UDP Server Thread Sleeping - performance

We have a server that needs 1 UDP connection for each gameplay area, and these each run on their own thread.
We are using C++.
We are non-blocking sockets with recvfrom. The first thing checked in the "read" function is if the recvfrom "in" buffer contains NULL after calling, and then if the error is WSAEWOULDBLOCK.
If the error is found, the function returns and the thread is put to sleep for 1ms (but really, it's longer).
If there is data, it is processed. Some paths lead to immediate processing but most cases the data is put into a queue for the game area's main thread to handle.
My question: Is there a more efficient and performing method than using thread.sleep(1) to ensure each gameplay area's UDP Server instance does not spin while there is nothing to receive, and yet be able to respond to packets faster than the inherent and random thread wake-up of the Scheduler?
In this last part of the requirement, I'm referring to the fact that a thread will usually never sleep only 1ms, rather, on average more like 50ms.
The case may arise, later when the server is being sent requests at a constant rate, that the loop to check and respond to packets is never empty, and so the thread.sleep(1) will never be reached, so I suppose this is more a Best Practice type of question, but I would implement a better solution if one is available.
Thank you
Edit- added info. After adding this, perhaps this implementation isn't anything to worry about. I think worst case scenario is a set of packets would have to wait the 45-55ms for the thread to be scheduled should they miss the opportunity to be read by the socket.
I suppose to improve, I could make the recvfrom call it's own thread, make the socket block, and use a conditional variable to awaken the thread responsible for processing the packets. What do you think about this idea? Too much overhead?


IO callbacks on goroutine

I'm a beginner at golang. Looking at all golang tutorials, it looks you should create goroutines for everything. Coming from something like libuv in C where you can define callbacks for socket read/write on a single thread, is the right way to achieve that in golang to create nested goroutines for any IO tasks needed?
As an example, take something like nginx where a single thread will handle multiple connections. To do something like that in golang, we would need a goroutine for every connection?
Go stands out in the area of tools to write networked services specifically because of the fact it has I/O-awareness integrated right into the runtime scheduler powering any running GO program.
The basic idea is roughly like this: a goroutine performs normal, sequential, callback-free operations on sockets — that is, plain reads and plain writes, — and as soon as the next I/O operation would block (yes, the relevant syscall on a Unix-like kernel returns EWOULDBLOCK), the goroutine is suspended, its socket is handed out into a component of the runtime called "netpoller", which is implemented using the platform-native socket I/O multiplexor such as epoll, kqueue or IOCP, and the OS thread the goroutine was running on is handed off to another goroutine which wants to run. As soon as the netpoller signals the I/O on the socket caused the goroutine to suspend can proceed, the scheduler queues that goroutine for execution and then it contnues to run exactly where it left off.
Because of this, the usual model employed when writing networking services in Go is to have one goroutine per socket. When you're writing plain TCP server, you should create a goroutine yourself (and hand it the socket returned by the listener once it accepted a client's connection).
net/http.Server has this behaviour built-in as it creates a goroutine to serve each incoming client request (actually, for HTTP/1.x, two or even three goroutines are created per connection, but it's invisible to HTTP request handlers).
Now, we've just covered the basics. Of course, there might exist legitimate reasons to have extra goroutines to handle tasks needed to be carried out to complete a request, and that's what #Volker referred to.
More info:
"What color is your function?" — a classical essay dealing with I/O multiplexing implemented as a library vs it being implemented in the core.
"Go's work-stealing scheduler"; also see this and this and this design doc.
State threads library which implements the approach quite similar to that of Go, just on much lower level. Its documentation is quite insightful on the approach implemented in Go.
libtask is a much more recent stab at
the same problem, by one of Go's creators.

WaitForSingleObject() vs RegisterWaitForSingleObject()?

What is the advantage/disadvantage over using RegisterWaitForSingleObject() instead of WaitForSingleObject()?
The reason that I know:
RegisterWaitForSingleObject() uses the thread pool already available in OS
In case of the use of WaitForSingleObject(), an own thread should be polling for the event.
the only difference is Polling vs. Automatic Event? or Is there any considerable performance advantage between these?
It's pretty straight-forward, WaitForSingleObject() blocks a thread. It is consuming a megabyte of virtual memory and not doing anything useful with it while it is blocked. It won't wake up and resume doing useful stuff until the handle is signaled.
RegisterWaitForSingleObject() does not block a thread. The thread can continue doing useful work. When the handle is signaled, Windows grabs a thread-pool thread to run the code you specified as the callback. The same code you would have programmed after a WFSO call. There is still a thread involved with getting that callback to run, the wait thread, but it can handle many RWFSO requests.
So the big advantage is that your program can use a lot less threads while still handling many service requests. A disadvantage is that it can take a bit longer for the completion code to start running. And it is harder to program correctly since that code runs on another thread. Also note that you don't need RWFSO when you already use overlapped I/O.
They serve two different code models. In case with RegisterWaitForSingleObject you'll get an asynchronous notification callback on a random thread from the thread pool managed by the OS. If you can structure your code like this, it might be more efficient. On the other hand, WaitForSingleObject is a synchronous wait call blocking (an thus 'occupying') the calling thread. In most cases, such code is easier to write and would probably be less error-prone to various dead-lock and race conditions.

boost::asio sending data faster than receiving over TCP. Or how to disable buffering

I have created a client/server program, the client starts
an instance of Writer class and the server starts an instance of
Reader class. Writer will then write a DATA_SIZE bytes of data
asynchronously to the Reader every USLEEP mili seconds.
Every successive async_write request by the Writer is done
only if the "on write" handler from the previous request had
been called.
The problem is, If the Writer (client) is writing more data into the
socket than the Reader (server) is capable of receiving this seems
to be the behaviour:
Writer will start writing into (I think) system buffer and even
though the data had not yet been received by the Reader it will be
calling the "on write" handler without an error.
When the buffer is full, boost::asio won't fire the "on write"
handler anymore, untill the buffer gets smaller.
In the meanwhile, the Reader is still receiving small chunks
of data.
The fact that the Reader keeps receiving bytes after I close
the Writer program seems to prove this theory correct.
What I need to achieve is to prevent this buffering because the
data need to be "real time" (as much as possible).
I'm guessing I need to use some combination of the socket options that
asio offers, like the no_delay or send_buffer_size, but I'm just guessing
here as I haven't had success experimenting with these.
I think that the first solution that one can think of is to use
UDP instead of TCP. This will be the case as I'll need to switch to
UDP for other reasons as well in the near future, but I would
first like to find out how to do it with TCP just for the sake
of having it straight in my head in case I'll have a similar
problem some other day in the future.
NOTE1: Before I started experimenting with asynchronous operations in asio library I had implemented this same scenario using threads, locks and asio::sockets and did not experience such buffering at that time. I had to switch to the asynchronous API because asio does not seem to allow timed interruptions of synchronous calls.
NOTE2: Here is a working example that demonstrates the problem: http://pastie.org/3122025
EDIT: I've done one more test, in my NOTE1 I mentioned that when I was using asio::iosockets I did not experience this buffering. So I wanted to be sure and created this test: http://pastie.org/3125452 It turns out that the buffering is there event with asio::iosockets, so there must have been something else that caused it to go smoothly, possibly lower FPS.
TCP/IP is definitely geared for maximizing throughput as intention of most network applications is to transfer data between hosts. In such scenarios it is expected that a transfer of N bytes will take T seconds and clearly it doesn't matter if receiver is a little slow to process data. In fact, as you noticed TCP/IP protocol implements the sliding window which allows the sender to buffer some data so that it is always ready to be sent but leaves the ultimate throttling control up to the receiver. Receiver can go full speed, pace itself or even pause transmission.
If you don't need throughput and instead want to guarantee that the data your sender is transmitting is as close to real time as possible, then what you need is to make sure the sender doesn't write the next packet until he receives an acknowledgement from the receiver that it has processed the previous data packet. So instead of blindly sending packet after packet until you are blocked, define a message structure for control messages to be sent back from the receiver back to the sender.
Obviously with this approach, your trade off is that each sent packet is closer to real-time of the sender but you are limiting how much data you can transfer while slightly increasing total bandwidth used by your protocol (i.e. additional control messages). Also keep in mind that "close to real-time" is relative because you will still face delays in the network as well as ability of the receiver to process data. So you might also take a look at the design constraints of your specific application to determine how "close" do you really need to be.
If you need to be very close, but at the same time you don't care if packets are lost because old packet data is superseded by new data, then UDP/IP might be a better alternative. However, a) if you have reliable deliver requirements, you might ends up reinventing a portion of tcp/ip's wheel and b) keep in mind that certain networks (corporate firewalls) tend to block UDP/IP while allowing TCP/IP traffic and c) even UDP/IP won't be exact real-time.

What are alternatives to Win32 PulseEvent() function?

The documentation for the Win32 API PulseEvent() function (kernel32.dll) states that this function is “… unreliable and should not be used by new applications. Instead, use condition variables”. However, condition variables cannot be used across process boundaries like (named) events can.
I have a scenario that is cross-process, cross-runtime (native and managed code) in which a single producer occasionally has something interesting to make known to zero or more consumers. Right now, a well-known named event is used (and set to signaled state) by the producer using this PulseEvent function when it needs to make something known. Zero or more consumers wait on that event (WaitForSingleObject()) and perform an action in response. There is no need for two-way communication in my scenario, and the producer does not need to know if the event has any listeners, nor does it need to know if the event was successfully acted upon. On the other hand, I do not want any consumers to ever miss any events. In other words, the system needs to be perfectly reliable – but the producer does not need to know if that is the case or not. The scenario can be thought of as a “clock ticker” – i.e., the producer provides a semi-regular signal for zero or more consumers to count. And all consumers must have the correct count over any given period of time. No polling by consumers is allowed (performance reasons). The ticker is just a few milliseconds (20 or so, but not perfectly regular).
Raymen Chen (The Old New Thing) has a blog post pointing out the “fundamentally flawed” nature of the PulseEvent() function, but I do not see an alternative for my scenario from Chen or the posted comments.
Can anyone please suggest one?
Please keep in mind that the IPC signal must cross process boundries on the machine, not simply threads. And the solution needs to have high performance in that consumers must be able to act within 10ms of each event.
I think you're going to need something a little more complex to hit your reliability target.
My understanding of your problem is that you have one producer and an unknown number of consumers all of which are different processes. Each consumer can NEVER miss any events.
I'd like more clarification as to what missing an event means.
i) if a consumer started to run and got to just before it waited on your notification method and an event occurred should it process it even though it wasn't quite ready at the point that the notification was sent? (i.e. when is a consumer considered to be active? when it starts or when it processes its first event)
ii) likewise, if the consumer is processing an event and the code that waits on the next notification hasn't yet begun its wait (I'm assuming a Wait -> Process -> Loop to Wait code structure) then should it know that another event occurred whilst it was looping around?
I'd assume that i) is a "not really" as it's a race between process start up and being "ready" and ii) is "yes"; that is notifications are, effectively, queued per consumer once the consumer is present and each consumer gets to consume all events that are produced whilst it's active and doesn't get to skip any.
So, what you're after is the ability to send a stream of notifications to a set of consumers where a consumer is guaranteed to act on all notifications in that stream from the point where it acts on the first to the point where it shuts down. i.e. if the producer produces the following stream of notifications
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
and consumer a) starts up and processes 3, it should also process 4-0
if consumer b) starts up and processes 5 but is shut down after 9 then it should have processed 5,6,7,8,9
if consumer c) was running when the notifications began it should have processed 1-0
Simply pulsing an event wont work. If a consumer is not actively waiting on the event when the event is pulsed then it will miss the event so we will fail if events are produced faster than we can loop around to wait on the event again.
Using a semaphore also wont work as if one consumer runs faster than another consumer to such an extent that it can loop around to the semaphore call before the other completes processing and if there's another notification within that time then one consumer could process an event more than once and one could miss one. That is you may well release 3 threads (if the producer knows there are 3 consumers) but you cant ensure that each consumer is released just the once.
A ring buffer of events (tick counts) in shared memory with each consumer knowing the value of the event it last processed and with consumers alerted via a pulsed event should work at the expense of some of the consumers being out of sync with the ticks sometimes; that is if they miss one they will catch up next time they get pulsed. As long as the ring buffer is big enough so that all consumers can process the events before the producer loops in the buffer you should be OK.
With the example above, if consumer d misses the pulse for event 4 because it wasn't waiting on its event at the time and it then settles into a wait it will be woken when event 5 is produced and since it's last processed counted is 3 it will process 4 and 5 and then loop back to the event...
If this isn't good enough then I'd suggest something like PGM via sockets to give you a reliable multicast; the advantage of this would be that you could move your consumers off onto different machines...
The reason PulseEvent is "unreliable" is not so much because of anything wrong in the function itself, just that if your consumer doesn't happen to be waiting on the event at the exact moment that PulseEvent is called, it'll miss it.
In your scenario, I think the best solution is to manually keep the counter yourself. So the producer thread keeps a count of the current "clock tick" and when a consumer thread starts up, it reads the current value of that counter. Then, instead of using PulseEvent, increment the "clock ticks" counter and use SetEvent to wake all threads waiting on the tick. When the consumer thread wakes up, it checks it's "clock tick" value against the producer's "clock ticks" and it'll know how many ticks have elapsed. Just before it waits on the event again, it can check to see if another tick has occurred.
I'm not sure if I described the above very well, but hopefully that gives you an idea :)
There are two inherent problems with PulseEvent:
if it's used with auto-reset events, it releases one waiter only.
threads might never be awaken if they happen to be removed from the waiting queue due to APC at the moment of the PulseEvent.
An alternative is to broadcast a window message and have any listener have a top-level message -only window that listens to this particular message.
The main advantage of this approach is that you don't have to block your thread explicitly. The disadvantage of this approach is that your listeners have to be STA (can't have a message queue on an MTA thread).
The biggest problem with that approach would be that the processing of the event by the listener will be delayed with the amount of time it takes the queue to get to that message.
You can also make sure you use manual-reset events (so that all waiting threads are awaken) and do SetEvent/ResetEvent with some small delay (say 150ms) to give a bigger chance for threads temporarily woken by APC to pick up your event.
Of course, whether any of these alternative approaches will work for you depends on how often you need to fire your events and whether you need the listeners to process each event or just the last one they get.
If I understand your question correctly, it seems like you can simply use SetEvent. It will release one thread. Just make sure it is an auto-reset event.
If you need to allow multiple threads, you could use a named semaphore with CreateSemaphore. Each call to ReleaseSemaphore increases the count. If the count is 3, for example, and 3 threads wait on it, they will all run.
Events are more suitable for communications between the treads inside one process (unnamed events). As you have described, you have zero ore more clients that need to read something interested. I understand that the number of clients changes dynamically. In this case, the best chose will be a named pipe.
Named Pipe is King
If you need to just send data to multiple processes, it’s better to use named pipes, not the events. Unlike auto-reset events, you don't need own pipe for each of the client processes. Each named pipe has an associated server process and one or more associated client processes (and even zero). When there are many clients, many instances of the same named pipe are automatically created by the operating system for each of the clients. All instances of a named pipe share the same pipe name, but each instance has its own buffers and handles, and provides a separate conduit for client/server communication. The use of instances enables multiple pipe clients to use the same named pipe simultaneously. Any process can act as both a server for one pipe and a client for another pipe, and vice versa, making peer-to-peer communication possible.
If you will use a named pipe, there would be no need in the events at all in your scenario, and the data will have guaranteed delivery no matter what happens with the processes – each of the processes may get long delays (e.g. by a swap) but the data will be finally delivered ASAP without your special involvement.
On The Events
If you are still interested in the events -- the auto-reset event is king! ☺
The CreateEvent function has the bManualReset argument. If this parameter is TRUE, the function creates a manual-reset event object, which requires the use of the ResetEvent function to set the event state to non-signaled. This is not what you need. If this parameter is FALSE, the function creates an auto-reset event object, and system automatically resets the event state to non-signaled after a single waiting thread has been released.
These auto-reset events are very reliable and easy to use.
If you wait for an auto-reset event object with WaitForMultipleObjects or WaitForSingleObject, it reliably resets the event upon exit from these wait functions.
So create events the following way:
EventHandle := CreateEvent(nil, FALSE, FALSE, nil);
Wait for the event from one thread and do SetEvent from another thread. This is very simple and very reliable.
Don’t' ever call ResetEvent (since it automatically reset) or PulseEvent (since it is not reliable and deprecated). Even Microsoft has admitted that PulseEvent should not be used. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684914(v=vs.85).aspx
This function is unreliable and should not be used, because only those threads will be notified that are in the "wait" state at the moment PulseEvent is called. If they are in any other state, they will not be notified, and you may never know for sure what the thread state is. A thread waiting on a synchronization object can be momentarily removed from the wait state by a kernel-mode Asynchronous Procedure Call, and then returned to the wait state after the APC is complete. If the call to PulseEvent occurs during the time when the thread has been removed from the wait state, the thread will not be released because PulseEvent releases only those threads that are waiting at the moment it is called.
You can find out more about the kernel-mode Asynchronous Procedure Calls at the following links:
We have never used PulseEvent in our applications. As about auto-reset events, we are using them since Windows NT 3.51 (although they appeared in the first 32-bit version of NT - 3.1) and they work very well.
Your Inter-Process Scenario
Unfortunately, your case is a little bit more complicated. You have multiple threads in multiple processes waiting for an event, and you have to make sure that all the threads did in fact receive the notification. There is no other reliable way other than to create own event for each consumer. So, you will need to have as many events as are the consumers. Besides that, you will need to keep a list of registered consumers, where each consumer has an associated event name. So, to notify all the consumers, you will have to do SetEvent in a loop for all the consumer events. This is a very fast, reliable and cheap way. Since you are using cross-process communication, the consumers will have to register and de-register its events via other means of inter-process communication, like SendMessage. For example, when a consumer process registers itself at your main notifier process, it sends SendMessage to your process to request a unique event name. You just increment the counter and return something like Event1, Event2, etc, and creating events with that name, so the consumers will open existing events. When the consumer de-registers – it closes the event handle that it opened before, and sends another SendMessage, to let you know that you should CloseHandle too on your side to finally release this event object. If the consumer process crashes, you will end up with a dummy event, since you will not know that you should do CloseHandle, but this should not be a problem - the events are very fast and very cheap, and there is virtually no limit on the kernel objects - the per-process limit on kernel handles is 2^24. If you are still concerned, you may to the opposite – the clients create the events but you open them. If they won’t open – then the client has crashed and you just remove it from the list.

How does a non-forking web server work?

Non-forking (aka single-threaded or select()-based) webservers like lighttpd or nginx are
gaining in popularity more and more.
While there is a multitude of documents explaining forking servers (at
various levels of detail), documentation for non-forking servers is sparse.
I am looking for a bird eyes view of how a non-forking web server works.
(Pseudo-)code or a state machine diagram, stripped down to the bare
minimum, would be great.
I am aware of the following resources and found them helpful.
World of SELECT()
source code
internal states
However, I am interested in the principles, not implementation details.
Why is this type of server sometimes called non-blocking, when select() essentially blocks?
Processing of a request can take some time. What happens with new requests during this time when there is no specific listener thread or process? Is the request processing somehow interrupted or time sliced?
As I understand it, while a request is processed (e.g file read or CGI script run) the
server cannot accept new connections. Wouldn't this mean that such a server could miss a lot
of new connections if a CGI script runs for, let's say, 2 seconds or so?
Basic pseudocode:
while true
with fd needing action do
read/write fd
if fd was read and well formed request in buffer
service request
other stuff
Though select() & friends block, socket I/O is not blocking. You're only blocked until you have something fun to do.
Processing individual requests normally involved reading a file descriptor from a file (static resource) or process (dynamic resource) and then writing to the socket. This can be done handily without keeping much state.
So service request above typically means opening a file, adding it to the list for select, and noting that stuff read from there goes out to a certain socket. Substitute FastCGI for file when appropriate.
Not sure about the others, but nginx has 2 processes: a master and a worker. The master does the listening and then feeds the accepted connection to the worker for processing.
select() PLUS nonblocking I/O essentially allows you to manage/respond to multiple connections as they come in a single thread (multiplexing), versus having multiple threads/processes handle one socket each. The goal is to minimize the ratio of server footprint to number of connections.
It is efficient because this single thread takes advantage of the high level of active socket connections required to reach saturation (since we can do nonblocking I/O to multiple file descriptors).
The rationale is that it takes very little time to acknowledge bytes are available, interpret them, then decide on the appropriate bytes to put on the output stream. The actual I/O work is handled without blocking this server thread.
This type of server is always waiting for a connection, by blocking on select(). Once it gets one, it handles the connection, then revisits the select() in an infinite loop. In the simplest case, this server thread does NOT block any other time besides when it is setting up the I/O.
If there is a second connection that comes in, it will be handled the next time the server gets to select(). At this point, the first connection could still be receiving, and we can start sending to the second connection, from the very same server thread. This is the goal.
Search for "multiplexing network sockets" for additional resources.
Or try Unix Network Programming by Stevens, Fenner, Rudoff
