Difference between Modernizr 2.X and Modernizr 3.0 - modernizr

I read on the Modernizr site that Modernizr 3.0 is going to be a complete rewrite of Modernizr.
Where can I find the new Modernizr explained?
Will V3 be backwards compatible?
Can I find a complete pre-built Modernizer-latest.js for V3 anywhere?

Where can I find the new Modernizr explained?
Will V3 be backwards compatible?
No. That is why its a 3.0. Mostly yes, but not 100%. See the above link for release notes
Can I find a complete pre-built Modernizer-latest.js for V3 anywhere?


Migration from Xerces 2.X to Xerces 3.X

Currently, My code uses Xerces-C 2.7, but due to requirement I was asked to migrate to Xerces-c 3.X. I couldn't find any official detailed document that can help me in achieving the same.I am using wrapper on the top of xerces-C 2.X that makes me more uncomfortable to port my code to use Xerces-C 3.X.With different link I was able to write the standalone code to Read and write XML using latest Xerces.(Took help : Xerces-C: Migration from v2.x to v3.x?).
Does is it right choice whether to port my code for 2.X to 3.X or write a new library?
I am not aware, if any Xerces 2.X code is compatible with stdC++11 ?If yes, Kindly Let me know the version along with the Link from where I can get the code.
Thanks in Advance
We didn't migrate the code.As a temporary way,to support C++11 feature, we build the xerces2.X with c++11 flag and was able to successfully link to the library.

Missing CDN link for ui-grid

Having had a good Google, I can't seem to find a CDN link for ui-grid ... is there a reason it's not on a CDN?
Edit: Added to CDNJS Sept. 2015
Yes, because UI-Grid (as of this writing) is still pre-release. Once it's ready for release we'll look at automating submission to something like cdnjs.
In the meantime you can use rawgit.com's cdn links:
Just replace the release tag with the most recent RC.
You can find the latest stable version here: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/angular-ui-grid

Where to find d3 api document of old version(2.9.6)?

I'm using some library which is built based on d3.js. But the d3 version the lib is using is 2.9.6. there's are some api differences between 2.9 and 3.0. like attr method of selection is not support in 2.9 but available in 3.0. So I'm sure how can I know how is the api like for version 2.9. I have been searching around. I can't find specific api reference for 2.9, current d3 api reference is for the latest d3 version.
Does someone knows where to find the api documentation for d3 old version?

Where can I get a summary of the changes between zmq 2.x and 3.x?

Looking around the web doesn't really net my any useful resources. Is there a definitive change log posted anywhere?
The best I could find was: http://www.zeromq.org/docs:3-0
But the comment at the top doesn't look very encouraging
Depending on what you need you can probably find the answers here:
Upgading from ZeroMq 2.x to 3.2
ZeroMq release notes (3.0 -> 3.2.2 Stable). (I think this includes all changes from 2.2 Stable to 3.2.2 Stable)
One think to note regarding 3.1 Beta and forward; "The key change is a new wire protocol with full backwards compatibility with 0MQ/2.2.", found here (also mentioned in the release notes above).

How to develop Joomla 1.5 componenets?

How can I start developing a component for the Joomla 1.5 framework? Does anyone know of a good tutorial, or has a good reference?
I have read the tutorial on the wiki and I didn't understand it well, so if you could point me to another one, that would be great.
I know that ideally I should work with Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 but I am being asked to develop this for an existing website, I can't decide which version to work on.
I think the official tutorials in Joomla! Documentation really do cut it. Give it a try - http://docs.joomla.org/Component_Development
I can't decide which version to work on
I personally would use Joomla 2.5 as it's the long term lease of the Joomla series and has much more documentation and support. Joomla 3.0 is the short term release, therefore is a beta version of 3.5 so to speak.
Seeing as you are using Joomla 1.5 at the moment, you could always upgrade to Joomla 2.5 using JUpgrade which is a free extension. Note that this won't upgrade 3rd party extensions, so you will need to install the Joomla 2.5 compatible versions for each one (providing there is one).
To get you started on a Joomla 2.5 component, have a look at the Joomla 2.5 MVC Documentation. This also provides zip files of a HelloWorld component for you to download at various stages.
You might also be interested in a Component Generator.
Hope this helps.
