XPath (1.0) Match consecutive elements until specific child or end - xpath

This is for XPath 1.0.
Here is an example of the mark up that I am matching against. The actual number of elements is not known ahead of time and thus varies, but following this sort of of pattern:
<div class="entry">
<p><iframe /></p>
<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>
<p>Test 3</p>
<p><iframe /></p>
<a>Test 4</a>
<br />
<a>Test 5</a>
I am trying to to match every <p> that does not contain an <iframe>, up until the next <p> that does contain an <iframe> or until the end of the enclosing <div> element.
To make things slightly more complicated, for specific reasons I need to use each <iframe> as the base, a la //div[#class='entry']//iframe, so that each nodeset is based from
and thus, in this case, matching
<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>
<p>Test 3</p>
<a>Test 4</a>
<br />
<a>Test 5</a>
I tried some of the following for testing to no avail:
(or for testing):
and some variations thereof but what happens for the first set is it gets all <iframe>-less <p> elements all the way to the end instead of stopping at the next <p> that contains a <iframe>.
I've been at this for a while and even though I'm usually quite handy with this sort of thing, I can't quite work my way thorigh this one and none of the search results from Google and such have helped.
Thanks. Any help is always appreciated.
Edit: It can be assumed that there is only one occurrence of <div class="entry"> in the document.

What you are asking for can't be done in one single XPath 1.0 expression without help. The problem is that the question you want to ask is
Starting from an element X (the p-containing-an-iframe), find the other p elements for which that element's nearest preceding p-with-an-iframe is the original node X
If we had a variable $x holding a reference to the top-level context node (the p[iframe] we're starting from) then you could say something like the following (in XPath 2.0)
following-sibling::p[not(iframe)][preceding-sibling::p[iframe][1] is $x]
XPath 1.0 doesn't have an is operator to compare node identity but there are other proxies you can use for this, for example
= (count($x/preceding-sibling::p[iframe]) + 1)]
i.e. those following p elements that have one more preceding-sibling::p[iframe] than $x has.
The nub of the problem then is how to get at the outer context node from inside the inner predicate - pure XPath 1.0 has no way to do this. In XSLT you have the current() function, but otherwise you have two basic choices:
If your XPath library allows you to provide variable bindings to your expressions, then inject a variable $x containing the context node and use the expression I've given above.
If you can't inject variables then use two separate XPath queries in sequence.
First execute the expression
count(preceding-sibling::p[iframe]) + 1
with the relevant p[iframe] as context node, and take the result as a number. Or alternatively, if you're already iterating over these p[iframe] elements in your host language then just take the iteration number from there directly, you don't need to count it up using XPath. Either way, you can then build a second expression dynamically:
following-sibling::p[not(iframe)][count(preceding-sibling::p[iframe]) = N]
(where N is the result of the first expression/iteration counter) and evaluate that with the same context node, taking the final result as a node set.

I'm not sure I understood completely, but sometimes it helps to comment on an attempted solution rather than trying to explain.
Please try the following XPath expression:
And let me know if this yields the correct result.
If not,
explain how the result differs from what you need
please show a more complete HTML sample: a reasonable document with multiple div elements, and more than one where div[#class = 'entry'] - and otherwise covering all the complexity you describe.
explain why you added [1] and [2] to your expressions
give more details about the platform you're using XPath with, perhaps post code


Avoid parentheses in path using XPath 1.0

The following XML structure represents a website with many articles. Every article contains, among many other things, date of its creation and possibly arbitrarily many dates of its modification. I want to get the date of the last access (either creation or last modification) to every article using XPath 1.0.
In other words, the expected output is:
So far I've only created this path:
//article/*[self::date or self::edits/edit][last()]
that looks for date and nonempty edits nodes in every article and selects the latter one. But I don't know how to access the latest strong of every such selection and the naive //strong[last()] appended to the end of the path doesn't work.
I found a solution in XPath 2.0. Either of these paths should work, if I'm not mistaken:
//article/(*[self::date or self::edits/edit][last()]//strong)[last()]
Such use of parentheses within path is invalid in XPath 1.0 though.
This XPath 1.0 expression
Selects the nodes:
Tested in http://www.xpathtester.com/xpath/56d8f7bc4b9c8c064fdad16f22469026
Do note: position predicates acts over the context list.
Here is the simple xpath to get your output.

Xpath expression to find element that do NOT have a matching ancestor

I'm trying to use xpath to extract HTML5 microdata from a page. I'm essentially trying to say "find nested nodes with an itemprop=name attribute that are not nested inside another itemscope element (at any depth)". Given the following example I'm trying to find the name of the product (shoes) but I don't want the brand name (Nike).
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product>
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Brand">
<div itemprop="name">Nike</div> <!-- don't want this -->
<div itemprop="name">shoes</div> <!-- do want this -->
I can easily find the itemprop=name element by using something like //*[#itemprop=name] but this would also pull in the brand name. Btw the elements shown in the example may be nested inside other tags so I can't simple say "whose immediate parent does not have an itemscope attribute" I believe there may be something relating to ancestors that I can use but I don't know enough about xpath. Any ideas?
A single expression to find all the itemprop="name" elements with at most one itemscope ancestor would be
//*[#itemprop = 'name'][not(ancestor::*[#itemscope][2])]
If you wanted to start from one specific itemscope node and find the names that are nested specifically in it (and not a nested scope) then that's not something that you can do in one XPath 1.0 expression. You'd have to first extract its descendant names
and then for each of those, find its nearest itemscope ancestor
and check (on the python side) whether or not that node is the same node as the one you started from. In XPath 2.0 you could do this in one with
for $me in . return (.//*[#itemprop='name'][ancestor::*[#itemscope][1] is $me])
but 1.0 doesn't have the for $x in Y return Z structure for binding variables, or the is operator to compare node identity.
Please give this a try:
//*[#itemprop = 'name' and not(ancestor::*[#itemscope][2])]

Xpath having multiple predicate statements

I've looked around and can't seem to find the answer for this.
Very simplified:
<div class=label>
<div id="something">
<div class=label>
so I'm trying to grab the second "here" label. What I want to do is do the id to get to the "something" part
and then from that point search for the label with something like
//.[#class="label" and label="here"]
But from reading a few other replies it doesn't appear that something like
//.[#id="something”][#class="label" and label="here"]
works and I was just wondering if I'm just missing something in how it's working? I know I can get the above really simply with another method, it's just an example to ask how to do two predicate statements after each other (if it is indeed possible).
I think you need something like this instead :
//.[#id="something”]//.[#class="label" and label="here"]
The point is that the // means : Selects nodes in the document from the current node that match the selection no matter where they are
ref : http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp
The syntax //*[#x='y'] is more idiomatic than //.[#x='y'], probably because it's valid in both XPath 1.0 and XPath 2.0, whereas the latter is only allowed in XPath 2.0. Disallowing predicates after "." was probably an accidental restriction in XPath 1.0, and I think some implementations may have relaxed the restriction, but it's there in the spec: a predicate can only follow either a NodeTest or a PrimaryExpr, and "." is neither.
In XPath 2.0, //* selects all element nodes in the tree, while //. selects all nodes of all kinds (including the document root node), but in this example the effect is the same because the predicate [#x='y'] can only be matched by an element node (for all other node kinds, #x selects nothing and therefore cannot be equal to anything).

xPath expression for attributes that don't have ancestors with same attribute

I'm trying to extract elements with an attribute, and not extract the descendants separately that have the same attribute.
Using the following html:
<div box>
some text
<div box>
some more text
<div box>
this needs to be included as well
I want to be able to extract the two outer <div box> and its descendants including the inner <div box>, but don't want to have the inner <div box> extracted separately.
I have tried using all sorts of different expressions but think I am missing something quite fundamental. The main expression I have been trying is: //[#box and not(ancestor::#box) but this still returns two elements.
I am trying to do this using the 'Hpricot' (0.8.3) Gem in Ruby 1.9.2 as follows:
# Assuming html is set to the html above
doc = Hpricot(html)
elements = doc.search('//[#box and not(ancestor::#box)]')
# The following is returning 3 instead of 2
Any help on this would be great.
Your XPATH is invalid. You have to address something in order to use the predicate filter(e.g. []). Otherwise, there isn't anything to filter.
This XPATH works:
//div[#box and not(ancestor::div/#box)]
If the elements aren't all guarenteed to be <div>, you can use a more generic match for elements:
//*[#box and not(ancestor::*/#box)]
Using elements = doc.search('//[#box and not(ancestor::#box)]') isn't correct.
Use elements = doc.at('//div[#box]') which will find the first occurrence.
I'd recommend using Nokogiri over Hpricot. Nokogiri is well supported, very flexible and more robust.
EDIT: Added because original question changed:
Thanks that worked perfectly, except I forget to mention that I want to return multiple outer elements. Sorry about that, I have updated the question. I will look into Nokogiri further, I didn't choose it originally because Hpricot seemed more approachable.
Remember that XPath acts like accessing a file in a directory at its simplest form, so you can drill down and search in "subdirectories". If you only want the outer <div> tags, then look inside the <body> level and no further:
or, if you might have unadorned div tags along with the targets:
Regarding Hpricot seeming more approachable:
Nokogiri implements a superset of Hpricot's accessors, allowing you to drop it into place for most uses. It supports XPath and CSS accessors allowing more intuitive ways of getting at data if you live in CSS and HTML and don't grok XPath. In addition there are many methods to find your desired target:
doc.search('body > div[box]')
(doc / 'body > div[box]')
doc.css('body > div[box]')
Nokogiri supports the at and % synonym found in Hpricot also, along with css_at, if you only want the first occurrence of something.
I started using Nokogiri after running into some situations where Hpricot exploded because it couldn't handle malformed news-feeds in the wilds.

Selenium RC locators - referring to subsequent elements?

When there is more than a single element with the same locator in a page, how should the next elements be referenced?
Using Xpath locators it's possible to add array notation, e.g. xpath=(//span/div)[1]
But with simple locators?
For example, if there are 3 links identified by "link=Click Here", simply appending [3] won't get the 3rd element.
And where is the authoritative reference for addressing array of elements? I couldn't find any.
Selenium doesn't handle arrays of locators by itself. It just returns the first element that meets your query, so if you want to do that, you have to use xpath, dom or even better, css.
So for the link example you should use:
selenium.click("css=a:contains('Click Here'):nth-child(3)")
Santi is correct that Selenium returns the first element matching your specified locator and you have to apply the appropriate expression of the locator type you use. I thought it would be useful to give the details here, though, for in this case they do border on being "gory details":
The :nth-child pseudo-class is tricky to use; it has subtleties that are little-known and not clearly documented, even on the W3C pages. Consider a list such as this:
<li class="bird">petrel</li>
<li class="mammal">platypus</li>
<li class="bird">albatross</li>
<li class="bird">shearwater</li>
Then the selector css=li.bird:nth-child(3) returns the albatross element not the shearwater! The reason for this is that it uses your index (3) into the list of elements that are siblings of the first matching element--unfiltered by the .bird class! Once it has the correct element, in this example the third one, it then applies the bird class filter: if the element in hand matches, it returns it. If it does not, it fails to match.
Now consider the selector css=li.bird:nth-child(2). This starts with the second element--platypus--sees it is not a bird and comes up empty. This manifests as your code throwing a "not found" exception!
What might fit the typical mental model of finding an indexed entry is the CSS :nth-of-type pseudo-class which applies the filter before indexing. Unfortunately, this is not supported by Selenium, according to the official documentation on locators.
Your question already showed that you know how to do this in XPath. Add an array reference at any point in the expression with square brackets. You could, for example use something like this: //*[#id='abc']/div[3]/p[2]/span to find a span in the second paragraph under the 3rd div under the specified id.
DOM uses the same square bracket notation as XPath except that DOM indexes from zero while XPath indexes from 1: document.getElementsByTagName("div")[1] returns the second div, not the first div! DOM offers an alternate syntax as well: document.getElementsByTagName("div").item(0) is exactly equivalent. And note that with getElementsByTagName you always have to use an index since it returns a node set, not a single node.
