admin template):
Tick submenu you need to duplicate
Click batch tab at top of page (a lightbox appears)
In the second box down, select where you want the menu item to come under
Under this is a copy or move option; select copy
Click Process
P.S. Depending on how your menu assignment is set up, you may then have to go into module manager to your menu module (in my case CK maximenu), menu assignment tab, and tick the appropriate box so that your main menu appears on the page.

Going to Specific tab in oracle forms

I have 3 radio button A ,B, C
and I have 3 tab page in the canvas A, B,C.
My Requirement is if user select radio A and press Submit button then tab A Should get activated and my cursor got to tab A.
If it is enabled and visible then you can use the following commands:
If you don't need to go to a specific item then use the second command go_block.
To enable a tab page:
If the tab page was not visible you should make it visible first:
In order to navigate to that tab page, the easiest way to accomplish that is by going to a navigable item that is in that tab page:
First you have to set the tab page as top most using set_tab_page_property(top_most_tab_page,'tab_page_name'). after that use go_item('block_name.item_name');
here is the easiest way to do this
In the following code, I supposed that the radio button name is: RADIO_BTN and it's value is 'A'
open submit button properties and set 'keyboard navigation'= No and 'mouse navigation'= No
on tab A create a dummy item (not database item) and name it A, with width=0 and height=0 so the user will not see it, or use a real item name on tab A
open trigger when_button_pressed on submit button and write the following code.
IF :RADIO_BTN = 'A' THEN /*replace this with your radio_btn name and value */
GO_ITEM('A'); /*go to dummy item in tab A or to real item in tab A */

Adding a column to "Cases" summary/main page grid

I need to add a column to the "Cases" Activity and History view
I want to add the a column for the Description field of a case record.
Extra: I'd like to limit the amount of text shown in the cell but maybe have the full description appear in the tooltip.
Goto Settings -> Customizations -> Customize Entities. Select Incident and open the Views. Select the view which you want to edit. On the right side of the editor you can add new columns.
