Structuring complex data in Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I would like to allow users to upload a CSV mailing list and to insert it into elasticsearch.
Any user can define any fields they want wihtin their CSV and I would import it into elasticsearch with the exceptions of the email field which should be in all of them and a userid field which is internal and is used to filter queries for a specific user when he wants to view the mailing lists he uploaded in the past.
Initially I thought I would just create an index for each mailing list, since fields in each CSV are dynamic and can include just the email or other fields such as firstname lastname etc.. But then I read that elasticsearch doesn't really cope well with a lot of indexes.
How would you structure the index(es) to such an app? Should I create one index where I would just push data in and whatever fields that are added and create aliases for each userid?


Map multiple values to a unique column in Elasticsearch

I want to work with Elasticsearch to process some Whatsapp chats. So I am initially planning the data load.
The problem is that the data exported from Whatsapp, doesn't contain a real unique id per user but it only contains the name of the user taken from the contact directory of the device where the chat is exported (ie. a user can change the number or have two numbers in the same group).
Because of that, I need to create a custom explicit mapping table between the user names and a self-generated unique id, that gets populated in an additional column.
Then, my question is: "How can I implement such kind of explicit mapping in Elasticsearch to generate an additional unique column?". Alternatively, a valid answer could be a totally different approach to the problem.
PS. As I write, I think the solution could be in the ingestion process, like in a python script, but I still want to post the question to understand if this is something that Elasticsearch can do by itself.
yes, do it during the index process
if you had the data that maps the name and the id stored in a separate index you could do this with an enrich processor when you index the data to add whichever value you want to the document via a pipeline
also - Elasticsearch doesn't have columns, only fields

using an input field in FileMaker that is not related to any table?

I'm in need of entering a few data points in the UI of a FileMaker app that are used either for search or for computation, but that have no relation to any field in a database (and don't need to be saved). So I want to add an input field without having it tied to a table field, and it seems that's something FileMaker just doesn't do.
Two use cases:
a) I want a custom search/filter interface instead of using the FM one. My users should see two calendars, pick two dates and the data is filtered by those (between them), as well as additional criteria, which don't directly translate to field searches. I know I can use "startdate ... enddate", but I'd like a more user-friendly interface.
b) Users enter a few data points into seperate fields which are then computed and combined into one database field by script. This is technical data that is entered by copy-and-paste and needs a bit of parsing before I put it into the database. Again, I'd like a field that isn't related to the database, put a script trigger on it, and when data is entered there, it is parsed and put into the actual DB fields.
Is it possible at all to have input fields not related to a database in FileMaker ?
If not, what's the best practice? I thought about setting up a dummy table with various fields I can use, but maybe there's a better way?
You should read up on global fields. They can be in any table and are accessible from all tables. They do not retain their value after the session is closed if the file is hosted. Use a script to perform a search based on what the user types in the global field.

Is there any way to implement multiple reference in servicenow?

In service now for reference, there's a field type called 'reference'. Now I need to create a multi-reference field. But I don't see any field type for it. Can we achieve the same using field type 'List'? If yes, How to achieve it in the UI and REST API?
Multi-reference means to search through multiple objects
FYI, I'm using Madrid version and Customer Service Plugin.
No, there is no such thing as multiple table reference Field. How should the system react, if you write eg. Incidents and Catalog Items in the same Field?
I would advice you to just make two Fields, each with it's own reference table.
If you really want multiple types of references to pick, you would have to create a new table, import eg. Incident and Catalog Item references into that table and create a reference Field to that table.

How to store different type and number of fields in one database table?

Hello everybody I'm making a "Bulletin board", like this:, I'm using Laravel 5.0, and don't know how to store different fields in database table, for example if I choose "Cars" category I should to fill Mark, Model, Fuel (etc fields for cars category), If I choose Flats category I should fill fields like Area, Number of rooms etc...How to organize all of this? I tried some ideas but nothing helped me(
Try to save data as json in table. Parse json format to string and save it in db, but it will cause many problems in future, so not recommend that solution. I recommend to store data in separate tabels, each one for category. For optimise process it is possible to create catregory table, and category_item table with fields like name, description and so on. Different category demands sp=ecific fields, so best solution is to create table per category.

XPages: can i filter a view to show only entries that belong to a group?

i have a view in an xpage with some entries (lets say clients). I have an acl group of persons (clients) that contains some of the clients of the view. Now i want to use the search attribute of the view to show only entries that belong to the group.
I already use search attribute to select users by name e.g:
FIELD Name Contains "Chuck Norris"
Is there any similar query? (maybe using #isMember on the field....?)
UPDATE: i will have the group entries (client names) into a text list in a document too. so can i filter the "name" field of the view based on the values of a text list?
Perhaps using a reader field is a good idea. You're talking about restricting document access to a group of Domino users - that's exactly what reader fields are for.
For example, make your text list field containing client names into a reader field like this:
var item = document1.getFirstItem("myfield");
myfield needs to contain canonical names (CN=firstname lastname/O=organisation).
Using reader fields, you don't need to do any view filtering at all, it happens automatically. If you have really many documents (say, half a million or so), it could slow down things, otherwise, it's a nice approach.
When you want to restrict displaying documents only in one certain view reader fields are no solution, though. In that case, you need to do the view filtering yourself as you tried.
If you want to filter only for ONE certain client, then using a categorized view is the way to go. You can give the view panel the name of one client as category filter then.
If you want to filter for multiple clients, you need to do it based on fulltext search, just as you already tried. In that case, make sure you're working with Domino 9. Previous Domino versions don't apply the view sorting order to a fulltext search result, which means you have to search it manually using custom javascript or so, which is complicated.
Or, as Frantisek suggested, write a scheduled agent which puts documents in folders depending on their clients - but depending on the number of clients you want to filter the view for this may lead to many folders, which may lead to other problems. Furthermore, you need to make sure to remove folders when they are not needed anymore, and you have a lag until new documents appear in a folder.
So in a nutshell, if you want to do an application wide restriction based on client names, use reader fields.
If you want to restrict for one client name at a time, use categories.
Otherwise, use fulltext search with Domino 9.
