ATtiny85 serial communication with multiple inputs - serial-communication

In a project, we try to set up a communication network between three ATtinys, where the first must receive messages from the other two. Those other two tinys are connected to two different pins of the first tiny. The first tiny must then receive two strings from the other tinys, one from each, and send it to an Arduino. For the communication we used SoftwareSerial. We managed to receive and send the input from one tiny, but not from both of them, because we could not find a way to read the input from only one specific pin at a time.
This is the code we used:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
const int rx=4;
const int rx2=1;
const int tx=3;
const int tx2=3;
SoftwareSerial mySerial(rx,tx);
SoftwareSerial mySerial2(rx2,tx2);
void setup()
void loop()
if (mySerial.isListening()) {
mySerial.println("Port One is listening!");
mySerial.println("Port One is not listening!");
if (mySerial2.isListening()) {
mySerial2.println("Port Two is listening!");
mySerial2.println("Port Two is not listening!");
The code above worked without the part after mySerial2.listen();. Maybe the listen-function of SoftwareSerial does not work on the tinys, but if that is the case, is there another way to listen to a specific input pin?
Or do you have any advice what to do?


Trouble with sending data through Serial2 in esp32

I need to send hex data from esp32wroom to a relay module. The communication is via RS485. The RS485 module used in SN75H12VD.The Rx and Tx pins are 16 and 17 of esp32. The enable pin is connected to pin 4. I have made the enable pin HIGH. I tried to use hardwareserial. Used a serial terminal to check whether the data is being sent. But nothing is getting printed. I also tried Serial2. But no luck. Please find my code below. It would be great if someone could help me with this.
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#define RXD2 16
#define TXD2 17
#define enable_pin 4
HardwareSerial mySer(2);
void setup()
mySer.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2);
pinMode(RXD2, INPUT);
pinMode(TXD2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enable_pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(enable_pin, HIGH);
void loop()
if (!mySer)
{ // If the object did not initialize, then its configuration is invalid
Serial.println("Invalid pin configuration, check config");
while (1) { // Don't continue with invalid configuration
delay (1000);
else {
delay(2000);`enter code here`

Solving "redeclared as different kind of symbol" error

I'm currently working on Arduino. I'm working for Lamp using Atmega1284. I saw an example code, ModbusIP_ENC28J60 -> Lamp. I first compiled it without adding anything, it compiled properly. Now, I'm adding WebSocketServer, since I want this to work on websocket too. I added few necessary lines, but I ended up with this error:
error: 'EthernetClass Ethernet' redeclared as different kind of symbol
I don't understand what's wrong with the code or what I should change. Can someone help me with this?
I'm pasting my code here for reference:
#include <EtherCard.h>
#include <Modbus.h>
#include <ModbusIP_ENC28J60.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>
WebSocketsServer webSocketServer = WebSocketsServer(8080);
//Modbus Registers Offsets (0-9999)
const int LAMP1_COIL = 100;
//Used Pins
const int ledPin = 9;
//ModbusIP object
ModbusIP mb;
void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t * payload, size_t lenght) {
switch(type) {
Serial.println("[%u] Disconnected!\n");
case WStype_CONNECTED:
//IPAddress ip = webSocket.remoteIP(num);
Serial.println("[%u] Disconnected!\n");
// send message to client
//webSocket.sendTXT(num, "Connected");
case WStype_TEXT:
Serial.println("[%u] got text!\n");
// send message to client
// webSocket.sendTXT(num, "message here");
// send data to all connected clients
// webSocket.broadcastTXT("message here");
case WStype_BIN:
Serial.println("[%u] get binary ");
//hexdump(payload, lenght);
// send message to client
// webSocket.sendBIN(num, payload, lenght);
void setup() {
// The media access control (ethernet hardware) address for the shield
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
// The IP address for the shield
byte ip[] = { 192, 168, 0, 120 };
//Config Modbus IP
mb.config(mac, ip);
//Set ledPin mode
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// Add LAMP1_COIL register - Use addCoil() for digital outputs
void loop() {
//Call once inside loop() - all magic here
//Attach ledPin to LAMP1_COIL register
digitalWrite(ledPin, mb.Coil(LAMP1_COIL));
Help me to make it work.
You are declaring Ethernet twice. And they are different.
First is probably in the include file Ethercard.h
Second is Modbus.h
In the ModbusIP_ENC28J60 I found in github via Google they declare Ethernet as an array.
Either rename one declaration (e.g. ether vs Ethernet) or eliminate the use of one. Also, considering the include files in your source I would be surprised if there are only two conflicts.
C lesson: Declaring a variable for use by a function, very straightforward. When adding additional modules any name conflicts will cause problems. If you get two variables to agree but are still in the program you will suffer massive debugging headaches because one function will access its variable while the other will have its own, resulting in nothing actually working.
Go back and look at the source files (*.h). Search for "Ethernet" variables. See how they are declared and how they are used. The simplest solution is to pick the latest addition and change Ethernet to ether (as I suggested above).
Good Luck.

Error while interfacing arduino with processing

import processing.serial.*;
String COM5;
Serial myPort;
String val;
void setup() {
String portName=COM5;
myPort= new Serial(this,portName,9600);
void draw() {
This is my code, I have copied from a website. when I try running it is showing
Error opening serial port null:null not permitted
I am badly in need of answer to go forward in my thermal imaging project.
You never give COM5 a value, so it's null. Then you pass that into the Serial() constructor. The Serial() constructor doesn't know what do do with a null value, so you get the error.
Please take a step back and read a tutorial on using the Serial library. The official documentation contains example code that uses the Serial() constructor correctly.
COM5 hasn't got a value as a String.
Try this in Processing:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
String val;
void setup() {
myPort= new Serial(this, "COM5", 9600);
void draw() {
if (myPort.available()>0) {
Double check your Arduino appears as COM5 in Device Manager and you don't have Arduino's Serial Monitor open when you run the Processing sketch.

Arduino yun to

I am trying to post an object to my app from my arduino yun and it needs to post a new object every second. So far I have been able to post every 10 seconds but I cannot seem to get the arduino to post any faster than that. I tried looking into the parse library but don't see what would be slowing it down. I am using the parse library given in the guide at
here is the code I have so far.
#include <Parse.h>
#include <Bridge.h>
#include <arduino.h>
ParseObjectCreate create;
void setup() {
void loop() {
parseFunc(24); // just send 24 everytime for testing
void parseInit()
while (!Serial); // wait for a serial connection
Parse.begin("**********", "***********"); //my parse keys
void parseFunc(float tempC)
create.add("temperature", tempC);
ParseResponse response = create.send();
You are probably being rate limited by Parse. The code executed in loop() is executed as quickly as the micro controller can execute it - which is very fast. As a result, you are trying to write to Parse many many more times than once a second. Try putting a call to delay() after parseFunc(24). Something like:
delay(1000); //delay is in milliseconds
Let me know if it works!

How to create a simple server/client application using boost.asio?

I was going over the examples of boost.asio and I am wondering why there isn't an example of a simple server/client example that prints a string on the server and then returns a response to the client.
I tried to modify the echo server but I can't really figure out what I'm doing at all.
Can anyone find me a template of a client and a template of a server?
I would like to eventually create a server/client application that receives binary data and just returns an acknowledgment back to the client that the data is received.
void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_transferred) // from the server
if (!error)
boost::asio::buffer("ACK", bytes_transferred),
boost::bind(&session::handle_write, this,
delete this;
This returns to the client only 'A'.
Also in data_ I get a lot of weird symbols after the response itself.
Those are my problems.
Ok so the main problem is with the client.
size_t reply_length = boost::asio::read(s,
boost::asio::buffer(reply, request_length));
Since it's an echo server the 'ACK' will only appear whenever the request length is more then 3 characters.
How do I overcome this?
I tried changing request_length to 4 but that only makes the client wait and not do anything at all.
Eventually I found out that the problem resides in this bit of code in the server:
void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_transferred) // from the server
if (!error)
boost::asio::buffer("ACK", 4), // replaced bytes_transferred with the length of my message
boost::bind(&session::handle_write, this,
delete this;
And in the client:
size_t reply_length = boost::asio::read(s,
boost::asio::buffer(reply, 4)); // replaced request_length with the length of the custom message.
The echo client/server is the simple example. What areas are you having trouble with? The client should be fairly straightforward since it uses the blocking APIs. The server is slightly more complex since it uses the asynchronous APIs with callbacks. When you boil it down to the core concepts (session, server, io_service) it's fairly easy to understand.
