Deploy Spring-based web app in Undertow - spring

I am trying to migrate our Spring-based web app from Tomcat 8 to Undertow.
We use Spring's WebApplicationInitializer for the programmatic configuration of Spring-MVC and HibernateTransactionManager.
There is a ServletContainerInitializerInfo class (Javadoc) that seems to serve my purpose, e.g I can instantiate it and then follow the steps given in Undertow docs (link) to start the server:
ServletContainerInitializerInfo sciInfo =
new ServletContainerInitializerInfo(containerInitializerClass,
instanceFactory, handlesTypes);
DeploymentInfo servletBuilder = Servlets.deployment()
DeploymentManager manager = Servlets.defaultContainer()
PathHandler path = Handlers.path(Handlers.redirect("/myapp"))
.addPrefixPath("/myapp", manager.start());
Undertow server = Undertow.builder()
.addHttpListener(8080, "localhost")
The problem is that I don't know what to substitute for instanceFactory and handlesTypes arguments in call to ServletcontainerInitializerInfo constructor. In addition, the name of the addServletContainerInitalizer method is mis-spelled (should be Initializer instead of Initalizer).
Can someone please help?

Undertow uses InstanceFactory<T> as an extension point for dependency injection or other customization of an instance of a given class after instantiation.
The handlesTypes argument would be the set of all classes corresponding to the #HandlesTypes annotation on your servlet container initializer.
If your initializer has no #HandlesTypes and does not require dependency injection, you can simply try this:
MyInitializer initializer = new MyInitializer();
InstanceFactory<MyInitializer> instanceFactory
= new ImmediateInstanceFactory<>(initializer);
ServletContainerInitializerInfo sciInfo =
new ServletContainerInitializerInfo(MyInitializer.class,
instanceFactory, new HashSet<Class<?>>());


Override a Service in Grails using Spring Bean declaration

I am creating a new plugin containing CustomService which is intended to replace an existing service from an existing plugin. Following the pattern found in custom security implementations and shown here, I've added the configuration to the resources.groovy, oldService( I've also tried adding all injected classes into the closure for this service.
(Actual service names are RegistrationPersonRegistrationCompositeService and NewRegistrationPersonRegistrationCompositeService in code block)
I dont want the original application code to have any reference to the new plugin. However, BuildConfig at the application level will require plugin.location entry. My resource.groovy mods are in the new plugin. I have not had success in this endeavor. Am I modifying the wrong resources.groovy? If this change is required in the original application code, I've lost the ability to leave the original code unaltered. I'm not extending the original Service nor using override annotation. My intent is to replace the service (Spring bean) on start-up. The new plugin has a dependency on the old plugin in an attempt to manage order of operations in loading these classes.
Does it matter that the old service is previously injected in a controller? this would require me to override the controller in the new plugin in the same fashion and inject the correct service for desired behavior?
I've found documentation showing that within a plugin, the resources.groovy will be ignored. Also, building the resources.groovy into a war is problematic. I have not found a solution. I'm getting no error that I can share, just that the desired behavior is missing; the original service is handling the requests.
//was resource.groovy - now renamed to serviceOverRide.groovy - still located in \grails-app\conf\spring of plugin
//tried this with and without the BeanBuilder. Theory: I'm missing the autowire somehow
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import grails.spring.BeanBuilder
def bb = new BeanBuilder()
bb.beans {
registrationPersonRegistrationCompositeService( { bean ->
bean.autowire = true
registrationRestrictionCompositeService = ref("registrationRestrictionCompositeService")
registrationPersonTermVerificationService = ref("registrationPersonTermVerificationService")
classRegistrationController( { bean ->
bean.autowire = true
selfServiceLookupService = ref("selfServiceLookupService")
registrationPersonRegistrationCompositeService = ref("registrationPersonRegistrationCompositeService")
ApplicationContext appContext = bb.createApplicationContext()
Additional information: Added the following lines to the PluginGrailsPlugin.groovy. The original service is still handling these requests
def dependsOn = ['appPersonRegistration': '1.0.20 > *']
List loadAfter = ['appPersonRegistration']
def doWithSpring = {
def doWithApplicationContext = { applicationContext ->
DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory) applicationContext.getBeanFactory()
beanFactory.registerBeanDefinition("registrationPersonCourseRegistrationCompositeService", BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(TccRegistrationPersonCourseRegistrationCompositeService.class.getName()).getBeanDefinition())
I highly recommend you read the section of the documentation on Plugins. The reason why I recommend this is because plugins:
Do not include, or make use of resources.groovy
Provide a means through doWithSpring to effect the spring application
Following the information in the documentation you should have no issue overriding the service in the application context.
You must implement your changes to the application context using doWithSpring this is the key to solving your issues.
In this implementation, I had a utility method in a service for which I was attempting to provide an override. Problem is, the Aspect works as a proxy and must override a method that is called directly from another class. In my classRegistrationController, I was calling service processRegistration() which in turn called applyRules(). Example-only method names used. Since the service was calling its own utility, there was no opportunity for the proxy/wrapper to circumvent the call to applyRules(). Once this was discovered, I refactored the code in this fashion: Controller calls processRegistration as it always had. After returning, another call is made to the service, processLocalRules(). The new method is an empty placeholder intended to be overridden by the client's custom logic. The plugin with Aspect works now using resources.groovy. I prefer the doWithSpring as Joshua explained for this reason: my intent to get the plugin to work without modification to the original app-config; otherwise resource.groovy is a valid approach. Upvoting Joshua's answer as it does satisfy the requirement and is cleaner. Thanks!

Create Spring context in OSGI through the API

To clarify my question further:
I have a spring xml file with camel routes. I want to bootstrap this route in a BundleActivator. What are the steps in the OSGI world to initialize and start a SpringContext and register with OSGI registry. I want to do this custom through the api – need to control this rather than use the spring DM. I under stand that I need to use the OSGI classes. Any examples to follow:
This does not start the routes:
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = new GenericApplicationContext();
ConfigurableEnvironment environment = ctx.getEnvironment();
//set up the props for the context
XmlBeanDefinitionReader xmlReader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader((BeanDefinitionRegistry) ctx);
ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource("context.xml",properClassLoader );
What you are looking for is called Managed Service Factories.
Take a look at the description at eclipse gemini project.

JerseyTest and Spring and creating a ServletContext

I'm working on migrating from Jersey 1.16 to Jersey 2.7. I have the application running and working, but I'm having trouble with the tests.
Some things to note:
The application uses Spring and is configured by a class, ApplicationConfiguration.class.
The application does not have a web.xml - the Jersey servlet and filters are configured programmatically.
I am using the jersey-spring3 library.
Related to using the jersey-spring3 library, I have to add a workaround to my onStartup method
// The following line is required to avoid having jersey-spring3 registering it's own Spring root context.
servletContext.setInitParameter("contextConfigLocation", "");
Here's the issue:
When the test is starting up, SpringComponentProvider, tries to initialize Spring with a dangerous assumption that I can't figure out how to correct - xml based configuration. Looking at the code, the trouble is this block
ServletContext sc = locator.getService(ServletContext.class);
if(sc != null) {
// servlet container
ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(sc);
} else {
// non-servlet container
ctx = createSpringContext();
Running a JUnit test, ServletContext is null, and createSpringContext is called.
Here's the question:
Is there a way to run a test and specify a ServletContext/ServletContainer?
I believe this issue is covered by
In short: they removed this functionality from Jersey 2.x and are treating it as a Feature Request (instead of regression) so it's not considered a high-priority item.

Deploy Spring and Jersey App with JavaConfig on Grizzly

I am trying to make this run for days now and I can't figure out how to do it. Perhaps someone else has an idea or has done this already?
I want to deploy my application on a grizzly embedded server. I configured my Spring application using JavaConfig, and that worked out pretty good so far, but now I seem to be stuck. Here is the code I use to deploy my Jersey stuff to grizzly:
HttpServer server = new HttpServer();
NetworkListener listener = new NetworkListener("grizzly2", "localhost", 4433);
WebappContext ctx = new WebappContext("ctx","/");
final ServletRegistration reg = ctx.addServlet("spring", new SpringServlet());
reg.setInitParameter("", "com.myapp.http.webservices");
ctx.addContextInitParameter("contextConfigLocation", "com/myapp/config/beans.xml");
ctx.addFilter("springSecurityFilterChain", new DelegatingFilterProxy());
Now as far as I can tell the following line is the problem.
ctx.addContextInitParameter("contextConfigLocation", "com/myapp/config/beans.xml");
I have a beans.xml in which I configure the spring security stuff, but all the other beans I use are declared via JavaConfig. So, if I only pass the beans.xml, the application will only have access to the beans declared in there. What I really want to so is to pass my ApplicationContext so that all my beans can be retrieved properly.
I there a way to pass my ApplicationContext with the deployment as well? Or has someone a better idea on how to make this work?
Try this
ctx.addContextInitParameter("contextConfigLocation", "classpath:com/myapp/config/beans.xml")
And you should not use anymore as you already use Spring to manage the beans.

WebApplicationInitializer being called repeatedly

I have a Spring 3.1 based application hosted under Tomcat 7.x (latest version). The application is configured exclusively with Java (no web.xml, no Spring XML configuration). All unit tests are passing, including ones using the Spring Java configuration (#ContextConfiguration).
The problem is that when the application is deployed, the WebApplicationInitializer implementation is being called multiple times. Repeated registrations of filters and listeners causes exceptions and the application never starts.
I was not expecting WebApplicationInitializer.onStartup() to be called repeatedly and would like to eliminate that behavior if possible. If anyone has suggestions on why this might be happening, and how to stop it, I'd really appreciate it.
Update I believe the problem is external to the initialization class itself, but here it is in case I am mistaken...
public class DeploymentDescriptor implements WebApplicationInitializer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.ghc.web-app-initializer");
public void onStartup (ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
// This is the programmatic way of declaring filters. This allows you to order
// Filters. The order of these security filters DOES MATTER!
FilterRegistration.Dynamic mockSecurityFilter = servletContext.addFilter ("mockSecurityFilter", "");
mockSecurityFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns (EnumSet.of (REQUEST), true, "/*");
FilterRegistration.Dynamic siteMinderSecurityFilter = servletContext.addFilter ("siteMinderSecurityFilter", "");
siteMinderSecurityFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns (EnumSet.of (REQUEST), true, "/*");
FilterRegistration.Dynamic userDetailsStoreFilter = servletContext.addFilter ("userDetailsStoreFilter", "");
userDetailsStoreFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns (EnumSet.of (REQUEST), true, "/*");
// Static resource handling using "default" servlet
servletContext.getServletRegistration ("default").addMapping ("*.js", "*.css", "*.jpg", "*.gif", "*.png");
// Map jspf files to jsp servlet
servletContext.getServletRegistration ("jsp").addMapping ("*.jspf");
// Spin up the Spring 3.1 class that can scan a package tree for classes
// annotated with #Configuration. See org.ghc.spring3.ControllerConfiguration for
// this example.
final AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext dispatcherContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext ();
dispatcherContext.setServletContext (servletContext);
dispatcherContext.refresh ();
// Spin up the Spring DispatcherServlet (just like before) passing the just built
// application context. Load it like the regular Servlet that it is!
final ServletRegistration.Dynamic servlet = servletContext.addServlet ("spring", new DispatcherServlet(dispatcherContext));
servlet.setLoadOnStartup (1);
servlet.addMapping ("/"); // Make sure this is NOT "/*"!
Update 2 This is just weird. The Tomcat logs appear to identify two instances of my DeploymentDescriptor class. I verified that there is only one instance of this class in my .war file though. I have no idea where the second (phantom) instance is coming from, but at least this explains why the class is being scanned twice...
logs/localhost.2012-10-09.log:INFO: Spring WebApplicationInitializers detected on classpath: [org.ghc.configuration.DeploymentDescriptor#3b29642c]
logs/localhost.2012-10-09.log:INFO: Spring WebApplicationInitializers detected on classpath: [org.ghc.configuration.DeploymentDescriptor#432c4c7a]
The problem here was a Maven Overlay dumping crap a Spring xml configuration file into my application. For whatever reason this caused the WebApplicationInitializer.onStartup() to be called twice. Probably an initialization for the application context, and for the servlet context. Killed off the overlay, application is initializing as expected.
I had the same problem. The issue was that I had multiple spring-web*.jar like Biju K. suggested (one as part of the war, the other in shared/tomcat library).
I had the same problem. Running mvn clean in the web app module's directory and then starting up Tomcat solved it for me.
