Find my camera's 3D position and orientation according to a 2D marker - matrix

I am currently building an Augmented Reality application and stuck on a problem that seem quite easy but is very hard to me ... The problem is as follow:
My device's camera is calibrated and detect a 2D marker (such as a QRCode). I know the focal length, the sensor's position, the distance between my camera and the center of the marker, the real size of the marker and the coordinates of the 4 corners of the marker and of it center on the 2D image I got from the camera. See the following image:
On the image, we know the a,b,c,d distances and the coordinates of the red dots.
What I need to know is the position and the orientation of the camera according to the marker (as represented on the image, the origin is the center of the marker).
Is there an easy and fast way to do so? I tried some method imagined by myself (using Al-Kashi's formulas), but this ended with too much errors :(. Could someone point out a way to get me out of this?

You can find some example code for the EPnP algorithm on this webpage. This code consists in one header file and one source file, plus one file for the usage example, so this shouldn't be too hard to include in your code.
Note that this code is released for research/evaluation purposes only, as mentioned on this page.
I just realized that this code needs OpenCV to work. By the way, although this would add a pretty big dependency to your project, the current version of OpenCV has a builtin function called solvePnP, which does what you want.

You can compute the homography between the image points and the corresponding world points. Then from the homography you can compute the rotation and translation mapping a point from the marker's coordinate system into the camera's coordinate system. The math is described in the paper on camera calibration by Zhang.
Here's an example in MATLAB using the Computer Vision System Toolbox, which does most of what you need. It is using the extrinsics function, which computes a 3D rotation and a translation from matching image and world points. The points need not come from a checkerboard.


How to determine camera location from view matrix?

for a personal project, I've created a simple 3D engine in python using as little libraries as possible. I did what I wanted - I am able to render simple polygons, and have a movable camera. However, there is a problem:
I implemented a simple flat shader, but in order for it to work, I need to know the camera location (the camera is my light source). However, the problem is that I have no way of knowing the camera's location in the world space. At any point, I am able to display my view matrix, but I am unsure about how to extract the camera's location from it, especially after I rotate the camera. Here is a screenshot of my engine with the view matrix. The camera has not been rotated yet and it is very simple to extract its location (0, 1, 4).
However, upon moving the camera to a point between the X and Z axes and pointing it upwards (and staying at the same height), the view matrix changes to this:
It is obvious now that the last column cannot be taken directly to determine the camera location (it should be something like (4,1,4) on the last picture).
I have tried a lot of math, but I can't figure out the way to determine the camera x,y,z location from the view matrix. I will appreciate any and all help in solving this, as it seems to be a simple problem, yet whose solution eludes me. Thank you.
I was advised to transform a vertex (0,0,0,1) by my view matrix. This, however, does not work. See the example (the vertex obviously is not located at the printed coordinates):
Just take the transform of the vector (0,0,0,1) with the modelview matrix: Which is simply the rightmost column of the modelview matrix.
EDIT: #ampersander: I wonder why you're trying to work with the camera location in the first place, if you assume the source of illumination to be located at the camera's position. In that case, just be aware, that in OpenGL there is no such thing as a camera, and in fact, what the "view" transform does, is move everything in the world around so that where you assume your camera to be ends up at the coordinate origin (0,0,0).
Or in other words: After the modelview transform, the transformed vertex position is in fact the vector from the camera to the vertex, in view space. Which means that for your assumed illumination calculation the direction toward the light source, is the negative vertex position. Take that, normalize it to unit length and stick it into the illumination term.

Is there any difference between hololens' viewport and UE4's viewport?

Our main idea is that we take a picture by hololens then we get the 2D coordinates of something(the thermos and the printer) in this picture. Then we deproject these two things' 2D coordinates of their screenshot back to 3D coordinates in the unreal world, then we draw a box at coordinates' position.
However, as you can see, we marked the thermos(the first picture) and the printer(the second picture) with the 3D coordinates we calculated from their coordinates in their 2D screenshot with a static mesh. But, they have an obvious offset to left down. We speculate that maybe such kind of problem comes from the reason that our camera center is wrong.
Did you meet or solve such kind of problem? Can you give me some advice? Thanks a lot.
We noticed that you already have a new one with more information in Microsoft Q&A community platform. It seems like where exactly is returned from GetActorLocation is headset position and there is an offset from location of PV camera. So that, it is recommended you using the GetPVCameraToWorldTransform API which in HoloLensARFunctionLibrary.h header file to find the camera position in World Space. And then GetWorldSpaceRayFromCameraPoint can help to find what exists in world space at a particular pixel coordinate. For more detail about how to implement this solution, please go through this section: Find Camera Positions in World Space

Matching 2D image pixels in corresponding 3D point cloud

I want to match pixels of calibrated 3D lidar and 2D camera data. I will use this to train a network. Can this be considered as labeled data with this matching? If it is, is there anyone to help me to achive this? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
On a high level, assuming you have some transformation (rotation/translation) between your camera and your lidar, and the calibration matrix of the camera, you have a 3D image and a 2D projection of it.
That is, if you project the 3D pointcloud onto the the image plane of the camera, you will have a (x,y)_camera (point in camera frame) for every (RGB)D_world == (x,y,z)_world) point.
Whether this is helpful to train on depends on what you're trying to achieve; if you're trying to find where the camera is or calibrate it, given (RGB)D data and image(s), that could be done better with a Perspective-n point algorithm (the lidar could make it easier, perhaps, if it built up a "real" view of the world to compare against). Whether it would be considered labeled data, depends on how you are trying to label it. They both say very similar things.

How is point cloud data acquired from the structured light 3D scanning?

I am trying to understand the 3D reconstruction of Object using 3D structured Lighting scanner and I am stuck at the point where a method of decoding set of camera and projector correspondences to use to reconstruct a 3D point cloud. How exactly is 3D point cloud information acquired from the information obtained from those correspondences? I want to understand the mathematical implementation, not the code implementation.
assuming you used structured light method which uses some sort of lines (vertical or horizontal - like binary coding or de-brujin) the idea is as follows:
a light plane goes through the projector perspective center and the line in the pattern.
the light plane normal needs to be rotated with the projector rotation matrix relative to the camera (or world depends on the calibration). the rotation part for the light plane can be avoided if if treat the projector perspective center as system origin.
using the correspondences you find a pixel in the image that match he light plane. now you need to define a vector that goes from the camera perspective center to the pixel in the image and then rotate this vector by the camera rotation (relative to the projector or world. again' depending on the calibration).
intersect the light plane with the found vector. how to compute that can be found in wikipedia:
the mathematical problem (3d reconstruction) here is very simple as you can see. the hard part is recognizing the projected pattern in the image (easier than regular stereo but still hard) and calibrating (finding relative orientation between camera and projector).

the imu /location algorithm used by tango?

my use case is only concerned with locationing, in fact only 2-d locationing. so a lot of the cool capabilities in tango are probably not useful to me. so I'm trying to see if i could implement the location algorithm myself.
from teardown reports it seems the 9dof sensors are pretty commodity hardware. the basic integration-based location algorithm (even with magnetic field calibration) has been mature knowledge. what algorithm does tango use?
from the description it seems that tango tries to aid in navigation by using the images it sees as a reference, sort of like the "terrain-following" mode in cruise missiles, is this right? this would be too ccomplex for me to implemente
You may easily get 2D position using the TangoPoseData with the correct coordinate system:
Project Tango uses a right-handed, local-level frame for the START_OF_SERVICE and AREA_DESCRIPTION coordinate frames. This convention sets the Z-axis aligned with gravity, with Z+ pointed upwards, and the X-Y plane is perpendicular to gravity and locally level with the ground plane. This local-level convention is based on the local east-north-up (ENU) earth-based coordinate system. Instead of true north, Project Tango uses the direction the back of the device is pointed when the service started as the Y axis, and the X axis is pointed to the right. The START_OF_SERVICE and AREA_DESCRIPTION base coordinate frames of the API will use this local-level frame convention.
Said more simply, use the pose data y/x coordinates for your space as you would latitude/longitude for the earth.
Heading data is also derived from the TangoPoseData and can be converted from quaternion to euler angles. Euler angles may be easier for you to use in your 2D location app.
Tango uses 3D to increase the confidence of its position within the space...even if you don't need 3D. I would let Tango do the hard stuff and extract the 2D position so you can focus on your app.
Tango uses the camera images to detect any change in position. And uses the IMU for device rotation and acceleration. Try blocking the camera and using the Motion Tracking app, it will fail.
