How to provide custom soap fault message if endpoint is wrong or invalid in soap request in spring integration - spring

I am working in spring integration soap web service module for my project requirement. In my project if soap request does not find endpoint then there is a need to send soap fault message like "Invalid endpoint", for example if end point to access my service is in request but user sends in request, here I want to send response as "invalid endpoint" soap fault.How can I achieve this in spring integration.
please find below ws-conf.xml
<context:component-scan base-package="com.mycomp.mychannel" />
<import resource="classpath:/WEB-INF/soap/config/g-config.xml" />
<!-- this is used for the endpoint mapping for soap request -->
<bean class="" />
Thanks in advance.

Your question isn't valid or isn't full. Or I just don't understand you.
Actually MessageDispatcherServlet (Spring WS) just delegates request to the SoapMessageDispatcher, which ends up with NoEndpointFoundException, if there is no Endpoint with the provided path in Request.
And that Exception will be treated as SOAPFault with the faultMessage like No endpoint can be found for request ....
So, be more specific, please. Looks like Spring WS already has all required features.


Cannot show the endpoint list when calling link without ?wsdl, but still can call the SOAP web service?

I have a web service with Spring and CXF like:
#WebService(serviceName = "ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl")
public class ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl {
public Long returnSignReult(ResultObj resultObj) {"Start receive from Voffice...");
return 0L;
and my ws-endpoint-lazy-load.xml file config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="">
<bean class="">
<property name="endpoints">
When I call http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl?wsdl, it works and I can call SOAP. But when I call http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl, I expected it will show the endpoint's information. It shows error:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<faultstring>Fault occurred while processing.</faultstring>
What I want is something like:
How do I fix that?
I'm not sure you understand how a SOAP web service works, so here is some explanation about what you are seeing when accessing those URLs.
When dealing with a SOAP web service there is only one endpoint address to use to send messages to the web service and it is invoked over POST.
In your case:
POST http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl
is how you invoke the web service. As long as the web service is running and listening on that address, then a POST with a SOAP message will invoke the web service.
Because a SOAP web service can be described by a WSDL document, there must be some way to obtain the WSDL for the web service. By convention, it is accessible over a GET request at the web service endpoint by specifying a ?wsdl parameter.
In your case:
GET http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl?wsdl
will return the WSDL of the web service.
Any other GET/POST/URL comination will either return an error or will return some other information provided for convenience, assuming the web service framework used to build the web service does that. For example, this web service ( allows you to call its endpoint over GET and will return a human readable summary of what the WSDL accessible at ( contains, but don't expect that to be the case with every framework out there (from what I remember CXF just returns an error if you call the web service endpoint over GET without a ?wsdl parameter).
So, to recap, the HTTP verbs and URLs valid for your web service are:
POST http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl -> to invoke the service
GET http://localhost:8082/services/pbh/ReceiveMultiFromVOfficeImpl?wsdl -> to obtain the service WSDL
Some other resources to read:
How is a SOAP call possible without WSDL?
The WSDL is not the SOAP web service
Is it mandatory to have a WSDL definition accessible using ?wsdl?
Finally, if you are using the proper URL and HTTP verb combination and you are getting that error, note that Fault occurred while processing is a generic error message that may show some issue with the web service code. Maybe there is a NullPointerException or some other error in your web service code. You need to look in your web service logs or in your web service console to see if there are any other exception messages or stacktrace that points to a root cause for that fault message.

Camel SOAP CXF Call With Dynamic Addresses

I'm trying to write a SOAP Web Service that:
accepts one request type A
maps request A to another outbound request type B
sends request B to an external SOAP service
maps the response B back to a response A object (and returns it)
I have this working when the endpoint (B) is statically configured.
But I want to be able to hit a variety of services with varying request/response types. These would probably be configured via a properties file.
Is it possible to do this in some generic/dynamic way?
Here's my spring camel XML:
<!— SOAP inbound service —>
<!— SOAP outbound service —>
<!— MAP from inbound SOAP request object to external SOAP request object —>
<bean id="mapAToB_RequestProcessor" class="com.yngwietiger.MyProcessor"/>
<!— MAP external SOAP response to a response for the initial/inbound SOAP request —>
<bean id="mapBToA_ResponseProcessor" class="com.yngwietiger.MyPostProcessor"/>
<camel:camelContext id="camelContext">
<camel:from uri="cxf:bean:paymentService_A"/>
<camel:process ref="mapAToB_RequestProcessor"/>
<camel:to uri="cxf:bean:paymentService_B"/>
<camel:process ref="mapBToA_ResponseProcessor"/>
Obviously, I'm using Camel's cxfEndpoint bean. But I don't see any way to set the address, wsdlURL, etc for each request. Is that possible?
Or am I going to have to build a route for each type? If so, how do I build one of these cxfEndpoints dynamically?
Would using Spring's WS Template be more flexible?
Is there a better way that I should be doing this?
Thanks in advance.
Camel Recipient List would better fit into your requirement. This is the link, You have to generate the dynamic endpoint and set into the header somewhere in the route and call the recipient list.
I think you can use HTTP endpoint for your outbound message.
As it is done in the example here

Spring Integration WS: mock Endpoint to return response

I have setup a Spring Integration flow configuration to send messages to an external web service and then unmarshalling the response and then doing some post processing based on the response object type.
I have the following outbound-gateway configuration:
<int:channel id="sendRequestChannel"/>
<ws:outbound-gateway request-channel="sendRequestChannel" uri="${}" reply-channel="responseTransformer" >
<ref bean="retryAdviceUserUpdateWs" />
Now, I want to test the flow and check that the correct post processing is triggered based on the response object.
Is there anyway in my integration test to mock the Endpoint response based on the message I'm sending?
Actually you should understand from which part of your flow it would be better to mock and return the desired response.
You can inject ChannelInterceptor to the sendRequestChannel with preSend which returns null, to prevent the further process and send a message with desired response to the responseTransformer.
Another powerful option is to add one more Advice to the <ws:request-handler-advice-chain> and implement it as extension of AbstractRequestHandlerAdvice.
And the last option which I see via Java code is a mock for WebServiceTemplate.sendAndReceive and inject it to the <ws:outbound-gateway>.
From other side I know that SoapUI has a tool to mock target service, so, you even don't need to do anything in Java, unless tests.
So, it up to you to choose the proper way to test you flow.

Spring Integration call Web service

I'm still new to Spring Integration and I've few question.
I have a service with WSDL deploy in tomcat server.
and I would like to send parameter from my spring integration flow to that service and receive
response back to do next things in the flow.
I should use outbound WS gateway to do this right?
and how to config the xml to do this?
i've try temperature example but still don't understand it.
thank you.
Here is my config:
<int:gateway service-interface="" id="IRequester"
error-channel="errorChannel" >
<int:service-activator input-channel="requestChannel" id="bu1"
ref="BU1" method="bu1Method"
<int:service-activator input-channel="errorChannel"
ref="handlerError" method="errorReturnToGateway"
output-channel="responseChannel" >
<int:router id="routingChannel" input-channel="buChannel" ref="RoutingChannel" method="routingChannel">
<int:mapping value="firstChannel" channel="channelFirst" />
<int:mapping value="otherChannel" channel="channelOther" />
<int:service-activator id="firstBU" input-channel="channelFirst"
ref="FirstBU" method="doSomething" output-channel="responseChannel">
<int:service-activator id="otherBU" input-channel="channelOther"
ref="OtherBU" method="doSomething" output-channel="responseChannel">
I need to change output channel from both firstBU and otherBU activator to call web service which is send a paremeter to that service(paremeter type is Hashmap) and receive same type response.
I don't know how to call web service by using ws:outbound-gateway.Since I have only known to call web service using java way by generate client java class and may be i'll call service in method doSomething.
In my case,Do you think which way is better?
And I still want to know how to solve this by use ws:outbound-gateway too.
thank you.
As far as it is SOAP, so you get deal with XML. And your WSDL provides you the contract - an XSD which XML should be sent to the service and which will be returned as a response.
So, your task to configure <int-ws:outbound-gateway> and provide correct XML as a message payload to the request-channel of that component.
The same is about a response: you get an XML as payload.
However, it is for simple WS Outbound Gateway. You can configure it with marshaller and send to the request-channel some domain POJO and that marshaller takes care about converting that POJO to the XML representation for the SOAP request.
Show, your config, please, and maybe we can help more with your concreate issues.

How to send HTTP post request using spring

What configuration do i need to send HTTP post request through spring. I am using java application , it's not a web project. Can i use spring to send HTTP post request? I google it but most almost all examples are using spring MVC. Can i use just spring to send HTTP post request ?
I found this bean on net but I don't know what to do after it. I am using spring3.2 and this post i think is of year 2008...
<bean id="httpClient" class="org.springbyexample.httpclient.HttpClientTemplate">
<property name="defaultUri">
Any suggestions?
If you are using Spring 3.0+, it will be better to use RestTemplate for sending HTTP requests. Once you wire the RestTemplate (API), you can use different methods in it to send different types of HTTP requests.
You don't need Spring just to issue a HTTP post, see this post: Using to fire and handle HTTP requests
And yes you can use Spring in a non-web application / command line application. Just create an instance of ApplicationContext (eg: ClassPathApplicationContext with path to your beans xml configuration injected)
