Hive Locks entire database when running select on one table - hadoop

HIVE 0.13 will SHARED lock the entire database(I see a node like LOCK-0000000000 as a child of the database node in Zookeeper) when running a select statement on any table in the database. HIVE creates a shared lock on the entire schema even when running a select statement - this results in a freeze on CREATE/DELETE statements on other tables in the database until the original query finishes and the lock is released.
Does anybody know a way around this? Following link suggests concurrency to be turned off but we can't do that as we are replacing the entire table and we have to make sure that no select statement is accessing the table before we replace the entire contents.$3501e4f0$9f05aed0$#com%3E
use mydatabase;
select count(*) from large_table limit 1; # this table is very large and`
In another hive shell, meanwhile the 1st query is executing:
use mydatabase;
The problem is that the “create table” does not execute untill the first query (select) has finished.
We are using Cloudera's distribution of Hive CDH-5.2.1-1 and we are seeing this issue.

I think they never made such that in Hive 0.13. Please verify your Resource manager and see that you have enough memory when you are executing multiple Hive queries.
As you know each Hive query will trigger a map reduce job and if YARN doesn't have enough resources it will wait till the previous running job completes. Please approach your issue from memory point of view.
All the best !!


How to safely update hive external table

I have an external hive table and I would like to refresh the data files on a daily basis. What is the recommended way to do this?
If I just overwrite the files, and if we are unlucky enough to have some other hive queries to execute in parallel against this table, what will happen to those queries? Will they just fail? Or will my HDFS operations fail? Or will they block until the queries complete?
If availability is a concern and space isn't an issue, you can do the following:
Make a synonym for the external table. Make sure all queries use this synonym when accessing the table.
When loading new data, load it to a new table with a different name.
When the load is complete, point the synonym to the newly loaded table.
After an appropriate length of time (long enough for any running queries to finish), drop the previous table.
First of all.. if you are accessing any table it may have two types of locks:
exclusive(if data is getting added) and shared(if data is getting read)..
so if you insert overwrite and add data into the table then at that time if you access the table with other queries, they wont get executed because there will be an exclusive lock on it and once the insert overwrite query completes then you may access the table.
Please refer to the following link:

Loading more records than actual in HIve

While inserting from Hive table to HIve table, It is loading more records that actual records. Can anyone help in this weird behaviour of Hive ?
My query would be looking like this:
insert overwrite table_a
select col1,col2,col3,... from table_b;
My table_b consists of 6405465 records.
After inserting from table_b to table_a, i found total records in table_a are 6406565.
Can any one please help here ?
If hive.compute.query.using.stats=true; then optimizer is using statistics for query calculation instead of querying table data. This is much faster because metastore is a fast database like MySQL and does not require map-reduce. But statistics can be not fresh (stale) if the table was loaded not using INSERT OVERWRITE or configuration parameter hive.stats.autogather responsible for statistics auto gathering was set to false. Also statistics will be not fresh after loading files or after using third-party tools. It's because files was never analyzed, statistics in metastore is not fresh, if you have put new files, nobody knows about how the data was changed. Also after sqoop loading, etc. So, it's a good practice to gather statistics for table or partition after loading using 'ANALYZE TABLE ... COMPUTE STATISTICS'.
In case it's impossible to gather statistics automatically (works for INSERT OVERWRITE) or by running ANALYZE statement then better to switch off hive.compute.query.using.stats parameter. Hive will query data instead of using statistics.
See this for reference:

Why is mapreduce not Executed for Hive queries?

I had one query where we have Hive table created and when we select * from table where=< condition>; ,it gives results immediately without invoking MR job.When I create a same duplicate table and try to execute a query then MR is invoked. What could be the possible reason for this?
I got the answer,The reason was Hive analyze command was issued on the table .Once you execute a hive analyze command it stores number of row,file size in hive metastore.So ,when u do select count(*) from table.It directly fetches it from the hive metastore instead of invoking a map reduce job.
You can also issue a Analyze command on column as well.
ANALYZE TABLE [db_name.]tablename [PARTITION(partcol1[=val1], partcol2[=val2], ...)] -- (Note: Fully support qualified table name since Hive 1.2.0, see HIVE-10007.)
[FOR COLUMNS] -- (Note: Hive 0.10.0 and later.)
[CACHE METADATA] -- (Note: Hive 2.1.0 and later.)
Documentation link :
Local mode (hive not invoking MR) depends on several conditions (see HIVE-1408): - Lets Hive determine whether to run in local mode automatically. - When is true, input bytes should be less than this for local mode. - When is true, the number of tasks should be less than this for local mode.
If the tables have the same data, my guess is that there is a difference in the number of tasks that are spawned when querying the two tables causing one query to run in local mode and another to spawn a MR job.

Hive count(*) query is not invoking mapreduce

I have external tables in hive, I am trying to run select count(*) from table_name query but the query returns instantaneously and gives result which is i think already stored. The result returned by query is not correct. Is there a way to force a map reduce job and make the query execute each time.
Note: This behavior is not followed for all external tables but some of them.
Versions used : Hive, Hadoop (Hortonworks)
After some finding I have got a method that kicks off MR for counting number of records on orc table.
ANALYZE TABLE 'table name' PARTITION('partition columns') COMPUTE STATISTICS;
This is not a direct alternative for count(*) but provides latest count of records in the table.
Doing a wc -l on ORC data won't give you an accurate result, since the data is encoded. This would work if the data was stored in a simple text file format with one row per line.
Hive does not need to launch a MapReduce for count(*) of an ORC file since it can use the ORC metadata to determine the total count.
Use the orcfiledump command to analyse ORC data from the command line
From personal experience, COUNT(*) on an ORC table usually returns wrong figures -- i.e. it returns the number of rows on the first data file only. If the table was fed by multiple INSERTs then you are stuck.
With V0.13 you could fool the optimizer into running a dummy M/R job by adding a dummy "where 1=1" clause -- takes much longer, but actually counts the rows.
With 0.14 the optimizer got smarter, you must add a non-deterministic clause e.g. "where MYKEY is null". Assuming that MYKEY is a String, otherwise the "is null" clause may crash your query -- another ugly ORC bug.
By the way, a SELECT DISTINCT on partition key(s) will also return wrong results -- all existing partitions will be shown, even the empty ones. Not specific to ORC this time.
please try the below :
hive>set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none in your hive session and then trigger select count(*) operation in your hive session to mandate mapreduce

Hive reading while inserting

What would happen if I'm trying to read from a hive table , while concurrently there is someone inserting into the hive table.
Does it lock the files while querying into it, or does it do a dirty read???
Hadoop is meant for parallel proceesing. So in a cluster parallel querying can be done on a hive table.
While some data is being inserted in the table if another user queries the same table, the files are not locked, rather a job is accepted is put to execution.
Now if the new data insert is successful before the second query
is processed the the result of the second query will
acknowledge the inserted data.
Note: In most cases data insertion takes lesser time than
querying a table because while querying MR jobs are created and
are run in backend
